1 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | // Write photon data in binary corsika-like format.
3 | // Output will be used as an input for the reflector as if it was a shower event.
4 | //
5 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6 |
7 | #include "convertcorsika.h"
8 |
9 | COREventHeader cerevth;
10 | CORParticle cerphot;
11 | CORStatfile cerstat;
12 | float outbuf[273];
13 |
14 | int convertcorsika(int id, int photnum, photon phot[], float inttime_s, int verbose,char output_name[]){
15 |
16 | int i,filenum;
17 | int lastblock;
18 | float x_cm, y_cm, u, v, lambda_nm, t_ns;
19 | char cor_dir[60];
20 | char stat_dir[60];
21 | char cor_file[20]="cer";
22 | char stat_file[20]="sta";
23 |
24 | filenum=id;
25 |
26 | // Event corsika file
27 |
28 | //File labeling.
29 |
30 | strcpy (cor_dir, "./");
31 |
32 | strcat(cor_file, output_name);
33 |
34 | strcat(cor_dir, cor_file);
35 |
36 |
37 | // Fill the header of the corsika-like event.
38 | //The fields in evt.fill are: event number, primary identifier, total energy (GeV),
39 | // first target identifier, first z interaction(cm) , momentum x, momentum y, momentum z,
40 | // zenith angle, azimuth angle, coreposition x (cm), coreposition y(cm)
41 |
42 | ofstream cerfile;
43 | //FILE cerfilec;
44 |
45 | if(!cerfile) {
46 | cerr<<"Cannot create cerenkov file.\n";
47 | exit(1);
48 | }
49 |
50 | cerfile.open(cor_dir, ios::out|ios::binary);
51 |
52 | /*if((cerfilec=fopen(cor_dir,"wb"))==NULL){
53 | printf("C-style::Cannot create cerenkov file.\n");
54 | exit(1);
55 | }*/
56 |
57 | //____________________________________________________________________________________
58 |
59 | cout<<"Writing binary Cherenkov file"<<" "<<cor_dir<<" "<<"..."<<endl;
60 |
61 | cerevth.fill (1.0,
62 | 99.0, // primary id
63 | inttime_s * 1e9, // instead of the total energy: integration time (ns)
64 | 1.0,
65 | 1.e7,
66 | 0.0,
67 | 0.0,
68 | 0.0,
69 | 0.0, // theta is always 0. !
70 | 0.0, // phi is always 0. !
71 | 0.0,
72 | 0.0);
73 | strcpy(cerevth.EVTH, "RUNH");
74 |
75 | cerevth.write(cerfile);
76 |
77 | strcpy(cerevth.EVTH, "EVTH");
78 | cerevth.write(cerfile);
79 |
80 | // Here we fill the information for each photon as a corsika particle.
81 | // The fields in cerphot.fill are: wavelentgh (nm), x core position (cm), y core position (cm),
82 | // u cosine director, v cosine director, time since first interaction (ns),
83 | // height (cm) of first interaction.
84 | //photnum=0;
85 | for(i=0;i<photnum;i++){
86 |
87 | lambda_nm = phot[i].lambda_nm;
88 | x_cm = phot[i].x_m * 100.0;
89 | y_cm = phot[i].y_m * 100.0;
90 |
91 | u = phot[i].u;
92 | v = phot[i].v;
93 | t_ns = phot[i].arrtime_sec * 1e9;
94 |
95 | cerphot.fill(lambda_nm,
96 | x_cm,
97 | y_cm,
98 | u,
99 | v,
100 | t_ns,
101 | 1.e7);
102 |
103 |
104 | cerphot.write(cerfile);
105 | }
106 | lastblock=39-photnum%39;
107 |
108 | for(i=0;i<lastblock;i++){
109 | cerphot.fill(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
110 | cerphot.write(cerfile);
111 | }
112 | strcpy(cerevth.EVTH, "EVTE");
113 | cerevth.write(cerfile);
114 | strcpy(cerevth.EVTH, "RUNE");
115 | cerevth.write(cerfile);
116 |
117 | cerfile.close();
118 |
119 | cout<<"Done."<<endl;
120 |
121 | // Statistics corsika file
122 |
123 | strcpy (stat_dir, "./");
124 |
125 | //File labeling.
126 |
127 | strcat(stat_file, output_name);
128 |
129 | strcat(stat_dir, stat_file);
130 |
131 | cerfile.open (stat_dir, ios::out|ios::binary);
132 |
133 | cout<<"Writing binary statistics file "<<" "<<stat_dir<<" "<<"..."<<endl;
134 |
135 | cerstat.write(cerfile);
136 |
137 | cerfile.close();
138 |
139 | cout<<"Done."<<endl;
140 |
141 | return 0;
142 |
143 | }