1 | #include "MLons.hxx"
2 |
3 | MLons::MLons(){
4 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
5 | //
6 | // Default constructor
7 | //
8 |
9 | fTrigShape = 0.0;
10 | fAmplTrig = 1.0;
11 | fFwhmTrig = 2.0;
12 |
13 | fFadcShape = 0.0;
14 | fAmplFadc = 1.0;
15 | fFwhmFadc = 2.0;
16 |
17 | RandomNumber = new TRandom() ;
18 |
19 | }
20 |
21 | MLons::MLons(Float_t in_amplT, Float_t in_FwhmT,
22 | Float_t in_amplF, Float_t in_FwhmF){
23 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | //
25 | // Constructor overloaded I
26 | //
27 |
28 | fTrigShape = 0.0;
29 | fAmplTrig = in_amplT;
30 | fFwhmTrig = in_FwhmT;
31 |
32 | fFadcShape = 0.0;
33 | fAmplFadc = in_amplF;
34 | fFwhmFadc = in_FwhmF;
35 |
36 | RandomNumber = new TRandom() ;
37 | }
38 |
39 | void MLons::Reset() {
40 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------
41 | //
42 | // Reset the member variables
43 | //
44 |
45 | fTrigShape = 0. ;
46 | fAmplTrig = 0. ;
47 | fFwhmTrig = 0. ;
48 |
49 | fFadcShape = 0. ;
50 | fAmplFadc = 0. ;
51 | fFwhmFadc = 0. ;
52 |
53 | MSLStored.Reset();
54 |
55 | }
56 |
57 | Float_t MLons::GetAmplTrig ()
58 | {
59 | return fAmplTrig ;
60 | }
61 |
62 | void MLons::SetAmplTrig (Float_t in )
63 | {
64 | fAmplTrig = in ;
65 | }
66 |
67 | Float_t MLons::GetFwhmTrig ()
68 | {
69 | return fFwhmTrig ;
70 | }
71 |
72 | void MLons::SetFwhmTrig (Float_t in )
73 | {
74 | fFwhmTrig = in ;
75 | }
76 |
77 |
78 | Float_t MLons::GetAmplFadc ()
79 | {
80 | return fAmplFadc ;
81 | }
82 |
83 | void MLons::SetAmplFadc (Float_t in )
84 | {
85 | fAmplFadc = in ;
86 | }
87 |
88 | Float_t MLons::GetFwhmFadc ()
89 | {
90 | return fFwhmFadc ;
91 | }
92 |
93 | void MLons::SetFwhmFadc (Float_t in )
94 | {
95 | fFwhmFadc = in ;
96 | }
97 |
98 | void MLons::SetPath (Char_t in[])
99 | {
100 | strcpy(path, & in[0]);
101 | }
102 |
103 | void MLons::ReadBinaryMStarLight(char *filename){
104 |
105 | MSLStored.ReadBinary(filename);
106 |
107 | }
108 |
109 | Int_t MLons::CheckTrig(){
110 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
111 | //
112 | // Parameters of MSLStored should be the same than the required ones
113 | //
114 |
115 | if ( fAmplTrig == MSLStored.GetAmplTrig() &&
116 | fFwhmTrig == MSLStored.GetFwhmTrig())
117 | return 1;
118 |
119 | return 0;
120 | }
121 |
122 | Int_t MLons::CheckFADC(){
123 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------
124 | //
125 | // Parameters of MSLStored should be the same than the required ones
126 | //
127 |
128 | if ( fAmplFadc == MSLStored.GetAmplFadc() &&
129 | fFwhmFadc == MSLStored.GetFwhmFadc())
130 | return 1;
131 |
132 | return 0;
133 | }
134 |
135 | Int_t MLons::GetResponse(Float_t in_br, Float_t in_pre,
136 | Float_t *out_tr, Float_t *out_Fr){
137 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 | //
139 | // It reads the response from the database and put it in out_tr
140 | //
141 |
142 | Char_t filename_slt[256];
143 | Char_t cbright[5];
144 | Char_t cstoredbright[5];
145 |
146 | Int_t i;
147 | Int_t bin;
148 | Float_t start_bin;
149 | Float_t time;
150 |
151 | // The following code line commented means that the simulation will crash if
152 | // some pixel ask for more lons than what we have in the database.
153 | // The following code line uncommented would mean that the simulation does
154 | // not crash if a pixel ask for more than it is simulated but would
155 | // assign to it lees lons.
156 | if (in_br>49.9) in_br=49.9; // To avoid error for high required brightness
157 | // It has to be improved
158 |
159 | // Check if the the brightness is the same than the last time.
160 | // NOTE: Same means, the smae inside the required precision!!!
161 |
162 | sprintf(cbright,"%3.1f",in_br);
163 | sprintf(cstoredbright,"%3.1f",MSLStored.GetBrightness());
164 |
165 | if (strcmp(cbright, cstoredbright)){
166 |
167 | // Building the filename
168 | // Note: it would be nice to get an algorithm that gets the name of
169 | // files it needs to get brightness as a function of precison(in_pre),
170 | // brightnes (in_br) and the Star_files that are in the "Path" directory.
171 |
172 | strcpy(filename_slt, & path[0]);
173 | strcat(filename_slt, "Brightness");
174 | strcat(filename_slt, & cbright[0]);
175 |
176 | strcat(filename_slt, ".slt");
177 |
178 | // If brightness is different it check if the new file has the
179 | // required parameters.
180 | // Note: I could be faster to store the whole trigger and fadc
181 | // response and use it while brightness does not change. Then the
182 | // root file should be open and close here.
183 |
184 | ReadBinaryMStarLight( & filename_slt[0]);
185 |
186 | if (!(CheckTrig() && CheckFADC())) {
187 | cout<<"ERROR: The Database for light from Night Sky Background is wrong"<<endl<<" Make sure that you generated the database with the same shape for Fadc and trigger taht you are asking now."<<endl;
188 | return 0;
189 | }
190 | MSLStored.SetBrightness(in_br);
191 |
192 | }
193 |
194 | // Random number that decides the set of bins that the program will get
195 | start_bin=RandomNumber->Uniform(1.0e4);
196 |
197 | // Filling trigger response
198 |
199 | bin=(Int_t)(start_bin*4);
200 |
201 | for (i=0;i<TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES;i++){
202 |
203 | time=((float)i)/SLICES_PER_NSEC;
204 |
205 | if (time>(bin-start_bin*4.0)/4.0) bin++;
206 |
207 | if (bin>=TRIGBINS) bin=bin-TRIGBINS;
208 |
209 | out_tr[i]=MSLStored.GetTrig(bin);
210 | }
211 |
212 | // Filling fadc response
213 |
214 | bin=(Int_t) (start_bin*0.3);
215 |
216 | for (i=0;i<(Int_t) SLICES_MFADC;i++){
217 |
218 | time=((float)i)*WIDTH_FADC_TIMESLICE;
219 |
220 | if (time>(bin-start_bin*0.3)/0.3) bin++;
221 |
222 | if (bin>=FADCBINS) bin=bin-FADCBINS;
223 |
224 | out_Fr[i]=MSLStored.GetFadc(bin);
225 | }
226 |
227 | return 1;
228 | }