1 | const int no_samples=6;
2 |
3 |
4 | void calculate_of_weights(TH1F *shape, TString noise_file = "/mnt/home/pcmagic17/hbartko/mars/results/04sep12/noise_autocorr_AB_36038.root", Int_t t_offset = -10)
5 | {
6 |
7 |
8 | TH1F * derivative = new TH1F("derivative","derivative",161,-1.05,15.05);
9 |
10 |
11 | for (int i = 1; i<162;i++){
12 | derivative->SetBinContent(i,((shape->GetBinContent(i+1)-shape->GetBinContent(i-1))/0.2));
13 | derivative->SetBinError(i,(sqrt(shape->GetBinError(i+1)*shape->GetBinError(i+1)+shape->GetBinError(i-1)*shape->GetBinError(i-1))/0.2));
14 | }
15 |
16 | // normalize the shape, such that the integral for 6 slices is one!
17 |
18 | float sum = 0;
19 | for (int i=40; i<101; i++){sum+=shape->GetBinContent(i);}
20 | sum /= 10;
21 |
22 | shape->Scale(1./sum);
23 | derivative->Scale(1./sum);
24 |
25 |
26 | TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400);
27 | //c1= canvas();
28 | shape->Draw();
29 |
30 | TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400);
31 | //c2=canvas();
32 | derivative->Draw();
33 |
34 |
35 | // book the histograms for the weights
36 |
37 | TH1F * hw_amp = new TH1F("hw_amp","hw_amp",no_samples*10,-0.5,no_samples-0.5);
38 | TH1F * hw_time = new TH1F("hw_time","hw_time",no_samples*10,-0.5,no_samples-0.5);
39 | TH1F * hshape = new TH1F("hshape","hshape",no_samples*10,-0.5,no_samples-0.5);
40 | TH1F * hderivative = new TH1F("hderivative","hderivative",no_samples*10,-0.5,no_samples-0.5);
41 |
42 |
43 | // read in the noise auto-correlation function:
44 |
45 | TMatrix B(no_samples,no_samples);
46 |
47 | f = new TFile(noise_file);
48 | TH2F * noise_corr = (TH2F*)c_corr->FindObject("hcorr");
49 | for (int i=0; i<no_samples; i++){
50 | for (int j=0; j<no_samples; j++){
51 | B[i][j]=noise_corr->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
52 | }
53 | }
54 | f->Close();
55 |
56 | B.Invert();
57 |
58 | // now the loop over t_{rel} in [-0.4;0.6[ :
59 |
60 | for (int i=-4; i<6; i++){
61 |
62 |
63 | TMatrix g(no_samples,1);
64 | TMatrix gT(1,no_samples);
65 | TMatrix d(no_samples,1);
66 | TMatrix dT(1,no_samples);
67 |
68 |
69 | for (int count=0; count < no_samples; count++){
70 |
71 | g[count][0]=shape->GetBinContent(55+t_offset-int((10*no_samples-50)/2.)+10*count+i);
72 | gT[0][count]=shape->GetBinContent(55+t_offset-int((10*no_samples-50)/2.)+10*count+i);
73 | d[count][0]=derivative->GetBinContent(55+t_offset-int((10*no_samples-50)/2.)+10*count+i);
74 | dT[0][count]=derivative->GetBinContent(55+t_offset-int((10*no_samples-50)/2.)+10*count+i);
75 |
76 | hshape->SetBinContent(i+5+10*count,shape->GetBinContent(55+t_offset-int((10*no_samples-50)/2.)+10*count+i));
77 | hderivative->SetBinContent(i+5+10*count,derivative->GetBinContent(55+t_offset-int((10*no_samples-50)/2.)+10*count+i));
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 | TMatrix m_denom = (gT*(B*g))*(dT*(B*d)) - (dT*(B*g))*(dT*(B*g));
82 | float denom = m_denom[0][0]; // m_denom is a real number
83 |
84 | TMatrix m_first = dT*(B*d); // m_first is a real number
85 | float first = m_first[0][0]/denom;
86 |
87 | TMatrix m_last = gT*(B*d); // m_last is a real number
88 | float last = m_last[0][0]/denom;
89 |
90 | TMatrix m1 = gT*B;
91 |
92 | m1 *=first;
93 |
94 | TMatrix m2 = dT*B;
95 |
96 | m2 *=last;
97 |
98 | TMatrix w_amp= m1 - m2;
99 |
100 |
101 | TMatrix m_first1 = gT*(B*g);
102 | float first1 = m_first1[0][0]/denom;
103 |
104 | TMatrix m_last1 = gT*(B*d);
105 | float last1 = m_last1[0][0]/denom;
106 |
107 | TMatrix m11 = dT*B;
108 |
109 | m11 *=first1;
110 |
111 | TMatrix m21 = gT*B;
112 |
113 | m21 *=last1;
114 |
115 |
116 | TMatrix w_time= m11 - m21;
117 |
118 |
119 | float amp = 0;
120 | float amp_time = 0;
121 |
122 | for (int count=0; count < no_samples; count++){
123 | hw_amp->SetBinContent(i+5+10*count,w_amp[0][count]);
124 | hw_time->SetBinContent(i+5+10*count,w_time[0][count]);
125 | }
126 |
127 | } // end loop over t_rel
128 |
129 |
130 | TCanvas * c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",600,400);
131 | hw_amp->Draw();
132 |
133 | TCanvas * c4 = new TCanvas("c4","c4",600,400);
134 | hw_time->Draw();
135 |
136 | TCanvas * c5 = new TCanvas("c5","c5",600,400);
137 | hshape->Draw();
138 |
139 | TCanvas * c6 = new TCanvas("c6","c6",600,400);
140 | hderivative->Draw();
141 |
142 | /*
143 | f_out = new TFile("/home/pcmagic17/hbartko/mars/results/04sep15/calibration_weights_corr_iterated.root","RECREATE"); //"../of_weights_bin4.root"
144 | hw_amp->Write();
145 | hw_time->Write();
146 | hshape->Write();
147 | hderivative->Write();
148 | shape->Write();
149 | derivative->Write();
150 | f_out->Close();
151 | */
152 | }