1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | #
3 | # ========================================================================
4 | #
5 | # *
6 | # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
7 | # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
8 | # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
9 | # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
10 | # *
11 | # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
12 | # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
13 | # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
14 | # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
15 | # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
16 | # * or implied warranty.
17 | # *
18 | #
19 | #
20 | # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 10/2006 <mailto:dorner@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
21 | #
22 | # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2006
23 | #
24 | #
25 | # ========================================================================
26 | #
27 | #
28 | #
29 | ##############################################################################
30 | #
31 | #
32 | ##############################################################################
33 |
34 | #to be set by the user (if you don't use the command-line options)
35 | #give either sequence number or sequence file (including path)
36 | sequence=
37 | sequfile=""
38 |
39 | #path of your output directory
40 | outpath=movies
41 | #define values for callisto.rc files
42 | TargetLength=5
43 | NumEvents=500
44 | Threshold=3
45 |
46 | #MFEvtNumber.FileName: ganymed00001218.root
47 | #MFEvtNumber.Selector: ThetaSquared.fVal<0.04 && DataType.fVal>0.5
48 | #MMovieWrite.Filename: movie-00071431-off-all.mpg
49 |
50 |
51 | function usage()
52 | {
53 | echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
54 | echo "options:"
55 | echo -n " --sequ sequence# "
56 | echo " giving number of sequence which shall be processed "
57 | echo -n " --out outpath "
58 | echo " giving the path where all outputfiles are stored "
59 | echo -n " --target-length seconds "
60 | echo " giving the length of one event in seconds "
61 | echo -n " --num-events #events "
62 | echo " giving the number of events in the movie "
63 | echo -n " -wobble "
64 | echo " give this option for processing a wobble sequence "
65 | echo -n " -mc "
66 | echo " give this option for processing a montecarlo sequence "
67 | echo ""
68 | echo "Remarks: "
69 | echo " - you can set the needed variables also in the script "
70 | echo " - you have to set the outpath and either the sequence number or the sequence file"
71 | echo " (if both is set, the sequence given by the sequencefile is processed)"
72 | echo " - you have to execute the script from your mars directory"
73 | echo " - some options for the movie can be set in the script"
74 | echo " - if you don't set the outpath, the default 'movies' is used"
75 | echo ""
76 | exit
77 | }
78 |
79 | alias mymysql='mysql -u MAGIC --password=d99swMT! --host=vela MyMagic -s -e'
80 |
81 |
82 | while [ "$1" ]
83 | do
84 | case $1 in
85 | --sequ) shift
86 | sequence=$1
87 | ;;
88 | --out) shift
89 | outpath=$1
90 | ;;
91 | --target-length) shift
92 | TargetLength=$1
93 | ;;
94 | --num-events) shift
95 | NumEvents=$1
96 | ;;
97 | -wobble) wobble='yes'
98 | ;;
99 | -mc) mc='mc'
100 | ;;
101 | -h) usage
102 | ;;
103 | *) echo "unknown option $1 "
104 | usage
105 | exit
106 | ;;
107 | esac
108 | shift
109 | done
110 |
111 | if [ "$sequence" = "" ]
112 | then
113 | echo "WARNING sequ has not been set"
114 | echo ""
115 | usage
116 | fi
117 |
118 | # get variables
119 | if ! n8=`printf %08d $sequence`
120 | then
121 | echo "your sequence number is not valid"
122 | usage
123 | fi
124 | no=`echo $n8 | cut -c 1-4`
125 | if [ "$mc" == "mc" ]
126 | then
127 | sequfile="/magic/montecarlo/sequences/"$no"/sequence$n8.txt"
128 | calpath="/magic/montecarlo/callisto/"$no"/"$n8
129 | else
130 | sequfile="/magic/sequences/"$no"/sequence$n8.txt"
131 | calpath="/magic/data/callisto/"$no"/"$n8
132 | fi
133 | outpath2=$outpath"/temp"
134 | datasetfile=$outpath2"/dataset"$n8".txt"
135 | ganymedfile=$outpath2"/ganymed"$n8".root"
136 | ganymedsumfile=$outpath2"/ganymed"$n8"-summary.root"
137 | mkdir -pv $outpath2
138 |
139 | if ! ls $sequfile >/dev/null
140 | then
141 | echo $sequfile" doesn't exist."
142 | usage
143 | fi
144 |
145 | echo ""
146 | echo "Variables and paths from your input: "
147 | echo " outpath: "$outpath
148 | echo " sequence: "$sequence
149 | echo " sequfile: "$sequfile
150 | echo " datasetfile: "$datasetfile
151 | echo " ganymedfiles: "$ganymedfile", "$ganymedsumfile
152 | echo " inputpaths: "$calpath
153 | echo ""
154 |
155 |
156 | # write datasetfile
157 | echo "AnalysisNumber: "$sequence > $datasetfile
158 | echo "" >> $datasetfile
159 | echo "SequencesOn: "$sequence >> $datasetfile
160 | echo "" >> $datasetfile
161 | if [ "$mc" == "mc" ]
162 | then
163 | echo "MonteCarlo: Yes " >> $datasetfile
164 | else
165 | # get source name
166 | query="SELECT fSourceName FROM Source LEFT JOIN Sequences ON Sequences.fSourceKEY=Source.fSourceKEY WHERE fSequenceFirst="$sequence
167 | source=`mymysql "$query"`
168 | echo "SourceName: "$source >> $datasetfile
169 | echo "Catalog: /magic/datacenter/setup/magic_favorites_dc.edb" >> $datasetfile
170 | fi
171 | if [ "$wobble" == "yes" ]
172 | then
173 | echo "WobbleMode: On " >> $datasetfile
174 | fi
175 | echo "" >> $datasetfile
176 |
177 |
178 | # choose callisto.rc
179 | if [ $sequence -gt 200000 ]
180 | then
181 | rc="callisto_mux.rc"
182 | else
183 | rc="callisto.rc"
184 | fi
185 |
186 | # write callisto.rc files
187 | names=( "withoutcut" "qualcut" "areacut" "thetacut" )
188 | for (( i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ))
189 | do
190 | calrc=$outpath2"/callisto_"$n8$mc"-"${names[$i]}".rc"
191 | echo "creating "$calrc
192 | grep -v MMoveWrite $rc > $calrc
193 | echo "MMovieWrite.FileName: "$outpath"/movie"$n8$mc"-"${names[$i]}".mpg" >> $calrc
194 | echo "MMovieWrite.TargetLength: "$TargetLength >> $calrc
195 | echo "MMovieWrite.NumEvents: "$NumEvents >> $calrc
196 | echo "MMovieWrite.Threshold: "$Threshold >> $calrc
197 | if [ $i -eq 1 ]
198 | then
199 | echo "MFEvtNumber.FileName: "$ganymedsumfile >> $calrc
200 | fi
201 | if [ $i -gt 1 ]
202 | then
203 | echo "MFEvtNumber.FileName: "$ganymedfile >> $calrc
204 | fi
205 | if [ $i -gt 2 ]
206 | then
207 | echo "MFEvtNumber.Selector: ThetaSquared.fVal<0.04 && DataType.fVal>0.5" >> $calrc
208 | fi
209 | done
210 |
211 | # define options for callisto
212 | opts=" -f -v5 -b --movie "
213 | if [ "$mc" == "mc" ]
214 | then
215 | opts=$opts" -mc "
216 | fi
217 | opts=$opts" -y --iny=$calpath $sequence "
218 |
219 | # produce movie without cuts
220 | command="./callisto $opts --config=$outpath2/callisto_$n8$mc-${names[0]}.rc "
221 | echo "submitting: "$command
222 | condor_run $command &
223 |
224 | # run ganymed and produce summary file
225 | gopts="-v5 -f -b "
226 | if [ "$wobble" == "yes" ]
227 | then
228 | gopts=$gopts" --config=ganymed_wobble.rc "
229 | fi
230 | command="./ganymed $gopts --sum --out=$outpath2 $datasetfile"
231 | echo "executing: "$command
232 | if ! $command
233 | then
234 | echo "execution failed."
235 | exit
236 | fi
237 |
238 | # produce movies with cuts
239 | for (( i=1 ; i < 4 ; i++ ))
240 | do
241 | command="./callisto $opts --config=$outpath2/callisto_$n8$mc-${names[$i]}.rc "
242 | echo "submitting: "$command
243 | condor_run $command &
244 | done
245 |