1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd:_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
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17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2004/09/23: Nicola Galante
22 |
23 | * mpisa/classes/mispointing
24 | - Aggiunte le seguenti classi:MFindStars.cc MStarLocalCam.cc MVPPlotter.cc
25 | MFindStars.h MStarLocalCam.h MVPPlotter.h
26 | MHTelAxisFromStars.cc MStarLocalPos.cc MVPTime.cc
27 | MHTelAxisFromStars.h MStarLocalPos.h MVPTime.h
28 | MSkyCamTrans.cc MTelAxisFromStars.cc
29 | MSkyCamTrans.h MTelAxisFromStars.h
30 | MSourceDirections.cc MVPObject.cc
31 | MSourceDirections.h MVPObject.h
32 | Le seguenti modifiche sono state effettuate:
33 | 1) the names
34 | of the branches inside classes MSourceDirections.cc and MFindStars.cc were
35 | defined without the final dot (i.e. "MMcConfigRunHeader" instead of
36 | "MMcConfigRunHeader.", for example), so that the Get...() methods returned
37 | null pointers.
38 |
39 | 2) First of all I realized that the Process of MTelAxisFromStars was skipped
40 | because no stars were found in the MStarCam *fStarCam container. After
41 | several attempts I found that the problem was solved by changing
42 |
43 | tlist.AddToList(&findstars, "Currents");
44 |
45 | with
46 |
47 | tlist.AddToList(&findstars);
48 |
49 | 3) I inform you also that I use two MReadReport objects, one
50 | for the DC currents and one for the Drive reports file, and then
51 | add the two MReadReport objects to the tasklist, because I had some
52 | problems in making ROOT accepting to read different trees in different
53 | files added to the same object, as done in the original macro (this could
54 | be related to the problem I encoured in adding the MFindStar to the
55 | tasklist).
56 |
57 |
58 | - aggiunta la macro macros/findTelAxisFromStars.C
59 |
60 |
61 | 2004/09/13: Antonio Stamerra
62 |
63 | * mpisa/macros/readIPR.C
64 | - macro to read IPRs
65 |
66 |
67 | 2004/05/24: Antonio Stamerra
68 |
69 | * mpisa/classes/mtrigger/*, mpisa/classes/MTriggerReport.[h,cc]
70 | - classes almost completed; compiles.
71 |
72 |
73 | 2004/05/24: Antonio Stamerra
74 |
75 | * mpisa/classes/MTriggerLiveTime.[h.cc]
76 | - added new class container for the Live-Deadtime from report files (.rep)
77 |
78 | * mpisa/classes/mtrigger
79 | - added new directory for the MTrigger* classes. These
80 | classes have been moved there.
81 | - Various modifications have been made on these classes.
82 | The MReportTrigger now fills these containers.
83 |
84 | 2004/05/24: Antonio Stamerra
85 |
86 | * mpisa/classes/MTriggerCell.[h.cc]
87 | - added new class container for the cell rates from report files (.rep)
88 |
89 | * mpisa/classes/MTriggerBit.[h.cc]
90 | - added new class container for the L2 bits rates from report files (.rep)
91 |
92 | * mpisa/classes/MTriggerPrescFact.[h.cc]
93 | - added new class container for the prescaling factors from
94 | report files (.rep)
95 |
96 | * mpisa/classes/MTriggerReport.[h.cc]
97 | - added copy of the mreport/MReportTrigger class to modify to new
98 | report file format and to use the trigger class containers
99 |
100 |
101 | 2004/05/21: Antonio Stamerra
102 |
103 | * mpisa/classes
104 | - added directory /classes. Should be used to add new classes
105 |
106 | * mpisa/Makefile, mpisa/PisaLinkDef.h, mpisa/PisaIncl.h
107 | - added to compile internally to the mpisa directory the classes
108 |
109 | * mpisa/classes/MTriggerIPR.[h,cc]
110 | - added container for IPR values.
111 |
112 |
113 | 2004/05/12: Antonio Stamerra
114 |
115 | * mpisa/macros
116 | - added macros:
117 | - first_ana.C given a file with hillas analysis produces ON-OFF plots
118 | - production.C produces calibrated data (photons) from raw data
119 | - HillasAnal.C makes standard Hillas analysis
120 |
121 | * mpisa/macros
122 | - added this directory
123 |
124 | * added this file Changelog_pisa
125 | - test
126 |
127 | 2004/05/11: Antonio Stamerra
128 |
129 | * mtemp/mpisa
130 | - added directory mpisa in mtemp