///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // COREventHeader // // Created: Tue Apr 28 16:27:14 1998 // Author: Jose Carlos Gonzales // Purpose: Base class for EventHeader-classes // Notes: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @T \newpage // @section Source code of {\tt COREventHeader.hxx} /* @text This section shows the include file {\tt COREventHeader.hxx} @endtext */ #ifndef COREventHeader_Class #define COREventHeader_Class // @subsection Include files // @code #ifdef __ROOT__ #include "TROOT.h" #include "TObject.h" #else // not __ROOT__ #include "Rtypes.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include // @endcode // @subsection Class {\em COREventHeader}: Definition // @code class COREventHeader { public: char EVTH[4]; Float_t EvtNumber; Float_t PrimaryID; Float_t Etotal; Float_t Thick0; Float_t FirstTarget; Float_t zFirstInt; Float_t p[3]; Float_t Theta; Float_t Phi; Float_t NumRndSeq; Float_t RndData[10][3]; Float_t RunNumber; Float_t DateRun; Float_t VersionPGM; Float_t NumObsLev; Float_t HeightLev[10]; Float_t SlopeSpec; Float_t ELowLim; Float_t EUppLim; Float_t Ecutoffh; Float_t Ecutoffm; Float_t Ecutoffe; Float_t Ecutoffg; Float_t NFLAIN; Float_t NFLDIF; Float_t NFLPI0; Float_t NFLPIF; Float_t NFLCHE; Float_t NFRAGM; Float_t Bx; Float_t By; Float_t EGS4yn; Float_t NKGyn; Float_t GHEISHAyn; Float_t VENUSyn; Float_t CERENKOVyn; Float_t NEUTRINOyn; Float_t HORIZONTyn; Float_t COMPUTER; Float_t ThetaMin; Float_t ThetaMax; Float_t PhiMin; Float_t PhiMax; Float_t CBunchSize; Float_t CDetInX,CDetInY; Float_t CSpacInX,CSpacInY; Float_t CLenInX,CLenInY; Float_t COutput; Float_t AngleNorthX; Float_t MuonInfo; Float_t StepLength; Float_t CWaveLower; Float_t CWaveUpper; Float_t Multipl; Float_t CorePos[2][20]; Float_t dmmy1; Float_t SpinTheta; Float_t SpinPhi; Float_t dmmy2[132]; public: COREventHeader(void) {} // default constructor virtual ~COREventHeader(void) {} // default destructor // reads EventHeader from binary input stream Int_t read ( ifstream &is ) { is.read ( (char *)this, sizeof( float ) * 273 ); return is.gcount(); } // writes EventHeader to binary output stream Int_t write ( ofstream &os ) { os.write ( (char *)this, sizeof( float ) * 273 ); return 0; } // get information about the EventHeader // print-out of the EVTH void print(void); // get the event number inline Float_t get_number ( void ) { return ( EvtNumber ); } // get the primary type (GEANT code) inline Float_t get_primary ( void ) { return ( PrimaryID ); } // get the total primary energy inline Float_t get_energy ( void ) { return ( Etotal ); } // get the initial zenith angle inline Float_t get_theta ( void ) { return ( Theta ); } // get the initial phi angle inline Float_t get_phi ( void ) { return ( Phi ); } // get the particle xi angle inline Float_t get_xi ( void ) { return ( SpinTheta ); } // get the particle spin-theta angle inline Float_t get_stheta ( void ) { return ( SpinTheta ); } // get the particle spin-phi angle inline Float_t get_sphi ( void ) { return ( SpinPhi ); } // get the particle real angles of the particle void get_real_direct ( Float_t *theta, Float_t *phi ) { *theta = acos(cos(Theta)*cos(SpinTheta)+ sin(Theta)*sin(SpinTheta)*cos(fabs(SpinPhi))); *phi = asin(sin(SpinTheta)*sin(fabs(SpinPhi))/sin(*theta)); if (SpinPhi<0.0) *phi = Phi - *phi; else *phi = Phi + *phi; } // get the spectrum slope inline Float_t get_slope ( void ) { return ( SlopeSpec ); } // get the energy range of this run inline void get_energy_range ( Float_t *elow, Float_t *eup ) { *elow = ELowLim; *eup = EUppLim; } // get the core position inline Float_t get_core ( Float_t *x, Float_t *y, Int_t ncore = 0 ) { *x = CorePos[0][ncore]; *y = CorePos[1][ncore]; return ( (Float_t) sqrt ( (*x)*(*x) + (*y)*(*y) ) ); } // get the core position inline Float_t get_core ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) { return ( (Float_t) sqrt ( ((CorePos[0][ncore])*(CorePos[0][ncore]))+ ((CorePos[1][ncore])*(CorePos[1][ncore])) ) ); } // get the coreX position inline Float_t get_coreX ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) { return ( CorePos[0][ncore] ) ; } // get the coreY position inline Float_t get_coreY ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) { return ( CorePos[1][ncore] ) ; } // get the zFirstInteraction position inline Float_t get_firstInt () { return ( zFirstInt ) ; } // get the xDirection part of the normalized direction vector inline Float_t get_direX () { return ( (Float_t) ( p[0] / sqrt( p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] )) ) ; } // get the xDirection part of the normalized direction vector inline Float_t get_direY () { return ( (Float_t) ( p[1] / sqrt( p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] )) ) ; } // show the seeds in the console inline void print_seeds ( void ) { Int_t i; cout << "Seeds status at the beginning of this shower:" << setiosflags(ios::left) << setw(10) << endl; for (i=0; i