#ifndef __MRawEvt__ #define __MRawEvt__ #include #include "TObject.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "Mdefine.h" class MRawEvt : public TObject { private: UInt_t uiEvtNo ; // Number of Event ULong_t ulTimeStamp ; // Time of the Event UChar_t ucEvtStatus ; // Status of this event (DAQ, Pedestal, ..) UShort_t usTrig1st ; // Number of 1st level tiggers between 2 events UShort_t usMultPixel ; // Multiplicity of the Pixels in this event TClonesArray *taPixels ; // list of the events public: MRawEvt() ; ~MRawEvt(); void Clear() ; void Print() ; void FillRandom( UInt_t, ULong_t, UShort_t ) ; void FillHeader( UInt_t, ULong_t ) ; void FillPixel( UShort_t, Float_t * ) ; void FillMontCarl ( UInt_t, ULong_t, Float_t * ) ; UShort_t GetMultPixel(); TClonesArray *&GetPixelList() { // // returns a Pointer to the pixel list // return taPixels ; } /* void AddPixel( UShort_t ) ; */ /* void AddPixel ( UShort_t, UChar_t, UChar_t * ) ; */ ClassDef ( MRawEvt, 1 ) }; // end of class definition of MRawEvt #endif