1 | \section{Signal Reconstruction Algorithms}
2 |
3 | \ldots {\it In this section, the extractors are described, especially w.r.t. which free parameters are left to play,
4 | how they subtract the pedestal, how they compare between calibration and cosmics pulses and how an
5 | extraction in case of a pure pedestal event takes place. }
6 | \newline
7 | \newline
8 | {\it Missing coding:
9 | \begin{itemize}
10 | \item Implementing a low-gain extraction based on the high-gain information \ldots Arnau
11 | \item Real fit to the expected pulse shape \ldots Hendrik, Wolfgang ???
12 | \end{itemize}
13 | }
14 |
15 | \subsection{Pure signal extractors}
16 |
17 | The pure signal extractors have in common that they compute only the
18 | signal, but no arrival time. All treated extractors here derive from the MARS-base
19 | class {\textit{MExtractor}} which provides the following facilities:
20 |
21 | \begin{itemize}
22 | \item The global extraction limits can be set from outside
23 | \item FADC saturation is kept track off
24 | \end{itemize}
25 |
26 | The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
27 | \begin{description}
28 | \item[Global extraction limits:\xspace] Limits in between the extractor is allowed
29 | to search.
30 | \end{description}
31 |
32 | \subsubsection{Fixed Window}
33 |
34 | This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractFixedWindow}}.
35 | It simply adds the FADC contents in the allowed ranges.
36 | As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an even number of samples is allowed.
37 |
38 | \subsubsection{Fixed Window with global Peak Search}
39 |
40 | This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch}}.
41 | It first fixes a reference point defined as the highest sum of
42 | consecutive non-saturating FADC slices in a (smaller) peak-search window. This reference
43 | point removes the coherent movement of the arrival times over whole camera due to the trigger jitter.
44 |
45 | Then, simply adds the FADC contents around the reference point in a fixed window manner.
46 | It loops twice over the all pixels every event, because it first has to find the reference point.
47 | As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an even number of samples is allowed.
48 |
49 | The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
50 | \begin{description}
51 | \item[Peak Search Window:\xspace] Defines the ``sliding window'' in which the peaking sum is
52 | searched for (default: 4 slices)
53 | \item[Offset from Window:\xspace] Defines the offset from the found reference point to start
54 | extracting the fixed window (default: 1 slice)
55 | \item[Low-Gain Peak shift:\xspace] Defines the shift in the low-gain with respect to the peak found
56 | in the high-gain (default: 1 slice)
57 | \end{description}
58 |
59 | \subsubsection{Fixed Window with integrated cubic spline}
60 |
61 | This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractFixedWindowSpline}}.
62 | It uses a cubic spline algorithm, adapted from \cite{NUMREC}.
63 | It integrated the
64 | spline interpolated FADC slice values, counting the edge slices as half.
65 | As it does not correct for the clock-noise, only an odd number of samples is allowed.
66 |
67 | \subsection{Combined extractors}
68 |
69 | The combined extractors have in common that they compute the arrival time and
70 | the signal in one step. All treated combined extractors here derive from the MARS-base
71 | class {\textit{MExtractTimeAndCharge}} which provides the following facilities:
72 |
73 | \begin{itemize}
74 | \item Only one loop over all pixels is performed
75 | \item The individual FADC slice values get the clock-noise-corrected pedestals immediately subtracted.
76 | \item The low-gain extraction range is adapted dynamically, based on the computed arrival time
77 | from the high-gain samples
78 | \item Extracted times from the low-gain samples get corrected for the intrinsic time delay of the low-gain
79 | pulse
80 | \item The global extraction limits can be set from outside
81 | \item FADC saturation is kept track off
82 | \end{itemize}
83 |
84 | The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
85 | \begin{description}
86 | \item[Global extraction limits:\xspace] Limits in between the extractor is allowed
87 | to search. They are fixed by the extractor for the high-gain, but re-adjusted for
88 | every event in the low-gain, depending on the arrival time found in the low-gain.
89 | However, the dynamically adjusted window is not allowed to pass beyond the global
90 | limits.
91 | \item[Low-gain start shift:\xspace] Global shift between the computed high-gain arrival
92 | time and the start of the low-gain extraction limit (corrected for the intrinsic time offset).
93 | This variable tells where the extractor is allowed to start searching for the low-gain signal
94 | if the high-gain arrival time is known. It avoids that the extractor gets confused by possible high-gain
95 | signals leaking into the ``low-gain'' region.
96 | \end{description}
97 |
98 | \ldots {\it Note for the usage of this class together with {\textit{MJCalibration}}: In order to access the
99 | arrival times computed by these classes, the option: MJCalibration::SetTimeAndCharge() has to
100 | be chosen} \ldots
101 |
102 | \subsubsection{Sliding Window with amplitude-weighted time}
103 |
104 | This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow}}.
105 | It extracts the signal from a sliding window of an adjustable size, for high-gain and low-gain
106 | individually (default: 6 and 6) The signal is the one which maximizes the summed
107 | (clock-noise and pedestal-corrected) FADC signal over the window.
108 | \par
109 | The amplitude-weighted arrival time is calculated from the window with
110 | the highest integral using the following formula:
111 |
112 | \begin{equation}
113 | t = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{windowsize} s_i \cdot i}{\sum_{i=0}^{windowsize} i}
114 | \end{equation}
115 | where $i$ denotes the FADC slice index, starting from the beginning of the derived
116 | window and running over the window and $s_i$ the clock-noise and
117 | pedestal-corrected FADC value at slice index i.
118 | \par
119 | The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
120 | \begin{description}
121 | \item[Window sizes:\xspace] Independenty for high-gain and low-gain (default: 6,6)
122 | \end{description}
123 |
124 | \subsubsection{Cubic Spline with Sliding Window or Amplitude extraction}
125 |
126 | This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline}}.
127 | It uses a cubic spline algorithm, adapted from \cite{NUMREC}.
128 | The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
129 |
130 | \begin{description}
131 | \item[Time Extraction Type:\xspace] The position of the maximum can be chosen (default) or the
132 | position of the half maximum at the rising edge of the pulse
133 | \item[Charge Extraction Type:\xspace] The amplitude of the maximum can be chosen (default) or the
134 | integrated spline between maximum position minus rise time (default: 1.5 slices) and maximum position plus
135 | fall time (default: 4.5 slices). The low-gain signal integrates one slice more at the falling part of the
136 | signal.
137 | \item[Rise Time and Fall Time:\xspace] Can be adjusted for the integration charge extraction type.
138 | \item[Resolution:\xspace] Defined as the maximum allowed difference between the calculated half maximum value and
139 | the computed spline value at the arrival time position. Can be adjusted for the half-maximum time extraction
140 | type.
141 | \end{description}
142 |
143 | \subsubsection{Digital Filter}
144 |
145 | This extractor is implemented in the MARS-class {\textit{MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter}}.
146 |
147 |
148 | The goal of the digital filtering method \cite{OF94,OF77} is to optimally reconstruct the amplitude and time origin of a signal with a known signal shape from discrete measurements of the signal. Thereby the noise contribution to the amplitude reconstruction is minimized.
149 |
150 | For the digital filtering method two assumptions have to be made:
151 |
152 | \begin{itemize}
153 | \item{The normalized signal shape has to be independent of the signal amplitude.}
154 | \item{The noise properties have to be independent of the signal amplitude.}
155 | \end{itemize}
156 |
157 | Let $g(t)$ be the normalized signal shape, $E$ the signal amplitude and $\tau$ the time shift of the physical signal from the predicted signal shape. Then the time dependence of the signal, $y(t)$, is given by:
158 |
159 | \begin{equation}
160 | y(t)=E \cdot g(t-\tau) + b(t) \ ,
161 | \end{equation}
162 |
163 | where $b(t)$ is the time dependent noise distribution. For small time shifts $\tau$ the time dependence can be linearized by the use of a Taylor expansion:
164 |
165 | \begin{equation} \label{shape_taylor_approx}
166 | y(t)=E \cdot g(t) - E\tau \cdot \dot{g}(t) + b(t) \ ,
167 | \end{equation}
168 |
169 | where $\dot{g}(t)$ is the time derivative of the signal shape. Discrete
170 | measurements $y_i$ of the signal at times $t_i \ (i=1,...,n)$ have the form:
171 |
172 | \begin{equation}
173 | y_i=E \cdot g_i- E\tau \cdot \dot{g}_i +b_i \ .
174 | \end{equation}
175 |
176 | The correlation of the noise contributions at times $t_i$ and $t_j$ is expressed in the noise autocorrelation matrix $\boldsymbol{B}$:
177 |
178 | \begin{equation}
179 | \boldsymbol{B_{ij}} = \langle b_i b_j \rangle - \langle b_i \rangle \langle b_j
180 | \rangle \ .
181 | \end{equation}
182 | %\equiv \langle b_i b_j \rangle with $\langle b_i \rangle = 0$.
183 |
184 | The signal amplitude, $E$, and the product of amplitude and time shift, $E \tau$, can be estimated from the given set of
185 | measurements $\boldsymbol{y} = (y_1, ... ,y_n)$ by minimizing:
186 |
187 | \begin{eqnarray}
188 | \chi^2(E, E\tau) &=& \sum_{i,j}(y_i-E g_i-E\tau \dot{g}_i) \boldsymbol{B}^{-1}_{ij} (y_j - E g_j-E\tau \dot{g}_i) \\
189 | &=& (\boldsymbol{y} - E
190 | \boldsymbol{g} - E\tau \dot{\boldsymbol{g}})^T \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} (\boldsymbol{y} - E \boldsymbol{g}- E\tau \dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) \ ,
191 | \end{eqnarray}
192 |
193 | where the last expression is matricial. The minimum is obtained for:
194 |
195 | \begin{equation}
196 | \frac{\partial \chi^2(E, E\tau)}{\partial E} = 0 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \frac{\partial \chi^2(E, E\tau)}{\partial(E\tau)} = 0 \ .
197 | \end{equation}
198 |
199 | This leads to the following two equations for the estimated amplitude $\overline{E}$ and the estimation for the product of amplitude and time offset $\overline{E\tau}$:
200 |
201 | \begin{eqnarray}
202 | 0&=&-\boldsymbol{g}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{y}+\boldsymbol{g}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{g}\overline{E}+\boldsymbol{g}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}\overline{E\tau}
203 | \\
204 | 0&=&-\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{y}+\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{g}\overline{E}+\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}\overline{E\tau} \ .
205 | \end{eqnarray}
206 |
207 | Solving these equations one gets the solutions:
208 |
209 | \begin{equation}
210 | \overline{E}= \boldsymbol{w}_{\text{amp}}^T \boldsymbol{y} \quad \mathrm{with} \quad \boldsymbol{w}_{\text{amp}} = \frac{ (\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} \boldsymbol{g} -(\boldsymbol{g}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} \dot{\boldsymbol{g}}} {(\boldsymbol{g}^T \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} \boldsymbol{g})(\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) -(\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{g})^2 } \ ,
211 | \end{equation}
212 |
213 | \begin{equation}
214 | \overline{E\tau}= \boldsymbol{w}_{\text{time}}^T \boldsymbol{y} \quad \mathrm{with} \quad \boldsymbol{w}_{\text{time}} = \frac{ ({\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}{\boldsymbol{g}}) \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} \dot{\boldsymbol{g}} -(\boldsymbol{g}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} {\boldsymbol{g}}} {(\boldsymbol{g}^T \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} \boldsymbol{g})(\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) -(\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{g})^2 } \ .
215 | \end{equation}
216 |
217 |
218 | Thus $\overline{E}$ and $\overline{E\tau}$ are given by a weighted sum of the discrete measurements $y_i$ with the digital filtering weights for the amplitude, $w_{\text{amp},i}$, and time shift, $w_{\text{time},i}$.
219 |
220 | Because of the truncation of the Taylor series in equation (\ref{shape_taylor_approx}) the above results are only valid for vanishing time offsets $\tau$. For non-zero time offsets one has to iterate the problem using the time shifted signal shape $g(t-\tau)$.
221 |
222 | The covariance matrix $\boldsymbol{V}$ of $\overline{E}$ and $\overline{E\tau}$ is given by:
223 |
224 | \begin{equation}
225 | \boldsymbol{V}^{-1}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\partial^2 \chi^2(E, E\tau)}{\partial \alpha_i \partial \alpha_j} \right) \quad \text{with} \quad \alpha_i,\alpha_j \in [E, E\tau] \ .
226 | \end{equation}
227 |
228 | The expected contribution of the noise to the estimated amplitude, $\sigma_E$, is:
229 |
230 | \begin{equation}\label{of_noise}
231 | \sigma_E^2=\frac{\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}}{(\boldsymbol{g}^T \boldsymbol{B}^{-1} \boldsymbol{g})(\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}) -(\dot{\boldsymbol{g}}^T\boldsymbol{B}^{-1}\boldsymbol{g})^2} \ .
232 | \end{equation}
233 |
234 | In the case of an uncorrelated noise with zero mean the noise autocorrelation matrix is:
235 |
236 | \begin{equation}
237 | \boldsymbol{B}_{ij}= \langle b_i b_j \rangle \delta_{ij} = \sigma^2(b_i) \ ,
238 | \end{equation}
239 |
240 | where $\sigma(b_i)$ is the standard deviation of the noise of the discrete measurements. Equation (\ref{of_noise}) than becomes:
241 |
242 |
243 | \begin{equation}
244 | \frac{\sigma^2(b_i)}{\sigma_E^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{n}{g_i^2} - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{g_i \dot{g}_i}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\dot{g}_i^2}} \ .
245 | \end{equation}
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 | \ldots {\it Hendrik ... }
250 |
251 | The following free adjustable parameters have to be set from outside:
252 |
253 | \begin{description}
254 | \item[Weights File:\xspace]
255 | \item[Window Sizes:\xspace]
256 | \item[Binning Resolution:\xspace]
257 | \end{description}
258 |
259 | \subsubsection{Real fit to the expected pulse shape }
260 |
261 | This extractor is not yet implemented as MARS-class...
262 | \par
263 | It fit the pulse shape to a Landau convoluted with a Gaussian using the following
264 | parameters:...
265 |
266 | \ldots {\it Hendrik, Wolfgang ... }
267 |
268 |
269 | \subsection{Used Extractors for this Analysis}
270 |
271 | We propose to test the following parameterized extractors:
272 |
273 | \begin{description}
274 | \item[MExtractFixedWindow]: with the following parameters, if {\textit{maxbin}} defines the
275 | mean position of the High-Gain FADC slice carrying the pulse maximum:
276 | \begin{enumerate}
277 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-1,{\textit{maxbin}}+2,{\textit{maxbin}}+0.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+3.5);
278 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-1,{\textit{maxbin}}+2,{\textit{maxbin}}-1.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+4.5);
279 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-2,{\textit{maxbin}}+3,{\textit{maxbin}}-0.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+4.5);
280 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-3,{\textit{maxbin}}+4,{\textit{maxbin}}-1.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+5.5);
281 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-5,{\textit{maxbin}}+8,{\textit{maxbin}}-1.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+7.5);
282 | \suspend{enumerate}
283 | \item[MExtractFixedWindowSpline]: with the following parameters, if {\textit{maxbin}} defines the
284 | mean position of the High-Gain FADC slice carrying the pulse maximum:
285 | \resume{enumerate}
286 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-1,{\textit{maxbin}}+2,{\textit{maxbin}}+0.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+3.5);
287 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-1,{\textit{maxbin}}+2,{\textit{maxbin}}-1.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+4.5);
288 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-2,{\textit{maxbin}}+3,{\textit{maxbin}}-0.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+4.5);
289 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-3,{\textit{maxbin}}+4,{\textit{maxbin}}-1.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+5.5);
290 | \item SetRange({\textit{maxbin}}-5,{\textit{maxbin}}+8,{\textit{maxbin}}-1.5,{\textit{maxbin}}+7.5);
291 | \suspend{enumerate}
292 | \item[MExtractFixedWindowPeakSearch]: with the following parameters: \\
293 | SetRange(0,18,2,14); and:
294 | \resume{enumerate}
295 | \item SetWindows(2,2,2);
296 | \item SetWindows(4,4,2);
297 | \item SetWindows(6,6,4);
298 | \item SetWindows(4,6,4);
299 | \item SetWindows(8,8,4);
300 | \item SetWindows(14,10,4);
301 | \suspend{enumerate}
302 | \item[MExtractTimeAndChargeSlidingWindow]: with the following parameters: \\
303 | SetRange(0,18,2,14); and:
304 | \resume{enumerate}
305 | \item SetWindowSize(2,2);
306 | \item SetWindowSize(4,4);
307 | \item SetWindowSize(6,6);
308 | \item SetWindowSize(4,6);
309 | \item SetWindowSize(8,8);
310 | \item SetWindowSize(14,10);
311 | \suspend{enumerate}
312 | \item[MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline]: with the following parameters:\\
313 | SetChargeType(MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::kIntegral); \\
314 | SetRange(0,18,2,14); \\
315 | and:
316 |
317 | \resume{enumerate}
318 | \item SetRiseTime(1.5); SetFallTime(4.5);
319 | \item SetRiseTime(0.5); SetFallTime(2.5);
320 | \item SetRiseTime(0.5); SetFallTime(1.5);
321 | \item SetRiseTime(0.5); SetFallTime(0.5);
322 | \suspend{enumerate}
323 | and:
324 | \resume{enumerate}
325 | \item SetChargeType(MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline::kAmplitude); \\
326 | SetRange(0,10,4,11); and:
327 | \suspend{enumerate}
328 | \item[MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter]: with the following parameters:
329 | \resume{enumerate}
330 | \item SetWeightsFile(``cosmic\_weights6.dat'');
331 | \item SetWeightsFile(``cosmic\_weights4.dat'');
332 | \item SetWeightsFile(``cosmic\_weights\_logain6.dat'');
333 | \item SetWeightsFile(``cosmic\_weights\_logain4.dat'');
334 | \item SetWeightsFile(``calibration\_weights\_UV6.dat'');
335 | \item SetWeightsFile(``calibration\_weights\_UV4.dat'');
336 | \item SetWeightsFile(``calibration\_weights\_UV\_logain6.dat'');
337 | \item SetWeightsFile(``calibration\_weights\_UV\_logain4.dat'');
338 | \suspend{enumerate}
339 | \item[``Real Fit'']: (not yet implemented, one try)
340 | \resume{enumerate}
341 | \item Real Fit
342 | \end{enumerate}
343 | \end{description}
344 |
345 |
346 | References: \cite{OF77,OF94}.
347 |
348 |
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