#include #include "MSimone.hxx" //========== // MSimone // // This class handles and contains the MonteCarlo information // with which the events have been generated // This information exists for each event. //ClassImp(MSimone) MSimone::MSimone() { // // default constructor // set all values to zero PartId = 0 ; Energy = 0. ; Theta = 0. ; Phi = 0. ; CoreD = 0. ; CoreX = 0. ; CoreY = 0. ; FirstInt = 0. ; NumCerPhot = 0. ; } MSimone::~MSimone() { // // default destructor // } void MSimone::Clear() { // // // reset all values to zero PartId = 0. ; Energy = 0. ; Theta = 0. ; Phi = 0. ; CoreD = 0. ; CoreX = 0. ; CoreY = 0. ; FirstInt= 0. ; NumCerPhot = 0. ; } void MSimone::Print(void) { // // print out the data member on screen // cout <PrimaryID; Energy = e->Etotal; Theta = e->Theta; Phi = e->Phi; Float_t x, y ; CoreD = e->get_core(&x, &y, 0 ) ; CoreX = x ; CoreY = y ; FirstInt = e->zFirstInt; } void MSimone::SetNumCerPhot( Int_t iN ) { NumCerPhot = (Float_t) iN ; } void MSimone::NtupFill( TNtuple *n ) { n->Fill(PartId,Energy,Theta,Phi,CoreX, CoreY, CoreD, NumCerPhot ) ; }