1 | //=//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | //=
3 | //= camera
4 | //=
5 | //= @file camera.h
6 | //= @desc Header file
7 | //= @author J C Gonzalez
8 | //= @email gonzalez@mppmu.mpg.de
9 | //= @date Thu May 7 16:24:22 1998
10 | //=
11 | //=----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 | //=
13 | //= Created: Thu May 7 16:24:22 1998
14 | //= Author: Jose Carlos Gonzalez
15 | //= Purpose: Program for reflector simulation
16 | //= Notes: See files README for details
17 | //=
18 | //=----------------------------------------------------------------------
19 | //=
20 | //= $RCSfile: camera.h,v $
21 | //= $Revision: 1.7 $
22 | //= $Author: blanch $
23 | //= $Date: 2002-03-15 16:06:53 $
24 | //=
25 | //=//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 |
27 | // @T \newpage
28 |
29 | //!@section Source code of |camera.h|.
30 |
31 | /*!@"
32 |
33 | This section shows the include file |camera.h|
34 |
35 | @"*/
36 |
37 | //=-----------------------------------------------------------
38 | //!@subsection Include files.
39 |
40 | //!@{
41 |
42 | #include <iostream.h>
43 | #include <fstream.h>
44 | #include <stdlib.h>
45 | #include <stdio.h>
46 | #include <string.h>
47 | #include <stdarg.h>
48 | #include <math.h>
49 | #include <sys/types.h>
50 | #include <dirent.h>
51 | #include <unistd.h>
52 | #include <libgen.h>
53 | #include <time.h>
54 |
55 | #include "camera-v.h"
56 |
57 | #include "jcmacros.h"
58 | #include "jcdebug.h"
59 |
60 | #include "creadparam.h"
61 | #include "atm.h"
62 | #include "moments.h"
63 |
64 | #include "MCEventHeader.hxx"
65 | #include "MCCphoton.hxx"
66 | #include "MTrigger.hxx"
67 |
68 | // command line options available
69 |
70 | #define COMMAND_LINE_OPTIONS "f:h"
71 |
72 | /*@'
73 |
74 | This is C++, but RANLIB routines are written in pure ANSI C.
75 | In order to read easily these routines, we must include
76 | the following directive
77 |
78 | */
79 |
80 | extern "C" {
81 | #include "ranlib.h"
82 | }
83 |
84 | // version of the reflector program that can read
85 |
86 | #define REFL_PROGRAM reflector
87 | #define REFL_VERSION 0.4
88 |
90 |
91 | //!@}
92 |
93 | //=------------------------------------------------------------
94 | //!@subsection Macro-definitions, and constants.
95 |
96 | //!@{
97 |
98 | #define SLICES 19
99 | #define WIDTH_TIMESLICE 3.3
100 |
101 | #define NOTIME 9e+10
102 |
103 | #define SIN60 0.866025403784439
104 | #define COS60 0.500000000000000
105 |
106 | #define RandomNumber drand48()
107 |
108 | #define iMAXNUMPIX 595 // total maximum possible number of pixels in the camera
109 |
110 | #define iMAXNUMPHE 50000 // maximum total number of photoelectrons in one event
111 |
112 | #define iNUMNSBPRODCALLS 1 // in order to average over the QE simulation, call the
113 | // phe production function for the NSB iNUMNSBPRODCALLS times
114 |
115 | #define iNUMWAVEBANDS 5 // number of wavebands for the NSB simulation
116 |
117 | #define WAVEBANDBOUND1 290. // iNUMWAVEBANDS+1 boundaries for waveband definitions (nm)
118 | #define WAVEBANDBOUND2 310. // for the NSB generation
119 | #define WAVEBANDBOUND3 400.
120 | #define WAVEBANDBOUND4 500.
121 | #define WAVEBANDBOUND5 600.
122 | #define WAVEBANDBOUND6 800.
123 |
124 | #define EXTWAVEBAND1 3.715 // iNUMWAVEBANDS extinction values in magnitudes per airmass
125 | #define EXTWAVEBAND2 0.642 // - these values were taken from D.L. King, Isaac Newton Group
126 | #define EXTWAVEBAND3 0.209 // Tech Note No. 31, they are for a clear night at the ORM,
127 | #define EXTWAVEBAND4 0.107 // La Palma. The values were averaged in the given wavebands
128 | #define EXTWAVEBAND5 0.053
129 |
130 | #define SIMTIMEOFFSET_NS 5 // determines how many ns before the first and after the last
131 | // shower photoelectron, there should be NSB photoelectrons
132 |
133 | //@ now we define the list CT_ITEM_LIST of possible items in the CT def. file
135 | T(type), /* type of definition file */ \
136 | T(focal_distance), /* std(focal distance) */ \
137 | T(focal_std), /* focal distance */ \
138 | T(point_spread), /* std(point spread) */ \
139 | T(point_std), /* point spread */ \
140 | T(adjustment_dev), /* std of adjustment deviation */ \
141 | T(black_spot), /* radius of the black spot in center of mirror */ \
142 | T(n_mirrors), /* number of mirrors */ \
143 | T(r_mirror), /* radius of one mirror */ \
144 | T(camera_width), /* camera width */ \
145 | T(n_pixels), /* total number of pixels in the camera */ \
146 | T(n_centralpixels), /* number of central pixels in the camera */ \
147 | T(n_gappixels), /* number of gap pixels in the camera */ \
148 | T(pixel_width), /* pixel width */ \
149 | T(define_mirrors) /* this entry is followed by the def. of pixels */
150 |
151 | #define T(x) x //@< define T() as the name as it is
152 |
153 | enum CT_ITEM_TYPE {
155 | };
156 |
157 | #undef T
158 |
159 | #define T(x) #x //@< define T() as the string of x
160 |
161 | const char *const CT_ITEM_NAMES[] = {
163 | };
164 |
165 | #undef T
166 |
167 |
168 | // TYPE=0 (CT1)
169 | // i s rho theta x y z thetan phin xn yn zn
170 | //
171 | // i : number of the mirror
172 | // s : arc length [cm]
173 | // rho : polar rho of the position of the center of the mirror [cm]
174 | // theta : polar angle of the position of the center of the mirror [cm]
175 | // x : x coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm]
176 | // y : y coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm]
177 | // z : z coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm]
178 | // thetan : polar theta angle of the direction where the mirror points to
179 | // phin : polar phi angle of the direction where the mirror points to
180 | // xn : xn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized)
181 | // yn : yn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized)
182 | // zn : zn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized)
183 | //
184 | // TYPE=1 (MAGIC)
185 | // i f sx sy x y z thetan phin
186 | //
187 | // i : number of the mirror
188 | // f : focal distance of that mirror
189 | // sx : curvilinear coordinate of mirror's center in X[cm]
190 | // sy : curvilinear coordinate of mirror's center in X[cm]
191 | // x : x coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm]
192 | // y : y coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm]
193 | // z : z coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm]
194 | // thetan : polar theta angle of the direction where the mirror points to
195 | // phin : polar phi angle of the direction where the mirror points to
196 | // xn : xn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized)
197 | // yn : yn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized)
198 | // zn : zn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized)
199 |
200 | #define CT_I 0
201 |
202 | #define CT_S 1
203 | #define CT_RHO 2
204 | #define CT_THETA 3
205 |
206 | #define CT_FOCAL 1
207 | #define CT_SX 2
208 | #define CT_SY 3
209 |
210 | #define CT_X 4
211 | #define CT_Y 5
212 | #define CT_Z 6
213 | #define CT_THETAN 7
214 | #define CT_PHIN 8
215 | #define CT_XN 9
216 | #define CT_YN 10
217 | #define CT_ZN 11
218 |
219 | #define CT_NDATA 12
220 |
221 | //!@}
222 |
223 | //=------------------------------------------------------------
224 | //!@subsection data types
225 |
226 | struct camera { /* camera parameters for imaging */
227 | int inumpixels;
228 | int inumcentralpixels;
229 | int inumgappixels;
230 | int inumbigpixels;
231 | double dpixdiameter_cm; /* diameter of the central and gap pixels in centimeters */
232 | double dpixsizefactor[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* size of the pixel relative to dpixdiameter_deg */
233 | double dxc[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* Pixel coordinates in camera coordinate system (x points from pixel 1 to 2). */
234 | double dyc[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* The numbering of the pixels in these arrays starts at 0! */
235 | double dxpointcorr_deg; /* correction of the pixel coordinates; to be added to dxc[] to get correct value */
236 | double dypointcorr_deg; /* correction of the pixel coordinates; to be added to dxc[] to get correct value */
237 |
238 | };
239 |
240 | //=------------------------------------------------------------
241 | //!@subsection Pre-defined file names.
242 |
243 | //!@{
244 |
245 | #define QE_FILE "../Data/qe.dat"
246 |
247 | //!@}
248 |
249 | //=------------------------------------------------------------
250 | //!@subsection Prototypes of functions.
251 |
252 | //!@{
253 |
254 | //++
255 | // prototypes
256 | //--
257 |
258 | #define ONoff(x) ((x==TRUE) ? "[ ON ]" : "[ off]")
259 |
260 | // Under Linux, the nint function does not exist, so we have to define it.
261 | #define nint(x) ((int)floor((x)+0.5))
262 |
263 | void present(void);
264 | void usage(void);
265 | void clean(void);
266 | void log(const char *funct, char *fmt, ...);
267 | void error(const char *funct, char *fmt, ...);
268 | int isA( char * s1, const char * flag );
269 | void read_ct_file(void);
270 | int igen_pixel_coordinates(struct camera *cam);
271 | void read_pixels(struct camera *cam);
272 | int pixels_are_neig(int pix1, int pix2);
273 | int bpoint_is_in_pix(double dx, double dy, int ipixnum, struct camera *pcam);
274 | float dist_r_P(float a, float b, float c,
275 | float l, float m, float n,
276 | float x, float y, float z);
277 | int check_reflector_file(FILE *infile);
278 | float lin_interpol(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x);
279 | int produce_phes( FILE *sp, // the input file
280 | struct camera *cam, // the camera layout
281 | float minwl_nm, // the minimum accepted wavelength
282 | float maxwl_nm, // the maximum accepted wavelength
283 | class MTrigger *trigger,
284 | class MFadc *fadc,
285 | int *itotnphe, // total number of produced photoelectrons
286 | float *nphe, // number of photoelectrons in each pixel
287 | int *incph, // total number of cph read
288 | float *tmin_ns, // minimum arrival time of all phes
289 | float *tmax_ns // maximum arrival time of all phes
290 | );
291 |
292 | int produce_nsbrates( char *inname,
293 | struct camera *cam,
294 | float nsbrate[][iNUMWAVEBANDS]
295 | );
296 |
297 | int produce_nsb_phes( float *atmin_ns,
298 | float *atmax_ns,
299 | float theta_rad,
300 | struct camera *cam,
301 | float nsbr_phepns[iMAXNUMPIX][iNUMWAVEBANDS],
302 | float dnsb_phepns[iMAXNUMPIX],
303 | float extinction[iNUMWAVEBANDS],
304 | float fnpx[iMAXNUMPIX],
305 | class MTrigger *trigger,
306 | class MFadc *fadc,
307 | int *inphe,
308 | float base_mv[iMAXNUMPIX]);
309 |
310 | //!@}
311 |
312 | //=------------------------------------------------------------
313 | //!@subsection Log of this file.
314 |
315 | //!@{
316 |
317 | /*
318 | *$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
319 | *Revision 1.6 2001/04/09 14:39:47 magicsol
320 | *Flag that indicates version of reflector format to read: REFL_VERSION has
321 | *changed from 0.3 to 0.4.
322 | *
323 | *Revision 1.5 2000/05/11 13:58:42 blanch
324 | *This version of camera.h owns to the version 1.8 of camera.cxx.
325 | *
326 | *Revision 1.4 2000/02/18 17:42:39 petry
327 | *This version includes drastic changes and belongs to camera.cxx 1.5.
328 | *It is not yet finished and not immediately useful because the
329 | *trigger simulation is not yet re-implemented. I had to take it
330 | *out together with some other stuff in order to tidy the whole
331 | *program up. This is not meant as an insult to anyone. I needed
332 | *to do this in order to be able to work on it.
333 | *
334 | *This version has been put in the repository in order to be
335 | *able to share the further development with others.
336 | *
337 | *If you need something working, wait or take an earlier one.
338 | *See file README.
339 | *
340 | *Revision 1.3 1999/11/11 20:29:29 harald
341 | *Small changes to run the new version on a linux machine.
342 | *
343 | *Revision 1.2 1999/11/10 07:42:41 harald
344 | *Small change to read the right data files in.
345 | *
346 | *Revision 1999/11/05 11:59:31 harald
347 | *This the starting point for CVS controlled further developments of the
348 | *camera program. The program was originally written by Jose Carlos.
349 | *But here you can find a "rootified" version to the program. This means
350 | *that there is no hbook stuff in it now. Also the output of the
351 | *program changed to the MagicRawDataFormat.
352 | *
353 | *The "rootification" was done by Dirk Petry and Harald Kornmayer.
354 | *
355 | *Revision 1.3 1999/10/22 15:32:56 petry
356 | *tidied-up version, really sent to H.K. and N.M., 22-10-99
357 | *
358 | *Revision 1.2 1999/10/22 15:01:28 petry
359 | *version sent to H.K. and N.M. on Fri Oct 22 1999
360 | *
361 | *Revision 1999/10/21 16:35:10 petry
362 | *first synthesised version
363 | *
364 | * Revision 1.8 1999/03/15 14:59:06 gonzalez
365 | * camera-1_1
366 | *
367 | * Revision 1.7 1999/03/02 09:56:11 gonzalez
368 | * *** empty log message ***
369 | *
370 | * Revision 1.6 1999/01/14 17:32:40 gonzalez
371 | * Added to camera the STDIN input option (data_from_input)
372 | *
373 | */
374 |
375 | //!@}
376 | //=EOF
377 |