/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MHistosAdc // // This class contains a list of all ADC spektra histograms // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MHistosAdc.h" #include #include #include ClassImp(MHistosAdc) MHistosAdc::MHistosAdc () { // // default constructor // creates an a list of histograms for all pixels and both gain channels // fHistHigh = new TObjArray(577); fHistLow = new TObjArray(577); // // set the name and title of this object // fName = "MHistosAdc" ; fTitle = "Container for ADC spectra histograms" ; // // loop over all Pixels and create two histograms // one for the Low and one for the High gain // connect all the histogram with the container fHist // Char_t tmp1[40]; Char_t tmp2[40]; TH1F *h1; for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < 577 ; i++) { sprintf ( tmp1, "high%d", i ) ; sprintf ( tmp2, "high gain Pixel %d", i ) ; h1 = new TH1F ( tmp1, tmp2, 256, 0., 255. ) ; fHistHigh->Add( h1 ) ; sprintf ( tmp1, "low %d", i ) ; sprintf ( tmp2, "low gain Pixel %d", i ) ; h1 = new TH1F ( tmp1, tmp2, 256, 0., 255. ) ; fHistLow->Add( h1 ) ; } } MHistosAdc::~MHistosAdc () { // default destructor // delete fHistHigh ; delete fHistLow ; } void MHistosAdc::Print(Option_t *) { for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < 576 ; i++) { fHistHigh[i].Print() ; } } void MHistosAdc::FillAdcHist ( Int_t iPix, UChar_t* data) { // cout << " MHistosAdc::FillAdcHist " << endl ; // // fill all slices (contained in data) in the Histogram // of iPix. If iPix > 10000 this is a low gain channel // // check which container list is needed // for high or for low gain // if ( iPix < 10000 ) { // // loop over data // for (Int_t i=0; i< 15; i++ ) { ((TH1F*) (fHistHigh->At(iPix)))->Fill( (Float_t) data[i]) ; } } else { // // loop over data // for (Int_t i=0; i< 15; i++ ) { ((TH1F*) (fHistLow->At(iPix)))->Fill( (Float_t) data[i]) ; } } } void MHistosAdc::SaveHist ( char *name ) { // // save all histogram in this class to a root file // TFile out( name, "recreate") ; // // loop over all pixels and write the files out // fHistLow->Write() ; fHistHigh->Write() ; }