1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Wolfgang Wittek, 04/2003 <mailto:wittek@mppmu.mpg.de>
19 | ! David Paneque, 02/2004 <mailto:dpaneque@mppmu.mpg.de>
20 | !
21 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
22 | !
23 | !
24 | \* ======================================================================== */
25 |
26 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 | // //
28 | // MSupercutsCalcONOFF //
29 | // //
30 | // this class calculates the hadronness for the supercuts //
31 | // the parameters of the supercuts are taken //
32 | // from the container MSupercuts //
33 | // //
34 | // //
35 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36 | #include "MSupercutsCalcONOFF.h"
37 |
38 | #include <math.h>
39 | #include <fstream>
40 |
41 | #include "TFile.h"
42 | #include "TArrayD.h"
43 |
44 | #include "MParList.h"
45 | #include "MHillasExt.h"
46 | #include "MHillasSrc.h"
47 | #include "MNewImagePar.h"
48 | #include "MPointingPos.h"
49 | #include "MCerPhotEvt.h"
50 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
51 | #include "MHadronness.h"
52 | #include "MTSupercutsApplied.h"
53 | #include "MHMatrix.h"
54 | #include "MSupercuts.h"
55 |
56 | #include "MLog.h"
57 | #include "MLogManip.h"
58 |
59 | ClassImp(MSupercutsCalcONOFF);
60 |
61 | using namespace std;
62 |
63 |
64 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 | //
66 | // constructor
67 | //
68 |
69 | MSupercutsCalcONOFF::MSupercutsCalcONOFF(const char *hilname,
70 | const char *hilsrcname,
71 | const char *name, const char *title)
72 | : fHadronnessName("MHadronness"), fSupercutsAppliedName("MSupercutsApplied"),
73 | fHilName(hilname), fHilSrcName(hilsrcname),
74 | fHilExtName("MHillasExt"), fNewParName("MNewImagePar"),
75 | fSuperName("MSupercuts")
76 | {
77 | fName = name ? name : "MSupercutsCalcONOFF";
78 | fTitle = title ? title : "Class to evaluate the Supercuts";
79 |
80 | fMatrix = NULL;
81 |
82 | fStoreAppliedSupercuts = kFALSE; // by default, applied SC parameters are not stored
83 |
84 | fNotUseTheta = kFALSE; // by default, theta info is used in the computation of the cuts
85 |
86 | fUseStaticCuts = kFALSE; // by default, dynamical cuts are used
87 |
88 |
89 | // Usage of DIST parameter in the parameterization of the cuts.
90 | // For the time being is in the constructor. If finally it comes out
91 | // that it is important to disable the DIST parameter from the
92 | // cut parameterization I will make a function that access this
93 | // data variable from outside the class.
94 | fUseDist = kTRUE;
95 |
96 |
97 |
99 | // Values of Size (photons), Dist (degrees) and Theta (degrees)
100 | // for which the value of the dynamical cut is equal to the
101 | // non dependent parameter; i.e. to the static cut.
102 | // By adjusting these offsets the user can set the value in size,
103 | // dist and theta for which the dynamical cuts will be given by
104 | // the term that DOES not depend on size, dist and theta.
105 |
106 | // For the time being, these quantities are set in the constructor.
107 | // In future, if they show to be useful, I will make them available
108 | // as external variables.
109 |
110 | fSizeOffset = 3000; // photons
111 | fDistOffset = 0.9; // degrees
112 | fThetaOffset = 20; // degrees NOT USED FOR THE TIME BEING
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | // Variables defining upper limits for some of the hillas params.
120 | // The default values are set to conservative
121 | // values so that no gamma showers are removed
122 |
123 | // If a cut value computed by function MSupercutsCalcONOFF::CtsMCut,
124 | // (i.e. widthlow) exceeds (larger or smaller
125 | // depending on wether is cutUP or cutLOW) one of these values
126 | // (i.e. fWidthLowerLimit), such cut value is replaced by the
127 | // the corresponding Limit (i.e. widthlow = fWidthLowerLimit)
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 | fDistUpperLimit = 1.4; // in deg
132 | fLengthUpperLimit = 0.6;
133 | fWidthUpperLimit = 0.4;
134 |
135 | fLeakage1UpperLimit = 0.25;
136 |
137 | fLengthOverWidthUpperLimit = 1.0;
138 |
139 | fDistLowerLimit = 0.1;
140 | fLengthLowerLimit = 0.09;
141 | fWidthLowerLimit = 0.05;
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 | }
149 |
150 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 | //
152 |
153 |
154 | void MSupercutsCalcONOFF::SetStoreAppliedSupercuts(Bool_t b)
155 | {
156 | fStoreAppliedSupercuts = b;
157 | if (fStoreAppliedSupercuts)
158 | {
159 | *fLog << "Supercuts applied to all the individual events will be stored "
160 | << "in a container of the class MSupercutsApplied." << endl;
161 | }
162 |
163 | }
164 |
165 |
166 | void MSupercutsCalcONOFF::SetVariableNotUseTheta(Bool_t b)
167 | {
168 | fNotUseTheta = b;
169 | if (fNotUseTheta)
170 | {
171 | *fLog << "Theta variable is NOT used in the computation of the the "
172 | << "dynamical cuts" << endl;
173 | }
174 | else
175 | {
176 | *fLog << "Theta variable is used in the computation of the the "
177 | << "dynamical cuts" << endl;
178 | }
179 |
180 | }
181 |
182 |
183 | void MSupercutsCalcONOFF::SetVariableUseStaticCuts(Bool_t b)
184 | {
185 | fUseStaticCuts = b;
186 | if (fUseStaticCuts)
187 | {
188 | *fLog << "Supercuts DO NOT take into account Theta, Size and Dist dependence; "
189 | << "i.e, they are STATIC CUTS." << endl;
190 | }
191 | else
192 | {
193 | *fLog << "Supercuts are computed taking into account Theta, size and Dist dependence."
194 | << "i.e., they are DYNAMICAL CUTS" << endl;
195 |
196 | }
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 | }
201 |
202 |
203 | void MSupercutsCalcONOFF::SetHillasDistLengthWidthUpperLowerLimits(Double_t distup,
204 | Double_t lengthup,
205 | Double_t widthup,
206 | Double_t distlow,
207 | Double_t lengthlow,
208 | Double_t widthlow)
209 | {
210 |
211 | fDistUpperLimit = distup;
212 | fLengthUpperLimit = lengthup;
213 | fWidthUpperLimit = widthup;
214 |
215 |
216 | fDistLowerLimit = distlow;
217 | fLengthLowerLimit = lengthlow;
218 | fWidthLowerLimit = widthlow;
219 |
220 |
221 | *fLog << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::SetHillasDistLengthWidthUpperLowerLimits" << endl
222 | << "Upper limits to Hillas parameters Dist, Length and Width "
223 | << "are set respectively to : "
224 | << fDistUpperLimit << ", "
225 | << fLengthUpperLimit << ", "
226 | << fWidthUpperLimit << " (in degrees!!)" << endl
227 |
228 | << "Lower limits to Hillas parameters Dist, Length and Width "
229 | << "are set respectively to : "
230 | << fDistLowerLimit << ", "
231 | << fLengthLowerLimit << ", "
232 | << fWidthLowerLimit << " (in degrees!!)" << endl
233 |
234 | << "The Hadronnes of those images exceeding one of these limits will "
235 | << "be set to 0.75." << endl << endl;
236 |
237 |
238 | }
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 | Int_t MSupercutsCalcONOFF::PreProcess(MParList *pList)
243 | {
244 | MGeomCam *cam = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam");
245 | if (!cam)
246 | {
247 | *fLog << err << "MGeomCam (Camera Geometry) not found... aborting." << endl;
248 | return kFALSE;
249 | }
250 |
251 | fMm2Deg = cam->GetConvMm2Deg();
252 |
253 | fHadronness = (MHadronness*)pList->FindCreateObj("MHadronness", fHadronnessName);
254 | if (!fHadronness)
255 | {
256 | *fLog << err << fHadronnessName << " [MHadronness] not found... aborting." << endl;
257 | return kFALSE;
258 | }
259 |
260 | fSuper = (MSupercuts*)pList->FindObject(fSuperName, "MSupercuts");
261 | if (!fSuper)
262 | {
263 | *fLog << err << fSuperName << " [MSupercuts] not found... aborting." << endl;
264 | return kFALSE;
265 | }
266 |
267 | if (fStoreAppliedSupercuts)
268 | {
269 |
270 | fSupercutsApplied = (MTSupercutsApplied*)pList->FindObject(fSupercutsAppliedName,
271 | "MTSupercutsApplied");
272 | if(!fSupercutsApplied)
273 | {
274 | *fLog << err << fSupercutsAppliedName
275 | << " [MTSupercutsApplied] not found... aborting." << endl;
276 | return kFALSE;
277 | }
278 |
279 |
280 | }
281 |
282 | if (fMatrix)
283 | return kTRUE;
284 |
285 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
286 | fHil = (MHillas*)pList->FindObject(fHilName, "MHillas");
287 | if (!fHil)
288 | {
289 | *fLog << err << fHilName << " [MHillas] not found... aborting." << endl;
290 | return kFALSE;
291 | }
292 |
293 | fHilExt = (MHillasExt*)pList->FindObject(fHilExtName, "MHillasExt");
294 | if (!fHilExt)
295 | {
296 | *fLog << err << fHilExtName << " [MHillasExt] not found... aborting." << endl;
297 | return kFALSE;
298 | }
299 |
300 | fHilSrc = (MHillasSrc*)pList->FindObject(fHilSrcName, "MHillasSrc");
301 | if (!fHilSrc)
302 | {
303 | *fLog << err << fHilSrcName << " [MHillasSrc] not found... aborting." << endl;
304 | return kFALSE;
305 | }
306 |
307 | fNewPar = (MNewImagePar*)pList->FindObject(fNewParName, "MNewImagePar");
308 | if (!fNewPar)
309 | {
310 | *fLog << err << fNewParName << " [MNewImagePar] not found... aborting." << endl;
311 | return kFALSE;
312 | }
313 |
314 | fPointPos = (MPointingPos*)pList->FindCreateObj("MPointingPos");
315 | if (!fPointPos)
316 | {
317 | *fLog << err << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::PreProcess; MPointingPos not found... aborting." << endl;
318 | return kFALSE;
319 | }
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 | return kTRUE;
324 | }
325 |
326 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 | //
328 | // Calculation of upper and lower limits
329 | //
330 | Double_t MSupercutsCalcONOFF::CtsMCut(const Double_t* a, Double_t ls, Double_t ct,
331 | Double_t ls2, Double_t dd2) const
332 | {
333 | // define cut-function
334 | //
335 | //
336 | // dNOMCOSZA = 1.0
337 | //
338 | // a: array of cut parameters
339 | // ls: log(SIZE) - log(fSizeOffset)
340 | // ls2: ls^2
341 | // ct: Cos(ZA.) - Cos(fThetaOffset)
342 | // dd2: (DIST- fDistOffset)^2
343 |
344 | Double_t limit;
345 |
346 | if(fUseStaticCuts)
347 | { // static cuts are used
348 | limit = a[0];
349 | }
350 | else
351 | {
352 | if (fNotUseTheta)
353 | { // Theta info is NOT used in the computation of the dynamical cuts
354 | // For the time being dist info will not be used
355 |
356 | if(fUseDist)
357 | {
358 |
359 |
360 | limit = a[0] + a[1] * dd2 +
361 | ls * (a[3] + a[4] * dd2) +
362 | ls2 * (a[6] + a[7] * dd2);
363 |
364 |
365 | }
366 | else
367 | {
368 | limit = a[0] + ls * (a[3])+ ls2 * (a[6]);
369 | }
370 |
371 |
372 | }
373 | else
374 | {// Theta info IS used in the computation of the dynamical cuts
375 |
376 | limit =
377 | a[0] + a[1] * dd2 + a[2] * ct +
378 | ls * (a[3] + a[4] * dd2 + a[5] * ct) +
379 | ls2 * (a[6] + a[7] * dd2);
380 | }
381 |
382 | }
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 | //*fLog << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::CtsMCut; *a = "
387 | // << *a << ", " << *(a+1) << ", " << *(a+2) << ", "
388 | // << *(a+3) << ", " << *(a+4) << ", " << *(a+5) << ", "
389 | // << *(a+6) << ", " << *(a+7) << endl;
390 |
391 | //*fLog << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::CtsMCut; ls, ls2, ct, dd2, limit = " << ls
392 | // << ", " << ls2 << ", " << ct << ", " << dd2 << ", "
393 | // << limit << endl;
394 |
395 | return limit;
396 | }
397 |
398 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 | //
400 | // Returns the mapped value from the Matrix
401 | //
402 | Double_t MSupercutsCalcONOFF::GetVal(Int_t i) const
403 | {
404 |
405 | Double_t val = (*fMatrix)[fMap[i]];
406 |
407 |
408 | //*fLog << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::GetVal; i, fMatrix, fMap, val = "
409 | // << i << ", " << fMatrix << ", " << fMap[i] << ", " << val << endl;
410 |
411 |
412 | return val;
413 | }
414 |
415 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 | //
417 | // You can use this function if you want to use a MHMatrix instead of the
418 | // given containers. This function adds all necessary columns to the
419 | // given matrix. Afterward you should fill the matrix with the corresponding
420 | // data (eg from a file by using MHMatrix::Fill). If you now loop
421 | // through the matrix (eg using MMatrixLoop) MEnergyEstParam::Process
422 | // will take the values from the matrix instead of the containers.
423 | //
424 |
425 |
426 | void MSupercutsCalcONOFF::InitMapping(MHMatrix *mat)
427 | {
428 | if (fMatrix)
429 | return;
430 |
431 | fMatrix = mat;
432 |
433 | fMap[0] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MPointingPos.fZd"); //deg
434 | fMap[1] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillas.fWidth");
435 | fMap[2] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillas.fLength");
436 | fMap[3] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillas.fSize");
437 | fMap[4] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillas.fMeanX");
438 | fMap[5] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillas.fMeanY");
439 | fMap[6] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MHillasSrc.fDist");
440 | fMap[7] = fMatrix->AddColumn("fabs(MHillasSrc.fAlpha)");
441 | fMap[8] = fMatrix->AddColumn("sgn(MHillasSrc.fCosDeltaAlpha)*(MHillasExt.fM3Long)");
442 | fMap[9] = fMatrix->AddColumn("MNewImagePar.fConc");
443 | fMap[10]= fMatrix->AddColumn("MNewImagePar.fLeakage1");
444 | }
445 |
446 |
447 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
448 | //
449 | // Evaluate dynamical supercuts
450 | //
451 | // set hadronness to 0.25 if cuts are fullfilled
452 | // 0.75 otherwise
453 | //
454 | Int_t MSupercutsCalcONOFF::Process()
455 | {
456 | // const Double_t kNomLogSize = 4.1;
457 | const Double_t kNomCosZA = 1.0;
458 |
459 | //const Double_t theta = fMatrix ? GetVal(0) : fMcEvt->GetTelescopeTheta();
460 | // For the time being I do it in a way that theta must be
461 | // the value used in the row 0 of fMatrix. That means that if there is
462 | // no matrix, the program will complain (and crash). And tehn I will know
463 | // that value 0 (supposed to be fThetaOrig.Val) could not be taken.
464 | const Double_t theta = GetVal(0);
465 | const Double_t width0 = fMatrix ? GetVal(1) : fHil->GetWidth();
466 | const Double_t length0 = fMatrix ? GetVal(2) : fHil->GetLength();
467 | const Double_t size = fMatrix ? GetVal(3) : fHil->GetSize();
468 | const Double_t meanx = fMatrix ? GetVal(4) : fHil->GetMeanX();
469 | const Double_t meany = fMatrix ? GetVal(5) : fHil->GetMeanY();
470 | const Double_t dist0 = fMatrix ? GetVal(6) : fHilSrc->GetDist();
471 |
472 | const Double_t alpha = fMatrix ? GetVal(7) : fHilSrc->GetAlpha();
473 |
474 | Double_t help;
475 | if (!fMatrix)
476 | help = TMath::Sign(fHilExt->GetM3Long(),
477 | fHilSrc->GetCosDeltaAlpha());
478 | const Double_t asym0 = fMatrix ? GetVal(8) : help;
479 | const Double_t conc = fMatrix ? GetVal(9) : fNewPar->GetConc();
480 | const Double_t leakage = fMatrix ? GetVal(10): fNewPar->GetLeakage1();
481 |
482 | const Double_t newdist = dist0 * fMm2Deg;
483 |
484 | const Double_t dist2 = meanx*meanx + meany*meany;
485 | const Double_t dist = sqrt(dist2) * fMm2Deg;
486 |
487 | // const Double_t dd2 = dist*dist;
488 |
489 |
490 | // in the parameterization of the cuts
491 | // the dist parameter used is the one computed from the source position,
492 | // and not the one computed from the camera center.
493 |
494 | // Actually the value used in the parameterization is newdist^2,
495 | // minus the offset_in_dist^2
496 |
497 | const Double_t dd2 = newdist*newdist - fDistOffset*fDistOffset;
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 | const Double_t dmls = log(size) - log(fSizeOffset);
502 | const Double_t dmls2 = dmls * dmls;
503 |
504 | const Double_t dmcza = cos(theta) - kNomCosZA;
505 |
506 | const Double_t length = length0 * fMm2Deg;
507 | const Double_t width = width0 * fMm2Deg;
508 | const Double_t asym = asym0 * fMm2Deg;
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 | // computation of the cut limits
513 |
514 | Double_t lengthup = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLengthUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
515 | Double_t lengthlow = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLengthLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
516 |
517 | Double_t widthup = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetWidthUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
518 | Double_t widthlow = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetWidthLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
519 |
520 | Double_t distup = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
521 | Double_t distlow = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
522 |
523 | Double_t asymup = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetAsymUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
524 | Double_t asymlow = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetAsymLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
525 |
526 | Double_t concup = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetConcUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
527 | Double_t conclow = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetConcLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
528 |
529 | Double_t leakageup = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLeakage1Up(),dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
530 | Double_t leakagelow = CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLeakage1Lo(),dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2);
531 |
532 |
533 | Double_t lengthoverwidth = length/width;
534 |
535 | Double_t hadronness = 0.0;
536 |
537 |
538 | // If the cut values computed before for Dist, Length and Width exceed the upper limits set
539 | // by the user through function MSupercutsCalcONOFF::SetHillasDistLengthWidthUpperLowerLimits,
540 | // (or the default values defined in constructor); such cut values are replaced by the
541 | // the limit values
542 |
543 |
544 |
545 | if (distup > fDistUpperLimit)
546 | {
547 | distup = fDistUpperLimit;
548 | }
549 |
550 |
551 | if (lengthup > fLengthUpperLimit)
552 | {
553 | lengthup = fLengthUpperLimit;
554 | }
555 |
556 | if (widthup > fWidthUpperLimit)
557 | {
558 | widthup = fWidthUpperLimit;
559 | }
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 | if (distlow < fDistLowerLimit)
564 | {
565 | distlow = fDistLowerLimit;
566 | }
567 |
568 | if (lengthlow < fLengthLowerLimit)
569 | {
570 | lengthlow = fLengthLowerLimit;
571 | }
572 |
573 | if (widthlow < fWidthLowerLimit)
574 | {
575 | widthlow = fWidthLowerLimit;
576 | }
577 |
578 |
579 | if (leakageup > fLeakage1UpperLimit)
580 | {
581 | leakageup = fLeakage1UpperLimit;
582 | }
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
588 | // Upper cut in leakage 1 also implemented
589 |
590 |
591 |
592 |
593 | if (//
594 | newdist > distup ||
595 | newdist < distlow ||
596 | length > lengthup ||
597 | length < lengthlow ||
598 | width > widthup ||
599 | width < widthlow ||
600 | leakage > leakageup ||
601 | leakage < leakagelow ||
602 | lengthoverwidth < fLengthOverWidthUpperLimit
603 | //
604 | //asym < asymup &&
605 | //asym > asymlow &&
606 |
607 | //dist < distup &&
608 | //dist > distlow &&
609 |
610 | //conc < concup &&
611 | //conc > conclow &&
612 | //
613 | )
614 |
615 | {hadronness = 0.75;}
616 | else
617 | {
618 | hadronness = 0.25;
619 | }
620 |
621 |
622 | fHadronness->SetHadronness(hadronness);
623 | fHadronness->SetReadyToSave();
624 |
625 |
626 | if(fStoreAppliedSupercuts)
627 | {
628 |
629 | // TArrayD vector with the shower parameters (matching the ones
630 | // specified in function MTSupercutsApplied::CreateTreeBranches)
631 | // is created and filled with this event features
632 |
633 | // Eventually this definition might be done from outside this
634 | // class, allowing for adding removing parameters without
635 | // recompiling mars. yet for the time being, let's keep it simple.
636 |
637 | TArrayD ShowerParams(10);
638 | ShowerParams[0] = length;
639 | ShowerParams[1] = width;
640 | ShowerParams[2] = dist;
641 | ShowerParams[3] = newdist;
642 | ShowerParams[4] = asym;
643 | ShowerParams[5] = conc;
644 | ShowerParams[6] = leakage;
645 | ShowerParams[7] = theta;
646 | ShowerParams[8] = size;
647 | ShowerParams[9] = alpha;
648 |
649 |
650 | // TArrayD vector with the cut parameters (matching the ones
651 | // specified in function MTSupercutsApplied::CreateTreeBranches)
652 | // is created and filled with this event features
653 |
654 | // Eventually this definition might be done from outside this
655 | // class, allowing for adding removing parameters without
656 | // recompiling mars. yet for the time being, let's keep it simple.
657 |
658 |
659 | TArrayD SuperCutParams(13);
660 | SuperCutParams[0] = lengthup;
661 | SuperCutParams[1] = lengthlow;
662 | SuperCutParams[2] = widthup;
663 | SuperCutParams[3] = widthlow;
664 | SuperCutParams[4] = distup;
665 | SuperCutParams[5] = distlow;
666 | SuperCutParams[6] = asymup;
667 | SuperCutParams[7] = asymlow;
668 | SuperCutParams[8] = concup;
669 | SuperCutParams[9] = conclow;
670 | SuperCutParams[10] = leakageup;
671 | SuperCutParams[11] = leakagelow;
672 | SuperCutParams[12] = hadronness;
673 |
674 | // SC parameters applied to this event, as well as the
675 | // shower parameters, are stored in the branches of the
676 | // TTree object of a MTSupercutsApplied object
677 |
678 |
679 | if (!fSupercutsApplied ->FillTreeBranches(SuperCutParams, ShowerParams))
680 | {
681 | *fLog << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::Process()" << endl
682 | << "Supercuts applied could not be stored in tree..."
683 | << endl;
684 |
685 | return kFALSE;
686 | }
687 |
688 |
689 | }
690 |
691 |
692 |
693 | return kTRUE;
694 |
695 |
696 | // OLD STUFF
697 |
698 | /*
699 | *fLog << "newdist, length, width, asym, dist, conc, leakage = "
700 | << newdist << ", " << length << ", " << width << ", "
701 | << asym << ", " << dist << ", " << conc << ", " << leakage
702 | << endl;
703 |
704 | *fLog << "upper cuts in newdist, length, width, asym, dist, conc, leakage = "
705 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
706 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
707 |
708 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLengthUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
709 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLengthLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
710 |
711 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetWidthUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
712 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetWidthLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
713 |
714 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetAsymUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
715 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetAsymLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
716 |
717 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
718 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
719 |
720 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetConcUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
721 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetConcLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
722 |
723 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLeakage1Up(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
724 | << CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLeakage1Lo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) << ", "
725 | << endl;
726 | */
727 |
728 | /*
729 | if (
730 | //dist < 1.05 &&
731 | //newdist < 1.05 &&
732 |
733 | newdist < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
734 | newdist > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
735 |
736 | length < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLengthUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
737 | length > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLengthLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
738 |
739 | width < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetWidthUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
740 | width > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetWidthLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
741 |
742 | asym < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetAsymUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
743 | asym > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetAsymLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
744 |
745 | dist < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
746 | dist > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetDistLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
747 |
748 | conc < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetConcUp(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
749 | conc > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetConcLo(), dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
750 |
751 | leakage < CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLeakage1Up(),dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) &&
752 | leakage > CtsMCut (fSuper->GetLeakage1Lo(),dmls, dmcza, dmls2, dd2) )
753 |
754 | fHadronness->SetHadronness(0.25);
755 | else
756 | fHadronness->SetHadronness(0.75);
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 | // *fLog << "SChadroness = " << fHadronness->GetHadronness() << endl;
761 |
762 | fHadronness->SetReadyToSave();
763 | */
764 |
766 | }
767 |
768 | /*
769 | Bool_t MSupercutsCalcONOFF::StoreSupercutsAppliedToThisEvent(TArrayD CutParams,
770 | TArrayD ShowerParams)
771 | {
772 | // SC parameters applied to this event are stored in
773 | // TTree object of MTSupercutsApplied object
774 |
775 |
776 | if (!fSupercutsApplied ->FillTreeBranches(CutParams, ShowerParams))
777 | {
778 | *fLog << "MSupercutsCalcONOFF::StoreSupercutsAppliedToThisEvent" << endl
779 | << "Supercuts applied could not be stored in tree..."
780 | << endl;
781 |
782 | return kFALSE;
783 | }
784 |
785 |
786 | return kTRUE;
787 | }
788 |
789 | */
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 |
794 |
795 |
796 |
797 |