#include #include #include #include #include "diag.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "init.h" extern char line[]; /* parsing buf. (init) */ extern char axisdev_filename[256], reflectivity_filename[256]; float ct_Focal_mean; /* focal dist. (mean) (cm) */ float ct_PSpread_mean; /* pt. spread fn. (mean) (cm) */ float ct_BlackSpot_rad; /* black spot radius (cm) */ float ct_RMirror; /* rad. of single mirror (cm) */ int ct_NMirrors=0; /* number of mirrors */ float ct_CameraWidth; /* camera width (cm) */ int ct_NPixels; /* number of pixels */ float ct_PixelWidth; /* pixel width (cm) */ float ct_max_radius; /* Maximum value of curvilinear * coordinates of the center of * the mirrors. */ mirror *ct_data=NULL; /* ptr to mirror data */ int nReflectivity=0; /* elements in refl. table */ float *Reflectivity[2]; /* reflectivity table */ float *AxisDeviation[2]; /* axis deviation table */ /* Prototypes */ static void ReadMirrorTable(FILE *geofile); static void ReadReflectivity(char *datname); static void ReadAxisDev(char *datname); static void ReadMirrorTable(FILE *geofile) { int i; /* Mirror index */ ct_max_radius = 0.; if ((ct_data=(mirror *)malloc(sizeof(mirror)*ct_NMirrors)) == NULL) FatalError(MIRR_ALLOC_FTL, ct_NMirrors); Log(MIRR_ALLOC_LOG, ct_NMirrors); Log(MIRR_TABLE_LOG); Log(READ_ASCII_LOG); for (i=0; i ct_max_radius? ct_data[i].sx : ct_max_radius); ct_max_radius = (ct_data[i].sy > ct_max_radius? ct_data[i].sy : ct_max_radius); } if (i < ct_NMirrors) FatalError(MIRR_FEW___FTL, i); } /* end of ReadMirrorTable */ static void ReadReflectivity(char *datname) { FILE *datfile = fopen(datname, "r"); int current = 0; if (datfile == NULL) FatalError(RFLF_ERROR_FTL, datname); else printf("Reading file %s\n", datname); while (fgets(line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, datfile)) { if (line[0] == '#') continue; if (nReflectivity == 0) { nReflectivity = atoi(line); if (nReflectivity) { if ((Reflectivity[0] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nReflectivity)) == NULL || (Reflectivity[1] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nReflectivity)) == NULL) FatalError(REFL_ALLOC_FTL, nReflectivity); } } else if (2 == sscanf(line, "%f %f", &Reflectivity[0][current], &Reflectivity[1][current])) { current++; if (current >= nReflectivity) break; } } fclose(datfile); nReflectivity = current; } /* end of ReadReflectivity */ static void ReadAxisDev(char *datname) { FILE *datfile = fopen(datname, "r"); int current = 0; if (datfile == NULL) FatalError(AXIS_ERROR_FTL, datname); else printf("Reading file %s\n", axisdev_filename); if ((AxisDeviation[0]= (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * ct_NMirrors)) == NULL || (AxisDeviation[1]= (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * ct_NMirrors)) == NULL) FatalError(AXIS_ALLOC_FTL, ct_NMirrors); while (fgets(line, LINE_MAX_LENGTH, datfile)) { if (line[0] == '#') continue; if (2==sscanf(line, "%f %f", &AxisDeviation[0][current], &AxisDeviation[1][current])); { current++; if (current >= ct_NMirrors) break; }} fclose(datfile); if (current != ct_NMirrors) FatalError(AXIS_FEW___FTL, current, ct_NMirrors); } /* end of ReadAxisDev */ void GeometrySwitch(FILE *geofile) { char *value_ptr = NULL; /* ptr at parm value */ int switch_end = FALSE; /* bool to exit loop */ extern char whites[]; /* white chars (init) */ extern int ParseLine(FILE *parfile, /* FILE with parms */ const char *token_list[], /* array w/tokens */ int tokens, /* nr of tokens */ char **value_ptr); /* ptr->parm val. */ /* Initialise arrays */ Reflectivity[0] = AxisDeviation[0] = NULL; do { switch(ParseLine(geofile, ctparms, ARRAY_SZ(ctparms), &value_ptr)) { case type: if (1 != atoi(value_ptr)) FatalError(TYPE_ERROR_FTL); break; case focal_distance: Log(LOG__FLOAT_LOG, "focal distance (average, cm)", ct_Focal_mean = (float) atof(value_ptr)); break; case focal_std: /* not implemented. */ break; case point_spread: Log(LOG__FLOAT_LOG, "point spread fn. sigma (average, cm)", ct_PSpread_mean = (float) atof(value_ptr)); break; case point_std: /* not implemented */ break; case adjustment_dev: /* not implemented */ break; case black_spot: Log(LOG__FLOAT_LOG, "radius of black spot (cm)", ct_BlackSpot_rad = (float) atof(value_ptr)); break; case n_mirrors: Log(LOG__INT___LOG, "number of mirrors", ct_NMirrors = atoi(value_ptr)); break; case r_mirror: Log(LOG__FLOAT_LOG, "single mirror radius (cm)", ct_RMirror = (float) atof(value_ptr)); break; case camera_width: Log(LOG__FLOAT_LOG, "camera radius (cm)", ct_CameraWidth = (float) atof(value_ptr)); break; case n_pixels: Log(LOG__INT___LOG, "number of pixels", ct_NPixels = atoi(value_ptr)); break; case pixel_width: Log(LOG__FLOAT_LOG, "pixel width (cm)", ct_PixelWidth = (float) atof(value_ptr)); break; case n_centralpixels: /* this parameter is for camera, not for reflector */ break; case n_gappixels: /* this parameter is for camera, not for reflector */ break; case refl_file: ReadReflectivity(value_ptr); break; case axisdev_file: ReadAxisDev(value_ptr); break; case define_mirrors: if (ct_NMirrors) ReadMirrorTable(geofile); else FatalError(MIRR_NSPEC_FTL); switch_end = TRUE; break; default: switch_end = TRUE; break; }} while (!switch_end); fclose(geofile); ct_max_radius += ct_RMirror; if (strlen(reflectivity_filename) == 0) strcpy(reflectivity_filename, REFLECTIVITY_FILE); if (Reflectivity[0] == NULL) ReadReflectivity(reflectivity_filename); if (strlen(axisdev_filename) == 0) strcpy(axisdev_filename, AXISDEVIATION_FILE); if (AxisDeviation[0]== NULL) ReadAxisDev(axisdev_filename); } /* end of GeometrySwitch */