#include "slalib.h" #include "slamac.h" void slaFk52h ( double r5, double d5, double dr5, double dd5, double *rh, double *dh, double *drh, double *ddh ) /* ** - - - - - - - - - ** s l a F k 5 2 h ** - - - - - - - - - ** ** Transform FK5 (J2000) star data into the Hipparcos frame. ** ** (double precision) ** ** This routine transforms FK5 star positions and proper motions ** into the frame of the Hipparcos catalogue. ** ** Given (all FK5, equinox J2000, epoch J2000): ** r5 double RA (radians) ** d5 double Dec (radians) ** dr5 double proper motion in RA (dRA/dt, rad/Jyear) ** dd5 double proper motion in Dec (dDec/dt, rad/Jyear) ** ** Returned (all Hipparcos, epoch J2000): ** rh double RA (radians) ** dh double Dec (radians) ** drh double proper motion in RA (dRA/dt, rad/Jyear) ** ddh double proper motion in Dec (dDec/dt, rad/Jyear) ** ** Called: slaDs2c6, slaDav2m, slaDmxv, slaDvxv, slaDc62s, ** slaDranrm ** ** Notes: ** ** 1) The proper motions in RA are dRA/dt rather than ** cos(Dec)*dRA/dt, and are per year rather than per century. ** ** 2) The FK5 to Hipparcos transformation consists of a pure ** rotation and spin; zonal errors in the FK5 catalogue are ** not taken into account. ** ** 3) The published orientation and spin components are interpreted ** as "axial vectors". An axial vector points at the pole of the ** rotation and its length is the amount of rotation in radians. ** ** 4) See also slaH2fk5, slaFk5hz, slaHfk5z. ** ** Reference: ** ** M.Feissel & F.Mignard, Astron. Astrophys. 331, L33-L36 (1998). ** ** Last revision: 22 June 1999 ** ** Copyright P.T.Wallace. All rights reserved. */ #define AS2R 0.484813681109535994e-5 /* arcseconds to radians */ { /* FK5 to Hipparcos orientation and spin (radians, radians/year) */ static double ortn[3] = { -19.9e-3 * AS2R, -9.1e-3 * AS2R, 22.9e-3 * AS2R }, s5[3] = { -0.30e-3 * AS2R, 0.60e-3 * AS2R, 0.70e-3 * AS2R }; double pv5[6], r5h[3][3], vv[3], pvh[6], w, r, v; int i; /* FK5 barycentric position/velocity 6-vector (normalized). */ slaDs2c6 ( r5, d5, 1.0, dr5, dd5, 0.0, pv5 ); /* FK5 to Hipparcos orientation matrix. */ slaDav2m ( ortn, r5h ); /* Rotate & spin the 6-vector into the Hipparcos frame. */ slaDmxv ( r5h, pv5, pvh ); slaDvxv ( pv5, s5, vv ); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { vv [ i ] = pv5 [ i + 3 ] + vv [ i ]; } slaDmxv ( r5h, vv, pvh + 3 ); /* Hipparcos 6-vector to spherical. */ slaDc62s ( pvh, &w, dh, &r, drh, ddh, &v ); *rh = slaDranrm ( w ); }