1 | #ifndef MARS_MSupercutsCalcONOFF
2 | #define MARS_MSupercutsCalcONOFF
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
5 | #include "MTask.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayD
9 | #include <TArrayD.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MParList;
13 | class MHillas;
14 | class MHillasSrc;
15 | class MHillasExt;
16 | class MNewImagePar;
17 | class MPointingPos;
18 | class MCerPhotEvt;
19 | class MGeomCam;
20 | class MHadronness;
21 | class MHMatrix;
22 | class MSupercuts;
23 | class MTSupercutsApplied;
24 |
25 | class MSupercutsCalcONOFF : public MTask
26 | {
27 | private:
28 | MHillas *fHil;
29 | MHillasSrc *fHilSrc;
30 | MHillasExt *fHilExt;
31 | MNewImagePar *fNewPar;
32 | MPointingPos *fPointPos;
33 | MHadronness *fHadronness; //! output container for hadronness
34 | MTSupercutsApplied *fSupercutsApplied; // output container for applied supercuts
35 | MSupercuts *fSuper; // container for supercut parameters
36 |
37 | TString fHadronnessName; // name of container to store hadronness
38 | TString fSupercutsAppliedName; // name of the container to store applied supercuts
39 | TString fHilName;
40 | TString fHilSrcName;
41 | TString fHilExtName;
42 | TString fNewParName;
43 | TString fSuperName; // name of container for supercut parameters
44 |
45 | Double_t fMm2Deg; //!
46 |
47 | Int_t fMap[11]; //!
48 | MHMatrix *fMatrix; //!
49 |
50 | Bool_t fStoreAppliedSupercuts; // Boolean variable used to decided wether to store (kTRUE) or not (kFALSE) the supercuts applied
51 |
52 |
53 | // Boolean variable used to control decide wether to use theta information
54 | // in the computation of teh dynamical cuts.
55 | Bool_t fNotUseTheta;
56 |
57 | // Boolean variable used to decide wether to use dynamical cuts or static cuts
58 | // kTRUE means that static cuts are used
59 | Bool_t fUseStaticCuts;
60 |
61 |
62 | // Boolean variable that allows to use/not use the dist info in the cuts parameterization
63 | // kTRUE for use it.
64 | // For the time being this variable is set in the constructor
65 |
66 | Bool_t fUseDist;
67 |
68 |
69 |
71 | // Values of Size (photons), Dist (degrees) and Theta (degrees)
72 | // for which the value of the dynamical cut is equal to the
73 | // non dependent parameter; i.e. to the static cut.
74 | // By adjusting these offsets the user can set the value in size,
75 | // dist and theta for which the dynamical cuts will be given by
76 | // the term that DOES not depend on size, dist and theta.
77 |
78 | // For the time being, these quantities are set in the constructor.
79 | // In future, if they show to be useful, I will make them available
80 | // as external variables.
81 |
82 | Double_t fSizeOffset; // photons
83 | Double_t fDistOffset; // degrees NOT USED FOR THE TIME BEING
84 | Double_t fThetaOffset; // degrees NOT USED FOR THE TIME BEING
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 | // Variables defining upper/lower limits for some of the hillas params
90 | // Variables in degrees !!
91 |
92 | Double_t fDistUpperLimit;
93 | Double_t fLengthUpperLimit;
94 | Double_t fWidthUpperLimit;
95 |
96 | Double_t fDistLowerLimit;
97 | Double_t fLengthLowerLimit;
98 | Double_t fWidthLowerLimit;
99 |
100 | // tmp
101 |
102 | Double_t fLeakage1UpperLimit;
103 |
104 | Double_t fLengthOverWidthUpperLimit;
105 |
106 | //endtemp
107 |
108 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
109 | Int_t Process();
110 |
111 | Double_t GetVal(Int_t i) const;
112 |
113 | Double_t CtsMCut(const Double_t* a, Double_t ls, Double_t ct,
114 | Double_t ls2, Double_t dd2) const;
115 | /*
116 | Bool_t StoreSupercutsAppliedToThisEvent(Double_t lengthup, Double_t lengthlow,
117 | Double_t widthup, Double_t widthlow,
118 | Double_t distup, Double_t distlow);
119 | */
120 | public:
121 | MSupercutsCalcONOFF(const char *hilname="MHillas",
122 | const char *hilsrcname="MHillasSrc",
123 | const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
124 |
125 | void SetHadronnessName(const TString name) { fHadronnessName = name; }
126 | TString GetHadronnessName() const { return fHadronnessName; }
127 |
128 | void SetSupercutsAppliedName(const TString name) { fSupercutsAppliedName = name; }
129 | TString GetSupercutsAppliedName() const { return fSupercutsAppliedName; }
130 |
131 |
132 | void SetStoreAppliedSupercuts(Bool_t b);
133 | Bool_t GetStoreAppliedSupercuts() {return fStoreAppliedSupercuts;}
134 |
135 |
136 | void SetVariableNotUseTheta(Bool_t b);
137 | Bool_t GetVariableNotUseTheta() { return fNotUseTheta;}
138 |
139 | void SetVariableUseStaticCuts(Bool_t b);
140 | Bool_t GetVariableUseStaticCuts() { return fUseStaticCuts;}
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 | void SetHillasDistLengthWidthUpperLowerLimits(Double_t distup,
145 | Double_t lengthup,
146 | Double_t widthup,
147 | Double_t distlow,
148 | Double_t lengthlow,
149 | Double_t widthlow);
150 |
151 | void InitMapping(MHMatrix *mat); // use quantity ThetaOrig.fVal at theta
152 |
153 | void StopMapping() { InitMapping(NULL); }
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 | ClassDef(MSupercutsCalcONOFF, 0) // A class to evaluate the Supercuts
159 | };
160 |
161 | #endif
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