///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MRawEvtHeader // // One Event is a sample of FADC measurements of different Pixels // (Photomultipliers) from the Camera of MAGIC. So all data (FADC) of the // interesting pixels are the modules of an event. To describe pixels the // class MRawPixel is used and the class MRawCrate to describe Crates. // To define a single events some other data members are needed // (Time of the events, tirgger pattern of event..) // // To describe one event on the level of FADC values the Class MRawEvtHeader is // created. It has the following data members: // // UInt_t fDAQEvtNumber // ----------------------- // This it the number of the Event in one // data run. The first event in this run get // the number zero. The next one is one bigger. // // Assuming that one run takes 1 hour and a // triggerrate of 1kHz the number must be able // to reach 3.6e6 Events. To reach this number // you need at least 22 bits. This is the reason // why we use an integer (of root type UInt_t) // with a range to 4.2e9. // // MTime fRawEvtTime // ------------------- // Time of the event. // The start point of the time determination can be // the millenium. From that start point the time is // measured in 200ns-count. One day for example // contains 432.e9 counts. An array of two unsigned Int is able to // contain 1.8e19 200ns-counts. This corresponds to 41.e6 // days. This should be more than the livetime of MAGIC. // Private member of MTime.h // // UInt_t fNumTrigLvl1 // -------------------- // // Number of first level trigger // This member counts the number of First Level Trigger // between the last and this event. May be that due to // dead time of the DAQ this number is different from 1. // If the DAQ is fast enough, this value should be 1. // This may be usefull in GammaRayBursts and if we // apply a data reduction in the DAQ-chain, which selects // only good events. // // UInt_t fNumTrigLvl2 // ------------------ - // // Number of second level trigger // This member counts the number of Second Level Trigger // between the last and this event. // // UInt_t fTrigPattern[2] // ----------------------- // Trigger Pattern used for this event // Each event triggers for a particular configuration and each // configuration shoul have an ID (which is not fixed yet). // // UShort_t fAllLowGainOn // ---------------------- // Type of Trigger. // This is a Byte (8 bit) to indicated if any of the pixels // have a non-negligible low gain (1) or not (0) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MRawEvtHeader.h" #include #include #include #include "../MBase/MTime.h" #include "../MBase/MArrayB.h" #include "MRawRunHeader.h" ClassImp(MRawEvtHeader) MRawEvtHeader::MRawEvtHeader(const char *name, const char *title) { *fName = name ? name : "MRawEvtHeader"; *fTitle = title ? title : "Raw Event Header Information"; // // set all member to zero, init the pointer to ClonesArray, // fPixLoGainOn = new MArrayB; Clear(); } MRawEvtHeader::~MRawEvtHeader() { } void MRawEvtHeader::Init(MRawRunHeader *rh, MTime *t) { // // you have to init the conatainer before you can read from // a raw binary file // // // this is the number of entries in the array like specification // UInt_t fN = (rh->GetNumCrates() * rh->GetNumPixInCrate() + 7) / 8; // // initialize the array // fPixLoGainOn->Set(fN); // // this is the conatiner where we have to store the time of the event we // read from the input stream // fTime = t; } void MRawEvtHeader::Clear(Option_t *) { // // Implementation of the Clear function // // Resets all members to zero, clear the list of Pixels // fDAQEvtNumber = 0; fNumTrigLvl1 = 0; fNumTrigLvl2 = 0; fTrigPattern[0] = 0; fTrigPattern[1] = 0; fTrigType = 0; fNumLoGainOn = 0; } void MRawEvtHeader::Print(Option_t *o) { // // This member function prints all Data of one Event on screen. // cout << "DAQEvtNr: " << dec << fDAQEvtNumber << " ("; cout << "Trigger: "; cout << "NumLvl1=" << fNumTrigLvl1 << " "; cout << "NumLvl2=" << fNumTrigLvl2 << " "; cout << "Pattern=" << hex << setfill('0'); cout << setw(2) << fTrigPattern[0]; cout << setw(2) << fTrigPattern[1] << " " << dec; cout << "Type="; switch (fTrigType) { case 0: cout << "Trigger"; break; case 1: cout << "Pedestal"; break; case 2: cout << "Calibration"; break; } cout << ")" << endl; cout << "Number of Lo Gains On: " << fNumLoGainOn << endl; for (int i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<8; j++) { const UInt_t on = (*fPixLoGainOn)[i]&(1<SetTime(fAbsTime[0], fAbsTime[1]); Byte_t dummy[4]; fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumTrigLvl1, 4); fin.read((Byte_t*)&fNumTrigLvl2, 4); fin.read((Byte_t*)fTrigPattern, 8); fin.read((Byte_t*)&fTrigType, 2); fin.read((Byte_t*)dummy, 2); // was fAllLoGainOn fin.read((Byte_t*)fPixLoGainOn->GetArray(), fPixLoGainOn->GetSize()); fNumLoGainOn = 0; for (int i=0; iGetSize(); i++) for (int j=0; j<8; j++) if ((*fPixLoGainOn)[i] & (1<