///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CORStatfile // // Created: Tue Apr 28 16:14:05 1998 // Author: Jose Carlos Gonzales // Purpose: Base class for Statfiles // Notes: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @T \newpage // @section Source code of {\tt CORStatfile.hxx} /* @text This section shows the include file {\tt CORStatfile.hxx} @endtext */ #ifndef CORStatfile_Class #define CORStatfile_Class // @subsection Include files // @code #include "TROOT.h" #include "TObject.h" #include #include #include #include #define MAXBUF 273 /* 39*7 */ #define NSUBBL 21 #define NPLONG 1041 // @endcode using namespace std; // @subsection Class {\em CORStatfile}: Definition // @code class CORStatfile { public: Int_t steps; // steps in the longitudinal distribution Float_t *evth; // event header Float_t *evte; // event end Int_t *nproto; // number of protons Int_t *nprotb; // number of anti-protons Int_t *nneutr; // number of neutrons Int_t *nneutb; // number of Int_t *nphoto; // number of Int_t *nelect; // number of Int_t *nposit; // number of Int_t *nnu; // number of Int_t *nmum; // number of Int_t *nmup; // number of Int_t *npi0; // number of Int_t *npim; // number of Int_t *npip; // number of Int_t *nk0l; // number of Int_t *nk0s; // number of Int_t *nkmi; // number of Int_t *nkpl; // number of Int_t *nhyp; // number of Int_t *ndeut; // number of Int_t *ntrit; // number of Int_t *nalpha; // number of Int_t *nother; // number of Int_t ifinnu, ifinpi, ifinet, ifinka, ifinhy, cerele, cerhad; Int_t lpct1, nstep; Float_t thstep; Float_t **plong, **aplong; Float_t bunch; Float_t timefirst, timelast; ifstream input_file; Int_t opened; protected: void init( Int_t n ); public: CORStatfile ( void ); // constructor CORStatfile ( Int_t n ); // overloaded constructor ~CORStatfile ( void ); // destructor // copy constructor defaults inline void set_bunch ( Float_t b ) { bunch = b; }; void read (); // reads data from input file void write(ofstream &output_file); // writes data to given output file Int_t openfile ( char *fname ); // sets and opens new sta* file void closefile (); // sets and opens new sta* file inline Float_t get_tfirst() { return ( timefirst ); } inline Float_t get_tlast() { return ( timelast ); } }; // @endcode #endif // not defined CORStatfile_Class