#include #include #include #include "diag.h" #include "atm.h" #include "init.h" /* random numbers */ #define RandomNumber ranf() /* Local declarations */ static int atmModel=0; /* current atm. model */ /* Function declarations */ static float atm(float wavelength, float height, float theta); void SetAtmModel(char *model); int absorption(float wlen, float height, float theta); extern void attenu_(float *, float *, float *, float *); /* in Fortran */ extern float ranf(void); void SetAtmModel(char *model) { while (strcmp(model, AtmModelNames[atmModel])) if (++atmModel == sizeof(AtmModelNames)/sizeof(AtmModelNames[0])) { atmModel = 0; Error(ATM__NFND__ERR, model); break; } Log(ATM__SET___LOG, AtmModelNames[atmModel]); /* 'erfc' must be inited, so keep the following line. */ Debug("Initing 'erfc': ret=%g\n", erfc(M_PI)); } /* end of SetAtmModel */ static float atm(float wavelength, float height, float theta) { float transmittance = 1.0; /* final atm transmittance (ret. value) */ switch(atmModel) { case ATM_NOATMOSPHERE: /* no atm at all: transmittance = 100% */ break; case ATM_90PERCENT: /* atm. with transmittance = 90% */ transmittance = 0.9; break; case ATM_ISOTHERMAL: /* isothermal approximation */ /********************/ break; case ATM_CORSIKA: /* atmosphere as defined in CORSIKA */ attenu_(&wavelength, &height, &theta, &transmittance); break; } /* end of atm switch */ return transmittance; } /* end of atm */ int absorption(float wlen, float height, float theta) { int ret = 0; /* 0: passed, 1: absorbed */ if (RandomNumber > atm(wlen, height, theta)) ret=1; return ret; } /* end of absorption */