1 | #ifndef __MMcFadcHeader__
2 | #define __MMcFadcHeader__
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent
8 | #include "MCamEvent.h"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "MFadcDefine.h"
12 |
13 | //
14 | // Version 5:
15 | // Added member fGainFluctuations
16 | //
17 | // Version 6:
18 | // Added member fNoiseGainFluctuations
19 | //
20 | // Version 7:
21 | // Derived class from MCamEvent
22 | //
23 |
24 | class MMcFadcHeader : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent {
25 | private:
26 |
27 | Float_t fFadcShape ; // a number that indicate the shape type of
28 | // the signal
29 | Float_t fFadcShapeOuter; // a number that indicate the shape type of
30 | // the signal
31 | // = 0 --> a gaussian
32 | // = 1 --> from Pulpo set-up
33 |
34 | // NOTE : meaning of fAmplFadc, fAmplFadcOuter changed in camera 0.7,
35 | // 30/03/2004: before it was amplitude of (gaussian) pulse, now is
36 | // integral of pulse (which may be gaussian or not).
37 |
38 | Float_t fAmplFadc ; // the integral of single phe response [counts]
39 | Float_t fFwhmFadc ; // the width of the signal in nsec
40 | Float_t fAmplFadcOuter; // the integral of single phe response [counts],
41 | // outer pixels
42 | Float_t fFwhmFadcOuter; // the width of the signal in nsec, outer
43 |
44 | Float_t fPedesMean[MFADC_CHANNELS] ; // The mean value for the pedestal
45 | // of each pixel (channel)
46 | Float_t fPedesSigmaHigh[MFADC_CHANNELS] ; // The sigma for the pedestal
47 | // of each pixel (channel)
48 | Float_t fPedesSigmaLow[MFADC_CHANNELS] ; // The sigma for the pedestal
49 | // of each pixel (channel)
50 |
51 | // In camera 0.7, the meaning of fPedesSigmaHigh, fPedesSigmaLow changed:
52 | // before it was the rms of the single FADC slice. Now we calculate the
53 | // RMS of the distribution of the sum of 14 FADC slices. The value we set
54 | // as fPedesSigmaHigh/Low is that RMS divided by sqrt(14). It can be seen
55 | // that the fluctuations of the integrated pedestal, when adding n slices
56 | // to obtain the pixel signal, with n>~6, is more or less well
57 | // approximated by sqrt(n)*RMS(sum_14)slices)/sqrt(14).
58 |
59 |
60 | Float_t fElecNoise[MFADC_CHANNELS] ; // The rms value in the pedestal
61 | // due to the electronics for
62 | // each pixel (channel)
63 | Float_t fDigitalNoise[MFADC_CHANNELS]; // The rms value in the pedestal
64 | // due to the digital for
65 | // each pixel (channel)
66 | Float_t fLow2HighGain; // low gain factor
67 |
68 | Bool_t fGainFluctuations;
69 | // kTRUE if PMT gain fluctuations were simulated for the signal
70 | // (=> default in camera simulation)
71 |
72 | Bool_t fNoiseGainFluctuations;
73 | // kTRUE if PMT gain fluctuations were simulated for the NSB noise
74 | // (=> default in StarResponse program)
75 |
76 |
77 | public:
78 | MMcFadcHeader(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
79 |
80 | void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const;
81 |
82 | void SetShape(Float_t shape){
83 | fFadcShape=shape;
84 | }
85 |
86 | void SetShapeOuter(Float_t shape){
87 | fFadcShapeOuter=shape;
88 | }
89 |
90 | void SetLow2High(Float_t l2h){
91 | fLow2HighGain=l2h;
92 | }
93 |
94 | void SetAmplitud(Float_t amp, Float_t ampout=0.0){
95 | fAmplFadc=amp;
96 | fAmplFadcOuter=ampout;
97 | }
98 |
99 | void SetFwhm(Float_t fwhm, Float_t fwhmout=0.0){
100 | fFwhmFadc=fwhm;
101 | fFwhmFadcOuter=fwhmout;
102 | }
103 |
104 | void SetPedestal(Float_t *mean, Int_t dim){
105 | for (Int_t i=0;i<dim;i++)
106 | fPedesMean[i]=mean[i];
107 | }
108 |
109 | void SetPedestalSigma(Float_t *sigmalo, Float_t *sigmahi, Int_t dim){
110 | for (Int_t i=0;i<dim;i++){
111 | fPedesSigmaLow[i]=sigmalo[i];
112 | fPedesSigmaHigh[i]=sigmahi[i];
113 | }
114 | }
115 |
116 | void SetElecNoise(Float_t *sigmae, Float_t *sigmad, Int_t dim){
117 | for (Int_t i=0;i<dim;i++){
118 | fElecNoise[i]=sigmae[i];
119 | fDigitalNoise[i]=sigmad[i];
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | void SetGainFluctuations(Bool_t x) { fGainFluctuations = x; }
124 | void SetNoiseGainFluctuations(Bool_t x) { fNoiseGainFluctuations = x; }
125 |
126 | Float_t GetPedestal(UInt_t i) const { return fPedesMean[i]; }
127 | Float_t GetPedestalRmsHigh(UInt_t i) const { return fPedesSigmaHigh[i]; }
128 | Float_t GetPedestalRmsLow(UInt_t i) const { return fPedesSigmaLow[i]; }
129 | Float_t GetElecNoise(UInt_t i) const { return fElecNoise[i]; }
130 | Float_t GetDigitalNoise(UInt_t i) const { return fElecNoise[i]; }
131 | Float_t GetAmplitud() const { return fAmplFadc; }
132 | Float_t GetAmplitudOuter() const { return fAmplFadcOuter; }
133 | Float_t GetLow2HighGain() const { return fLow2HighGain; }
134 |
135 | UInt_t GetNumPixel() const { return MFADC_CHANNELS; }
136 |
137 | // MCamEvent
138 | Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const;
139 | void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const { }
140 |
141 | ClassDef(MMcFadcHeader, 7) //Stores Montecarlo Information describing the FADC behaviour
142 |
143 | };
144 |
145 | #endif