///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MCEventHeader_2 // // Created: Sat Oct 19 12:11:43 CEST 2002 // Author: Oscar Blanch Bigas // Purpose: Base class for reflector 0.6 EventHeader // Notes: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @T \newpage // @section Source code of {\tt MCEventHeader_2.hxx} /* @text This section shows the include file {\tt MCEventHeader_2.hxx} @endtext */ #ifndef MCEventHeader_2_Class #define MCEventHeader_2_Class // @subsection Include files // @code #ifdef __ROOT__ #include "TROOT.h" #include "TObject.h" #else // not __ROOT__ #include "Rtypes.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "COREventHeader.hxx" #define SIZE_OF_MCEVENTHEADER_2 181 /* floats */ // @endcode // @subsection Class {\em MCEventHeader_2}: Definition // @code class MCEventHeader_2 { protected: Float_t EvtNumber; Float_t PrimaryID; Float_t Etotal; Float_t Thick0; Float_t FirstTarget; Float_t zFirstInt; Float_t p[3]; Float_t Theta; Float_t Phi; Float_t NumRndSeq; Float_t RndData[10][3]; Float_t RunNumber; Float_t DateRun; Float_t VersionPGM; Float_t NumObsLev; Float_t HeightLev[10]; Float_t SlopeSpec; Float_t ELowLim; Float_t EUppLim; Float_t Ecutoffh; Float_t Ecutoffm; Float_t Ecutoffe; Float_t Ecutoffg; Float_t NFLAIN; Float_t NFLDIF; Float_t NFLPI0; Float_t NFLPIF; Float_t NFLCHE; Float_t NFRAGM; Float_t Bx; Float_t By; Float_t EGS4yn; Float_t NKGyn; Float_t GHEISHAyn; Float_t VENUSyn; Float_t CERENKOVyn; Float_t NEUTRINOyn; Float_t HORIZONTyn; Float_t COMPUTER; Float_t ThetaMin; Float_t ThetaMax; Float_t PhiMin; Float_t PhiMax; Float_t CBunchSize; Float_t CDetInX,CDetInY; Float_t CSpacInX,CSpacInY; Float_t CLenInX,CLenInY; Float_t COutput; Float_t AngleNorthX; Float_t MuonInfo; Float_t StepLength; Float_t CWaveLower; Float_t CWaveUpper; Float_t Multipl; Float_t CorePos[2][20]; Float_t SIBYLL[2]; Float_t QGSJET[2]; Float_t DPMJET[2]; Float_t VENUS_cross; Float_t mu_mult_scat; Float_t NKG_range; Float_t EFRCTHN[2]; Float_t WMAX[2]; Float_t rthin_rmax; Float_t viewcone_angles[2]; /* (degrees) Inner and outer angles in * Corsika's VIEWCONE option. This is * only possible with Corsika>6 versions. In * that case, PhiMin=PhiMax and * ThetaMin=ThetaMax (also in this header) * indicate the axis of this cone. */ /* ^^^ Up to here, the info from the CORSIKA event header. */ /* Telescope orientation: */ Float_t telescopePhi; /* rad */ Float_t telescopeTheta; /* rad */ /* Time of first and last photon: */ Float_t TimeFirst; Float_t TimeLast; /* 6 parameters and chi2 of the NKG fit to the longitudinal * particle distribution (see CORSIKA manual for explanation): */ Float_t longi_Nmax; Float_t longi_t0; Float_t longi_tmax; Float_t longi_a; Float_t longi_b; Float_t longi_c; Float_t longi_chi2; Float_t CORSIKAPhs; // Original photons written by Corsika Float_t AtmAbsPhs; // Photons absorved by the atmosphere Float_t MirrAbsPhs; // Photons absorved by the mirrors Float_t OutOfMirrPhs; // Photons outside the mirror Float_t BlackSpotPhs; // Photons lost in the "black spot" Float_t OutOfChamPhs; // Photons outside the chamber Float_t CPhotons; // Photons reaching the chamber /* Now follow the fraction of photons reaching the camera produced by * electrons, muons and other particles respectively: */ Float_t elec_cph_fraction; Float_t muon_cph_fraction; Float_t other_cph_fraction; Float_t dummy[7]; /* not used */ public: MCEventHeader_2(void) {} // default constructor virtual ~MCEventHeader_2(void) {} // default destructor // reads EventHeader from binary input stream Int_t read ( ifstream &is ) { is.read ( (char *)this, mysize() ); return is.gcount(); } // writes EventHeader to binary output stream Int_t write ( ofstream &os ) { os.write ( (char *)this, mysize() ); return 0; } // get information about the EventHeader // get the event number inline Float_t get_evt_number (void) {return EvtNumber;} // get the primary type (GEANT code) inline Float_t get_primary ( void ) { return ( PrimaryID ); } // get the total primary energy inline Float_t get_energy ( void ) { return ( Etotal ); } // get Thick0 inline Float_t get_thick0 (void) { return Thick0;} // get First Target inline Float_t get_first_target (void) {return FirstTarget;} // get z first interaction inline Float_t get_z_first_int (void) {return zFirstInt;} // get the initial zenith angle inline Float_t get_theta ( void ) { return ( Theta ); } // get the initial phi angle inline Float_t get_phi ( void ) { return ( Phi ); } // get the telescope zenith angle inline Float_t get_theta_CT ( void ) { return ( telescopeTheta ); } // get the telescope phi angle inline Float_t get_phi_CT ( void ) { return ( telescopePhi ); } // get the spectrum slope inline Float_t get_slope ( void ) { return ( SlopeSpec ); } // get height of first interaction (in cm) inline Float_t get_height ( void ) { return ( zFirstInt ); } // get the energy range of this run inline void get_energy_range ( Float_t *elow, Float_t *eup ) { *elow = ELowLim; *eup = EUppLim; } // get the theta range of this run inline void get_theta_range ( Float_t *thlow, Float_t *thup ) { *thlow = ThetaMin; *thup = ThetaMax; } inline void get_viewcone ( Float_t *rmin, Float_t *rmax){ *rmin=viewcone_angles[0]; *rmax=viewcone_angles[1]; } // get the energy range of this run inline void get_phi_range ( Float_t *plow, Float_t *pup ) { *plow = PhiMin; *pup = PhiMax; } // get the core position inline Float_t get_core ( Float_t *x, Float_t *y, Int_t ncore = 0 ) { *x = CorePos[0][ncore]; *y = CorePos[1][ncore]; return ( (Float_t) sqrt ( (*x)*(*x) + (*y)*(*y) ) ); } // get the core position inline Float_t get_core ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) { return ( (Float_t) sqrt ( ((CorePos[0][ncore])*(CorePos[0][ncore]))+ ((CorePos[1][ncore])*(CorePos[1][ncore])) ) ); } // get the core position in X inline Float_t get_coreX ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) { return ( (Float_t) CorePos[0][ncore] ); } // get the core position in Y inline Float_t get_coreY ( Int_t ncore = 0 ) { return ( (Float_t) CorePos[1][ncore] ); } //get photons at different stages inline Float_t get_CORSIKA (){ return CORSIKAPhs;} inline Float_t get_AtmAbs (){ return AtmAbsPhs;} inline Float_t get_MirrAbs (){ return MirrAbsPhs;} inline Float_t get_OutOfMirr (){ return OutOfMirrPhs;} inline Float_t get_BlackSpot (){ return BlackSpotPhs;} inline Float_t get_OutOfCham (){ return OutOfChamPhs;} inline Float_t get_CPhotons (){ return CPhotons;} inline Float_t get_NumObsLev (){return NumObsLev;} inline Float_t get_HeightLev (Int_t i) {return HeightLev[i];} inline Float_t get_VersionPGM () {return VersionPGM;} inline Float_t get_RunNumber () {return RunNumber;} inline Float_t get_DateRun () {return DateRun;} inline Float_t get_NumRndSeq () {return NumRndSeq;} inline Float_t get_CWaveLower() {return CWaveLower;} inline Float_t get_CWaveUpper() {return CWaveUpper;} inline Float_t get_ElecFraction() {return elec_cph_fraction;} inline Float_t get_MuonFraction() {return muon_cph_fraction;} inline Float_t get_OtherFraction() {return other_cph_fraction;} // transport from COREventHeader to MCEventHeader_2 void transport ( COREventHeader *e ); // write extreme times inline void put_times ( Float_t t1, Float_t t2 ) { TimeFirst = t1; TimeLast = t2; } // get extreme times inline Float_t get_times ( Float_t *t1, Float_t *t2 ) { *t1 = TimeFirst; *t2 = TimeLast; return ( TimeLast - TimeFirst ); } inline Float_t get_NKGfit(Float_t *Nmax, Float_t *t0, Float_t *tmax, Float_t *a, Float_t *b, Float_t *c){ *Nmax=longi_Nmax; *t0=longi_t0; *tmax=longi_tmax; *a=longi_a; *b=longi_b; *c=longi_c; return longi_chi2; } inline int mysize(void) { return ( sizeof( float ) * SIZE_OF_MCEVENTHEADER_2 ); } // get deviations of the CT from the original shower direction inline Float_t get_deviations ( Float_t *t1, Float_t *t2 ) { float ct1,st1,cp1,sp1; float ct2,st2,cp2,sp2; float x1,y1,z1; float x2,y2,z2; ct1 = cos(Theta); st1 = sin(Theta); cp1 = cos(Phi); sp1 = sin(Phi); ct2 = cos(telescopeTheta); st2 = sin(telescopeTheta); cp2 = cos(telescopePhi); sp2 = sin(telescopePhi); x1 = st1*cp1; y1 = st1*sp1; z1 = ct1; x2 = st2*cp2; y2 = st2*sp2; z2 = ct2; *t1 = (telescopeTheta-Theta); *t2 = (telescopePhi-Phi); return ( acos(x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2) ); } inline void print ( void ) { float *ptr = (float *)this; for(int i=0; i