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2 | % Musterbrief, Auszuege aus DIN 5008, Adressenbeispiele
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7 | \documentstyle[german]{article}
8 | \textwidth 140mm
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13 | \begin{document}
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19 | % Short introduction about the camera program
20 | %
21 | \section{Camera Program}
22 |
23 | \subsection{Abstract}
24 |
25 | The Camera Program is for the simulation of the MAGIC camera. The
26 | input is the output of the program Reflector, what are all the
27 | cerenkov photons hitting the camera. All these photons are reflected
28 | from the mirrors.
29 |
30 | The determination of the pixel that is hitted by one cerenkov photon
31 | is the first working step of the program. Then the simulation of the
32 | different efficencies inside the camera are following (i.e. the
33 | absorption due to the distance between mirrors and the camera plane,
34 | the quantuum efficency of the photocathod...).
35 | So after this first part we
36 | know the time and the Pixel identification of each
37 | photo electron leaving the photo cathod.
38 |
39 | The simulation of the trigger is the next step inside the camera
40 | program.
41 | For each photo electron one create a standard response signal.
42 | Also the noise (from opto-electonic) of the trigger signal is
43 | implemented.
44 | After doing this for all photo electrons, the program
45 | calculates the diskriminator signal for each channel. With this
46 | digital signals the program decides if a trigger is created.
47 | All this trigger studies are implemented in
48 | the (C++) class MTrigger. At the end of each event you have the
49 | knowledge if there occurs a trigger signal or not.
50 |
51 | The output of the program is a root tree (using the root package from
52 | CERN). In this tree there are different branches. One branch stores
53 | the information about the MonteCarlo event (McEvt). One the result of
54 | the trigger studies (McTrig). And last but not least, there is a
55 | branch in which the expected raw data format is stored (MRawEvt).
56 |
57 | \subsection{Usage}
58 |
59 | To start the Camera Program you have to create a steercard file (see
60 | chapter \ref{chap_steercard}).
61 | I.e. this file is called {\bf input.card}. Then start the program with
62 | the command:
63 | \begin{center}
64 | \bf {camera $<$ input.card }
65 | \end{center}
66 | With the steercard file one can control the program and its different
67 | features. In the followin you will find a special list of all the
68 | steercard control words.
69 |
70 | \subsection{Steercard control}
71 | \label{chap_steercard}
72 |
73 | With the steercard file the user can control the procedure of the
74 | Camera Program. At the beginning of the program, all lines in this
75 | file are read in. Depending on the first word in the line, a control
76 | value for the further program behaviour is set.
77 |
78 | A list of the different steerword is following. They are seperated by
79 | their importance for a good simulation.
80 |
81 | \begin{itemize}
82 | \item {\bf input and output files} \\
83 | the following steerword are neccessary to read in the data
84 | from the right file and to store the output in the right
85 | files.
86 |
87 | \begin{itemize}
88 | \item {\bf ct\_file } \\
89 | This steerword controls the geometry of the used
90 | cerenkov telescope. At the beginning of the
91 | development is was planned to simulated different
92 | types (MAGIC and CT1 of HEGRA). But if you want to
93 | simulated only for MAGIC put the following line into
94 | your steercard file: \\
95 | ct\_file \hspace{10mm} ../Data/magic.def
96 | \item {\bf input\_file} \\
97 | With this line you declare the input file for the
98 | camera program. The input file is the output file of
99 | the Reflector Program. So the line may look like: \\
100 | input\_file \hspace{10mm} /dat1/RefData/prot.rfl
101 | \item {\bf root\_file} \\
102 | The output of the Camera Program is written in a root
103 | tree. To give the root file a name used this steercard
104 | control line: \\
105 | root\_file \hspace{10mm} /dat1/CamData/prot.root
106 |
107 | To control the different branches of the root tree,
108 | there are some steerwords to do this job.
109 | \begin{itemize}
110 | \item {\bf nowrite\_McEvt} \\
111 | In a normal run the Camera Program writes
112 | the information of the Monte Carlo Event to
113 | the root tree. If you use a line like:
114 | nowrite\_McEvt \\
115 | it does not. This is useful for testing the
116 | reconstruction precision, because the analyser
117 | doesn't now anaything about the input.
118 |
119 | \item {\bf write\_RawEvt} \\
120 | If you want to create the branch with the raw
121 | data format of the events, you must use this
122 | command. If you don't use it, the camera
123 | program will not create and fill this branch.
124 |
125 | \item {\bf write\_McTrig} \\
126 | To study some properties of the triggers, it
127 | is useful to create a branch with the McTrig
128 | information in it. To do this use this
129 | steerword. If you don't use it, you won't get
130 | any McTrig information.
131 |
132 | \item Be aware! If you don't use one of this three
133 | steerwords, you get only the Monte Carlo
134 | Information (McEvt) in your root tree file.
135 | \end{itemize}
136 | \end{itemize}
137 |
138 | \item {\bf amount of output data} \\
139 | For different studies on needs a different amount of output
140 | data. To study trigger effiencies it is neccessary to write
141 | all events to file, but for the optimisation of reconstruction
142 | methods you need only the triggered events. There is a
143 | steerword, that controls the difference:
144 | \begin{itemize}
145 | \item {\bf write\_all\_images} \\
146 | If you use this steerword, you write out all events.
147 | But the default behaviour is to write only the
148 | triggered events.
149 |
150 | \end{itemize}
151 | \item {\bf Parameters of the camera} \\
152 | It is possible to control some behaviours of the camera with
153 | the steercard. They all are listed here:
154 | \begin{itemize}
155 | \item {\bf ana\_pixels} \\
156 | In earlier development steps it was possible to change
157 | the size of the camera with this variable. But for the
158 | actual version of the camera layout it is neccessary
159 | to put the following line into your steercard:
160 | ana\_pixels \hspace{10mm} 577
161 | \end{itemize}
162 |
163 | \item {\bf Simulation of the Night Sky Background} \\
164 | Due to the night sky background there are a lot of other
165 | photons reaching the camera. It is possible to simulate the
166 | behaviour of such NSK photons using the Camera Program.
167 | You can switch the NSB on and set the value of NSB photons.
168 | This is done with the following steerwords:
169 | \begin{itemize}
170 | \item {\bf nsb\_on} \\
171 | To start the simulation of the NSB use this
172 | steerword.
173 | \item {\bf nsb\_mean} \\
174 | To set the NSB to a given value use the following
175 | line:\\[1mm]
176 | nsb\_mean \hspace{10mm} 0.09 \\[1mm]
177 | This value corresponds to 0.09 NSB photon in 1 ns for
178 | the inner pixels.
179 | \end{itemize}
180 |
181 |
182 | \item {\bf Parameters of the random generator} \\
183 | The simulation of some efficencies need a random
184 | generator. This generator is a part of the ranlib. To set the
185 | seed of the generator you can use the following steercard
186 | line:
187 | \begin{itemize}
188 | \item {\bf seeds} \\
189 | You must put a line in your steercard file, that looks
190 | like: \\
191 | seeds \hspace{5mm} 12345\hspace{5mm} 67890
192 | \end{itemize}
193 |
194 | \item {\bf Don't forget the end} \\
195 | Very important is the last line in the steercard file. This
196 | linie indicates the end of the steercard. So don't forget to
197 | put end\_file marker at the end of the file!!\\[1mm]
198 | {\bf end\_file} \\
199 | \end{itemize}
200 | So at the end the file may look like:
201 | \begin{verbatim}
202 | #
203 | input_file /dat1/RefData/gamma.rfl
204 | root_file /dat1/CamData/gamma.root
205 | #
206 | ct_file ../Data/magic.def
207 | #
208 | write_all_images
209 | #
210 | write_McTrig
211 | #
212 | ana_pixels 577
213 | #
214 | seeds 69184 10406
215 | #
216 | end_file
217 | \end{verbatim}
218 |
219 | \end{document}
220 |
221 |
222 |
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