** Add changes at the beginning! ** 22/01/2003 A. Moralejo Fixed small bug in reflector.c. The end of run flag was not written to the output when the max_events option was used in the input card. 21/01/2003 A. Moralejo Removed from the output a null byte written right after the ascii label containing the program version number which is at the beginning of the rfl file. 19/12/2002 - 17/01/2003 A. Moralejo Lots of changes. Moved simulation of Mie scattering and Ozone absorption from attenu.f to atm.c, and changed the way it is done. Before it was not correct for large zenith angle (a variation like for Rayleigh scattering was assumed for both Mie scattering and Ozone absorption). 13/12/2002 A. Moralejo attenu.f: Found mistake in Mie absorption calculation (height from sea level was taken as height above observation level). Changed optical depths table for Mie attenuation. Now they are no longer referred to 2 km height, but to sea level. Detector level is taken into account later in calculation. 10/12/2002 A. Moralejo attenu.f: Added comments, removed old/unnecessary code, corrected small mistake in Elterman's table for ozone optical depth. atm.c,h : removed atmospheric model "ATM_ISOTHERMAL" which actually was not even implemented in the code, although it could be selected in the input card. 15/11/2002 A. Moralejo ph2cph.c: Fixed BUG in timing calculation!!! The time to be subtracted (mirror till ground) had the wrong sign!!! reflector.c: in the wavelength range check, changed the range limits to the fixed values 290 and 600 nm. The StarFieldAdder cer files could not be processed otherwise, because the w range is not written in their headers. ph2cph.c: changed sign of phi angle to make it positive. This was necessary since now the vector indicating the reflected photon trajectory has also changed sign! (see note below, 11/11). 14/11/2002 A. Moralejo reflector.c, parms.c: Added wobble mode option. Added wobble flag to the output and also an atmospheric_model flag. 13/11/2002 A. Moralejo reflector.c, header.h: Introduced 3 counters to keep track of what proportion of the C-photons in each event have been produced by electrons, muons or other particles. 11/11/2002 A. Moralejo ph2cph.c: BUG found! and fixed: the direction cosines in the cer files are those of the downgoing directions of photons, hence third component is negative. Before it was assumed positive. This, together with a wrong reflection in the individual mirrors (also changed) resulted in a subtle error which produced a quite de-focused reflector! reflector.c: for the same reason as above, the sign of theta in the calls to makeOmega had to be changed (+pi added to the phi argument). geometry.c, ph2cph.c, reflector.c, init.h: eliminated array ct_Focal[] which contained the focal lengths of individual mirrors. It was redundant since the same information is available in ct_data[].f Oct/2002 A. Moralejo added attach.c to attach the files magic.def, axisdev.dat and reflectivity.dat to the end of the reflector output. Sept/2002 A. Moralejo header.h, reflector.c: added run header (=Corsika's), changed event header. 3/7/2002 A. Moralejo reflector.c: Introduced NaN check in the photon loop. If NAns are found in a photon data block, it is not processed. ph2cph.c: Introduced "check of positiveness" before taking the sqrt in the calculation of the photon trajectory intersection with the global paraboloid.