1 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | //
3 | // COREventHeader
4 | //
5 | // Created: Tue Apr 28 16:27:14 1998
6 | // Author: Jose Carlos Gonzales
7 | // Purpose: Base class for EventHeader-classes
8 | // Notes:
9 | //
10 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 |
12 | // @T \newpage
13 |
14 | // @section Source code of {\tt COREventHeader.hxx}
15 |
16 | /* @text
17 | This section shows the include file {\tt COREventHeader.hxx}
18 | @endtext */
19 |
20 | #ifndef COREventHeader_Class
21 | #define COREventHeader_Class
22 |
23 | // @subsection Include files
24 |
25 | // @code
26 | #ifdef __ROOT__
27 | #include "TROOT.h"
28 | #include "TObject.h"
29 | #else // not __ROOT__
30 | #include "Rtypes.h"
31 | #endif
32 |
33 | #include <iostream.h>
34 | #include <iomanip.h>
35 | #include <fstream.h>
36 | #include <stdlib.h>
37 | #include <math.h>
38 | #include <string.h>
39 | // @endcode
40 |
41 | // @subsection Class {\em COREventHeader}: Definition
42 |
43 | // @code
44 | class COREventHeader {
45 |
46 | public:
47 | char EVTH[4];
48 | Float_t EvtNumber;
49 | Float_t PrimaryID;
50 | Float_t Etotal;
51 | Float_t Thick0;
52 | Float_t FirstTarget;
53 | Float_t zFirstInt;
54 | Float_t p[3];
55 | Float_t Theta;
56 | Float_t Phi;
57 |
58 | Float_t NumRndSeq;
59 | Float_t RndData[10][3];
60 |
61 | Float_t RunNumber;
62 | Float_t DateRun;
63 | Float_t VersionPGM;
64 |
65 | Float_t NumObsLev;
66 | Float_t HeightLev[10];
67 |
68 | Float_t SlopeSpec;
69 | Float_t ELowLim;
70 | Float_t EUppLim;
71 |
72 | Float_t Ecutoffh;
73 | Float_t Ecutoffm;
74 | Float_t Ecutoffe;
75 | Float_t Ecutoffg;
76 |
77 | Float_t NFLAIN;
78 | Float_t NFLDIF;
79 | Float_t NFLPI0;
80 | Float_t NFLPIF;
81 | Float_t NFLCHE;
82 | Float_t NFRAGM;
83 |
84 | Float_t Bx;
85 | Float_t By;
86 |
87 | Float_t EGS4yn;
88 | Float_t NKGyn;
89 | Float_t GHEISHAyn;
90 | Float_t VENUSyn;
91 | Float_t CERENKOVyn;
92 | Float_t NEUTRINOyn;
93 | Float_t HORIZONTyn;
94 | Float_t COMPUTER;
95 |
96 | Float_t ThetaMin;
97 | Float_t ThetaMax;
98 | Float_t PhiMin;
99 | Float_t PhiMax;
100 |
101 | Float_t CBunchSize;
102 | Float_t CDetInX,CDetInY;
103 | Float_t CSpacInX,CSpacInY;
104 | Float_t CLenInX,CLenInY;
105 | Float_t COutput;
106 |
107 | Float_t AngleNorthX;
108 | Float_t MuonInfo;
109 |
110 | Float_t StepLength;
111 | Float_t CWaveLower;
112 | Float_t CWaveUpper;
113 | Float_t Multipl;
114 | Float_t CorePos[2][20];
115 |
116 | Float_t dmmy1;
117 | Float_t SpinTheta;
118 | Float_t SpinPhi;
119 | Float_t dmmy2[132];
120 |
121 | public:
122 | COREventHeader(void) {} // default constructor
123 |
124 | virtual ~COREventHeader(void) {} // default destructor
125 |
126 | // reads EventHeader from binary input stream
127 | Int_t read ( ifstream &is ) {
128 | is.read ( (char *)this, sizeof( float ) * 273 );
129 | return is.gcount();
130 | }
131 |
132 | // writes EventHeader to binary output stream
133 | Int_t write ( ofstream &os ) {
134 | os.write ( (char *)this, sizeof( float ) * 273 );
135 | return 0;
136 | }
137 |
138 | // get information about the EventHeader
139 |
140 | // print-out of the EVTH
141 | void print(void);
142 |
143 | // get the event number
144 | inline Float_t get_number ( void ) { return ( EvtNumber ); }
145 |
146 | // get the primary type (GEANT code)
147 | inline Float_t get_primary ( void ) { return ( PrimaryID ); }
148 |
149 | // get the total primary energy
150 | inline Float_t get_energy ( void ) { return ( Etotal ); }
151 |
152 | // get the initial zenith angle
153 | inline Float_t get_theta ( void ) { return ( Theta ); }
154 |
155 | // get the initial phi angle
156 | inline Float_t get_phi ( void ) { return ( Phi ); }
157 |
158 | // get the particle xi angle
159 | inline Float_t get_xi ( void ) { return ( SpinTheta ); }
160 |
161 | // get the particle spin-theta angle
162 | inline Float_t get_stheta ( void ) { return ( SpinTheta ); }
163 |
164 | // get the particle spin-phi angle
165 | inline Float_t get_sphi ( void ) { return ( SpinPhi ); }
166 |
167 | // get the particle real angles of the particle
168 | void get_real_direct ( Float_t *theta, Float_t *phi ) {
169 | *theta = acos(cos(Theta)*cos(SpinTheta)+
170 | sin(Theta)*sin(SpinTheta)*cos(fabs(SpinPhi)));
171 | *phi = asin(sin(SpinTheta)*sin(fabs(SpinPhi))/sin(*theta));
172 | if (SpinPhi<0.0)
173 | *phi = Phi - *phi;
174 | else
175 | *phi = Phi + *phi;
176 | }
177 |
178 | // get the spectrum slope
179 | inline Float_t get_slope ( void ) { return ( SlopeSpec ); }
180 |
181 | // get the energy range of this run
182 | inline void get_energy_range ( Float_t *elow, Float_t *eup ) {
183 | *elow = ELowLim;
184 | *eup = EUppLim;
185 | }
186 |
187 | // get the core position
188 | inline Float_t get_core ( Float_t *x, Float_t *y, Int_t ncore = 0 ) {
189 | *x = CorePos[0][ncore];
190 | *y = CorePos[1][ncore];
191 | return ( (Float_t) sqrt ( (*x)*(*x) + (*y)*(*y) ) );
192 | }
193 |
194 | // get the core position
195 | inline Float_t get_core ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) {
196 | return ( (Float_t) sqrt ( ((CorePos[0][ncore])*(CorePos[0][ncore]))+
197 | ((CorePos[1][ncore])*(CorePos[1][ncore])) ) );
198 | }
199 |
200 | // get the coreX position
201 | inline Float_t get_coreX ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) {
202 | return ( CorePos[0][ncore] ) ;
203 | }
204 |
205 | // get the coreY position
206 | inline Float_t get_coreY ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) {
207 | return ( CorePos[1][ncore] ) ;
208 | }
209 |
210 | // get the zFirstInteraction position
211 | inline Float_t get_firstInt () {
212 | return ( zFirstInt ) ;
213 | }
214 |
215 | // get the xDirection part of the normalized direction vector
216 | inline Float_t get_direX () {
217 | return ( (Float_t) ( p[0] / sqrt( p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] )) ) ;
218 | }
219 |
220 | // get the xDirection part of the normalized direction vector
221 | inline Float_t get_direY () {
222 | return ( (Float_t) ( p[1] / sqrt( p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] )) ) ;
223 | }
224 |
225 | // show the seeds in the console
226 | inline void print_seeds ( void ) {
227 | Int_t i;
228 | cout << "Seeds status at the beginning of this shower:"
229 | << setiosflags(ios::left) << setw(10) << endl;
230 | for (i=0; i<NumRndSeq; ++i) {
231 | cout << "SEED "
232 | << RndData[i][0]
233 | << RndData[i][1]
234 | << RndData[i][2] << endl;
235 | }
236 | cout << resetiosflags(ios::left);
237 | }
238 |
239 | // fill essential information
240 | inline void fill ( Float_t theEvtNumber,
241 | Float_t thePrimaryID,
242 | Float_t theEtotal,
243 | Float_t theFirstTarget,
244 | Float_t thezFirstInt,
245 | Float_t thepx,
246 | Float_t thepy,
247 | Float_t thepz,
248 | Float_t theTheta,
249 | Float_t thePhi,
250 | Float_t theX,
251 | Float_t theY) {
252 |
253 | strcpy(EVTH,"EVTH");
254 | EvtNumber = theEvtNumber;
255 | PrimaryID = thePrimaryID;
256 | Etotal = theEtotal;
257 | FirstTarget = theFirstTarget;
258 | zFirstInt = thezFirstInt;
259 | p[0] = thepx;
260 | p[1] = thepy;
261 | p[2] = thepz;
262 | Theta = theTheta;
263 | Phi = thePhi;
264 | Thick0 = 0.0;
265 | CorePos[0][0] = theX;
266 | CorePos[1][0] = theY;
267 |
268 | return;
269 | }
270 |
271 | void Print () {
272 | //
273 | // Print the important content on the screen
274 | //
275 |
276 | cout << endl ;
277 | cout << " **********" << endl ;
278 | cout << " EventNb: " << EvtNumber << " Particle " << PrimaryID << endl ;
279 | cout << " Energy: " << Etotal
280 | << " Theta: " << Theta
281 | << " Phi: " << Phi
282 | << endl ;
283 | cout << " Core(x/y): (" << get_coreX() <<"/"<< get_coreY() << ")"
284 | << endl ;
285 |
286 | cout << endl ;
287 | }
288 | };
289 | // @endcode
290 |
291 | #endif // not defined COREventHeader_Class