\section{Results} \newcommand{\no}{\textcolor{red}{\bf NO\xspace}} \newcommand{\nt}{\textcolor[rgb]{0.9,0.75,0.}{\scriptsize NOT\xspace}} \newcommand{\test}{\textcolor[rgb]{0.9,0.75,0.}{\scriptsize TESTED\xspace}} \newcommand{\ok}{\textcolor[rgb]{0.,.7,0.}{OK\xspace}} \newcommand{\best}{\textcolor[rgb]{0.,.4,0.}{\bf BEST\xspace}} \begin{table}[htp] \small{% \rotatebox{90}{% \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \hline \multicolumn{12}{|c|}{\large Tested Characteristics} \rule{0mm}{6mm} \rule[-2mm]{0mm}{6mm} \hspace{-3mm}\\ \hline \hline Nr. & Name & Res. & Res. & Bias & Stab. & Stab. & Stab. & Res. & Stab. & Lin. & Speed \\ & & $\widehat{S}$ & $\widehat{S}$ & $\widehat{S}$ & $\widehat{S}$ & pulse & low- & $\widehat{T}$ & $\widehat{T}$ & $\widehat{S}$ & \\ & & size & const. & & & shape & gain & & & & \\ \hline \hline 1 & Fix Win. (4,4) & \no & \no & -- & \ok & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \best \\ 2 & Fix Win. (4,6) & \no & \no & -- & \ok & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \best \\ 3 & Fix Win. (6.6) & \ok & \ok & -- & \ok & \ok & \no & n/a & n/a & \ok & \ok \\ 4 & Fix Win. (8,8) & \no & \ok & -- & \ok & \ok & \ok & n/a & n/a & \best & \ok \\ 5 & Fix W. (14,10) & \no & \ok & -- & \no & \ok & \ok & n/a & n/a & \best & \ok \\ \hline 6 & FW. Spl. (4,4) & \ok & \no & -- & \ok & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 7 & FW. Spl. (4,6) & \ok & \no & -- & \ok & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 8 & FW. Spl. (6.6) & \ok & \ok & -- & \ok & \ok & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 9 & FW. Spl. (8,8) & \no & \ok & -- & \ok & \ok & \ok & n/a & n/a & \ok & \ok \\ 10 & FW. Spl (14,10) & \no & \ok & -- & \no & \ok & \ok & n/a & n/a & \ok & \ok \\ \hline 11 & FW. Pk S. (2,2)& \no & \no & -- & \no & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 12 & FW. Pk S. (4,4)& \no & \no & -- & \ok & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 13 & FW. Pk S. (4.6)& \no & \no & -- & \ok & \no & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 14 & FW. Pk S. (6,6)& \ok & \ok & -- & \ok & \ok & \no & n/a & n/a & \no & \ok \\ 15 & FW. Pk S. (8,8)& \no & \ok & -- & \ok & \ok & \ok & n/a & n/a & \ok & \ok \\ 16 & FW Pk S (14,10)& \no & \ok & -- & \no & \ok & \ok & n/a & n/a & \ok & \ok \\ \hline 17 & Slid. W. (2,2) & \ok & \no & \ok & \ok & \no & \no & \no & \no & \no & \ok \\ 18 & Slid. W. (4,4) & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \no & \no & \no & \ok \\ 19 & Slid. W. (4.6) & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \no & \ok & \ok \\ 20 & Slid. W. (6,6) & \no & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \no & \ok & \ok & \best \\ 21 & Slid. W. (8,8) & \no & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \best \\ 22 & Slid. W. (14,10) & \no & \no & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \no & \ok & \ok & \best \\ \hline 23 & Spline Ampl. & \ok & \no & \no & \no & \nt & \ok & \ok & \no & \no & \ok \\ & & & & & & \test & & & & & \\ 24 & Splne Int. (1,1.5) & \ok & \no & \ok & \ok & \nt & \ok & \best & \ok & \no & \ok \\ & & & & & & \test & & & & & \\ 25 & Spline Int. (2,3) & \ok & \ok & \ok & \best&\nt & \ok & \best & \ok & \ok & \no \\ & & & & & & \test & & & & & \\ 26 & Spline Int. (4,6) & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \best & \ok & \ok & \no \\ 27 & Spline Int. (6,9) & \no & \ok & \best& \ok & \ok & \ok & \best & \ok & \ok & \no \\ \hline 28 & Dig. Filt. (6,6) & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok \\ 29 & Dig. Filt. (4,4) & \best & \no & \ok & \ok & \ok & \ok & \best& \ok & \ok & \ok \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} } \caption{The tested characteristics for every extractor: Bias, Resolution (``Res.''), stability (``Stab.''), linearity (``Lin.'') for both charge signal $\widehat{S}$ and time $\widehat{T}$, and speed. \ok\ means that the extractor has passed the test, without being among the best. \no\ means that the extractor has severely failed the test and should not be taken because of that reason. \best\ means that the extractor(s) have come out as best of the particular test.} \label{tab:result} } \end{table} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "MAGIC_signal_reco" %%% End: