#include "MPedest.h" #include ClassImp(MPedest) MPedest::MPedest( Int_t iPix ) { // default destructor fName = "MPedest" ; fTitle = "Container for Pedestals" ; fNumPix = iPix ; fHighPed = new MPixPedest[fNumPix] ; fLowPed = new MPixPedest[fNumPix] ; } MPedest::~MPedest() { // default destructor delete fHighPed ; delete fLowPed ; } void MPedest::SetAllHigh( Int_t iPix, Float_t mean, Float_t errMean, Float_t sig, Float_t errSig ) { // set the value of one pixel fHighPed[iPix].SetMean(mean) ; fHighPed[iPix].SetErrMean(errMean) ; fHighPed[iPix].SetSigma(sig); fHighPed[iPix].SetErrSigma(errSig) ; } void MPedest::SetAllLow( Int_t iPix, Float_t mean, Float_t errMean, Float_t sig, Float_t errSig ) { // set the value of one pixel fLowPed[iPix].SetMean(mean) ; fLowPed[iPix].SetErrMean(errMean) ; fLowPed[iPix].SetSigma(sig); fLowPed[iPix].SetErrSigma(errSig) ; } void MPedest::Print() { // information about the content on screen cout << " content of Pedestal " << endl ; cout << " HIGH gain " << endl ; for ( Int_t i=0; i< fNumPix; i++ ) { cout << " Pixel: " << i << " High" ; fHighPed[i].Print() ; } cout << " LOW gain " << endl ; for ( Int_t i=0; i< fNumPix; i++ ) { cout << " Pixel: " << i << " High" ; fLowPed[i].Print() ; } }