1 | ##################################################################
2 | #
3 | # config.mk
4 | #
5 | # @file config.mk
6 | # @title small configuration file for Makefile
7 | # @author J C Gonz\'alez
8 | # @email gonzalez@mppmu.mpg.de
9 | # @date Fri Mar 12 11:51:11 MET 1999
10 | #
11 | #_______________________________________________________________
12 | #
13 | # Created: Fri Mar 12 11:51:11 MET 1999
14 | # Author: Jose Carlos Gonzalez
15 | # Purpose: Makefile for the compilation of the camera program
16 | # Notes:
17 | #
18 | #---------------------------------------------------------------
19 | # $RCSfile: config.mk.osf1,v $
20 | # $Revision: 1.8 $
21 | # $Author: blanch $
22 | # $Date: 2002-04-27 10:47:27 $
23 | ##################################################################
24 | # @maintitle
25 |
26 | # @code
27 |
28 | # program
29 |
30 | PROGRAM = camera
31 |
32 | # compilers
33 |
34 | CC = cc
35 | CXX = cxx
36 | F77 = f77
37 |
38 | DOCUM = ${HOME}/detector/sus/sus
39 |
40 | # includes
41 |
42 | ROOTSYS = `root-config --prefix`
43 | INCLUDE = ../include-GENERAL
44 | INCLUDE_COR = ../include-CORSIKA
45 | INCLUDE_MC = ../include-MC
46 | INCLUDE_LONS = ../include-MLons
47 | INCLUDE_TRIGGER = ../include-MTrigger
48 | INCLUDE_FADC = ../include-MFadc
49 | INCLUDE_EVITA = ../../../include-Classes
50 | INCLUDE_EVITA_MC = ../../../include-Classes/MMcFormat
51 | INCLUDE_EVITA_RAW = ../../../include-Classes/MRawFormat
52 | INCLUDE_EVITA_BASE = ../../../include-Classes/MBase
53 | INCLUDE_REFL = ../ReflectorII
54 | INCLUDE_STAR = ../StarResponse
55 | INCLUDE_ROOT = ${ROOTSYS}/include
56 | INCLUDE_CPLUS = /usr/include/cxx
57 |
58 | OPTIM = -ieee -arch host
59 | #OPTIM = -O2 -Wall -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fPIC
60 | DEBUG = -g -w0 -msg_display_tag -msg_disable castqualtyp,undpreid,unrfunprm,extrasemi,intconlosbit,nonfundec,partovrd,stoclsnotfirst,boolexprconst
61 |
62 | # libraries
63 | ROOTLIBS = `root-config --libs`
64 | #ROOTLIBS = -L${ROOTSYS}/lib -lNew -lCore -lCint -lHist \
65 | # -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript \
66 | # -lMatrix -lPhysics -lm
67 |
68 | ROOTGLIBS = `root-config --glibs`
69 | #ROOTGLIBS = -L${ROOTSYS}/lib -lNew -lCore -lCint -lHist \
70 | # -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript \
71 | # -lMatrix -lPhysics -lGui -lm
72 |
73 | ROOTVER = `root-config --version`
74 | ROOTCFLAGS= `root-config --cflags`
75 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 | RANLIBDIR = ../lib
82 |
83 | # system
84 |
85 | SYSTEM = osf1
86 |
87 | # uncomment this for quiet compilation
88 |
89 | .SILENT:
90 |
91 | # @endcode
92 | ##EOF
93 |