#include "parameters.h" parameters::parameters(){ // constructor (put invalid values) ct_ra_h = -999.; ct_dec_deg = -999.; ct_ra_rad = -999.; ct_dec_rad = -999.; catalog_fov_deg = -999.; integtime_s = -999.; mirr_radius_m = -999.; sprintf(datapath, "."); verbose = 0; } int parameters::readparameters(ifstream *in){ // read the parameter file int ira_hours, ira_min, ira_sec; int idec_degrees, idec_arcmin; float dec_arcsec; char dummy[160]; in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf(dummy, "%d %d %d %d %d %f", &ira_hours , &ira_min, &ira_sec, &idec_degrees, &idec_arcmin, &dec_arcsec); cout << "Position RA DEC: "<< ira_hours << " " << ira_min << " " << ira_sec << " " << idec_degrees << " " << idec_arcmin << " " << dec_arcsec << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf(dummy, "%f", &catalog_fov_deg); cout << "FOV Radius:" << catalog_fov_deg << " degrees\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf(dummy, "%f", &integtime_s); cout << "Integration Time:" << integtime_s << " s\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf(dummy, "%f", &mirr_radius_m); cout << "Mirror Radius:" << mirr_radius_m << " m\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf( dummy, "%s", datapath); cout << "Catalog Data Path: " << datapath << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf( dummy, "%d", &verbose); cout << "Verbosity: " << verbose << "\n"; in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; if(in->eof()) return(in->good()); in->getline(dummy, sizeof(dummy), '\n'); if(verbose) cout << dummy << "\n"; sscanf(dummy, "%s", output_file); cout << "Output Files : cer" << output_file << " and sta"<eof()) return(in->good()); ct_ra_h = ira_hours + ira_min/60. + ira_sec/3600.; ct_dec_deg = idec_degrees + idec_arcmin/60. + dec_arcsec/3600.; ct_ra_rad = ct_ra_h * PI / 12.; ct_dec_rad = ct_dec_deg * PI / 180.; return(in->good()); } void parameters::usage(ostream *out){ *out << "Starfield Generator Parameters, Date: ......, Comment: ....\n"; *out << "Center of FOV: ira_hours ira_min ira_sec idec_degrees idec_arcmin dec_arcsec:\n"; *out << "05 34 32 +22 00 52.1 \n"; *out << "Radius of the FOV for the catalog readout (degrees):\n"; *out << "2.0\n"; *out << "Integration time for the calculation of the number of photons (seconds):\n"; *out << "50e-9\n"; *out << "Mirror radius for the generation of random impact points (meters):\n"; *out << "10.0\n"; *out << "Path inside which the star catalog data can be found:\n"; *out << "/usr/users/xy/stardata\n"; *out << "Verbosity level (0 = not verbose, 1 = verbose, 2 = very verbose, 3 = very very ...):\n"; *out << "0\n"; return; } int parameters::printparameters(ostream *out){ // write the parameters to the stream out->setf(ios::adjustfield); out->width(PRINTWIDTH); *out << "optical axis RA (h)" << ct_ra_h; out->width(PRINTWIDTH); *out << "optical axis DEC (deg)" << ct_dec_deg; out->width(PRINTWIDTH); *out << "\n"; return(0); } // reminder: // some of the things from star.h should go into the parameters file