// // // // // // #include #include #include "COREventHeader.hxx" #include "CORParticle.hxx" #include "CORStatfile.hxx" int main(int argc, char **argv) { char path[100] = "" ; char cername[120] ; char datname[120] ; ifstream cerfile ; COREventHeader Event ; CORParticle Photon ; Int_t iPhotonInShower ; Int_t iShowers = 0 ; Float_t lambda ; cout << " ============================" << endl ; cout << " SIMONE" << endl ; cout << " " << endl ; cout << " SImulated MONte carlo Events" << endl ; cout << " " << endl ; if ( argc <= 1 ) { cout << endl ; cout << " INFO: You have to start the program with "< simone DIRECTORY_WITH_CER_FILES" < simone /hd123/Protons "<