#ifndef __MMcEvt__ #define __MMcEvt__ #ifndef MPARCONTAINER_H #include "MParContainer.h" #endif class MMcEvt : public MParContainer { private: UShort_t fPartId; // Type of particle Float_t fEnergy; // Energy in GeV Float_t fTheta; // Theta angle of event Float_t fPhi; // Phi angle of event Float_t fCoreD; // Core d pos Float_t fCoreX; // Core x pos Float_t fCoreY; // Core y pos Float_t fImpact; // impact parameter UInt_t fPhotIni; // Initial number of photons UInt_t fPassPhotAtm; // Passed atmosphere UInt_t fPassPhotRef; // Passed reflector(reflectivity + effective area) UInt_t fPassPhotCone; // Passed glas UInt_t fPhotElfromShower; // Passed qe coming from the shower UInt_t fPhotElinCamera; // usPhotElfromShower + mean of phe // from NSB public: MMcEvt() ; MMcEvt( UShort_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t ) ; ~MMcEvt(); void Clear(Option_t *opt=NULL); void Fill( UShort_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t ) ; void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const; Short_t GetPartId() const { return fPartId; } //Get Type of particle Float_t GetEnergy() const { return fEnergy; } //Get Energy Float_t GetTheta() const { return fTheta; } //Get Theta angle Float_t GetPhi() const { return fPhi ; } //Get Phi angle /* Float_t GetCoreD() { return fCoreD; } //Get Core d pos */ /* Float_t GetCoreX() { return fCoreX; } //Get Core x pos */ /* Float_t GetCoreY() { return fCoreY; } //Get Core y pos */ Float_t GetImpact() const { return fImpact;} //Get impact parameter /* UInt_t GetPhotIni() { return fPhotIni; } //Get Initial photons */ /* UInt_t GetPassPhotAtm() { return fPassPhotAtm;} //Get Passed atmosphere */ /* UInt_t GetPassPhotRef() { return fPassPhotRef; } //Get Passed reflector */ /* UInt_t GetPassPhotCone() { return fPassPhotCone; } //Get Passed glas */ UInt_t GetPhotElfromShower() { return fPhotElfromShower; } //Get Passed qe from shower /* UInt_t GetPhotElinCamera() { return fPhotElinCamera; } //Get Passed qe total*/ void SetPartId(Short_t PartId) {fPartId=PartId;} //Set Type of particle void SetEnergy(Float_t Energy) { fEnergy=Energy; } //Set Energy void SetTheta(Float_t Theta) { fTheta=Theta; } //Set Theta angle void SetPhi(Float_t Phi) { fPhi=Phi; } //Set Phi angle void SetCoreD(Float_t CoreD) { fCoreD=CoreD; } //Set Core d pos void SetCoreX(Float_t CoreX) { fCoreX=CoreX; } //Set Core x pos void SetCoreY(Float_t CoreY ) { fCoreY=CoreY; } //Set Core y pos void SetImpact(Float_t Impact) { fImpact=Impact;} //Set impact parameter /* void SetPhotIni(Short_t PhotIni) */ /* { fPhotIni=PhotIni; } //Set Initial photons */ /* void SetPassPhotAtm(Short_t PassPhotAtm) */ /* { fPassPhotAtm=PassPhotAtm;} //Set Passed atmosphere */ /* void SetPassPhotRef(Short_t PassPhotRef) */ /* { fPassPhotRef=PassPhotRef ; } //Set Passed reflector */ /* void SetPassPhotCone(Short_t PhotCon) */ /* { fPassPhotCone=PhotCon; } //Set Passed glas */ ClassDef(MMcEvt, 1) //Stores Montecarlo Information of one event (eg. the energy) }; #endif