source: trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/moments.h@ 19942

Last change on this file since 19942 was 5103, checked in by moralejo, 20 years ago
Changes to adapt headers to c++ style.
File size: 11.5 KB
3//= moments
5//= @file moments.h
6//= @desc Header file
7//= @author J C Gonzalez
8//= @email
9//= @date Thu May 7 16:24:22 1998
13//= Created: Thu May 7 16:24:22 1998
14//= Author: Jose Carlos Gonzalez
15//= Purpose: Program for reflector simulation
16//= Notes: See files README for details
20//= $RCSfile: moments.h,v $
21//= $Revision: 1.2 $
22//= $Author: moralejo $
23//= $Date: 2004-09-17 14:48:21 $
27// @T \newpage
29//!@section Source code of |moments.h|.
33 In this section you can find the source code for the file
34 |moments.h|. This file is mainly needed by |moments.cxx|.
36 @"*/
40#ifndef _moments_
41#define _moments_
43#ifndef _this_
44#define _this_ moments
49//!@subsection Include files.
53#include <iostream>
54#include <fstream>
55#include <string>
57#include <stdlib.h>
58#include <math.h>
59#include <float.h>
60#include <stdio.h>
62#include "jcmacros.h"
63#include "jcdebug.h"
65#include "camera-v.h"
69//!@subsection Macro-definitions, and constants.
73typedef struct {
75 // moments
76 float m1x, m1y; // first moments (mean)
77 float m2xx, m2xy, m2yy; // second moments (around origin)
78 float m2cxx, m2cxy, m2cyy; // second moments (around mean)
79 float m3xxx, m3xxy, m3xyy, m3yyy; // third moments (around origin)
80 float m3cxxx, m3cxxy, m3cxyy, m3cyyy; // third moments (around mean)
82 // charges
83 float charge; // total charge in the image
84 float xmax, ymax; // position of the maximum
85 float smax; // charge of the block of maximum
86 float maxs[10]; // charges of the first 10 max.
87 int nmaxs[10]; // number of pixels of 10 max.
89 // parameters of the image
90 float length, width, dist, xdist, azw, miss, alpha, conc[9];
91 float phi, asymx, asymy;
93} Moments_Info;
96typedef struct {
97 float *fi;
98 int *isl, *islands;
99 float *vislands;
100 int numisl;
101} Islands_Info;
104typedef struct {
105 float length1, length2;
106 float width1, width2;
107} LenWid_Info;
111//!@subsection Prototypes of functions.
116// prototypes
119Moments_Info * moments( int n, float *image, float **pix,
120 float plateScale, int flag);
121Islands_Info * islands( int n, float *f, int **pixneig, int *npixneig,
122 int cleanning, int ipixcut );
123LenWid_Info * lenwid( int n, float *image, float **pix,
124 float plateScale, float max_distance);
126void crosspt( float ax, float ay,
127 float bx, float by,
128 float cx, float cy,
129 float dx, float dy,
130 float * pcrossx, float * pcrossy);
136#endif // ! _moments_
141//!@subsection Log of this file.
146 *$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
147 *Revision 1999/11/05 11:59:33 harald
148 *This the starting point for CVS controlled further developments of the
149 *camera program. The program was originally written by Jose Carlos.
150 *But here you can find a "rootified" version to the program. This means
151 *that there is no hbook stuff in it now. Also the output of the
152 *program changed to the MagicRawDataFormat.
153 *
154 *The "rootification" was done by Dirk Petry and Harald Kornmayer.
155 *
156 *In the following you can see the README file of that version:
157 *
158 *==================================================
159 *
160 *Fri Oct 22 1999 D.P.
161 *
162 *The MAGIC Monte Carlo System
163 *
164 *Camera Simulation Programme
165 *---------------------------
166 *
167 *1) Description
168 *
169 *This version is the result of the fusion of H.K.'s
170 *root_camera which is described below (section 2)
171 *and another version by D.P. which had a few additional
172 *useful features.
173 *
174 *The version compiles under Linux with ROOT 2.22 installed
175 *(variable ROOTSYS has to be set).
176 *
177 *Compile as before simply using "make" in the root_camera
178 *directory.
179 *
180 *All features of H.K.'s root_camera were retained.
181 *
182 *Additional features of this version are:
183 *
184 * a) HBOOK is no longer used and all references are removed.
185 *
186 * b) Instead of HBOOK, the user is given now the possibility of
187 * having Diagnostic data in ROOT format as a complement
188 * to the ROOT Raw data.
189 *
190 * This data is written to the file which is determined by
191 * the new input parameter "diag_file" in the camera parameter
192 * file.
193 *
194 * All source code file belonging to this part have filenames
195 * starting with "MDiag".
196 *
197 * The user can read the output file using the following commands
198 * in an interactive ROOT session:
199 *
200 * root [0] .L
201 * root [1] new TFile("diag.root");
202 * root [2] new TTreeViewer("T");
203 *
204 * This brings up a viewer from which all variables of the
205 * TTree can be accessed and histogrammed. This example
206 * assumes that you have named the file "diag.root", that
207 * you are using ROOT version 2.22 or later and that you have
208 * the shared object library "" which is produced
209 * by the Makefile along with the executable "camera".
210 *
211 * ! The contents of the so-called diag file is not yet fixed.
212 * ! At the moment it is what J.C.G. used to put into the HBOOK
213 * ! ntuple. In future versions the moments calculation can be
214 * ! removed and the parameter list be modified correspondingly.
215 *
216 * c) Now concatenated reflector files can be read. This is useful
217 * if you have run the reflector with different parameters but
218 * you want to continue the analysis with all reflector data
219 * going into ONE ROOT outputfile.
220 *
221 * The previous camera version contained a bug which made reading
222 * of two or more concatenated reflector files impossible.
223 *
224 * d) The reflector output format was changed. It is now version
225 * 0.4 .
226 * The change solely consists in a shortening of the flag
227 * definition in the file
228 *
229 * include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx
230 *
231 * ! IF YOU WANT TO READ REFLECTOR FORMAT 0.3, you can easily
232 * ! do so by recompiling camera with the previous version of
233 * ! include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx.
234 *
235 * The change was necessary for saving space and better
236 * debugging. From now on, this format can be frozen.
237 *
238 * ! For producing reflector output in the new format, you
239 * ! of course have to recompile your reflector with the
240 * ! new include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx .
241 *
242 * e) A first version of the pixelization with the larger
243 * outer pixels is implemented. THIS IS NOT YET FULLY
244 * TESTED, but first rough tests show that it works
245 * at least to a good approximation.
246 *
247 * The present version implements the camera outline
248 * with 18 "gap-pixels" and 595 pixels in total as
249 * shown in
250 *
251 *
252 *
253 * This change involved
254 *
255 * (i) The file pixels.dat is no longer needed. Instead
256 * the coordinates are generated by the program itself
257 * (takes maybe 1 second). In the file
258 *
259 * pixel-coords.txt
260 *
261 * in the same directory as this README, you find a list
262 * of the coordinates generated by this new routine. It
263 * has the format
264 *
265 * number i j x y size-factor
266 *
267 * where i and j are J.C.G.'s so called biaxis hexagonal
268 * coordinates (for internal use) and x and y are the
269 * coordinates of the pixel centers in the standard camera
270 * coordinate system in units of centimeters. The value
271 * of "size-factor" determines the linear size of the pixel
272 * relative to the central pixels.
273 *
274 * (ii) The magic.def file has two additional parameters
275 * which give the number of central pixels and the
276 * number of gap pixels
277 *
278 * (iii) In camera.h and camera.cxx several changes were
279 * necessary, among them the introduction of several
280 * new functions
281 *
282 * The newly suggested outline with asymmetric Winston cones
283 * will be implemented in a later version.
284 *
285 * f) phe files can no longer be read since this contradicts
286 * our philosophy that the analysis should be done with other
287 * programs like e.g. EVITA and not with "camera" itself.
288 * This possibility was removed.
289 *
290 * g) ROOT is no longer invoked with an interactive interface.
291 * In this way, camera can better be run as a batch program and
292 * it uses less memory.
293 *
294 * h) small changes concerning the variable "t_chan" were necessary in
295 * order to avoid segmentation faults: The variable is used as an
296 * index and it went sometimes outside the limits when camera
297 * was reading proton data. This is because the reflector files
298 * don't contain the photons in a chronological order and also
299 * the timespread can be considerably longer that the foreseen
300 * digitisation timespan. Please see the source code of camera.cxx
301 * round about line 1090.
302 *
303 * j) several unused variables were removed, a few warning messages
304 * occur when you compile camera.cxx but these can be ignored at
305 * the moment.
306 *
307 *In general the program is of course not finished. It still needs
308 *debugging, proper trigger simulation, simulation of the asymmetric
309 *version of the outer pixels, proper NSB simulation, adaption of
310 *the diag "ntuple" contents to our need and others small improvements.
311 *
312 *In the directory rfl-files there is now a file in reflector format 0.4
313 *containing a single event produced by the starfiled adder. It has
314 *a duration of 30 ns and represents the region around the Crab Nebula.
315 *Using the enclosed input parameter file, camera should process this
316 *file without problems.
317 *
318 *2) The README for the previous version of root_camera
319 *
320 *README for a preliminary version of the
321 *root_camera program.
322 *
323 *root_camera is based on the program "camera"of Jose Carlos
324 *Gonzalez. It was changed in the way that only the pixelisation
325 *and the distibution of the phe to the FADCs works in a
326 *first version.
327 *
328 *Using the #undef command most possibilities of the orignal
329 *program are switched of.
330 *
331 *The new parts are signed by
332 *
333 *- ROOT or __ROOT__
334 * nearly all important codelines for ROOT output are enclosed
335 * in structures like
336 * #ifdef __ROOT__
337 *
338 * code
339 *
340 * #endif __ROOT__
341 *
342 * In same case the new lines are signed by a comment with the word
343 * ROOT in it.
344 *
345 * For timing of the pulse some variable names are changed.
346 * (t0, t1, t --> t_ini, t_fin, t_1st, t_chan,...)
347 * Look also for this changes.
348 *
349 * For the new root-file is also a change in readparm-files
350 *
351 *
353 *
354 * This is for the implementation of the current work on trigger
355 * studies. Because the class MTrigger is not well documented it
356 * isn´t a part of this tar file. Only a dummy File exists.
357 *
358 *
359 *
360 *With all files in the archive, the root_camera program should run.
361 *
362 *A reflector file is in the directory rfl-files
363 *
364 *==================================================
365 *
366 *From now on, use CVS for development!!!!
367 *
368 *
369 *
370 *Revision 1999/10/21 16:35:10 petry
371 *first synthesised version
372 *
373 * Revision 1.4 1999/03/15 14:59:10 gonzalez
374 * camera-1_1
375 *
376 * Revision 1.3 1999/03/02 09:56:15 gonzalez
377 * *** empty log message ***
378 *
379 */
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