1 | // Silly macro to run the classes that optimize supercuts
2 | // using ON and OFF data.
3 |
4 | // The user only needs to fill/change the variables that control
5 | // the optimization procedure.
6 |
7 |
8 | gROOT -> Reset();
9 |
10 | void SuperCutsONOFFMacroNew()
11 | {
12 | gLog.SetNoColors();
13 |
14 | // File containing the data (ON/OFF DATA and path for files (root/ps))
15 |
16 | // From magicserv01
17 | // TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/data16a/mazin/data/mcdata/2004_06_30/*HillasON.root");
18 |
19 | // TString OFFDataFilename("/.magic/data16a/mazin/data/mcdata/2004_06_30/*HillasOFF.root");
20 |
21 | // TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/Period21/HillasFiles/CrabNebula_20040914.root");
22 | // TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/Period21/HillasFiles/CrabNebula_20040921.root");
23 | // TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/Period21/HillasFiles/CrabNebula_20040922.root");
24 |
25 | // TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/Period21/HillasFiles/CrabNebula_2004*.root");
26 |
27 | //TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/data22a/mazin/HillasParam/Period24/2004_12_18/Crab_40_25_1_AbsHillas.root");
28 | TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/data04a/nadia/Analysis/starfiles/DF/40_25_1/CrabNebula_*_Hillas_Abs.root");
29 | TString OFFDataFilename("/.magic/data04a/nadia/Analysis/starfiles/DF/40_25_1/OffCrab1*Hillas_Abs.root");
30 | //TString ONDataFilename("/.magic/data03a/mazin/results/2004_09_21/CrabNebulaNadiaHillas.root");
31 | //TString OFFDataFilename("/.magic/data03a/mazin/results/2004_09_21/CrabNebulaNadiaHillas.root");
32 |
33 |
34 | TString PathForFiles ("/.magic/data03a/mazin/results/Crab/DF/CrabNadia/SuperCuts/Size2000/");
35 |
36 | // TString PathForFiles ("/.magic/magicserv01/scratch/hbartko/SC/"); // was: Daniel/SuperCuts/Mrk421/2004_04_22/4slices_3520_nc/E800_1200_Opt_MC_Test/
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 | // Boolean variables defining the job of the
41 | // macro
42 |
43 | // Boolean variable that decides wether data is read from files specified above
44 | // (ON/OFF) or read from already existing Matrices (which are obviously stored
45 | // in a root file). The names of the files storing those matrices are produced
46 | // automatically using information provided by some of the next variables whose
47 | // values must be specified by user.
48 |
49 | Bool_t ReadMatrixFromRootFiles = kTRUE;
50 |
51 |
52 | // Boolean variable that controls the supercuts
53 | // optimization using the training sample
54 | // The optimized cuts will be written in root file
55 | // located in directory specified before. Name of
56 | // the root files is created automatically.
57 |
58 | Bool_t TrainParams = kTRUE;
59 |
60 | // Variable that allows the user to skip the optimization on the
61 | // train sample. If optimization is skipped (value kTRUE), the
62 | // previously optimized supercuts (stored in root file) are used
63 | // on the train sample.
64 |
65 | Bool_t SkipOptimization = kFALSE;
66 |
67 | // Boolean variable that allows the user to write the initial parameters
68 | // into the root file that will be used to store the optimum cuts.
69 | // If fUseInitialSCParams = kTRUE , parameters are written.
70 | // In this way, the initial SC parameters can be applied on the data (train/test)
71 |
72 | // The initial parameters are ONLY written to the root file if
73 | // there is NO SC params optimization, i.e., if variable
74 | // fSkipOptimization = kTRUE;
75 |
76 | // NOTE: be aware that, if there was a file with the optimized cuts
77 | // (previously computed), it will be overwritten with the initial
78 | // SC parameters. This is something that I WILL HAVE TO CHANGE IN
79 | // future. Yet for the time being...
80 |
81 | Bool_t UseInitialSCParams = kTRUE; // was kFALSE
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 | // Variable that decides whether the optimized cuts are used
86 | // in the test sample.
87 |
88 | Bool_t TestParams = kTRUE;
89 |
90 |
91 | // Boolean variable that controls wether to combine, OR not, the
92 | // alpha distributions computed (after cuts) for the several theta bins
93 | // in which the TRAIN sample was divided.
94 |
95 | Bool_t CombineCosThetaBinsForTrainSample = kFALSE;
96 |
97 | // Boolean variable that controls wether to combine, OR not, the
98 | // alpha distribution computed (after cuts) for the several theta bins
99 | // in which the TEST sample was divided.
100 |
101 | Bool_t CombineCosThetaBinsForTestSample = kFALSE;
102 |
103 |
104 | // Fraction of ON events used for the training/testing
105 | Double_t whichfractiontrain = 0.5;
106 | Double_t whichfractiontest = 0.5;
107 |
108 | // Fraction of OFF events used for the training/testing
109 | Double_t whichfractiontrainOFF = 0.5;
110 | Double_t whichfractiontestOFF = 0.5;
111 |
112 |
113 | // Efficiency for gammas when using this set of dynamical cuts
114 | // (i.e., fraction of initial gammas that remain after cuts)
115 |
116 | // Current value is the first estimation of the efficiency of cuts
117 | // on Mkn421 at a SIZE > 2000 photons
118 |
119 | Double_t gammaeff = 0.6;
120 |
121 |
122 | // Alpha value (degrees) below which signal is expected
123 |
124 | Double_t alphasig = 9;
125 |
126 | // Definition of alpha bkg region (where no signal is expected)
127 |
128 | Double_t alphabkgmin = 30;
129 | Double_t alphabkgmax = 90;
130 |
131 | // Definition of the Size range
132 |
133 | Double_t SizeLow = 2000;
134 | // Double_t SizeUp = 2000;
135 | Double_t SizeUp = 1000000;
136 |
137 | Double_t LeakageMax = 0.04;
138 | Double_t DistMax = 1.5;
139 | Double_t DistMin = 0.1;
140 |
141 | // Definition of binning of alpha plots
142 | Int_t NAlphaBins = 35;
143 | Double_t AlphaBinLow = -9;
144 | Double_t AlphaBinUp = 96;
145 |
146 |
147 | // Boolean variable used to determine wether the normalization factor is
148 | // computed from method 1) or 2)
149 | // 1) Using total number of ON and OFF events before cuts, and tuning the factor
150 | // correcting for "contamination" of gamma events in ON sample
151 | // 2) Using number of ON and OFF events after cuts in the background
152 | // region determined by variables fAlphaBkgMin-fAlphaBkgMax
153 |
154 | Bool_t NormFactorFromAlphaBkg = kTRUE; // if kTRUE, method 2) is used
155 |
156 |
157 | // Boolean variable used to disable the usage ("serious" usage) of the
158 | // quantities computed from fits. This will be useful in those cases
159 | // where there is too few events to perform a decent fit to the
160 | // alpha histograms.
161 |
162 | Bool_t UseFittedQuantities = kTRUE;
163 |
164 |
165 | // Boolean variable used to control wether to use theta information
166 | // in the computation of teh dynamical cuts that take place within
167 | // class MCT1SupercutsCalc
168 | //Bool_t NotUseTheta = kFALSE; // kTRUE removes theta from the parameterization of cuts
169 | Bool_t NotUseTheta = kTRUE; // kTRUE removes theta from the parameterization of cuts
170 |
171 | // Boolean variable used to decide wether to use dynamical cuts or static cuts
172 | // kTRUE means that static cuts are used.
173 | Bool_t UseStaticCuts = kFALSE;
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 | // Name of the Postscript document where all plots
180 | // will be saved.
182 | // For the time being, several ps files are produced
183 | // and saved in the directory specified by PathForFiles
184 |
185 | /*
186 | TString PsFileName = ("PsTest23.ps");
187 | TString CompletePsFileName = (PathForFiles);
188 | CompletePsFileName += PsFileName;
189 | TPostScript* PsFile = new TPostScript(CompletePsFileName, 111);
190 | */
191 |
192 | // Boolean variable used to decide wether initial parameters are
193 | // read from ascii file or not. If kTRUE, parameters are retrieved
194 | // from ascii file.
195 |
196 | Bool_t ReadInitParamsFromAsciiFile = kTRUE;
197 |
198 | // Number of SC parameters. The aim of this variable is to cross check
199 | // that the number of parameters read from an ascii file
200 | // is teh one the user wants.
201 |
202 | Int_t NInitSCPar = 104;
203 |
204 | // Name of the ascii file containing the 2 columns, the first one
205 | // for initial parameters and the second one for the steps
206 | // Name must contain also the path.
207 |
208 | const char* InitSCParamAsciiFile =
209 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/InitSCParamsAndStepsDanielModified1.txt"};
210 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/FixedStaticCutsInLengthWidthDist.txt"};
211 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/FixedStaticCutsInLengthWidthDist11.txt"};
212 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/InitSCParamsAndStepsDanielModified1.txt"};
213 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421.txt"};
214 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421DynStaticCutsFixedPol2SizeCut3000.txt"};
215 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421DynWithDistParametersFixed.txt"};
216 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421DynStaticCutsVariablePol2.txt"};
217 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421DynStaticCutsVariablePol2WidthCutLowFixed.txt"};
218 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421DynCutsOnSize.txt"};
219 | // {"../InitialSCParametersSteps/StartingValuesForOptimizationMkn421DynCutsOnSizeAndDist.txt"};
220 | //{"mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles/OptimizedMkn421DynCutsGridWithSelected22pointsMay19.txt"};
221 | //{"/home/pcmagic16/mazin/mars/Mars260804/mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles/StartingValuesForSmallSizes1.txt"};
222 | // {"/home/pcmagic16/mazin/mars/Mars260804/mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles/SmallSizeRFStartValues.txt"};
223 | {"/home/pcmagic16/mazin/mars/Mars260804/mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles/OptimizedCrabFrom2000_a.txt"};
224 | //{"mtemp/mmpi/asciifiles/VeryGoodDummyValuesWithConcCut.txt"};
225 |
226 |
227 | // Name of the root file where alpha distributions, TTree objects
228 | // with info about the events and cuts applied and info support histograms
229 | // will be stored.
230 | // Write only the name of the file. The Path
231 | // is the one defined previously
232 |
233 | TString RootFilename = ("RootFileDynCuts.root");
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 | // Vector containing the theta bins in which data (ON/OFF train/test)
241 | // will be divided. Actually this vector contains the cosinus of
242 | // these theta bins. The dimension of the vector is N+1, where
243 | // N is the number of theta bins intended. The first component of the
244 | // vector is the low bin edge of the first bin, and the last
245 | // vector component the upper bin edge of the last bin.
246 |
247 |
248 | TArrayD CosThetaRangeVector(2);
249 | CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0.866; //30
250 | //CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0.74; //42
251 | //CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0.82; //35
252 | //CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0;
253 | //CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0.825;
254 | //CosThetaRangeVector[2] = 0.921;
255 | //CosThetaRangeVector[3] = 0.961;
256 | CosThetaRangeVector[0] = 0.5; // 60
257 | //CosThetaRangeVector[0] = 1;
258 |
259 |
260 | /*
261 | TArrayD CosThetaRangeVector(2);
262 | CosThetaRangeVector[0] = 0.622;
263 | // CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0.825;
264 | //CosThetaRangeVector[2] = 0.921;
265 | //CosThetaRangeVector[0] = 0.961;
266 | CosThetaRangeVector[1] = 0.984;
267 |
268 | */
269 | // Object of MCT1FindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop created, data that was specified
270 | // above is introduced and ... and the party starts.
271 |
272 | MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop FindSupercuts("MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop",
273 | "Optimizer for the supercuts");
274 |
275 |
276 | FindSupercuts.SetPathForFiles(PathForFiles);
277 |
278 | FindSupercuts.SetDataONOFFRootFilenames(ONDataFilename, OFFDataFilename);
279 |
280 | FindSupercuts.SetFractionTrainTestOnOffEvents(whichfractiontrain,
281 | whichfractiontest,
282 | whichfractiontrainOFF,
283 | whichfractiontestOFF);
284 |
285 |
286 | FindSupercuts.SetGammaEfficiency(gammaeff);
287 |
288 |
289 | FindSupercuts.SetAlphaSig(alphasig);
290 |
291 | // Bkg alpha region is set
292 | FindSupercuts.SetAlphaBkgMin(alphabkgmin);
293 | FindSupercuts.SetAlphaBkgMax(alphabkgmax);
294 |
295 | // alpha bkg and signal region set in object FindSupercuts
296 | // are re-checked in order to be sure that make sense
297 |
298 | FindSupercuts.CheckAlphaSigBkg();
299 |
300 |
301 | // binning for alpha plots is defined
302 |
303 | FindSupercuts.SetAlphaPlotBinining(NAlphaBins, AlphaBinLow,
304 | AlphaBinUp);
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 | // Size range is defined
310 |
311 | FindSupercuts.SetSizeRange(SizeLow, SizeUp);
312 | FindSupercuts.SetFilters(LeakageMax, DistMax, DistMin);
313 | // FindSupercuts.SetFilters(0.001, 1.5, 0.2);
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 | FindSupercuts.SetNormFactorFromAlphaBkg(NormFactorFromAlphaBkg);
318 |
319 | FindSupercuts.SetUseFittedQuantities(UseFittedQuantities);
320 |
321 | FindSupercuts.SetVariableUseStaticCuts(UseStaticCuts);
322 |
323 | FindSupercuts.SetVariableNotUseTheta(NotUseTheta);
324 |
325 | FindSupercuts.SetReadMatricesFromFile(ReadMatrixFromRootFiles);
326 |
327 | FindSupercuts.SetTrainParameters(TrainParams);
328 | FindSupercuts.SetSkipOptimization(SkipOptimization);
329 | FindSupercuts.SetUseInitialSCParams(UseInitialSCParams);
330 |
331 | FindSupercuts.SetTestParameters(TestParams);
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 | FindSupercuts.SetHadronnessName("MHadSC");
336 | FindSupercuts.SetHadronnessNameOFF("MHadOFFSC");
337 |
338 | FindSupercuts.SetAlphaDistributionsRootFilename (RootFilename);
339 |
340 | // FindSupercuts.SetPostScriptFile (PsFile);
341 |
342 | FindSupercuts.SetCosThetaRangeVector (CosThetaRangeVector);
343 |
344 |
345 | // Names for all root files (matrices, alpha distributions...)
346 | // are created
347 | FindSupercuts.SetALLNames();
348 |
349 | if(ReadInitParamsFromAsciiFile)
350 | {
351 | // Initial SC Parameters and steps are retrieved from
352 | // Ascii file
353 | if(!FindSupercuts.ReadSCParamsFromAsciiFile(InitSCParamAsciiFile,
354 | NInitSCPar))
355 | {
356 | cout << "Initial SC Parameters could not be read from Ascii file "
357 | << InitSCParamAsciiFile << endl
358 | << "Aborting execution of macro... " << endl;
359 | return;
360 |
361 | }
362 | }
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 | // Finally loop over all theta bins defined is executed
368 |
369 | if (!FindSupercuts.LoopOverThetaRanges())
370 | {
371 | cout << "Function MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop::LoopOverThetaRanges()" << endl
372 | << "could not be performed" << endl;
373 |
374 | }
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 | // Nex and Significance are computed vs alphasig
379 |
380 | if (!FindSupercuts.ComputeNexSignificanceVSAlphaSig())
381 | {
382 | cout << "Function MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop::ComputeNexSignificanceVSAlphaSig()" << endl
383 | << "could not be performed" << endl;
384 |
385 |
386 | }
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 | // Option to store ps files in a single ps document is still not working
392 | /*
393 | PsFile -> Close();
394 | PsFile = NULL;
395 | */
396 |
397 | // Several theta bins are combined to produced a single alpha plot (for train and test)
398 | // with single Nex and significances
399 |
400 | if (CombineCosThetaBinsForTrainSample || CombineCosThetaBinsForTestSample)
401 | {
402 | if(!FindSupercuts.ComputeOverallSignificance(CombineCosThetaBinsForTrainSample,
403 | CombineCosThetaBinsForTestSample))
404 | {
405 | cout << "Function MFindSupercutsONOFFThetaLoop::ComputeOverallSignificance" << endl
406 | << "could not be performed" << endl;
407 | }
408 |
409 |
410 | }
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 | }
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |