// // // In this file are the fundamental definitions for the class MCTrigger // // #define TRIGGER_PIXELS 271 // // This is the number of Pixels contributing to the TRIGGER logic // All Pixels-Id above that value don't do an trigger stuff. // // #define TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME 160 // // This values defines the total range in that we try to find // a trigger. // #define LEVEL1_DEAD_TIME 50 // // Dead time of the detector after one first level trigger happens. // #define LEVEL2_DEAD_TIME 300 // // Dead time of the detector after second level trigger fires // #define SLICES_PER_NSEC 4 // // Each nano second is divided into the number of this values slices. // So you can get the total number of timeslices for one Pixel by // ( TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME * SLICES_PER_NSEC ). // In the current settings this are 1000 slices // #define TRIGGER_TIME_SLICES (TOTAL_TRIGGER_TIME*SLICES_PER_NSEC) // // // // // ------>>> SETTINGS for the RESPONSE FUNCTION // #define RESPONSE_SLICES 40 // // This is for the standard response Signal to 1 Photoelectron // that leaves the Photocathode // The whole Timescale for the signal is 10 nsec // // The Response function // // These values are discussed with Eckart. We start from this point. // #define RESPONSE_FWHM 2. #define RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE 1. // // This are the Standard values of the response function for // 1 photo electron. ( 1 means 1 mV per phote electron ) // // // -------->>> SETTINGS for the DISKRIMINATORS // // #define CHANNEL_THRESHOLD 2.5 // // This is the diskriminator threshold for each individual channel // First we set the value to 2 unit of the RESPONSE_AMPLITUDE // #define TRIGGER_GATE 3. // // Here we set the width of the digital signal we get if the signal // passes the diskriminator // // // --------->>>> SETTINGS for the TRIGGER logic // // #define TRIGGER_MULTI 4. // // We get a Level Zero Trigger, if we have a least TRIGGER_MULTI // channels with a diskrimiator signal at the same time // #define TRIGGER_GEOM 0 // // This defines the geometry required for a trigger. There exists // different meaning for this behaviour: // 0 means a pixel with trigger_multi-1 neighbours // 1 means trigger_multi neighbours // 2 means trigger_multi closed neighbours //