MAGIC1 27.08.2007 15:55:24.179 S 00 000000 000000 0000000 IA 0 0 IE 0 0 FLOP 0 0 AN 0 0 AW 0 0 NPAE 0.071971096 0.041230194 CA -0.034559807 0.031805296 TF 0 0 TX 0 0 ECES -0.017263112 0.018334716 ACES 0 0 ECEC -0.04393912 0.022381297 ACEC 0 0 NRX 0 0 NRY 0 0 CRX 0 0 CRY 0 0 MAGIC1 0 0 MAGIC2 0 0 END # This is identical with the later pointing model applied since # run 85420, which is done with TPoints taken after 18.3.2006 and # in April 2006. It seems that is already valid earlier. # (For unknown reasons that pointing model made from the TPoints # before 18.3.2006 doesn't seem to givbe a reasonable pointing model)