#include "slalib.h" #include "slamac.h" void slaNut ( double date, double rmatn[3][3] ) /* ** - - - - - - - ** s l a N u t ** - - - - - - - ** ** Form the matrix of nutation for a given date (IAU 1980 theory). ** ** (double precision) ** ** References: ** Final report of the IAU working group on nutation, ** chairman P.K.Seidelmann, 1980. ** Kaplan, G.H., 1981, USNO circular no. 163, pA3-6. ** ** Given: ** date double TDB (loosely ET) as Modified Julian Date ** (=JD-2400000.5) ** ** Returned: ** rmatn double[3][3] nutation matrix ** ** The matrix is in the sense v(true) = rmatn * v(mean) . ** ** Called: slaNutc, slaDeuler ** ** Last revision: 11 April 1999 ** ** Copyright P.T.Wallace. All rights reserved. */ { double dpsi, deps, eps0; /* Nutation components and mean obliquity */ slaNutc ( date, &dpsi, &deps, &eps0 ); /* Rotation matrix */ slaDeuler ( "xzx", eps0, -dpsi, - ( eps0 + deps ), rmatn ); }