1 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | // Starfield Generator
3 | //
4 | // (c) 2000 D. Petry
5 | //
6 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 |
8 |
9 | #include "starfield.h"
10 |
11 | #define PROGRAMID "$Id: starfield.cxx,v 1.3 2000-09-21 10:31:36 harald Exp $"
12 |
13 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 |
15 | main(int argc, char **argv)
16 | {
17 |
18 | parameters pars;
19 | star stars[iMAXSTARS];
20 | photon *photons;
21 |
22 | ifstream in;
23 | FILE *catfile;
24 | char parfilename[160];
25 | char catfilename[160];
26 |
27 |
28 | int i, j, k, numstars, subnumstars, starnumber, totalnumphot, photinside;
29 | int totalphotinside, idum;
30 | int istart_ra_h, iend_ra_h;
31 | int nph[4]; // numbers of photons in the four wavebands
32 | float lmin_nm[4] = {ULMIN_nm, BLMIN_nm, VLMIN_nm, RLMIN_nm}; // wave band definitions
33 | float lmax_nm[4] = {ULMAX_nm, BLMAX_nm, VLMAX_nm, RLMAX_nm};
34 | float theta_rad, costheta, phi_rad, randtime, lambda_nm, xdum_m, ydum_m;
35 | float angdist;
36 |
37 | //welcome
38 |
39 | cout << "This is STARFIELD. (c) 2000 D. Petry\n";
40 | cout << PROGRAMID << "\n";
41 |
42 | // check command line arguments
43 |
44 | if(argc == 1){
45 | sprintf(parfilename, "starfield.par");
46 | }
47 | else{ // a filename was given
48 | sprintf(parfilename, "%s", argv[1]);
49 | }
50 |
51 | // read parameter file
52 |
53 | in.open(parfilename, ios::in); // open the parameter file
54 |
55 | if(!in){
56 | cout << "Failed to open " << parfilename << "\n"
57 | << "Value of stream \"in\" was " << in << "\n";
58 | cout << "\nThere shoud be a parameter file "<< parfilename
59 | <<" in the working directory with the following format:\n-----\n";
60 | pars.usage(&cout);
61 | cout << "-----\nExiting.\n";
62 | exit(1);
63 | }
64 |
65 | cout << "Opened " << parfilename << " for reading ...\n";
66 |
67 | if( !(pars.readparameters(&in)) ){ // read not OK?
68 | if(!in.eof()){ // was the error not due to EOF?
69 | cout << "Error: rdstate = " << in.rdstate() << "\n";
70 | }
71 | else{
72 | cout << "Error: premature EOF in parameter file.\n";
73 | }
74 | exit(1);
75 | }
76 |
77 | in.close();
78 |
79 | // Allocate memory for photons
80 |
81 | photons=new photon[iMAXPHOT];
82 |
83 |
84 | // prepare loop over star catalog files
85 |
86 | cout << "SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog - Star Catalog Database, Version 2\n";
87 | cout << "Sande C.B., Warren W.H.Jr., Tracewell D.A., Home A.T., Miller A.C.\n";
88 | cout << "<Goddard Space Flight Center, Flight Dynamics Division (1998)>\n";
89 |
90 | angdist = fmod( pars.catalog_fov_deg / cos( pars.ct_dec_rad ), 360.);
91 |
92 | if(angdist > 180.){ // too near to the pole, have to loop over all files
93 |
94 | istart_ra_h = 0;
95 | iend_ra_h = 23;
96 |
97 | }
98 | else{ // can loop over selected files only
99 |
100 | istart_ra_h = (int) (pars.ct_ra_h - angdist / 360. * 24.) - 1;
101 | iend_ra_h = (int) (pars.ct_ra_h + angdist / 360. * 24. ) + 1;
102 |
103 | }
104 |
105 | //read catalog
106 |
107 | i = 0;
108 | for (j = istart_ra_h; j <= iend_ra_h; j++){
109 |
110 | subnumstars = 0;
111 |
112 | if ( j < 0){
113 | idum = j + 24;
114 | }
115 | else if ( j > 23 ){
116 | idum = j - 24;
117 | }
118 | else {
119 | idum = j;
120 | }
121 |
122 | sprintf(catfilename, "%s/sky%02d.dat", pars.datapath, idum);
123 |
124 | if((catfile = fopen(catfilename, "r")) == NULL){ // open the star catalog
125 | cout << "Failed to open " << catfilename << "\n";
126 | exit(1);
127 | }
128 | cout << "Opened file " << catfilename << " for reading ...\n";
129 |
130 | while( stars[i].readstar(catfile, pars.verbose) ){ // read next star OK
131 |
132 | angdist = acos( cos( pars.ct_dec_rad ) * cos( stars[i].dec_rad ) *
133 | cos( stars[i].ra_rad - pars.ct_ra_rad ) +
134 | sin( pars.ct_dec_rad ) * sin( stars[i].dec_rad ) );
135 |
136 | if( angdist < pars.catalog_fov_deg / 180. * PI ){ // star in Field Of View?
137 |
138 | stars[i].calcmissingmags(pars.verbose);
139 | if (pars.verbose) stars[i].printstar();
140 |
141 | if( stars[i].umag > -100. ){
142 | i++; // accept star
143 | subnumstars++;
144 | }
145 | else{
146 | cout << "Star rejected.\n";
147 | }
148 |
149 | if( i > iMAXSTARS ){
150 | i--;
151 | cout << "Error: Star memory full. Accepted " << i << " stars.\n";
152 | break;
153 | }
154 | }
155 | }
156 | if( feof(catfile) ){ // was EOF reached?
157 | cout << "EOF reached; accepted "<< subnumstars << " stars from this segment.\n";
158 | }
159 | if( ferror(catfile) ){ // did an error occur?
160 | cout << "Error while reading catalog file.\n";
161 | exit(1);
162 | }
163 | fclose(catfile);
164 | if(i == iMAXSTARS){
165 | break;
166 | }
167 | }
168 |
169 | cout << "Accepted "<< i << " stars in total.\n";
170 | numstars = i;
171 |
172 | // loop over all photons from all stars, filling their fields
173 |
174 | totalnumphot=0;
175 |
176 | totalphotinside=0;
177 |
178 | for(i=0; i<numstars;i++){
179 |
180 | starnumber=stars[i].icatnum;
181 |
182 | // calculate director cosines (see Montenbruck & Pfleger, 1989, p. 196)
183 |
184 | costheta = cos( pars.ct_dec_rad ) * cos( stars[i].dec_rad ) *
185 | cos( stars[i].ra_rad - pars.ct_ra_rad ) +
186 | sin( pars.ct_dec_rad ) * sin( stars[i].dec_rad );
187 |
188 | if(costheta == 0.){
189 | cout << "Star number " << i << " (catalog number " << stars[i].icatnum <<
190 | ") seems to be at 90 degrees distance from optical axis.\n ... will ignore it.";
191 | continue;
192 | }
193 |
194 | stars[i].u = -1. * cos( stars[i].dec_rad ) * sin( stars[i].ra_rad - pars.ct_ra_rad ) / costheta;
195 |
196 | stars[i].v = -1. * ( sin( pars.ct_dec_rad ) * cos( stars[i].dec_rad ) *
197 | cos( stars[i].ra_rad - pars.ct_ra_rad ) -
198 | cos( pars.ct_dec_rad ) * sin( stars[i].dec_rad )
199 | ) / costheta;
200 |
201 | // calculate the "zenith angle" theta and "azimuth" phi of the star assuming
202 | // the telecope points at the zenith
203 | // take into account the ambiguity of acos()
204 |
205 | theta_rad = acos(costheta);
206 |
207 | if( stars[i].v >= 0. ){
208 | phi_rad = acos(stars[i].u);
209 | }
210 | else{
211 | phi_rad = 2.*PI - acos(stars[i].u);
212 | }
213 |
214 | // calculate number of photons
215 |
216 | // mag_nphot() translates the star magnitude into number of photons,
217 | // using the expression log(flux)=-0.4*m-22.42 for each waveband
218 | // the resulting numbers ar stored in the array nph
219 |
220 | stars[i].mag_nphot(nph, pars.integtime_s, pars.mirr_radius_m, pars.verbose);
221 |
222 | // loop over all photons
223 |
224 | photinside=0;
225 |
226 | for(k=0; k < 4; k++){ // loop over wavebands
227 |
228 | for(j=0; j<nph[k]; j++){ // loop over photons of this waveband
229 |
230 | // Check if we have overflowed the alllowed ph number
231 |
232 | if(totalphotinside >= iMAXPHOT){
233 | cout << "Warning: photon memory full. Can only store " << iMAXPHOT << " photons.\n";
234 | break;
235 | //exit(1);
236 | }
237 |
238 | // for every photon, a pair of uniform random x,y coordinates ( x*x+y*y<300 ) is generated
239 | // and a uniform random arrival time inside a time window given by the integration time.
240 |
241 | xdum_m=rand_coord(pars.mirr_radius_m);
242 | ydum_m=rand_coord(pars.mirr_radius_m);
243 |
244 | if((xdum_m*xdum_m+ydum_m*ydum_m)<pars.mirr_radius_m*pars.mirr_radius_m){
245 |
246 | randtime = rand_time(pars.integtime_s);
247 | lambda_nm = rand_lambda(lmin_nm[k], lmax_nm[k]);
248 |
249 | //fill the photon fields by using the member functions defined in photon.hxx
250 |
251 | photons[totalphotinside].starnum = starnumber;
252 | photons[totalphotinside].arrtime_sec = randtime;
253 | photons[totalphotinside].x_m = xdum_m;
254 | photons[totalphotinside].y_m = ydum_m;
255 | photons[totalphotinside].u = stars[i].u;
256 | photons[totalphotinside].v = stars[i].v;
257 | photons[totalphotinside].lambda_nm = lambda_nm;
258 |
259 | if(pars.verbose > 2)
260 | cout << "PH " << starnumber << " " << randtime << " " << xdum_m << " "
261 | << ydum_m << " " << stars[i].u << " " << stars[i].v << " " << lambda_nm
262 | << "\n";
263 |
264 | photinside++;
265 |
266 | totalphotinside++;
267 |
268 | totalnumphot++;
269 |
270 | }
271 | else{
272 |
273 | totalnumphot++;
274 | continue;
275 |
276 | } // end if
277 |
278 | } // end photon loop
279 | } // end waveband loop
280 |
281 | stars[i].numphot = photinside;
282 | //if (i>81) break;
283 | if (pars.verbose) cout<<"Star number= "<<i<< " (catalog number " <<
284 | starnumber << ") Number of photons accepted = "<< photinside<<endl;
285 |
286 | } // end star loop
287 |
288 | cout << "Total number of photons accepted = " << totalphotinside << "\n";
289 |
290 | convertcorsika(
291 | ((int)pars.ct_ra_h*10)*1000 + (int)(abs(pars.ct_dec_deg)*10), // the file id
292 | totalphotinside, photons, pars.integtime_s, pars.verbose, pars.output_file);
293 |
294 | return 0;
295 |
296 | } // end main