// // // // // // #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TNtuple.h" #include "COREventHeader.hxx" #include "CORParticle.hxx" #include "CORStatfile.hxx" #include "MSimone.hxx" main() { // initialise ROOT TROOT simple("simple", "SIMONE - statistic of MonteCarlo"); // char path[100] = "/hd61/Maggi/Data/mcMAGIC-1-30:30000-1" ; char path[100] = "/hd31/Data/mmcs_prod_1009_30:30000_14" ; // char path[100] = "/data/mmcs/" ; char cername[120] ; char datname[120] ; ifstream cerfile ; COREventHeader Event ; MSimone Infos ; Infos.Print() ; // // now create a root-file for the ntuple output // TFile *outfile = new TFile("simone.root","RECREATE"); TNtuple *Ntup = new TNtuple("simone", "Simone info of mmcs", "PartId:Energy:Theta:Phi"); for (int i_cer = 1; i_cer < 1000; i_cer++ ) { // // create the file names // sprintf ( cername, "%s/cer%06d", path, i_cer ) ; sprintf ( datname, "%s/dat%06d", path, i_cer ) ; // cout << cername << endl ; // cout << datname << endl ; // // try to open the files // cerfile.open( cername ); if ( cerfile.bad() ) { cout << "Cannot open input file: " << cername << endl ; continue ; } cout << " Read event " << endl ; Event.read( cerfile ); Infos.Transfer ( &Event ) ; Infos.Print() ; Infos.NtupFill ( Ntup ) ; cerfile.close(); } // // write all to file // outfile->Write() ; }