1 | \documentclass[12pt]{article}
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14 | \usepackage{caption2}
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28 | \begin{document}
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31 |
32 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
33 | %% Please, for the formatting just include here the standard
34 | %% elements: title, author, date, plus TDAScode
35 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
36 | \title{Comparison of Signal Reconstruction Algorithms for the MAGIC Telescope}
37 | \author{H. Bartko, O. Blanch, M. Gaug, A. Moralejo, \\
38 | N. Sidro, W. Wittek}
39 | \date{Month dd, 2004\\}
40 | \TDAScode{MAGIC-TDAS 04-xx\\ 04mmdd}
41 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
42 |
43 | %% title %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
44 | \maketitle
45 |
46 | %% abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
47 | \begin{abstract}
48 | Presently MAGIC uses a 300~MHz FADC system to sample the Cherenkov signals.
49 | In this note different algorithms to reconstruct the signal from the read out samples
50 | are described and compared. Criteria for comparison are defined and used to judge the
51 | different extractors applied to calibration signals, cosmics and pedestals. At the end,
52 | a best extractor is proposed. The question
53 | of pedestal calculation for the different extractors is adressed.
54 | \end{abstract}
55 |
56 | %% contents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
57 | \thetableofcontents
58 | \newpage
59 |
60 | %% body %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
61 | %\include{pedplots}
62 | \include{Introduction}
63 | \include{Reconstruction}
64 | \include{Algorithms}
65 | \include{Criteria}
66 | \include{Pedestal}
67 | \include{Calibration}
68 | \include{MonteCarlo}
69 | \include{Speed}
70 | \include{Results}
71 | \include{Conclusions}
72 | %\include{pheplots}
73 |
74 | \bibliography{bibfile}
75 | \bibliographystyle{bibstyle}
76 |
77 | \end{document}
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