MaxiSingle README file by Carles Domingo, May 16, 2001 MaxiSingle is an utility which allows the conversion of "old-fashioned" MMCS output files (one file per event) to the "new" MMCS output format (one file per run). Its name stands for MAXI file from SINGLE files. MaxiSingle has been tested to work properly both on OSF1 (alpha) and Linux platforms INSTALLATION of the program: unzip the file using: gunzip maxisingle*.tar.gz extract the file from achive: tar xvf maxisingle*.tar goto lib directory: cd MagicProgs/Simulation/Detector/lib create a link to libranlib ln -s libranlib.a.[yoursystem] libranlib.a change directory to cd ../../Corsika/MaxiSingle/ compile the program with make clean depend make all start the program with maxisingle FullPathOfTheDirectoryWithCerenkovFiles RUNNING the program: It is necessary that the directory FullPathOfTheDirectoryWithCerenkovFiles contains cerenkov (cer) and particle data (dat) files in the old MMCS output format, starting from 000001. Running maxisingle will create in this same directory two output files, named "cer_allfiles" and "dat_allfiles", where all the information of the run (which created the directory) will be stored. These files are standard MMCS output format and contain the RunHeader, EventHeader, EventEnd, RunEnd and Particle records. These output files can be then read by Simone, GuiSimone and Reflector (new) programs Please, contribute to this README file! CD