1 | \section{Monte Carlo \label{sec:mc}}
2 |
3 | \subsection{Introduction \label{sec:mc:intro}}
4 |
5 | Many charasteristics of the extractor can only be investigated with the use of Monte-Carlo simulations~\cite{MC-Camera}
6 | of signal pulses and noise for the following reasons:
7 |
8 | \begin{itemize}
9 | \item While in real conditions, the signal can only be obtained in a Poisson distribution, simulated pulses of a specific
10 | number of photo-electrons can be generated.
11 | \item The intrinsic arrival time spread can be chosen within the simulation.
12 | \item The noise auto-correlation in the low-gain channel cannot be determined from data,
13 | but instead has to be retrieved from Monte-Carlo studies.
14 | \item The same pulse can be studied with and without added noise, where the noise level can be deliberately adjusted.
15 | \item The photo-multiplier and optical link gain fluctuations can be tuned or switched off completely.
16 | \end{itemize}
17 |
18 | Nevertheless, there are always systematic differences between the simulation and the real detector. In our case, especially the
19 | following short-comings are of concern:
20 |
21 | \begin{itemize}
22 | \item The low-gain pulse is not yet simulated with the correct pulse width, but instead the same pulse shape as the one of the
23 | high-gain channel has been used.
24 | \item The low-gain pulse is delayed by only 15 FADC slices in the Monte-Carlo simulations, while it arrives about 16.5 FADC slices
25 | after the high-gain pulse in real conditions.
26 | \item No switching noise due to the low-gain switch has been simulated.
27 | \item The intrinsic transit time spread of the photo-multipliers has not been simulated.
28 | \item The total dynamic range of the entire signal transmission chain was set to infinite, thus the detector has been simulated
29 | to be completely linear.
30 | \end{itemize}
31 |
32 | For the subsequent studies, the following settings have been used:
33 |
34 | \begin{itemize}
35 | \item The gain fluctuations for signal pulses were switched off.
36 | \item The gain fluctuations for the background noise of the light of night sky were instead fully simulated, i.e. very close to
37 | real conditions.
38 | \item The intrinsic arrival time spread of the photons was set to be 1\,ns, as expected for gamma showers.
39 | \item The conversion of total integrated charge to photo-electrons was set to be 7.8~FADC~counts
40 | per photo-electron, independent of the signal strength.
41 | \item The trigger jitter was set to be uniformly distributed over 1~FADC slice only.
42 | \end{itemize}
43 |
44 | In the following, we used the Monte-Carlo to determine especially the following quantities for each of the tested extractors:
45 |
46 | \begin{itemize}
47 | \item The charge resolution as a function of the input signal strength.
48 | \item The charge extraction bias as a function of the input signal strength.
49 | \item The time resolution as a function of the input signal strength.
50 | \item The effect of adding or removing noise for the above quantities.
51 | \end{itemize}
52 |
53 | \subsection{Charge Signals with Simulated Noise \label{sec:mc:charge}}
54 |
55 | \begin{figure}[htp]%%[t!]
56 | \centering
57 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_FixW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
58 | \vspace{\floatsep}
59 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_FixW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
60 | \vspace{\floatsep}
61 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_FixW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
62 | \vspace{\floatsep}
63 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_FixW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
64 | \caption[Charge per Number of photo-electrons Fixed Windows]{Extracted charge per photoelectron versus number of photoelectrons,
65 | for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
66 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
67 | \label{ChargeDivNphe_FixW}
68 | \end{figure}
69 |
70 | \begin{figure}[htp]
71 | \centering
72 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_SlidW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
73 | \vspace{\floatsep}
74 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_SlidW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
75 | \vspace{\floatsep}
76 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_SlidW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
77 | \vspace{\floatsep}
78 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_SlidW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
79 | \caption[Charge per Number of photo-electrons Sliding Windows]{Extracted charge per photoelectron versus number of photoelectrons,
80 | for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
81 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
82 | \label{ChargeDivNphe_SlidW}
83 | \end{figure}
84 |
85 | \begin{figure}[htp]
86 | \centering
87 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_DFSpline_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
88 | \vspace{\floatsep}
89 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_DFSpline_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
90 | \vspace{\floatsep}
91 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_DFSpline_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
92 | \vspace{\floatsep}
93 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_DFSpline_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
94 | \caption[Charge per Number of photo-electrons Spline and Digital Filter]{Extracted charge per photoelectron versus number of photoelectrons,
95 | for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
96 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
97 | \label{ChargeDivNphe_DFSpline}
98 | \end{figure}
99 |
100 | \begin{figure}[htp]%%[t!]
101 | \centering
102 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_FixW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
103 | \vspace{\floatsep}
104 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_FixW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
105 | \vspace{\floatsep}
106 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_FixW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
107 | \vspace{\floatsep}
108 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_FixW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
109 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeDivNphevsNphe_FixW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
110 | \caption[Bias Fixed Windows]{The measured bias (extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons)
111 | versus number of photoelectrons,
112 | for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
113 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
114 | \label{ConversionvsNphe_FixW}
115 | \end{figure}
116 |
117 | \begin{figure}[htp]
118 | \centering
119 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_SlidW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
120 | \vspace{\floatsep}
121 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_SlidW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
122 | \vspace{\floatsep}
123 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_SlidW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
124 | \vspace{\floatsep}
125 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_SlidW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
126 | \caption[Bias Sliding Windows]{The measured bias (extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons)
127 | versus number of photoelectrons,
128 | for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
129 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
130 | \label{ConversionvsNphe_SlidW}
131 | \end{figure}
132 |
133 | \begin{figure}[htp]
134 | \centering
135 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_DFSpline_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
136 | \vspace{\floatsep}
137 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_DFSpline_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
138 | \vspace{\floatsep}
139 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_DFSpline_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
140 | \vspace{\floatsep}
141 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ConversionvsNphe_DFSpline_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
142 | \caption[Bias Spline and Digital Filter]{The measured bias (extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons)
143 | versus number of photoelectrons,
144 | for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
145 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
146 | \label{ConversionvsNphe_DFSpline}
147 | \end{figure}
148 |
149 | \begin{figure}[htp]
150 | \centering
151 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_FixW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
152 | \vspace{\floatsep}
153 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_FixW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
154 | \vspace{\floatsep}
155 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_FixW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
156 | \vspace{\floatsep}
157 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_FixW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
158 | \caption[Charge Resolution Fixed Windows]{The measured resolution (RMS of extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons) versus number of photoelectrons,
159 | for fixed window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
160 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
161 | \label{ChargeRes_FixW}
162 | \end{figure}
163 |
164 | \begin{figure}[htp]
165 | \centering
166 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_SlidW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
167 | \vspace{\floatsep}
168 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_SlidW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
169 | \vspace{\floatsep}
170 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_SlidW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
171 | \vspace{\floatsep}
172 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_SlidW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
173 | \caption[Charge Resolution Sliding Windows]{The measured resolution (RMS of extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons) versus number of photoelectrons,
174 | for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
175 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
176 | \label{ChargeRes_SlidW}
177 | \end{figure}
178 |
179 | \begin{figure}[htp]
180 | \centering
181 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_DFSpline_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
182 | \vspace{\floatsep}
183 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_DFSpline_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
184 | \vspace{\floatsep}
185 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_DFSpline_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
186 | \vspace{\floatsep}
187 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_ChargeRes_DFSpline_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
188 | \caption[Charge Resolution Spline and Digital Filter]{The measured resolution
189 | (RMS of extracted charge divided by the conversion factor minus the number of photoelectrons) versus number of photoelectrons,
190 | for spline and digital filter extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
191 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
192 | \label{ChargeRes_DFSpline}
193 | \end{figure}
194 |
195 | \clearpage
196 |
197 | \subsection{Charge Signals with and without Simulated Noise \label{sec:mc:chargenoise}}
198 |
199 | \begin{figure}[htp]
200 | \centering
201 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_Bias_SlidW_HiGain.eps}
202 | \vspace{\floatsep}
203 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_Bias_FixW_HiGain.eps}
204 | \vspace{\floatsep}
205 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_Bias_DFSpline_HiGain.eps}
206 | \caption[Bias due to noise high-gain]{Bias due to noise: Difference of extracted charge of same events, with and without simulated noise,
207 | for different extractor methods in the high-gain region.}
208 | \label{Bias_HiGain}
209 | \end{figure}
210 |
211 | \begin{figure}[htp]
212 | \centering
213 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_Bias_SlidW_LoGain.eps}
214 | \vspace{\floatsep}
215 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_Bias_FixW_LoGain.eps}
216 | \vspace{\floatsep}
217 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_Bias_DFSpline_LoGain.eps}
218 | \caption[Bias due to noise low-gain]{Bias due to noise: Difference of extracted charge of same events, with and without simulated noise,
219 | for different extractor methods in the low-gain region.}
220 | \label{Bias_LoGain}
221 | \end{figure}
222 |
223 | \clearpage
224 |
225 | \subsection{Arrival Times \label{sec:mc:times}}
226 |
227 | \begin{figure}[htp]%%[t!]
228 | \centering
229 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_SlidW_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
230 | \vspace{\floatsep}
231 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_SlidW_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
232 | \vspace{\floatsep}
233 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_SlidW_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
234 | \vspace{\floatsep}
235 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_SlidW_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
236 | \caption[Time Resolution Sliding Windows]{The measured time resolution (RMS of extracted time minus simulated time)
237 | versus number of photoelectrons,
238 | for sliding window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
239 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
240 | \label{TimeRes_SlidW}
241 | \end{figure}
242 |
243 | \begin{figure}[htp]
244 | \centering
245 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_DFSpline_NoNoise_HiGain.eps}
246 | \vspace{\floatsep}
247 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_DFSpline_WithNoise_HiGain.eps}
248 | \vspace{\floatsep}
249 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_DFSpline_NoNoise_LoGain.eps}
250 | \vspace{\floatsep}
251 | \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth]{TimeAndChargePlots/TDAS_TimeRes_DFSpline_WithNoise_LoGain.eps}
252 | \caption[Time Resolution Spline and Digital Filter]{The measured time resolution (RMS of extracted time minus simulated time)
253 | versus number of photoelectrons,
254 | for spline and digital filter window extractors in different window sizes. The top plots show the high-gain and the bottom ones show the
255 | low-gain regions. Left: without noise, right: with simulated noise.}
256 | \label{TimeRes_DFSpline}
257 | \end{figure}
258 |
259 |
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