1 | #ifndef __MStarLight__
2 | #define __MStarLight__
3 | //
4 | // class MStarLight
5 | //
6 | //
7 | #include "TROOT.h"
8 | #include "TH1.h"
9 | #include "TFile.h"
10 | #include "iostream.h"
11 | #include "fstream.h"
12 | #include "stdlib.h"
13 | #include "TRandom2.h"
14 |
15 | #define TIMERANGE 10000.
16 | #define TRIGBINS 40000
17 | #define FADCBINS 3000
18 |
19 | class MStarLight {
20 |
21 | private:
22 |
23 | Float_t fBrightness ; // the brightness of the star in phe/nsec
24 |
25 | Float_t fTimeRange ; // the time range of the
26 |
27 | Float_t fBinsTrig ; // Number of Bins in the trigger
28 | Float_t fTrigShape ; // a number that indicate the shape type of
29 | // the signal
30 | // = 0 --> a gaussian
31 | Float_t fAmplTrig ; // the amplitude of the trigger in mV
32 | Float_t fFwhmTrig ; // the width of the signal in nsec
33 |
34 | Float_t fBinsFadc ; // Number of Bins in the trigger
35 | Float_t fFadcShape ; // a number that indicate the shape type of
36 | // the signal
37 | // = 0 --> a gaussian
38 | Float_t fAmplFadc ; // the amplitude of the trigger in mV
39 | Float_t fFwhmFadc ; // the width of the signal in nsec
40 |
41 | Float_t fTrig[TRIGBINS] ; // 4.0 bins per nsec for 10000 seconds
42 | Float_t fFadc[FADCBINS] ; // 0.3 bins per nsec for 10000 seconds
43 |
44 | Float_t fTrigResp [ 40 ] ; // the shape of the response for trigger
45 | Float_t fFadcResp [ 45 ] ; // the shape of the response for trigger
46 |
47 | public:
48 |
49 | MStarLight() ;
50 |
51 | void Reset() ;
52 |
53 | void SetBrightness( Float_t in ) ;
54 | void SetAmplTrig( Float_t in ) ;
55 | void SetFwhmTrig( Float_t in ) ;
56 | void SetAmplFadc( Float_t in ) ;
57 | void SetFwhmFadc( Float_t in ) ;
58 |
59 | Float_t GetBrightness() ;
60 | Float_t GetAmplTrig() ;
61 | Float_t GetFwhmTrig() ;
62 | Float_t GetAmplFadc() ;
63 | Float_t GetFwhmFadc() ;
64 |
65 | void SetTrigResponse(Float_t *in) ;
66 |
67 | void SetFadcResponse(Float_t *in) ;
68 |
69 | void FillResponse(Float_t ampl, Float_t time) ;
70 |
71 | void ElecNoise ( Float_t noiseTrig = 0.3 , Float_t noiseFadc = .5 ) ;
72 |
73 | Float_t GetTrig (Int_t i);
74 |
75 | Float_t GetFadc (Int_t i);
76 |
77 | void StoreHisto (char *filename ) ;
78 |
79 | void WriteBinary (char *filename ) ;
80 |
81 | void ReadBinary (char *filename ) ;
82 |
83 | } ;
84 |
85 | #endif