#ifndef __RFL_PARMS__ #define __RFL_PARMS__ /* token definition */ #define ITEM_LIST /* LIST OF ITEMS IN THE PARAMETERS FILE */ \ T(output_file), /* output file */ \ T(ct_file), /* file with the characteristics of the CT */ \ T(axisdev_file), /* file with the single mirror spot deviations*/ \ T(reflectivity_file), /* file with the mirror reflectivity */ \ T(atm_model), /* changes the atmospheric model to be used */ \ T(verbose_level), /* defines verbose level of the output */ \ T(fixed_target), /* position towards which CT is pointing */ \ T(telescope_position),/* position towards which CT is pointing */ \ T(max_events), /* maximum number of event to read */ \ T(wobble_mode), /* wobble mode option */ \ T(energy_cuts), /* lowest/highest energy allowed */ \ T(seeds), /* seeds for random number generation */ \ T(cer_files) /* start of filename list (must be last) */ #define T(x) x /* define T() as the name as it is */ enum { ITEM_LIST }; #undef T #define T(x) #x /* define T() as the string of x */ const char *parms[] = { ITEM_LIST }; #undef T #undef ITEM_LIST /* Strings */ #define OUTF_ERROR_FTL /* output filename */ \ "Can't open output file: %s.\n" #define OUTF_OPEN__MSG /* output filename */ \ "Opened file \"%s\" as reflector file.\n" #define GEOF_ERROR_FTL /* geometry filename */ \ "Can't open geometry file: %s.\n" #define GEOF_OPEN__MSG /* geometry filename */ \ "Opened file \"%s\" as geometry file.\n" #define FIXD_TARGT_ERR /* no parms */ \ "Error while parsing \"fixed_target\" fields.\n" \ " *** Reverted back to no \"fixed_target\" condition.\n" #define FIXD_ENABL_MSG /* theta, phi */ \ "Using \"fixed_target\" mode with theta=%.2fdeg and phi=%.2fdeg.\n" #define TEL_POS_ERR /* no parms */ \ "Error while parsing \"telescope_position\" fields.\n" \ " *** EXITING! \n" #define TEL_POS_MSG /* theta, phi */ \ "Using \"telescope position\" mode with x=%.1fcm and y=%.1fcm.\n" #define MAX__EVTS__MSG /* max. nr. of evts. */ \ "Processing at most %ld events.\n" #define WOBBLE_POS_ERR "wobble mode can only be -1, 0, 1 or 3\n" #define WOBBLE_POS_MSG "Using wobble position %d\n" #define ENRG_LIMIT_ERR /* no parms */ \ "Error while parsing \"energy_cuts\" fields.\n" \ " *** Reverted back to no \"energy_cuts\" condition.\n" #define ENRG_CUTS__MSG /* Elow, Ehigh */ \ "Using \"energy_cuts\" mode with Elow=%.2fGeV and Ehigh=%.2fGeV.\n" #define SEED_ERROR_ERR /* no parms */ \ "Error while parsing second seed.\n" #define SEED_SET___MSG /* Seed1, Seed2 */ \ "Using seeds %ld and %ld.\n" #define FLST_NSPEC_FTL /* no parms */ \ "No input file specified.\n" \ " *** Please specify some input file after the cer_files directive.\n" #define FLST_NFND__FTL /* filelist */ \ "Cannot find filelist \"%s\".\n" #define CERF_NSPEC_FTL /* no parms */ \ "No specified input file could be opened.\n" \ " *** Please specify some *valid* filename after the cer_files directive.\n" extern char axisdev_filename[256], reflectivity_filename[256]; #endif