################################################################## # # config.mk # # @file config.mk # @title small configuration file for Makefile # @author J C Gonz\'alez # @email gonzalez@mppmu.mpg.de # @date Fri Mar 12 11:51:11 MET 1999 # #_______________________________________________________________ # # Created: Fri Mar 12 11:51:11 MET 1999 # Author: Jose Carlos Gonzalez # Purpose: Makefile for the compilation of the reflector program # Notes: # #--------------------------------------------------------------- # $RCSfile: config.mk.linux,v $ # $Revision: 1.3 $ # $Author: bigongia $ # $Date: 2002-11-14 21:39:01 $ ################################################################## # @maintitle # @code # program PROGRAM = camera # compilers & tools CC = gcc CXX = g++ F77 = g77 DOCUM = ../sus/sus RATE = ../../comstat/comstat -g -p # includes INCLUDE = ../include-GENERAL INCLUDE_COR = ../include-CORSIKA INCLUDE_MC = ../include-MC INCLUDE_REFL = . OPTIM = DEBUG = -g # libraries RANLIBDIR = ../lib CERNDIR = /CERN # system SYSTEM = linux # @endcode ##EOF