1 | \section{Introduction}
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4 | The MAGIC telescope aims to study the gamma ray emission from high energy phenomena and the violent physics
5 | processes in the universe
6 | at the lowest energy threshold possible \cite{low_energy}.
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8 | Figure~\ref{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme} shows a sketch of the MAGIC read-out scheme, including the
9 | photomultiplier tubes (PMT) camera,
10 | the analog-optical link, the majority trigger logic and flash analog-to-digital converters (FADCs).
11 | The used PMTs provide a very fast
12 | response to the input light signal. The response of the PMTs to sub-ns input light pulses shows a FWHM of
13 | 1.0 - 1.2 ns and rise and fall times of 600 and 700\,ps correspondingly~\cite{Magic-PMT}. By modulating
14 | vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL)
15 | type laser diodes in amplitude, the fast analog signals from the PMTs are transferred via 162\,m long,
16 | 50/125\,$\mu$m diameter optical fibers to the counting house \cite{MAGIC-analog-link-2}. After transforming the
17 | light back to an electrical signal, the original PMT pulse has a FWHM of about 2.2 ns and rise and fall
18 | times of about 1\,ns. % was 2.2 ns
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20 | %an analog optical link \ci
21 | %te{MAGIC-analog-link-2} to the counting house.
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24 | \begin{figure}[h!]
25 | \begin{center}
26 | \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Magic_readout_scheme1.eps}
27 | \end{center}
28 | \caption[Current MAGIC read-out scheme.]{Current MAGIC read-out scheme: the analog PMT signals are
29 | transferred via an analog optical link to the counting house -- where after the trigger decision -- the signals
30 | are digitized by a 300\,MHz FADCs system and written to the hard disk of a data acquisition PC.}
31 | \label{fig:MAGIC_read-out_scheme}
32 | \end{figure}
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36 | %After modulating VCSEL type laser diodes, after traveling through 162m of multi-mode graded index fiber of 50/125 $\mu$m diameter and.
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39 | In order to sample this pulse shape with the 300 MSamples/s FADC system, the original pulse is folded with a
40 | stretching function of 6ns leading to a FWHM greater than 6\,ns. Because the MAGIC FADCs have a
41 | resolution of 8 bit only, the signals are split into two branches with gains differing by a factor 10.
42 | One branch is delayed by 55\,ns and then both branches are multiplexed and consecutively read-out by one FADC.
43 | Figure~\ref{fig:pulpo_shape_high} shows a typical average of identical signals.
44 | A more detailed overview about the MAGIC read-out and DAQ system is given in \cite{Magic-DAQ}.
45 | % The maximum sustained trigger rate could be 1 kHz. The FADCs feature a FIFO memory which allows a significantly higher short-time rate.
46 | % Obviously by doing this, more LONS is integrated and thus the performance of the telescope on the analysis level is degraded.
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49 | To reach the highest sensitivity and the lowest possible analysis energy threshold the recorded signals from
50 | Cherenkov light have to be accurately reconstructed. Therefore the highest possible signal to noise ratio,
51 | signal reconstruction resolution and a small bias are important.
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53 | Monte Carlo (MC) based simulations predict different time structures for gamma and hadron induced shower
54 | images as well as for images of single muons. An accurate arrival time determination may therefore improve
55 | the separation power of gamma events from the background events. Moreover, the timing information may be
56 | used in the image cleaning to discriminate between pixels which signal belongs to the shower and pixels
57 | which are affected by randomly timed background noise.
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60 | This note is structured as follows: In section~\ref{sec:reco} the average pulse shapes are reconstructed
61 | from the recorded
62 | FADC samples for calibration and cosmics pulses. These pulse shapes are compared with the pulse shape
63 | implemented in the MC simulation.
64 | In section~\ref{sec:algorithms} different signal reconstruction algorithms and their implementation in
65 | the common MAGIC software framework {\textit{\bf MARS}} are reviewed.
66 | In section~\ref{sec:criteria} criteria for an optimal
67 | signal
68 | reconstruction are developed. Thereafter the signal extraction algorithms under study are applied to
69 | pedestal, calibration and MC events in sections~\ref{sec:pedestals} to~\ref{sec:mc}.
70 | The CPU requirements of the different algorithms
71 | are compared in section~\ref{sec:speed}. Finally in section~\ref{sec:results} the results are summarized
72 | and in section~\ref{sec:conclusion} a standard signal extraction algorithm for MAGIC is proposed.
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74 | \subsection{Characteristics of the current read-out system}
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76 | The following intrinsic characteristics of the current read-out system affect especially the signal
77 | reconstruction:
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79 | \begin{description}
80 | \item[Inner and Outer pixels:\xspace] The MAGIC camera has two types of pixels which incorporate the following differences:
81 | \begin{enumerate}
82 | \item Size: The outer pixels have a factor four bigger area than the inner pixels~\cite{MAGIC-design}.
83 | Their (quantum-efficiency convoluted) effective area is about a factor 2.6 higher.
84 | \item Gain: The camera is flat-fielded in order to yield a similar reconstructed charge signal for the same photon illumination intensity.
85 | In order to achieve this, the gain of the inner pixels has been adjusted to about a factor 2.6 higher than the outer
86 | ones~\cite{tdas-calibration}. This results in lower effective noise charge from the night sky background for the outer pixels.
87 | \item Delay: The signal of the outer pixels is delayed by about 1.5\,ns with respect to the inner ones.
88 | \end{enumerate}
89 | \item[Clock noise:\xspace] The MAGIC 300\,MHz FADCs have an intrinsic clock noise of a few least significant bits (LSBs) occurring with a frequency of 150\,MHz.
90 | This clock noise results
91 | in a superimposed AB-pattern for the read-out pedestals. In the standard analysis, the amplitude of this clock noise gets measured in the
92 | pedestal extraction algorithms and further corrected for by all signal extractors.
93 | \item[Trigger Jitter:\xspace] The FADC clock is not synchronized with the trigger. Therefore, the relative position of the recorded
94 | signal samples varies uniformly by one FADC slice with respect to the position of the signal shape by one FADC slice from event to event.
95 | \item[DAQ jumps:\xspace] Unfortunately, the position of the signal pulse with respect to the first recorded FADC sample is not constant.
96 | It varies randomly by an integer number of FADC slices -- typically two -- in about 1\% of the channels per event.
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98 | \end{description}
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