1 | #ifndef __MFadc__
2 | #define __MFadc__
3 | //
4 | // class MFadc
5 | //
6 | // implemented by Harald Kornmayer
7 | //
8 | // This is a class to simulate the FADC.
9 | // It assumes a special response of the PMT for one single Photo-electron.
10 | //
11 | //
12 | //
13 | #include <stream.h>
14 | #include <math.h>
15 |
16 | #include "TObject.h"
17 | #include "TRandom.h"
18 |
19 | #include "Mdefine.h"
20 |
21 | #include "MTriggerDefine.h"
22 | #include "MFadcDefine.h"
23 |
24 | class MMcEvt ;
25 |
26 | //==========
27 | // MFadc
28 | //
29 | // The simulation of the Flash ADC system for the MAGIC teleskop is done with
30 | // this class.
31 | // So all methods concerning the FADC System should be done inside this
32 | // class.
33 | //
34 | // The Idea is to (in)put the data of the photo electrons into the class and
35 | // generate the response (output) of the FADC to that input. Response means
36 | // in this sense the ADC values of the different time slices for all pixels
37 | //
38 | // The pixelisation is done by the camera program of Jose Carlos.
39 | //
40 | // This class is closly connected to the MTrigger classs. So some of the
41 | // values defined in MTriggerDefine.h are also used by this class.
42 | //
43 | // But a lot of other stuff is defined in MFadcDefine.h.
44 | //
45 | //
46 |
47 |
48 | class MFadc {
49 | private:
50 | Int_t numpix;
51 | //
52 | // then for all pixels the shape of all the analog signals
53 | //
54 | Bool_t used[CAMERA_PIXELS] ; // a boolean to indicated if the pixels is used in this event
55 | Float_t pedestal[CAMERA_PIXELS] ; // Pedestal of FADCs
56 |
57 | Float_t sig[CAMERA_PIXELS][(Int_t) SLICES_MFADC] ; // the analog signal for pixels
58 | Float_t noise[((Int_t) SLICES_MFADC)*1001];
59 | Int_t digital_noise[((Int_t) SLICES_MFADC)*1001];
60 |
61 | UChar_t output[CAMERA_PIXELS][FADC_SLICES]; // the analog signal for pixels that is read after a trigger occurs (high gain).
62 |
63 | UChar_t output_lowgain[CAMERA_PIXELS][FADC_SLICES]; // analog signal, low gain.
64 | Float_t high2low_gain;
65 | //
66 | // first the data for the response function
67 | //
68 | Float_t fwhm_resp ; // fwhm of the phe_response function (in ns)
69 | Float_t ampl_resp ; // area below curve of the phe_response function (in counts * ns)
70 | Float_t sing_resp[ RESPONSE_SLICES_MFADC ] ; // the shape of the phe_response function
71 |
72 | //
73 | // We may end up with a different reponse for the outer pixels
74 | //
75 | Float_t fwhm_resp_outer ; // fwhm of the phe_response function (in ns)
76 | Float_t ampl_resp_outer ; // area below curve of the phe_response function (in counts * ns)
77 | Float_t sing_resp_outer[ RESPONSE_SLICES_MFADC ] ; // the shape of the phe_response function
78 | //
79 | // RandomGenerator for the Electonic Noise
80 | //
81 |
82 | TRandom *GenElec ;
83 |
84 |
85 | public:
86 |
87 | MFadc(Int_t pix=577,
89 | Float_t fwhm=MFADC_RESPONSE_FWHM,
90 | Float_t amplout=MFADC_RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE,
91 | Float_t fwhmout=MFADC_RESPONSE_FWHM) ;
92 |
93 | void SetSeed(UInt_t seed) {GenElec->SetSeed(seed);}
94 |
95 | void Reset() ;
96 |
97 | void Fill( Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t ) ;
98 |
99 | void Fill( Int_t, Float_t, Float_t ) ;
100 |
101 | void FillOuter( Int_t, Float_t, Float_t ) ;
102 |
103 | void Set( Int_t iPix, Float_t res[(Int_t) SLICES_MFADC]);
104 |
105 | void AddSignal( Int_t iPix, Float_t res[(Int_t) SLICES_MFADC]);
106 |
107 | void SetPedestals( Int_t ped);
108 |
109 | void SetPedestals( Float_t *ped);
110 |
111 | void SetFwhm( Float_t fwhm){
112 | fwhm_resp=fwhm;
113 | }
114 |
115 | void SetAmpl( Float_t ampl){
116 | ampl_resp=ampl;
117 | }
118 |
119 | void SetFwhmOuter( Float_t fwhm){
120 | fwhm_resp_outer=fwhm;
121 | }
122 |
123 | void SetAmplOuter( Float_t ampl){
124 | ampl_resp_outer=ampl;
125 | }
126 |
127 | void Baseline();
128 |
129 | void Pedestals();
130 |
131 | void Offset( Float_t, Int_t );
132 |
133 | void SetElecNoise(Float_t value=2.0);
134 |
135 | void ElecNoise(Float_t value=2.0) ;
136 |
137 | void SetDigitalNoise(Float_t value=2.0);
138 |
139 | void DigitalNoise() ;
140 |
141 | void Scan() ;
142 |
143 | void Scan(Float_t time) ;
144 |
145 | void GetResponse( Float_t *resp ) ;
146 |
147 | void GetPedestals( Float_t *offset);
148 |
149 | Float_t GetPedestalNoise (Int_t pix, Int_t ishigh);
150 |
151 | void TriggeredFadc(Float_t time);
152 |
153 | void ShowSignal ( MMcEvt *McEvt , Float_t ) ;
154 |
155 | UChar_t GetFadcSignal(Int_t pixel, Int_t slice);
156 |
157 | UChar_t GetFadcLowGainSignal(Int_t pixel, Int_t slice);
158 |
159 | void SetHigh2LowGain(Float_t h2l) {high2low_gain=h2l;}
160 |
161 | Float_t GetAmplitude() {
162 | return ampl_resp ;
163 | }
164 |
165 | Float_t GetFwhm() {
166 | return fwhm_resp ;
167 | }
168 |
169 | Float_t GetAmplitudeOuter() {
170 | return ampl_resp_outer ;
171 | }
172 |
173 | Float_t GetFwhmOuter() {
174 | return fwhm_resp_outer ;
175 | }
176 |
177 | Bool_t IsPixelUsed(UInt_t p){
178 | return used[p];
179 | }
180 |
181 | } ;
182 |
183 |
184 | #endif