-*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2002/12/13: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MSigmabar.cc - added cast in first arguments in calls to TMath::Min and TMath::Max otherwise, we got a compilation error in Alpha machines. 2002/12/13: Oscar blanch * mgeom/MGeomMirror.[h,cc] - function SetMirrorDeviations added 2002/12/09: Robert Wagner * manalysis/MSigmabar.[cc,h]: - added * manalysis/MSigmabarCalc.[cc,h]: - added * manalysis/MSigmabarParam.[cc,h]: - added - preliminary version for CT1 test * manalysis/MApplyPadding.[cc,h]: - added * mhist/MHSigmabarTheta.[cc,h]: - added * mhist/MHSigmabarPixel.[cc,h]: - added - preliminary version for CT1 test * mtemp/MObservatoryLocation.[cc,h]: - added * mtemp/MVPObject.[cc,h]: - added * mtemp/MVPPlotter.[cc,h]: - added * mtemp/MVPTime.[cc,h]: - added * mtemp/TempIncl.h, mtemp/TempLinkDef.h, mtemp/Makefile: - added above mentioned classes * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/Histfile: - added above mentioned classes * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile: - added above mentioned classes 2002/11/25: Thomas Bretz * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - fixed a bug when sprintf the pointer to the char-array, only took place on alphas. * macros/multidimdist2.C: - renamed eventloops (instances had same names) - fixed a type in PrintStatistics (the gamma statistics were printed two times) * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - take the lowest value (entries from MRead or user input) for the progress bar - reset the progress bar * mbase/MFilter.h: - added 'private' * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc], mmain/MMonteCarlo.[h,cc], mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc], mmain/MBrowser.[h,cc], mmain/MCameraDisplay.[h,cc], mmain/MDataCheck.[h,cc], mmain/MEvtDisp.[h,cc], mmain/MMars.cc: - changed from TTransientFrame to TMainFrame (with this I get decorations, eg. Close Button) * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - Update the layout each time the fEvtInfo has changed * mfileio/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.cc: - delete return of gSystem->ExpandPathName * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.[h,cc]: - added output of Time - added usage of Selector - changed MTask basics to be private * mfileio/MRead.[h,cc]: - added comment about selector - added Selector-stuff * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added 'entries' argument to AddFile * mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added workaround for a root bug when a file doesn't exist - changed AddFiles to use Add(TChain*) - changed to use Selector * mfilter/MF.cc: - Set debug level to suppress output when MFDataChain is created * mfilter/MFEventSelector.h: - changed Pre//PostProcess to private * mfilter/MF.cc, mfilter/MFilterList.cc: - changed the use of Pre//PostProcess to CallPre//PostProcess * mhist/MBinning.[h,cc]: - changed comments - added SetEdgesCos * mhist/MFillH.[h,cc]: - added GetBinCenterLog * mhist/MH3.h: - added default argument to GetHistByName * mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTime.h, mhist/MHEffOnTime.[h,cc], mhist/MHEffOnTimeTheta.h, mhist/MHEffOnTimeTime.h, mhist/MHFlux.[h,cc], mhist/MHGamma.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEnergyMigration.h, mhist/MHThetabarTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHThetabarTime.h: - changed the output - changed the algorithms to be more modular (more usage of member function) - changed ClassDef to 0 - fixed some small bugs (access of TArray[n]) * mhist/MHHadronness.[h,cc]: - removed shortest distance to (0,1) stuff * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.h: - changed Fill to Double_t * mhist/MHTimeDiffTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHTimeDiffTime.[h,cc]: - in a first draft changed to use 200ns timing of CT1 - changed ClassDef to 0 2002/11/22: Thomas Bretz * macros/threshold.C: - Simplified the new writing routine * mbase/MLog.h: - added a Getter-function for the debug level * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - added another debugging output * mfilter/MF.[h,cc]: - made the automatically created chain names unique * mfilter/MFDataChain.cc: - corrected the GetRule stuff ({} were missing) * mhist/MH3.cc: - added MBinning as class type to FindObject - added BinningHist (without the X) as binning name for a 1D histogram * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.cc: - corrected typo * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.cc: - fixed a warning 2002/11/22: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/threshold.C: - Added 2nd argument to write an output file containing the energy spectrum histogram. 2002/11/21: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MAGIC.h, mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], MTask.cc, MTaskList.cc: - introduced kERROR to stop an eventloop with an error * mbase/MTask.h: - made SetFilter virtual * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added new member function AddToListBefore/After - split the code of the AddToList function into CheckAddToList * manalysis/MMultiDimDistCalc.cc: - introduced usage of kERROR in case the matrix is not posdef. * macros/collarea.C: - some simplifications * mhist/MHMcRate.h, mhist/MHMcIntRate.h, mhist/MHEnergyTime.h, mhist/MHEnergyTheta.h, mfileio/MCTReadPreProc.cc, mfileio/MChain.h, mfileio/MReadMarsFile.h, mfileio/MReadTree.cc, mfileio/MWriteAsciiFile.h, mfileio/MWriteRoootFile.[h,cc], manalysis/MMatrixLoop.h, manalysis/MEnergyEstimate.h, mbase/MGGroupFrame.h, mbase/MGTask.h, mfilter/MFParticleId.h: - updated documentation * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.cc: - Changed MSrcPosCam name from Source to MSrcPosCam - changed the way the MC data is filled into the MC container - updated algorithm to read preproc files * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.cc: - printed a warning to the screen in case Camera=V0.5 * mfileio/structures.h: - changed to version 0.6 * mmc/MMcEvt.hxx: - added GetTelescopePhi - added GetTelescopeTheta * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - added 'sqr' * mfilter/MF.[h,cc]: - added support for MFDataChain * mfilter/MFDataChain.[h,cc]: - added * mfilter/Makefile, mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h: - added MFDataChain 2002/11/20: Thomas Bretz * macros/dohtml.C: - fixed a typo * mmain/MAnalysis.cc: - removed the Anti-Source from the hillas calculation * mhist/MHFadcPix.[h,cc], mhist/MHFadcCam.[h,cc], mmain/MDataCheck.[h,cc]: - added enhancement for displaying sum of FADC slices 2002/11/20: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/collarea.C: - Introduced check before opening output file to avoid annoying error message. 2002/11/19: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/collarea.C: - Removed some strange pieces of text which somehow got into the file (anyone knows how?) 2002/11/19: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc: - exchanged MReadTree with MReadMarsFile for collection area calculation * mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc: - fixed the uninitialized fTheta * macros/MagicHillas.C: - removed the unnecessary second MHillasSrcCalc - removed also the corresponding AddToList for the tasklist * mhist/MH.cc: - make FindGoodLimits work 2002/11/19: Abelardo Moralejo * macros/collarea.C: - Added 2nd argument to write an output file containing the collection area histogram. 2002/11/18: Abelardo Moralejo * mmain/MMars.cc: - Corrected typo on Mars starting screen. * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc: - Added comment. * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc: - implemented "democratic cleaning" (cut value proportional to square root of pixel area) according to Wolfgang's suggestion. * macros/MagicHillas.C: - added missing declaration MHillasSrcCalc csrc2; * mgeom/MGeomPix.cc: - fixed some typos in comments 2002/11/18: Thomas Bretz * macros/CT1Hillas.C: - changed MWRiteRootFile to write the histograms only - renamed HillasSource to MHillasSrc * macros/MagicHillas.C: - removed all anti source stuff (corresponding to star.C) - changed MWRiteRootFile to write the histograms only - renamed HillasSource to MHillasSrc * macros/estfit.C: - renamed HillasSource to MHillasSrc * macros/estimate.C: - renamed HillasSource to MHillasSrc - changed to display more interesting histograms * multidimdist.C: - added Theta - added Alpha * macros/star.C - removed wrong HillasSource - added MSrcPosCam * starplot.C: - removed all anti source stuff (corresponding to star.C) - renamed HillasSource to MHillasSrc * macros/multidimdist2.C: - fixed a typo - added Alpha and Theta * mbase/MTime.h: - added minus-operator * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - added floor * mhist/MFillH.[h,cc]: - moved MMap and MMap support MHArray * mhist/MHArray.[h,cc]: - added MMap - added MMap-support - added legend - added more draw options * mhist/MHFadcCam.[h,cc]: - added Fill(const MRawEvtData*) - added const getter functions * mhist/MHFadcPix.h: - added const getter functions * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - removed underscores from names - removed empty destructor * manalysis/MPedestalCalc.[h,cc]: - added (not yet to LinkDef.h and Makefile) * mgeom/MGeomMirror.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomPMT.[h,cc], mmc/MMcConfigRunHeader.[h,cc], mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - changed comments - added missing manalysis-dir (strange!) * macros/dohtml.C: - added new macros 2002/11/16: Abelardo Moralejo * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.cc: - added default destructor 2002/11/15: Thomas Bretz * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - small changes * mmc/McLinkDef.h: - added missing MMcCorsikaRunHeader 2002/11/15: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added 2002/11/14: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MAnalysis.cc, mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc, mmain/MDataCheck.cc: - removed SetProgressBar of reader * mhist/MHFlux.cc: - localized some variables - get rid of old c-style sprintf - return errorflag in Parab as return value! * mgeom/MGeomPMT.cc, mgeom/MGeomMirror.cc: - removed redefinition of a default argument * mhist/MHMcIntRate.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - changed the error calculation according to a suggestion from Raquel * mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc: - for collection area: MMcTrig isn't needed if all showers are triggered showers * mmc/MMcConfigRunHeader.cc: - made function definition identical to function declaration * macros/star.C: - removed anti source for the moment * macros/multidimdist2.C: - added * macros/comprob.C, macros/multidimdist.C: - changed to use MHillasSrc instead of HillasSource * mhist/MHHadronness.cc: - changed the output of Print a bit 2002/11/13: Thomas Bretz * mfilter/MFEventSelector.[h,cc]: - if total number of events read from file the selector worked only for one eventloop - fixed. - changed MReadMarsFile to MRead * mbase/MContinue.cc: - fixed a typo * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - renamed MReadMarsFile/MReadTree to MRead * mfileio/FileIOLinkDef.h, mfileio/Makefile: - added MRead * mfileio/MRead.[h,cc]: - added * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - renamed from MReadMarsFile to MRead - derived from MRead - removed progressbar support from MReadTree * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc: - added a info output * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.[h,cc]: - changed to work much much better :) * mgeom/GeomLinkDef.h, mmc/McLinkDef.h: - added missing LinkDefs (helllo Oscar!) * mgeom/MGeomCamCT1.cc: - mirrored the CT1 camera in x (CT1 default) * mgeom/MGeomMirror.[h,cc]: - some small changes * mgeom/MGeomPMT.[h,cc]: - changed usage of TArrayF from pointer to reference * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - fixed a crash at delete when the user closed a automatically created canvas * mhist/MHFadcCam.[h,cc]: - implemented ResetHistograms * mhist/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - implemented ReduceNumberOfRows (preliminary, untested) * mmc/MMcConfigRunHeader.[h,cc]: - some small changes - changed usage of TArrayF from pointer to reference 2002/11/11: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - moved division by size before test of number of used pixels * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.cc: - added a eof-conditional * mhist/MH3.cc: - added a 'nonew' option to DrawClone * mhist/MHHadronness.cc: - check for NaN in Fill 2002/11/08: Oscar Blanch * mgeom/MGeomPMT.[h,cc]: - added - Information about simulated QE * mgeom/MGeomMirror.[h,cc]: - added - Mirrors properties * mgeom/Makefile: - modified to compile new classes * mmc/MMcConfigRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added * mmc/Makefile: - modified to compile new classes 2002/11/08: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - implemented a zero suppression 2002/11/07: Thomas Bretz * mfilter/Makefile, mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h: - added MFEventSelector * mfilter/MFEventSelector.[h,cc]: - added * mfilter/MF.[h,cc]: - made gsDef[Name,Title] a static const member * manalysis/MMultiDimDistCalc.cc: - changed the default function to kernel 2002/11/07: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx] - Some new variable from the reflector header event. - Class version switched to 2 * mmc/MMcRunHeader.[hxx,cxx] - Varible member fOpticLinksNoise has been introduced - Class version switched to 3 2002/11/07: Wolfgang Wittek * mhist/MHFlux.[h,cc] - changed to avoid warnings : "member initializers will be re-ordered to match declaration order" 2002/11/06: Thomas Bretz * Makfile.conf.osf5.1: - added * mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - changed all math.h functions or similar to TMath - added 2*pow(rows, 1/(4+cols))^2 as the standard kernel window * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.cc: - corrected the reading routines * mfileio/*.cc: - changed my eMail address * mfileio/structures.h: - small changes to make it architecture independant 2002/11/04: Thomas Bretz * macros/estimate.C, macros/estfit.C: - added * mfileio/structures.h, mfileio/defines.h: - added from CT1 PreProc 0.5 * mfileio/MCT1ReadPreProc.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/MHArray.[h,cc]: - added * Makefile: - changed the order of the libs to make the linker happy * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - changed to be able to use also an existing MBlindPixels from the parlist - changed to use the pixel Id instead of its index number from the evt * manalysis/MCameraSmooth.cc: - changed to use the pixel Id instead of its index number from the evt * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - added GetPixById member function * manalysis/MCompProbCalc.[h,cc]: - changed Hadroness to Hadronness * manalysis/MHillasExt.cc: - fixed a typo in a comment * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added New-virtual member function * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - changed AddToBranchList so that it also accepts comma seperated lists (only when using TString) * mdata/MData.[h,cc], mdata/MDataArray.[h,cc], mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc], mdata/MDataElement.[h,cc], mdata/MDataList.[h,cc] - updated comments - added new GetDataMember member function * mdata/MDataArray.[h,cc]: - added new member function AddEntry(MData*) * mfileio/FileIOLinkDef.h, mfileio/Makefile: - added MCT1ReadPreProc * mfileio/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - removed fNphot->Clear() (automatically called for each event by Reset(); * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile: - added MHArray * mhist/MFillH.[h,cc]: - made work with arrays of histograms (MHArray) the mapping is done by a preliminary class MMap * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - implemented GetHistByName virtual function - implemented GetDataMember virtual function - small changes to debug output * mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - implemented usage of GetDataMember for AddBranchToList - implemented GetHistByName - implemented New to be used in MHArray * mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTheta.h, mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTime.h, mhist/MHEnergyTheta.h, mhist/MHEnergyTime.h, mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasExt.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcDifRate.h, mhist/MHMcEfficiency.h, mhist/MHMcEfficiencyEnergy.h, mhist/MHMcEfficiencyImpact.h, mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEnergyImpact.h, mhist/MHMcEnergyMigration.h, mhist/MHMcIntRate.h, mhist/MHStarMap.h, mhist/MHThetabarTheta.h, mhist/MHThetabarTime.h, mhist/MHTimeDiffTheta.h, mhist/MHTimeDiffTime.h: - implemented GetHistByName * mhist/MHHadronness.[h,cc]: - some small changes and checks - changed histogram io from standard pointer to '->' * mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - updated comments - implemented GetDataMembers 2002/10/31: Thomas Bretz * mfileio/MReadTree.cc: - enhanced the validity of the fNuMEntries workaround from 3.02.06 to 3.07.01 * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.h, mhist/MBinning.h: - added an explicit cast to get rid of a compiler warning on Alpha * mhist/MH.cc: - removed an unused variable to get rid of a compiler warning on Alpha 2002/10/31: Wolfgang Wittek * mhist/MHFlux.[h,cc]: - type of fVarname and fUnit changed from char* to TString 2002/10/30: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - changed the return value for the kernel method from log to -log - fixed a typo in an error message - fixed a crash in case the matrix is singular * mhist/MMultiDimDistCalc.cc: - check whether calculation of the distance succeeded * mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - implementation which makes sure, that the number of events returned by GetEntries always is the correct value. - removed const from the GetEntries definition - mainly use GetEntries now instead of fNumEntries * manalysis/MCameraSmooth.cc: - removed include of MMcRunHeader 2002/10/29: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHadroness.[h,cc]: - renamed to MHadronness * mhist/MHHadroness.[h,cc]: - renamed to MHHadronness - small changes to the graphical and text output * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, macros/multidimdist.C, manalysis/MMultiDimDistCalc.[h,cc], macros/comprob.C, mhist/Makefile, mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - changed Hadroness to Hadronness * manalysis/MCerPhotAnal.cc: - small changes to the code layout 2002/10/24: Thomas Bretz * macros/multidimdist.C: - some changes to make it work with the latest version of Mars * mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - changed the Print member function to be more flexible * mhist/MHHadroness.[h,cc]: - changed fQfac from TH to TGraph - changed the Qfactor-plot x-axis from Hadronness to Gamma-Acceptance * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - changed ratio from ratio to sqrt(ratio) in GetColorError * mhist/MH3.cc: - changed plotted errors from spread/sqrt(n) to spread 2002/10/19: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc - Added check of whether a pixel has all its FADC slices empty before subtracting pedestal. 2002/10/18: Thomas Bretz * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc - make sure that the tree is created in the corresponding file 2002/10/17: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc] - added function to get the sum of squares of the samples 2002/10/16: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc2.[h,cc], MCerPhotCalc.[h,cc] - Class MCerPhotCalc2 renamed MCerPhotCalc (they were redundant). - Now the default pixel treatment is the same as originally: add all FADC slices * macros/MagicHillas.C - changed accordingly to changes above. 2002/10/16: Thomas Bretz * macros/readMagic.C: - added MPrint for MRawEvtHeader - changed to MPrint to new Skip-Style * manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.cc: - corrected output stream in case of hex or setfill was used * mbase/MPrint.[h,cc]: - introduced new behaviour of PreProcess (EnableSkip) * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - fixed a bug in Process which caused Histograms to be written after each event * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - introduced printing of MRawEvtHeader * mmc/MMcEvt.cxx: - some small changes - changed Print output from cout to fLog - changes to the default values * mraw/MRawEvtHeader.[h,cc]: - removed the second empty line after Print - added Getter-function for the DAQEvtNumber * macros/star.C, macros/starplot.C, macros/threshold.C, macros/trigrate.C, macros/plot.C, macros/plot2.C, macros/MagicHillas.C, macros/CT1Hillas.C, macros/collarea.C: - added ProgressBar * macros/flux.C: - fixed some coding bugs (redeclaration of Draw, Draw starting with a capital) * macros/MagicHillas.C: - fixed some typos 2002/10/15: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MContinue.[h,cc]: - added * Makefile: - added some comments * macros/readMagic.C: - replaced MHillas by MHillasExt - print also MC Information * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - use MGeomCam::GetPixRatio - added GetRatio[Min,Max] - added GetErrorPhot[Min,Max] * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasExt.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - return error codes - don't display any error message or warning * manalysis/MHillasCalc.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.[h,cc]: - evaluate error codes returned by MHillas::Calc - added Postprocess * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc: - removed obsolete comment * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSBAdd.cc: - added include MGeomPix * manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc]: - moved some stuff from header file to source file to get rid of some includes in the header file - adde GetSize - added GetMean[Min,Max] * manalysis/MPedestalPix.[h,cc]: - added Clear - added IsValid * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MContinue * mbase/MClone.h: - added GetObject * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - added SetProgressBar II * mbase/MTask.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - enhanced some comments - print the name of the filter in PrintStatistic - made the def name and title a static member * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added displays for: Errors, Phot/Err, Levels and Pedestals * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - Some simplifications - introduced AddTab * mfileio/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - added include MPedestalPix * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added GetPixRatio * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added possibilities to display: errors, ratios, levels and pedestals * mhist/MHHillasSrc.cc: - some small changes if mmdeg=0 * mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - anhanced displayed radius from 2/3r to 5/6r * mmain/MMars.[h,cc]: - changed layout - added comments to display * mmain/MProgressBar.cc: - added some comments * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc: - pixels with to many 'used' neighbors are left used 2002/10/14: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/McerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc2.cc - Initialized fEnableFix (before, bad pedestal subtraction if reading camera 0.4 root files) 2002/10/09: Abelardo Moralejo * mhist/MHMcRate.cc: - fixed a bug in total rate calculation (results change very little, only a 0.2 percent at most) 2002/09/16: Thomas Bretz * mtools/MagicSnake.cc: - removed some debugging output - fixed a small bug in the initialization 2002/09/16: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.cc: - shortened output * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - added a better progressbar support, if MReadTree or MReadMarsFile exists in the Tasklist * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - fixed a bug which caused MParList::Reset not to be called anymore as soon as kCONTINUE was called once. * mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added AddFiles member function * mmain/MProgressBar.[h,cc]: - added as a simple Progress meter for eventloops * mmain/Makefile, mmain/MainLinkDef.h: - added MProgressBar * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - removed warning in case of no photons. problems with Thomas' files. * mbase/Makefile: - added mfileio 2002/09/16: Thomas Bretz * macros/rootlogon.C: - added SetMakeSharedLib to make it work correctly on linux * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile: - added MEnergyEstParam - added MMatrixLoop * manalysis/MEnergyEstParam.[h,cc], manalysis/MMatrixLoop.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/MEnergyEst.h: - added fImpact provisionally - changed to 'no-storage' * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasExt.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - added set function to support Thomas Schweitzers Image files * mbase/MFilter.cc: - small changes to output * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - added IsNull to switch off output completely * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - added Remove function - added IsOwner function - changes to SavePrimitive - kDoNotReset-support * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - make sure, that in sub-tasklist the parameterlist isn't reset * mdata/MDataLinkDef.h, mdata/Makefile: - added MDataElement - added mhist-path * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - added support for MDataElement * mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - added enums for log-scale - set logscale automatic when drawing - added 'only' option to draw functions - set colors when 'col' option is given * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - better hist range for fCenter * mhist/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - made default name and title a static class member - changed AddColumn now returning the new comlumn index - added Fill to fill Matrix from file - added locking - added IsValid - added GetNumRows - added SetNumRow - added []-operator - added GetNumRow * mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - fixed some comments * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added support for writing two or more Evtloops into one macro 2002/09/02: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - added GetIndexdOfSortedColumn - added SortMatrixByColumn * mhist/HistIncl.h: - added TArrayI.h (for MHMatrix.h) 2002/08/19: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHillasExt.cc: - removed a wrong 2 in the calculation of fAsym 2002/08/16: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MFillH.cc: - if not title is given create a default title from the names * mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHHillasExt.cc: - use the new MH::Draw[Copy] function - added names to the histograms in MHHillasExt * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h: - unimportant change * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc: - added comment * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - added function to draw two histograms in one pad with a layout of two stat boxes and a legend: Draw[Copy] - added comments - added another sanity check in SetBinning(TH1*,TH1*) 2002/08/14: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MTask.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added second argument to PrintStatistics 2002/08/12: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - fixed a typo in the SetUseCentralPixel - only use pixels without starlight for interpolation 2002/08/09: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MIter.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MIter * mdata/MDataChain.cc: - added sanity check in StreamPrimitive * mfilter/MF.[h,cc]: - fixed StreamPrimitive - don'w stream standard name and title. - added default constructor * mfilter/MFDataMeber.cc: - strip spces from value before returning GetRule * mfilter/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - fixed StreamPrimitive - don't stream standard name and title. 2002/08/08: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillasSrc.cc: - use double dist instead of single fDist for calculation * manalysis/MMultiDimDistCalc.[h,cc]: - added support for the kernel method - added stream primitive - changed version number to 1 - adapted to new MHMatrix (using MDataArray) * mdata/MDataArray.[h,cc]: - added * mdata/DataLinkDef.h, madata/Makefile: - added MDataArray * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc: - fixed some bugs in StreamPrimitive - StreamPrimtive doesn't write the default name/title anymore * mhist/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - replaced the Arrays for the rules by a MDataArray - implemented StreamPrimitive - implement the use of the kernel function for num<0 - multiply fM2 by nevts-1 - added sanity check in case of dists[i]<0 * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc]: - added fUsedPix, fCorePix - added fUsedPix, fCorePix to plots - changed layout of plots - changed name and title of MakeDefCanvas * mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - changed plot of Alpha from fabs(fAlpha) to fAlpha - changed name and title of MakeDefCanvas * mhist/MHillasExt.[h,cc]: - changed layout of plots - changed name and title of MakeDefCanvas - made independant of MHillas - exchanged the usage of the Fill-argument (MHillasExt) and the stored pointer (MHillasSrc) - changed the default binning of asym to be symmetric * mbase/MTask.cc: - fixed wrong streaming of filter name * macros/starplot.C: - added * macros/dohtml.C: - added starplot.C * macros/MagicHillas.C, macros/CT1Hillas.C: - changed to use new stylish Hillas Histograms * macros/star.C: - changed to interpolate pixels around hot spots - write Sourcs and AntoSource to RunHeaders 2002/08/07: Thomas Bretz * macros/dohtml.C: - added missing paths * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - replaced booleans by fFlags - added StreamPrimitive - changed version number to 1 * manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.[h,cc]: - added correct initializations for the pointers - made the pointers persistent * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MSrcPosCam.cc, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc: - don't stream name and title if not necessary * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - added some output - added print function - added gListOfPrimitives to delete BIT(15) of streamed containers - Added default argument for Read and Write * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - added usage of gListOfPrimitives * mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MTaskList.cc, mhist/MBinning.cc: - fixed a bug when only the title is different from the default * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - fixed the wrong usage of ApplyBinning for the 2D-Hist fCenter 2002/08/06: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - fixed setting of binning for fCamera * mhist/MH.cc, mhist/MBinning.cc: - added sanity check in ApplyBinning and Apply * mbase/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - moved to mfilter * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mfilter/Makefile, mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h: - changed accordingly 2002/08/05: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - added a warning in case of duplicate names in the lists - added orresponding member functions (HasDuplicateNames) - added some sanity checks, checking for an open file * mbase/MFilter.[h,cc]: - added GetRule virtual member function * mbase/MFilterList.[h,cc]: - added GetRule - added StreamPrimitive - added name and title to the constructor - set version number to 1 * mbase/MTask.h: - removed const qualifiers from fFilter (seems, that the root io doesn't like it) * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc], mdata/MDataList.[h,cc], mdata/MDataMember.[h,cc], mdata/MDataValue.[h,cc]: - set class version to 1 - added default constructor if missing - added fDataMember to MDataMember (formaly fName isn't stored) * mfilter/MF.[h,cc], mfilter/MFAlpha.[h,cc], mfilter/MFDataMember.[h,cc], mfilter/MFParticleId.[h,cc], mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.[h,cc]: - added StreamPrimitive - removed const qualifiers from data members - added the "!" to the data member storing the result - added GetRule * mhist/MFillH.[h,cc]: - fixed some small bugs in StreamPrimitive * mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - added the missing const-qualifier of StreamPrimitive * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - implemented setting a unique id in SavePrimitive - imnplemented GetUniqueID * manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MSrcPosCam.cc, mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MTaskList.cc, mfileio/MReadTree.cc, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MF.cc, mfilter/MFAlpha.cc, mfilter/MFDataMember.cc, mfilter/MFParticleId.cc, mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.cc, mhist/MBinning.cc, mhist/MFillH.cc, mhist/MH3.cc: - changed the 'instance' name to the UniqueName - in some files: implemented a static constant name and title, which is used to descide whether the name and/or title should be stream in the constructor-call in StreamPrimitive 2002/08/06: Wolfgang Wittek * mbase/MTask.cc: - redefinition of default argument in MTask::SavePrimitive removed 2002/08/02: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.[h,cc], manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MSrcPosCam.cc, mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadTree.cc, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MBinning.cc: - added comments * manalysis/MSrcPosCam.cc, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MFillH.cc: - fixed a missing " in SavePrimitive * mbase/MTask.[h,cc], mhist/MBinning.[h,cc], mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - implemented SavePrimitive * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - added MakeMacro - added Read and Write * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added GetNames, SetNames virtual functions * mdata/MData.[h,cc], mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc], mdata/MDataList.[h,cc], mdata/MDataValue.[h,cc], mdata/MDataMember.[h,cc]: - implemented GetRule - move Code from Print to GetRule - removed Print * mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - implemented default constructor * manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.[h,cc], manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc], manalysis/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MTask.h, mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc], mfileio/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc], mhist/MBinning.[h,cc], mhist/MFillH.[h,cc], mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - renamed SavePrimitive to StreamPrimitive - implemented more accurate streaming - removed some "//!" from the data members * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - new virtual function StreamPrimitive - implemented flag whether this container has been streamed already * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - corrected streaming of primitive to stream filters correctly - increased version number to 1 * mhist/MBinning.[h,cc]: - move SetEdges and SetEdgesLog to the source file - implemented a flag telling something about the type of the binning 2002/08/01: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.[h,cc], manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc], manalysis/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc], mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc], mfileio/MReadTree.[h,cc], mfileio/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc], mhist/MFillH.[h,cc]: - added SavePrimitive * mbase/MEvtLoop.h, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MTaskList.h, mfileio/MReadMarsFile.h, mfileio/MReadTree.h, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.h, mhist/MFillH.h: - changed from ClassVersion 0 to ClassVersion 1 * mfileio/FileIOLinkDef.h: - added MChain * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.cc, mfileio/MReadTree.cc, mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MFillH.cc: - added default constructor * mfileio/MReadTree.cc: - moved MChain to its own file * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc: - added default constructor to MRootFileBranch - changed Version number from 0 to 1 * mfileio/Makefile, mfileio/FileIOLinkDef.h: - MChain added * mfileio/MChain.[h,cc]: - added (from MReadTree.cc) * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - don't draw ellipse if values are invalid - add used and core pixels to Print-output * manalysis/MHillasExt.cc: - reordered some comments * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - fixed a bug causing usage of '-' sometime not to work - added handling of '+' sign * mfileio/MReadTree.h: - changed some comments * mhist/MBinning.[h,cc]: - added Apply * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasExt.[h,cc]: - added default binning (usefull for the Magic Camera) - some changes to the layout - added support for the sign in MHHillasExt * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - added the possibility to use the interpolation of the surrounding pixels - clean the array with the blind pixel IDs at any ReInit * manalysis/MBlindPixels.h: - IsBlind now checks also for the validity of the array * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h: - added Set-function * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - Don't ouput a warning if fSize==0 or fNumUsedPixels<0 (happens too often) * manalysis/MCameraSmooth.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - added MCameraSmooth 2002/07/31: Thomas Bretz * mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - added bits to flag pixel sin the two most outer rings - added IsInOutermostRing and IsInOuterRing member function - added CheckOuterRing mebmber function - set the bit for the most outer ring in the member function to initialize the next neighbors. * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added InitOuterRing to initialize the bits for the secendmost outer ring * mgeom/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - Call InitOuterRing * manalysis/MHillasExt.[h,cc]: - removed AsciiRead member function - reset fConc/fConc1 to -1 instead of 0 - replaced float by Float_t - replaced Float_t for m3x/y, dzx and dzy by Double_t - replaced maxpixx and maxpixy by maxpixid - added somew new calculations (still in comments) - scaled nphot by the ratio of the area of the current pixel to the pixel with id zero to make a fair comparison in the maxpix findinng * manalysis/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - removed AsciiRead/Write member function * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc: - changed ispixused array size from max to max+1 * macros/MagicHillas.C: - use the default binning of the histograms * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - changed argument of SetBinning from TArrayD* to TArrayD& - added ScaleArray - added ScaleAxis - proved that ScaleAxis is really working - Added ApplyBinning * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - corrected the default binning - take use of MH::ApplyBinning - don't stop execution if no binning was found (take default) - made sure, that rescaling of the axis is working properly 2002/07/29: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc]: - changed ispixused from static size to dynamicly allocated size (thanks to Markus Gaug) 2002/07/29: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - added FindGoodLimits (taken from TTreePlayer) - added GetMinimumGT * mbase/MAGIC.h: - removed kPI (redefinition in TVector2.h) * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - removed kPI (redefinition in TVector2.h) 2002/07/26: Abelardo Moralejo * mhist/MH.cc - Fix: removed default arguments of ScaleAxis(...) (did not compile on alphas). 2002/07/25: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc2.[h,cc]: - Changed fWeight into a TArrayF to make the class usable for any number of FADC slices. - added procedure SetDefaultWeights for initialization. * macros/MagicHillas.C: - changed accordingly 2002/07/25: Wolfgang Wittek, Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - added some more histograms showing the new parameters. * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - added ScaleAxis member functions 2002/07/25: Thomas Bretz * mtools, mtools/Makefile, mtools/ToolsLinkDef.h, mtools/ToolsIncl.h: - added * mgeom, mgeom/Makefile, mgeom/GeomLinkDef.h, mgeom/GeomIncl.h: - added * Makefile: - mtools added - mgeom added * mtools/MagicCivilization.[h,cc], mtools/MagicDomino.[h,cc], mtools/MagicShow.[h,cc], mtools/MagicSnake.[h,cc]: - added * mgui/MineSweeper.[h,cc]: - moved to mtools * mgui/MGeom*.[h,cc]: - moved to mgeom * mgeom/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - corrected 48(!) wrong entries in the Next Neighbor table * mmain/Makefile, eventdisp/Makefile: - added mgeom * mgui/Makefile, mgui/LinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile, manalysis/Makefile: - removed MGeom* and MineSweeper * macros/rootlogon.C: - added new include paths * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc, mgeom/MGeomCam.cc: - removed include of MHexagon 2002/07/23: Thomas Bretz * mgui/MineSweeper.cc, mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - fixed a bug which could caused the destructor of the created canvas not to be called if the object was deleted. * mgui/MCamDisplay.h: - some reordering * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - return the correct distance to primitive - do a sanity check in DistancetoPrimitive * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added missing classes 2002/07/23: Wolfgang Wittek, Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillasSrc.cc: - replaced algorithms by the ones from the corresponding TDAS note - made results of calculations (hopefully) more accurate - added some output warnings and sanity checks - changed the default parameters in the Reset function * manalysis/MHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - added fCosDeltaAlpha - made Calc returning a Bool_t * manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.cc: - make use of the return value of MHillasSrc::Calc 2002/07/22: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc2.[h,cc]: -added procedure SetWeights. * macros/MagicHillas.C: -added example on how to use MCerPhotCalc2 2002/07/22: Thomas Bretz * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - removed some unecessary includes - replaced *fPixels by *this * mgui/MineSweeper.[h,cc]: - added more comments - removed some unnecessary includes - replaced enum constants for colors by the root ones - added gInterpreter->DeleteGlobal(this) - removed the deletion of the self-allocated fDrawingPad - added kUserBits, replacing kBitMask 2002/07/16: Thomas Bretz * macros/plot.C, macros/plot2.C, macros/star.C, macros/comprob.C: - updated the comments in the macros * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - added a sanity check in DistanceToPrimitive * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added DistanceToPrimitive - declared virtual functions as virtual (easier to read in the Dox) * mfileio/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - renamed AddContainer and AddRule to AddColumn and AddColumns * macros/MagicHillas.C: - adopted to new names of MWriteAsciiFile member functions 2002/07/16: Wolfgang Wittek * new --- mhist : MHEffOnTime (replaces MHEffOnTimeTime and MHEffOnTimeTheta) MHThetabarTheta (forgotten to comit last time) MHThetabarTime (forgotten to comit last time) MHGamma (makes the subtraction SRC-ASRC and counts the events with alphaInheritsFrom() replaced with InheritsFrom() * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc: - IsA()->InheritsFrom() replaced with InheritsFrom() - removed some debug outputs * mbase/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - implemented sign '-' * mhist/MH.h: - changed default canvas size to 580x435 * mhist/MHHadroness.cc: - added some more output to Print * mhist/MHMatrix.h: - changed some i,j to x,y - removed fabs from distance calculation - added sqrt to distance calculation * mmc/MMcEvt.cxx: - changed output of Print 2002/06/06: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillasSrc.cc: - changed atan2 to atan for fAlpha 2002/06/05: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - changed the code completely to support rules (data chains), too. the interface stayed the same. * mdata/MDataChain.cc, mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - added math.h for alpha compilers * mbase/MParContainer.h: - changes IsReadyToSave to const * mdata/MData.[h,cc]: - added AsciiWrite * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc], mdata/MDataList.[h,cc], mdata/MDataValue.h: - added IsReadyToSave * mdata/MDataMember.[h,cc]: - added a new constructor - added IsReadyToSave 2002/06/04: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHCompProb.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/MHMatrix.cc: - corrected some bugs in the algorithm to calculate the distance * mhist/Makefile: - added -I../mmc * mbase/Makefile: - added -I../mdata * mhist/MHHadroness.cc: - some changes to the layout of the drawn histograms 2002/06/03: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHCompProb.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/MHHadroness.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile: - added MHCompProb - added MHHadroness * mhist/MFillH.cc: - added a info-output * mhist/MH3.cc: - excluded temporary profiles from directory * mhist/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - added code to calculate multi-dimensional distances - added comments * mbase/MAGIC.h: - changed kGAMMA to 1 * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - added Replace-function * mbase/MReadMarsFile.[h,cc]: - added correct seeking for the run headers * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added GetFileIndex() * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - changed fTasksProcess.Delete() to fTasksProcess.Clear() * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - added some code for future usage (in comments) * mbase/MLogo.[h,cc]: - added (not in use) * mfilter/MFParticleId.[h,cc]: - added * mfilter/Makefile, mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h: - added MFParticleId * manalysis/MHadroness.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/MCompProbCalc.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/MMultiDimDistCalc.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile: - added MHadroness - added MCompProbCalc - added MMultiDimDistCalc * manalysis/Makefile: - added ../mdata - added ../mhist * macros/star.C: - added * macros/comprob.C: - added * macros/multidimdist.C: - added * macros/dohtml.C: - added star.C - added comprob.C - added multidimdist.C * mdata/MData.h: - added ()-operator * mdata/MDataList.cc: - removed 'all' modifier in Print-statement * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - added default constructor * mdata/MReadTree.cc: - fixed a root bug for root versions<3.03/00 (the open file in the TChain was not deleted (closed)) * mbase/MReadMarsFile.[h,cc]: - store parlist instead of tasklist - check for run types between files - check for used reflector version (because of a bug in the program) * mmc/MMcRunheader.hxx: - added GetReflVersion() * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc: - changed particle Id numbers to predefined constants 2002/05/29: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMatrix.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile - added MHMatrix * mhist/MH.h: - added Finalize-function prototype to be called at the end of the eventloop * mhist/MFillH.cc: - added call to Finalize-function to in PostProcess * mhist/MH3.cc: - removed old includes * mhist/MDataChain.cc: - fixed a harmfull bug in the constructor. fOperatorType wasn't correctly initialized * mhist/MDataMember.cc: - added some output in case of failures * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - renamed fMm2Deg to fConvMm2Deg to be consistent with the Getter function name 2002/05/13: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - changed the Notify-workaround from GetEntry to LoadTree. * mfilter/MFDataMember.[h,cc]: - changed class to use MDataMember instead of a direct access to TMethodCall * mfilter/Makefile: - added path to mdata 2002/05/06: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MTaskList.cc: - implemented usage of the return value of the Notofy function * mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc]: - implemented single-argument operators (like abs or exp) 2002/05/03: Thomas Bretz * mars.cc: - changed version to 0.8 - added logo stuff * merpp.cc: - changed usage-output * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc, mgui/MGeomCam.cc, mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc, mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc, mgui/MHexagon.cc, mhist/MBinning.cc, mhist/MFillH.cc, mhist/MH.cc, mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTheta.cc, mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTime.cc, mhist/MHEffOnTimeTheta.cc, mhist/MHEffOnTimeTime.cc, mhist/MHEnergyTheta.cc, MHEnergyTime.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mmain/MMars.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc - changed mail address - added missing copyright notices - added missing class description * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc: - added AddToBranch call to AddContainer(const char*, const char*) 2002/04/30: Thomas Bretz * macros/MagicHillas.C: - made eventloop infinite * macros/tar.C: - implemented some sanity checks (existing files) * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - changed to use DeepSea palette in root versions newer than 3.01/05 - fixed a bug which caused the destructor to do strange thing (the uncloned fGeomCam was deleted) - implemented a more accurate deletion of the objects in the TClonesArrays by using TClonesArray::Delete - Implemented deletion of automatically created TCanvas - Implemented a sanity check in Draw and DrawPhotNum * macros/readCT1.C, macros/readMagic.C: - changed to Handling of the gui and keyboard input - implemented the filename as function argument * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - Expanded filename to support filnames containing '~' * mhist/MH3.h: - removed 'const' to make 0.7 root 3.01/06 compatible * mdata/MDataMember.cc, mdata/MDataValue.cc, mdata/MDataChain.cc: - removed a 'redefinition of default argument' * mdata/MFDataMember.cc: - fixed a bug in the process function (second switch was never reached) 2002/04/29: Thomas Bretz * macros/tar.C: - added * Makefile: - changed "make tar" to use macros/tar.C and root 2002/04/29: Wolfgang Wittek * mhist/Makefile, mhist/HistLinkDef.h - MHThetabarTheta and MHThetabarTime were added * mhist/MHThetabarTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHThetabarTime.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/MHMcEnergyMigration.[h,cc]: - added 2002/04/27: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MMcRunHedaer.cxx, mmc/MMcTrig.cxx, mmc/MMcTrigHeader: - description of variables that have been introduced in the second version of this Containers. 2002/04/26: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHFadcCam.cc: - start numbering of pixels with 1 * mhist/MHFadcPix.[h,cc]: - overloaded clone to get rid of the histograms in any directory - removed some unnecessary StrDup calls - changed binning (Thanks to Abelardo) * mdata/MData.[h,cc]: - documentation added - implemented a new abstract member function: IsValid * mdata/MDataChain.cc, mdata/MDataList.cc: - changed logging output - documentation added * mdata/MDataList.h, mdata/MDataMember.h, mdata/MDataValue.h: - implemented IsValid * mdata/MDataMember.cc: - Don't preprocess if fCall is already available - documentation added * mdata/MDataValue.cc: - documentation added * mhist/MHMcDifRate.h, mhist/MHMcEfficiency.h, mhist/MHMcEfficiencyEnergy.h, mhist/MHMcEfficiencyImpact.h, mhist/MHMcEnergyImpact.h: - corrected class description * mbase/MParList.cc: - fixed a bug in CreateObjList 2002/04/25: Thomas Bretz * mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.[h,cc]: - counts now the number of simulated showers - implemented some sanity checks (corsika version, etc) * mhist/MMcCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - added a first implementation of a calculation using only triggered events * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - changed the first argument in SetBinning (according to the number of axis) to TH2 or TH3 * mhist/MH2.cc: - changed the first argument in SetBinning (according to the number of axis) to TH2 or TH3 * macros/collarea.C: - replaces MReadTree by MReadMarsFile * mmc/MMcRunHeader.hxx: - added GetAllEvtsTriggered 2002/04/24: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - made use of TBranch::GetClassName root version dependant * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.[h,cc]: - added a fix (ped.mean - 0.5) for files from camera with version <= 40 * mmc/MMcRunHeader.hxx: - added some Getter functions * mdata/MDataChain.cc: - use rule as a title if no title ios given * mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - added usage of Data-Chains - added a profiling option to the draw functions - use the title (rule) of the data-chain as axis title * mhist/Makefile: - added mdata-path * mbase/MParContainer.h: - changed some output in GetterFunction 2002/04/24: Wolfgang Wittek * Work was done on the calculation of photon fluxes as a function of Theta and as a function of time. The work is still in progress. * macros/wowflux.C - the macr0 was added (extended and improved version of flux.C) - the macro steers the calculation of photon fluxes as a function of Theta and time - the macro is not yet complete; testing and developing is going on * mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTime.[h,cc], mhist/MHEffOnTimeTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHEffOnTimeTime.[h,cc], mhist/MHTimeDiffTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHTimeDiffTime.[h,cc]: - documentation was added - histogram axes were labeled * mhist/MHEffOnTimeTheta.cc: - range in which the fit of the distribution of time differences is to be performed has been calculated - new histograms were added (chi2/NDF, lambda, N0del) 2002/04/23: Thomas Bretz * madata/Makefile, mdata/DataIncl.h, mdata/DataLinkDef.h, mdata/MData.[h,cc], mdata/MDataValue.[h,cc], mdata/MDataList.[h,cc], mdata/MDataChain.[h,cc], mdata/MDataMember.[h,cc]: - added * mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx]: - added correct units for fImpact 2002/04/22: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - added a chapter how to compile mars using shared libraries * NEWS: - updated * mfilter/MF.[h,cc]: - added * mfilter/MFDataMember.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/MH3.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/MHHillasExt.[h,cc]: - added * macros/rootlogon.C: - added make() function - splitted rootlogon() * mbase/MFilterList.cc: - fixed a bug in the constructor - small changes to the print function * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - Added GetterMethod-Function * mbase/MParList.cc: - Added a security check in case no def. constructor of the new class is available - changed print function * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - changed so that the class type of the branch is used for creation of a new object instead of its name * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - fixed the check for the Process function. Only base classes of first order have been checked * mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h, mfilter/Makefile: - added MF, MFDataMember * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/MFillH.cc: - added MH3, MHHillasExt * mhist/MFillH.cc: - small changes * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - changed name handling in MakeDefCanvas to TString * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - exchanged Get*axis()->SetTitle with Set*Title() * mhist/MHHillas.h: - made SetMm2Deg virtual (for MHHillasExt) * mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc]: - changed layout from mm to deg * mhist/MHHillasSrc.cc: - fixed a bug which made it unpossible to display fDist in degrees 2002/04/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - fixed a heavy bug which caused PreProcess to crash (GetListOfBases return a List of TBaseClasses not a List of TClass objects) - added a security check to Process whether we have something to process or not. * macros/CT1Hillas.C: - changed to the new Hillas classes * macros/readCT1.C: - fixed a bug causing readCT1.C to crash when reading the first event being a pedestal event 2002/04/17: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - case label TMethodCall::kOther changed to default to get rid of some warnings in newer root's (missing case label kString) * mbase/MAGIC.h: - changed defintion of Glog so that it now works on Alpha machines, too. 2002/04/16: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - Fixed a 'redefinition of default argument' on alpha 2002/04/15: Thomas Bretz * mgui/MGeomCam.cc: - Added SetReadyToSave to Constructor * mhist/MH.cc: - Added some #ifdef conditionals for a fix in root * mfilter/MFAlpha.[h,cc]: - made IsExpressionTrue inline 2002/04/05: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MDataCheck.cc: - exchanged order in call to MFillH constructor - made eventloop infinite (only 300 events have been processed) * mbase/MEvtLoop.h: - added GetTaskList * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - introduced fTasksProcess which contains only the tasks which overloads the process function so that processing tasks doesn't waste time if a tasks doesn't have the process function * mgui/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - corrected calculation of pixel area 2002/04/04: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MLog.cc: - stripped last character (CR) from output redirected to GUI 2002/03/21: Thomas Bretz * mhists/MH.cc: - TAxis::Set resets the axis title so I implemented a workaround in SetBinning so that the axis title survives. * mhists/MHEffOnTimeTheta.cc, MHEffOnTimeTime.cc: - replaced Get*axis()->SetTitle() by Set*Title() - corrected the Name in MakeDefCanvas 2002/03/20: Thomas Bretz * macros/flux.C: - fixed a small bug (thanks to Wolfgang) * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc]: - added more scaling options - added setting for scaling factor * mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - changed sign of t (due to a mail of Wolfgang) * mhist/MHTimeDiff*.cc: - removed an implicit down-cast (TH1D --> TH1) 2002/03/15: Oscar Blanch * mmc/McLinkDef.h - Automatic scheme evolution for all MC format classes. It has been checked that it keeps compatibility with old files. * mmc/MTriggerDefine.h - Enlarge number of trigger pixels. * mmc/MTrigger.[cxx,hxx] - Trigger zone has been enlarged. Now information about status of the pixel is saved for all Camera pixels. - Old files can still be read but becareful when one looks at the data member fPixelsFirst which is an array of different size for the new and old files. - ClassDef version upgraded to 2. * mmc/MTriggerHedaer.[cxx,hxx] - Member data fElecNoiseTrig, which has information about the electronic noise in the trigger chain, has been introduced. - Trigger zone has been enlarged. Now information about status of the pixel is saved for all Camera pixels. - Old files can still be read but becareful when one looks at the data member fThreshold which is an array of diferent size for the new and old files. - ClassDef version upgraded to 2. 2002/03/13: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MMcRunHeader.[cxx,hxx] - Several new variable members have been added - Version number updated to 2 2002/03/12: Thomas Bretz * mmontecarlo/MMcTimeGenerate.cc (thanks to Wolfgang): - removed wrong comment for Process - changed Int_t to UInt_t (more readable) - replaced unit: ms -> 0.1ms 2002/03/08: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - added fHeadTail - changed version number to 2. 2002/03/07: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc], MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - added a scale value which can be used in case you are writing single data mambers 2002/03/04: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - changed AsciiWrite so that only base classes with a version id > 0 are written (important for MParContainer) 2002/03/01: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMcEfficiencyEnergy.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEfficiencyImpact.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcDifRate.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcIntRate.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/Makefile, mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added MHMcEfficiencyEnergy and MHMcEfficiencyImpact - added MHMcDifRate and MHMcIntRate * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - changed instantiation of collection area histogram - added settings for the binning - replaced division by root function - added Calc-functions - added GetHist * mhist/MHMcEfficiency.[h,cc]: - changed pointers in Calc functions to references 2002/02/28: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMcEnergyImpact.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEfficiency.[h,cc]: - added * mhist/Makefile, mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added MHMcEnergyImpact and MHMcEfficiency * mhist/*.cc: - repaced some *&-> casts by &. * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - changed to be able to use new MHMcEfficiency. 2002/02/21: Abelardo Moralejo * manalysis/MHillasExt.cc : - added #include (else, fabs not recognized by OSF) 2002/02/21: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - changed fMeanx and fMeany to fMeanX and fMeanY to match the names of the getter functions, needed by TDataMember::GetterMethod - commented out WriteAscii (replaced by more general in MParContainer and MWriteAsciiFile) * manalysis/MHillasSrc.[h,cc], mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx, cxx]: - commented out WriteAscii (replaced by more general in MParContainer and MWriteAsciiFile) * manalysis/MHillasExt.[h,cc]: - added necessary Getter Methods * mbase/MFilterList.cc: - removed a nonsens comment * mbase/MGList.cc: - relay on the bugfix for DynamicCast * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - implemented WriteDataMember to have a more general interface for readable output. - changed ofstream to a more general ostream * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[cc,h]: - generalized ascii writer to be able to write single data members 2002/02/13: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - made 'make dox' dependant on existance of shared object 2002/02/13: Thomas Bretz * macros/MagicHillas.C, mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - implemented variable binning (MBinning) - implemented conversion to degrees (thanks to rudy) * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc, mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - implemented fMm2Deg and fCamDist 2002/01/23: Thomas Bretz * macros/flux.C: - fixed some bugs - uncommented all drawing * mhist/MBinning.h: - changed SetEdges(TArrayD) * mhist/MH.cc: - SetBinning(..., TAxis*,...) didn't work. Corrected. * mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTheta.cc, mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTime.cc, mhist/MHEffOnTimeTheta.cc, mhist/MHEffOnTimeTime.cc, mhist/MHTimeDiffTheta.cc, mhist/MHTimeDiffTime.cc: - changed wrong titles, names, etc. - changed way of drawing projections - fixed usage of MH::SetBinning(TH1*) 2002/01/22: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc], mhist/MHFadcCam.[h,cc]: - changed return type of Fill to Bool_t * mfilter/MFAlpha.[h,cc]: - added * mfilter/MFill.[h,cc]: - implemented a new calling style which allows you to let MFillH create the necessary histogram objects * mmain/MAnalysis.cc, macros/MagicHillas.C: - changed to new stylish MHillas parameter containers * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc, mgui/MCamDisplay.cc, mmain/MDataCheck.[h,cc]: - fixed a warning in red hat linux * mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h, mfilter/Makefile: - added MFAlpha * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc]: - added SetupFill and usage of MBinning objects * manalysis/MEnergyEst.[h,cc], manalysis/MEnergyEstimate.[h,cc], mhist/MHTimeDiffTime.[h,cc], mhist/MHEnergyTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHEnergyTime.[h,cc], mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTheta.[h,cc], mhist/MHAlphaEnergyTime.[h,cc], mhist/MHTimeDiffTheta.[h,cc], mmontecarlo/MMcTimeGenerate.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/Makefile: - added MEnergyEst.cc - added MEnergyEstimate.cc * mbase/MFilter.[h,cc], mfilter/MF*.[h,cc]: - added name and title to constructor * macros/flux.C: - added 2002/01/21: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc, mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - implemented GetFileName * mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx] - implemented WriteAscii * mgui/MGeomPix.h: - implemented first version of GetA * mhist/MBinning.h: - small changes to formulas * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - implemented SetBinnign functions * macros/readMagic.C: - removed MPedestalCam 2002/01/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - generalized virtual function AsciiWrite * changed to fit new MHillas inhertance model: - manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc] - manalysis/MHillasCalc.[h,cc] - mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc] - mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc] * added to fit new MHillas inhertance model: - manalysis/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc] - manalysis/MHillasSrc.[h,cc] - manalysis/MHillasSrcCalc.[h,cc] - manalysis/MHillasExt.[h,cc] - mhist/MHHillasSrc.[h,cc] * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[cc,h]: - introduced weighting with pixel size in GetNumPhotonsMin - introduced weighting with pixel size in GetNumPhotonsMax * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - weight the displayed color with the pixel size 2002/01/18: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MBinning.[h,cc]: - added (not yet in Makefile) * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc: - fixed a bug: replaced GetSize by GetEntries * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - changed EnableBranch to accept "Master.Sub" also 2002/01/16: Thomas Bretz * mars.cc: - changed version number to 0.7 * NEWS: - changed current version to 0.7 * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSBAdd.cc: - small changes to output * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - added FindObject with class type argument * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc - replaced call to InheritsFrom by new FindObject 2002/01/15: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - added more comments - removed a debug statement * manalysis/MBlindPixels.[h,cc]: - added more comments * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - changed the warning output * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.h: - added comments * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSBAdd.[h,cc]: - added comments - changed call to AddedToBranchList * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc: - added comments * mmc/MMcRunHeader.[hxx,cxx]: - made getter const * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc: - updated to use MBlindPixelCalc * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - replaced wrong "MTasklist" by "MTaskList" 2002/01/14: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalNSBAdd.cc: - added comments * mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc: - changed output when switching to new file * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc: - made char array in constructor const - changed char-array to TString * mmain/MBrowser.[h,cc]: - changed char-arrays to TString * mmain/MDataCheck.[h,cc]: - made char array in constructor const * Makefile.conf.linux, Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - changed to O5 * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - check for inheritance from MTaskList * manalysis/MPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MPedestalNSBAdd.cc: - small changes * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - changed to be able to write more than one container in a line 2002/01/11: Oscar Blanch Bigas * mmain/MAnalysis.cc: - added MBlindPixelCalc step. * macros/trigrate.C: - the list of MHMcRate is created using from and to instead of only dimension. Otherwise the case of a single trigger option is not well treated. * mhist/MHMcRate.[h,cc]: - added funtion members SetFlux and SetIncidentRate and small modification in CalcRate member function * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc: - now this task sets the parameters to know the incident particle flux using MHMcRate::SetFlux. The value are decided by the task itself depending on the fPartId. * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.cc: - rename MMcRunHeader:GetStarFieldDe to MMcRunHeader:GetStarFieldDec. * mmc/MMcRunHeader.[hxx, cxx]: - rename MMcRunHeader:GetStarFieldDe to MMcRunHeader:GetStarFieldDec. 2002/01/10: Oscar Blanch Bigas * mbase/Makefile: - added -I../MRawFormat in the included directories for compile and link. It was needed to use this Makefile to compile the files inside the drectory while compiling Monte Carlo programs. * mraw/Makefile: - added -I../MBase in the included directories for compile and link. It was needed to use this Makefile to compile the files inside the drectory while compiling Monte Carlo programs. * mbase/Makefile: - added -I../MBase- in the included directories for compile and link. It was needed to use this Makefile to compile the files inside the drectory while compiling Monte Carlo programs. * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - changed #include "../mraw/MRawEvtData.h" by #include "MRawEvtData.h" to remove dependencies on the directory tree naming. 2002/01/09: Oscar Blanch Bigas * manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc]: - added CheckBounds function to check that program does not try to access pedestal outside the camera size. * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h: - Member data const MPedestalCam *fPedestals -> MPedestalCam *fPedestals. * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - Sanity check to avoid searching to pedestals outside the camera size has been added. * mmc/MMcRunHeader.[h,cxx]: - added functions GetStarField[De,Ra]. * manalysis/MBlindPixels.[h,cc]: - new containet that has a list of pixels that should not be used in the analysis for any reason (corrupted, star in them, ...). * manalysis/MBlindPixelCalc.[h,cc]: - It is a task used to set up the list of blind pixels. Currently it recognises the CrabNebula starfield and then switch off the Theta Taury pixels. Blind pixels can be also introduced through the macro or analysis program. * manalysis/Makefile: - added MBlindPixels and MBlinPixelCalc. * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - added MBlindPixels and MBlinPixelCalc. * macros/MagicHillas.C: - added MBlindPixelCalc to avoid bias results due to Star Field NSB. * macros/readMagic.C: - added MBlindPixelCalc to avoid bias results due to Star Field NSB while computing the Hillas parameters. 2001/12/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - added #ifdef directive to make it work on older root also * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added #ifdef directive to get rid of the memory leak in prior root 3.02/* versions * macros/MagicHillas.C, macros/readMagic.C, meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc, mmain/MAnalysis.cc: - changes MMcPedestalNSB to MMcPedestalNSBAdd * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.[h,cc], manalysis/MMcPedestalNSBAdd.[h,cc]: - reorganized ReInit, PreProcess. - moved some code from ReInit to PreProcess to make the code simpler. At the moment we don't intend to change the objects in the parlist while runtime. * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSB.[h,cc]: - removed * mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc: - read the first run header twice. To make it available in the PreProcess of all tasks * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - fixed a bug in the ReInit function. The ReInits where calles with a NULL-pointer 2001/12/18: Oscar Blanch * manalysis/Makefile: - Removed MMcPedestalNSB from compilation and added MMcPedestalNSBAdd. * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDefine.h: - Removed MMcPedestalNSB from class list and added MMcPedestalNSBAdd. * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.[h,cc] - added ReInit function. - move all actions needed to redo for each run from PreProcess to ReInit - fix bug of Pedestal and Pedestal fluctuaions correspondence. * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSBAdd.[h,cc] - new name for old MMcPedestalNSB.[h,cc] - added ReInit function. - move all actions needed to redo for each run from PreProcess to ReInit - information about pixel size is used from MGeomCam. * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.[h,cc] - remove fNumLoGainFadcSlices and fNumHiGainFadcSlices members - fix bug of Pedestal and Pedestal fluctuaions correspondence. 2001/12/18: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc: - changed output * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSB.cc: - changed output - simplified initialization in PreProcess * mbase/MAGIC.h: - added kSKIP * mbase/MParList.cc: - added a check for the correct inheritance in FindCreateObj * mbase/MTask.cc: - added support for kSKIP in PreProcess * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc] - added support for kSKIP in PreProcess - added Remove function (private) 2001/12/17: Thomas Bretz * .rootrc: - added Root.Html.DescriptionStyle - added Root.Html.SearchEngine * macros/dohtml.C: - changed to use THtml (root >= 3.02/06 only) * manalysis/Makefile: - changed order to get rid of some wranings * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - removed MHtml * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - exchanged gSystem->ProcessEvents() by gClient->ProcessEventsFor() to make gui update faster * mbase/MGList.cc: - added a missing sanity check (workaround for a root bug) * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - uncomment EnableBranchCoosing for AutoEnablingScheme (don't know why there was a comment which made things realy slow) - changed the auto enabling scheme, so that a branch isn't enabled more than once. This doesn't hurt, but the output may confuse the users. * mbase/MTask.cc: - added a simple not really necessary check whether the branch is already in the list * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - changed kFillTree to a local const * mbase/Makefile: - removed MHtml.cc * mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.cc: - changed AddBranchToList to use the correct container name 2001/12/14: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadMarsFile.[h,cc], mbase/MReadFild.[h,cc]: - corrected handling of ReInit/Notify (at the moment I assume one run per file) - made sure, that we don't get memory leaks when using MReadTree more than once because the pointer to the pointer isn't deleted. - added a small class MChain which enhances TChain by a function to reset fTree. This is used to control when notification are happening * mbase/MTask.cc: - reset the number of executions before the preprocessing 2001/12/11: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MGGroupFrame.cc: - removed default arguments from source file * mbase/MGList.cc: - changed cast in IsExisting to ?: * NEWS: - changed * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, mfilter/MTriggerLvl1.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc, mmontacarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc, MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc: - added Masterbranch name to AddToBranchList * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc: - added Masterbranch name to AddToBranchList - fixed a bug in the branch name * mbase/MGList.[h,cc]: - added a better output if a picture wasn't found * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added support for branches with master branch names to auto scheme (first the complete branch name is tried and if this isn't found only the subbranch name is used to enable the branch) * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - appended a '.' to all newly create branches * mmain/MBrowser.cc, mmain/MMars.cc: - add the gui elements only if the corresponding picture was found * mmain/MMars.[h,cc]: - removed fPic1 - removed fPic2 - changed TList to MGList * mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - added a '.' to all branch names * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - added Prototype for ReInit-function * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - implemented ReInit for a task list * mhist/MHFadcCam.h: - added '->' to fArray 2001/12/10: Thomas Bretz * mmc/*.hxx: - Changed MPARCONTAINER_H to MARS_MParContainer * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc: - added MMcPedestalCopy to task list - added MMcPedestalNSB to task list * mmain/MAnalysis.cc: - added MMcPedestalCopy to task list - added MMcPedestalNSB to task list - changed reader from MReadTree to MReadMarsFile * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - changed reader from MReadTree to MReadMarsFile * macros/MagicHillas.C, macros/readMagic.C: - removed unnecessary MReadTree 2001/11/28: Oscar Blanch Bigas * mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc: - Added process of fRun = new MReadTree("RunHeaders", fname), needed to read RunHeaders tree information. * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h: - Added fNumLoGainFadcSlices and fNumHiGainFadcSlices member variables because they are needed for Pedestal substraction. * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h: - Change in the methode to substract the pedestal. The new methode is valid either for MC data and real data but only for the current integration (GetSumHiGainSamples()). * macros/readMagic.C: - Added several tasks in the task list: MReadMarsFile to read RunHeaders Tree MPedestalCopy and MPedestalNSB to treat correctly pedestals. * macros/MagicHillas.C: - Added several tasks in the task list: MReadMarsFile to read RunHeaders Tree MPedestalCopy and MPedestalNSB to treat correctly pedestals. * mmc/MMcRunHeader.hxx: - Added GetNumPheFromDNSB(). * mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx: - Added GetAmplitud(). * manalysis/MMcPedestalNSB.h / .cc: - New class which adds to the pedestal rms the contribution from the diffuse NSB. * manalysis/Makefile: - New class MMcPedestalNSB added. * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDefine. - New class MMcPedestalNSB added. 2001/11/16: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc: - set the ReadyToSave bit in CalcEfficiency. * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - set the ReadyToSave bit after the calculation has been finished. * mhist/MHMcRate.cc: - set the ReadyToSave bit in CalcRate 2001/11/16: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - removed clock.Print() * mbase/MGList.[cc,h]: - added support for TGPictures * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - set ReadyToSave-bit only if reading was successfull - made SetReadyToSave private * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - corrected a small bug in the output * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - added a workaround in Print (don't know why it fails for me) - removed fTrees.SetOwner() * mbase/MTask.cc: - removed include of TOrdCollection, TMethod - some changes to the output * mbase/MParContainer.h: - removed old comments * mmain/MAnalysis.cc, mmain/MCameraDisplay.cc, mmain/MDataCheck.cc, mmain/MEvtDisp.cc, mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc: - changed Widget IDs to root style enums - moved enumerations in the range below 0x100 * mmain/MBrowser.[h,cc]: - removed some of the member variables, accessed via MGList now - changed TList to MGList - added a file-filter combo-box * mars.cc: - changed output 2001/11/15: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MArray.cc, mbase/MArrayB.cc,mbase/MArrayS.cc, mbase/MClone.cc, mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, mbase/MFilter.cc, mbase/MFilterList.cc, mbase/MGGroupFrame.cc, mbase/MGList.cc, mbase/MGTask.cc, mbase/MInputStreamID.cc, mbase/MLog.cc, mbase/MLogManip.cc, mbase/MParContainer.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MPrint.cc, mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MTime.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mbase/MWriteFile.cc, mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc, manalysis/MPedestalPix.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotPix.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, mdatacheck/MDumlEvtHeader.cc, mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.cc, meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc, meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc, mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.cc, mgui/MGeomCam.cc, mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc, mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc, mgui/MgeomPix.cc, mgui/Mhexagon.cc, hist/MFillH.cc, mhist/MH.cc, mhist/MHFadcCam.cc, mhist/MHFadcPix.cc, hist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHMcRate.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mmain/MAnalysis.cc, mmain/MBrowser.cc, mmain/MCameraDisplay.cc, mmain/MDataCheck.cc, mmain/MEvtDisp.cc, mmain/MMars.cc, mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc, mmontcarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc, mraw/MrawCrateArray.cc, mraw/MRawCrateData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.cc, mraw/MRawEvtFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawEvtFileWrite.cc, mraw/MRawEvtRunHeader.cc - changed mailing address of author according to THtml of root 3.02 * mbase/MClone.cc, mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, mbase/MFilterList.cc, mbase/MGTask.cc, mbase/MParContainer.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MPrint.cc, mbase/MReadMarsFile.cc, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mbase/MWriteFile.cc, mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotPix.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, mgui/MGeomCam.cc, mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc, mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc, mgui/MgeomPix.cc, mgui/Mhexagon.cc, hist/MFillH.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHMcRate.cc, mmontcarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc mraw/MRawCrateData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.cc, mraw/MRawEvtFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawEvtFileWrite.cc, mraw/MRawEvtRunHeader.cc - changed output to new style logging (verbosity level introduced) * mbase/MGTask.h: - added default to CreateGui * mbase/MLog.cc - chnaged comparision between output and debug level from >= to > * mbase/MLogManip.h: - added defintions for debug levels * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added support for filters - SetReadyToSave added - Print added * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc], MTask.[h,cc]: - changed TOrCollection to TList, because TList can be stored in a root file. * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - added GetFilter function (used in MReadTree) * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc: - same changed to the GUI layout - added Print member function * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc: - added group frame around some gui elements * mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.cc: - fixed missing Init call - added missing AddToBranchList call * mars.cc: - added command line option to set the verbosity level * merpp.cc: - added setup for highest verbosity level 2001/11/14: Thomas Bretz * macros/dohtml.C: - added missing path to mfilter * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - changed the degree symbol back to 'deg', it seems that the code for it isn't common * mhist/MH.cc: - added comment for MakeDefCanvas * mhist/MHFadcCam.[h,cc]: - removed old comments (SaveHist) * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - changed the Name of fAlpha back. Symbols are nonsens in the name. * mbase/MGList.[h,cc], mbase/MGTask.[h,cc], mbase/MGGroupFrame.[h,cc]: - added * Makefile.conf.linux, Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - changed to O3 - added -fnonnull-objects - added -Woverloaded-virtual * macros/readCT1.C, macros/readMagic.C: - changed to use MClone * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc]: - derived from TGTask - added CreateGuiElements - added ProcessMessage * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MGTask - added MGList - added MGGroupFrame * mbase/MInputStreamID.cc: - rmoved old comment * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - changed output - made Hash const - added GetDiscriptor * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - made FindObject const correct (see TObject) * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - changed output to use GetDescriptor - made Call* functions virtual (used in TGTask) * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - made FindObject const correct (see TObject) - changed output to use GetDescriptor * mbase/MTime.cc: - code reformatting * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - small changes in output * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - changed output according to TEllipse and similar - made ls const * mhist/MFillH.cc: - changed output to use GetDescriptor * mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc]: - changed to use new GUI of MImgCleanStd * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - small changes to output - better sanity check for non existing fRunHeader 2001/11/09: Thomas Bretz * mars.cc, merp.cc, macros/rootlogon.C: - added MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); 2001/11/08: Thomas Bretz * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc: - changed enums to root style - get rid of the problem of button deletion by adding the buttons as first entries to the list * mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc: - changed enums to root style - get rid of the problem of button deletion by adding the buttons as first entries to the list * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, mhist/MHFadcCam.cc: - removed 'Fadc' from function names * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - made AddPixel inline * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc: - added output * manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc: - removed FIXME * Makefile's: - some reordering - changed to the output * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - removed setting of AutoDel-flag (this was not intended and doesn't work for a TChain, yet) * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc: - moved SetWMSizeHints to base class * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - added a random move and the SetWMSizeHints * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - replaced some text by Latex-formulas * mmain/MBrowser.cc: - added a menu entry for opening a TBrowser - added a random move * mmain/MMars.[h,cc]: - changed enums to root style - moved size specification from header to source - changed SetWMSizeHints call * mraw/MrawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - added fNum[Hi,Lo]GainSamples to make GetSum* faster - removed 'Fadc' from function names 2001/11/07: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - changed order in 'mrproper' * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - added InitSize * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - introduces InitSize to speed up things - changed []-operator to an unchecked access * manalysis/MPedestalCam.h: - changed ExpandCreateFast to ExpandCreate (due to lack of good dox) - changed []-operator to an unchecked access * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - changed 'total' to 'real' time. * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - moved []-operator code back to class definition, due to runtime speed - changed []-operator to an unchecked access * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - changed 'degree' to Latex-style * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc: - we are now initialising an array holding the used pixel to prevent looping through all pixel thousands of times (MCerPhotEvt::IsPixelUsed) * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc: - enhanced the documentation * mmain/MBrowser.[h,cc]: - enhanced the functionality to display the filename - improved the layout * mmain/MMars.cc: - added calling of 'netscape' for the two picture buttons 2001/11/06: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadMarsFile.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.[h,cc]: - moved copying to PreProcess - removed Process * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h - added MReadMarsFile * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added a list of TObjects to be called when file in the chain is changed * Makefile.conf.linux, Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - removed -g flag * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - fixed return type of GetNumEvents * mraw/MRawCrateArray.[h,cc]: - added SetSize which takes care of the size of the array - changed the access to an unchecked one * mraw/MRawCrateData.h - derives from MParContainer now * mraw/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]: - made Print const - changed so, that the arrays are dreed and allocated only as less as possible * mraw/MRawFileRead.[h,cc]: - changed to support faster I/O of MRawEvtData and MRawCrateArray - added sanity check (warning) to PostProcess * mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - removed deletion of trees (done by ~TFile) - switched of AutoSave by use of a big size - removed '.' from Branch names (each tree contains only one master branch with equal subbranches) * macros/readCT1.C: - fixed a small bug * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - removed Clear from Process (done by Reset now) * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - added reset-function - some small changes to the code layout * mmc/MMcFadcHeader.[h,cc], mmc/MMcTrig.[h,cc]: - chenged constructor to support fName and fTitle * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - removes '.' from a branch name now before searching/creating the object 2001/11/01: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - removed 'newname' from TObject::Clone call. * mbase/MParContainer.h: - layout changes * mbase/MParList.h: - changed destructor definition to virtual * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added initialization for fProgress - changed output - move some code to new functions - branch enabling now checks for the existance of the branch - veto branch disables the corresponding sub branches now physically - changed comments * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.cc: - added some sanity checks * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc, meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc: - moved some code to MGEvtDisplay * mhist/MFillH.cc: - added warning to comment * mhist/MHFadcCam.[h,cc]: - added Clone-function. It seems, that this is necessary since root 3.01 * mhist/MHFadcPix.cc: - changed axis titles * mmain/MAnalysis.cc: - added progress bar * mmain/MBrowser.[h,cc]: - added layout hints to fTop1,2,3 - adde Create/DestroyProgrssBar * mmain/MDataCheck.cc: - changes to the layout - disable auto scheme - added progress bar * mmain/MMonteCarlo.[h,cc]: - layout changes - added progress bar * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - new sanity check in Draw 2001/11/01: Thomas Bretz * macros/MagicHillas.C: - changed Draw to DrawClone * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h: - some layout changes * mbase/MParList.cc: - fixed a bug in the dstructor which causes the d'tor to crash when the owner bit was set - changed some TCollection loop to macro ForEach * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - changed some TCollection loop to macro ForEach * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.[h,cc]: - added filemenu * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc], mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]: - added SavePrimitive function * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - changed 'deg' to '�' * mmain/MDataCheck.cc: - changed name of enums for buttons * Makefile.conf.osf1: - added some more exclusion flags to get rid of to much informations * Makefile: - changed flags of tar from '-cvf' to 'cvf' so that it runs on alpha, too * mbase/MAGIC.h: - put brackets around defines, to make it compile on alpha * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MTask.cc, mgui/MGeomCam.cc, mhist/MHFadcPix.cc, mmc/MMcTrig.cxx: - removed inline statement, to make it link on alpha 2001/10/31: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - changed MrProper output * Makefile.conf.general, Makefile.conf.linux, Makefile.conf.linux-gnu, Makefile.conf.osf: - added ARCHDEF environment * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - added units * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added '+' for MTime * mbase/MAGIC.h: - let Linux find gLog when creating dictionary * mbase/MHtml.h: - removed include of TNamed * */Makefile - reordered *.cc filed to get rid of some 'rootcint' warnings * mgui/MCamDisplay.cc: - added SetBorderMode(0) * mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]: - changed Print-output to fit into two lines - made Print appear in the context menu * merpp.cc: - Added MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer() * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc], mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc]: - added support for a progressbar * mbase/MFilterList.h: - added SetOwner-support * mbase/MLogManip.h: - added 'dec' manipulator to dbginf * mbase/MTask.h: - added GetNumExecutions * mraw/RawLinkDef.h: - added '+' for MRawEvtPixelIter, MRawCrateArray, MRawCrateData and MRawFile[Read,Write] 2001/10/30: Thomas Bretz * macros/MagicHillas.C - removed precreated objects * macros/readCt1.C: - fixed a bug (-> instead of .) * *LinDef.h: - added a '+' to all 'new' classes. 'new' means, that the object is not yet used in Monte Carlo Files. * *.h: - changed defines from CLASS_H to MARS_Class type (like root) * MMcPedestalCopy.[h,cc]: - added AddToBranchList stamements * manalysis/MPedestalPix.h, manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h, mgui/MGeomPix.h: - changed derivement from TObject to MParContainer to be sure fBits are not written, without specifying this for any TObject derived class 2001/10/29: Thomas Bretz * Makefile.rules: - changed the output * macros/rootlogon.C: - Added IgnorTObjectStreamer * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - changed fFileNames to a TList of TNamed objects * mbase/MArray.h: - removed include of MArray.h * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - Changed ClassVersion to 0 * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - changed include of TObjArray to a forward declaration (for faster compilation) - simplified the code * mbase/MInputStreamID.[h,cc]: - changed fStreamId from char* to TString - Changed ClassVersion to 0 * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - changed veto-list to an array of TNamed objects - implemented auto enabeling * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - implemented fListOfBranches for auto enabeling * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - changed include of TObjArray to a forward declaration (for faster compilation) * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - set splitlevel in TTree::Branch to default - changed kSaveNow to kFillTree * mhist/MFillH.cc: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - check inharitance from MH * mhist/MH.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - implementation of simplified static MakeDefCanvas * mhist/MHFadcCam.h: - removed include of TH1 * mhist/MHFadcPix.[h,cc]: - implemented persistent pixid - get rid of 'fixed string sizes' - Delete histograms from file structure (SetDirectory) - changed Root's MakeDefCanvas to TH1::MakeDefCanvas - removed include of TH1 * mhist/MHHillas.cc - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - Delete histograms from file structure (SetDirectory) - changed Root's MakeDefCanvas to TH1::MakeDefCanvas - changed DrawClone to DrawCopy * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - Delete histograms from file structure (SetDirectory) - changed Root's MakeDefCanvas to TH1::MakeDefCanvas - changed DrawClone to DrawCopy - changed binning to log scale - removed include of TH1 * mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - Delete histograms from file structure (SetDirectory) - changed Root's MakeDefCanvas to TH1::MakeDefCanvas * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc, manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc, mbase/MClone.cc, mbase/MPrint.cc, mbase/MTime.h, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mgui/MGeomCam.cc, mhist/MHFadcCam.cc, mhist/MHMcRate.cc, mmc/MMcTrig.cxx, mraw/MRawCrateArray.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.[h,cc], mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.[h,cc], mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - changed to use auto enabling scheme * macros/threshold.C, macros/collarea.C, macros/trigrate.C: - removed UseLeaf * macros/CT1Hillas.C, macros/readMagic.C: - made run again * mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - changed TTree::Branch to use default split level (99) - added the missing important '.' to the Branch names! * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - changed fName, fTitle from pointer to static object - implemented enum for Run Type 2001/10/26: Thomas Bretz * Makefile.rules: - changed output * readraw.cc: - changed name and description in TROOT - removed argument in MMcEvt::Print() * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc], manalysis/MCerPhotPix.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc], mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx], mmc/MMcFadcHeader.[hxx,cxx], mmc/MMcTrig.[hxx,cxx], mmc/MMcTrigHeader.[hxx,cxx]: - according to root 3.01 made Print const * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added MPrint * mbase/MPrint.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/MClone.[h,cc]: - changed MParContainer to a more general TObject * mbase/Makefile: - MPrint.cc added * meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - introduced fInitOk for the case PreProcessing failed * mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc: - added correction for use of several trigger conditions - speedup threshold calc by usage of UseLeaf * magiclogo.xpm, marslogo.xpm: - changed * mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc: - added a workaround for the no dictionary for MMc* problem * mbase/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc]: - simplified code by removing MRootFileTree class * mbase/MLog.cc: - changed char[len+1] to 'new' statement 2001/10/23: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - replaced usage of tmpnam by mkstemp * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - Paint function added which maintains the aspect ratio of the image - DrawPhotErr removed - removed gPad->Clear, so that we can draw into pads not only canvases * mhist/MFillHFadc.[h,cc], mhist/MFillHHillas.[h,cc], mhist/MFillHStarMap.[h,cc]: - removed * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.[h,cc]: - removed unused spectral index and flux * mmontecarlo/MMcThesholdCalc.[h,cc],: mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - fixed the Dimension handling * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.[h,cc], - fixed the Dimension handling - added destructor * macros/trigrate.C: - fixed some small things - accelerated by use of MReadTree::UseLeaf * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.h: - changed default argument of DrawClone from NULL to "". NULL caused the interpreter to crash. * mbase/MFilterList.[h,cc], mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h.cc], mbase/MTime.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomPix.[h,cc], mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcRate.[h,cc], mraw/MRawCrateData.[h,cc], mraw/MRawEvtHeader.[h,cc], mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - according to root 3.01 I made Print() const * mdatacheck/MViewAdcSoectra.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MShowSpect.[h,cc]: - removed * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - removed default argument from GetEntry-call * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - introduced mapping function for (Pre/Post)&Process - according to root 3.01 I made Print() const - added PrintStatistics - added call counter * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - adapted to new MTask mapping functions - according to root 3.01 I made Print() const - added PrintStatistics - moved some functionality to MTask-Mapper functions * mmain/MMonteCarlo.cc: - adapted to some changes in other classes - some small simplifications - accelerated, by use of UseLeaf - workaround for the ButtonGroup/Button delete bug * mmain/MAnalysis.cc: - workaround for the ButtonGroup/Button delete bug 2001/10/23: Thomas Bretz * macros/dohtml.C: - changed macro names * macros/getCollArea.C: - renamed to collarea.C - make use of new fast MReadTree * macros/getRate.C: - renamed to trigrate.C * macros/getThreshold.C: - renamed to threshold.C * Makefile.depend: - removed * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - fixed wrong usage of new operator in TClonesArray - the aspect ratio of the Canvas is used now to display geometries correctly (no 'small CT1 camera anymore) - replaced include of MCerPhotPix by a forward declaration - replaced include of MHexagon by a forward declaration * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added GetMaxRadius()-function - added CalcMaxRadius()-function - replaced include of MGeomPix by a forward declaration - replaced include of TObjArray by a forward declaration * mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc, mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc: - call CalcMaxRadius in the constructor 2001/10/22: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MH*.[h,cc]: - changed DrawClone according to root 3.01/06 to 'const' 2001/10/16: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - added some output statements - added comments - added UseLeaf - changed AddFile to Int_t - simplified GetEntry call * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc], MGeomCamCT1.[h,cc], MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc]: - added come comments - removed Draw-function * mars.cc: - Changed name of TROOT object to 'mars' * merpp.cc: - changed name of TROOT object to 'merpp' - added some more ouput * mbase/MBaseLinkDef.h: - added MRootFileBranch - added MRootFileTree * mgui/MGeomPix.cc, mbase/MClone.cc, mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - added comments * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - added missing include - added another time output * mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc: - added ClassImp * mhist/MFillH.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc: - changed output * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc: - small fixes - changed error calculation according to Ciro * macros/CT1Hillas.C: - fixes some bugs (typos) 2001/10/05: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, mbase/MClone.[h,cc], mbase/MFilterList.h, mbase/MWriteFile.h, mbase/MWriteRootFile.h, mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.cc, meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.cc, meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.h, meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.h, mgui/MGeomPix.h, mhist/MFillH.h, mhist/MHHillas.h, mmain/MAnalysis.h, mmain/MBrowser.h, mmain/MCameraDisplay.h, mmain/MDataCheck.h, mmain/MEvtDisp.h, mmain/MMonteCarlo.h, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc - comments updated * mbase/MFilter.[h,cc]: - made IsExpressionTrue abstract * meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.cc: - fixed a bug that only every second event was displayed * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - reorganized code (changing pixel number drawed the histogram twice) * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added fDrawingPad to make sure that all output goes into the same pad * mhist/HistLinkDef.h, mhist/Makefile: - removed old MFillH* classes 2001/10/02: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MClone.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGCamDisplay.[h,cc], meventdisp/MGEvtDisplay.[h,cc], mmain/MCameraDisplay.[h,cc]: - added * macros/readMagic.C: - fixed a "'->' and '.' mixed bug" * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - added initialisation of fIn * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - made IsPixelExisting const - made IsPixelCore const - made IsPixelUsed const - made GetNumPhotons[Min,Max] const * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h, mbase/Makefile: - added MClone * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc], mbase/MParList.[h,cc], mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added SetOwner-support * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h, mdatacheck/Makefile: - removed MShowSpect - removed MViewAdcSpect * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.cc: - added missing descriptions * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc]: - small changes * meventdisp/EvtDispLinkDef.h: - added MGEvtDisplay - added MGCamDisplay * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - derived from MGEvtDisplay - most of the code moved to MGEvtDisplay to support MGCamDisplay, too * meventdisp/Makefile: - added MGCamDisplay * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - cleaned - reorganized * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - added missing descriptions * mhist/MHFadcPix.cc: - reorganized some code in the constructor which creates the 'names' * mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - Draw-function supports a default canvas now * mmain/MDataCheck.cc: - added/rorganized comments - removed usage of MViewAdcSpectra * mmain/MMars.[h,cc]: - added new "Camera Display" Button * mmain/MainLinkDef.h, mmain/Makefile: - added MCameraDisplay 2001/09/28: Thomas Bretz * macros/getRate.C: - changed TObjArray to a non-pointer object - added Printing of the result at the end of the macro * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.[h,cc], mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - added DrawClone * mhist/MHMcRate.[h,cc]: - added a dummy for DrawClone * mmain/MMonteCarlo.[cc, h]: - added Gui elements - added CalculateCollectionArea (not yet tested) - added CalculateTriggerRate (not yet tested) - added Threshold (not yet tested) * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.cc: - removed output stuff from PostProcessing * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks 2001/09/27: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MBrowser.cc: - added comments * mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc]: - added entry field for cleaning levels - restructured code a bit * mhist/MFillH.cc: - fixed missing initialization of member variables in Init * mhist/MHHillas.[h,cc]: - Added comments - Added DrawClone - Removed kCanDelete bits from Draw function * mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc]: - Added comments - Added DrawClone - moved some code from the Draw-functions to PrepareDrawing 2001/09/26: Thomas Bretz * mmain/MMars.[cc,h], mmain/MBrowser.[cc,h], MDataCheck.[cc,h], mmain/MEvtDisp.[cc,h], mmain/MMonteCarlo.[cc,h]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks - small changes in layout * mmain/MAnalysis.[h,cc]: - added * macros/*: - added Copyright notice - added some small sanity checks * macros/MagicHillas.C: - fixed '->' bug - changed MFillHStarMap to MFillH * mbase/MReadTree.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - removed an old debug statement * mmain/MMars.cc: - added new Analysis functionality * mmain/MainLinkDef.h: - addded MAnalysis * mmain/Makefile: - added MAnalysis.cc * mmc/McLinkDef.h: - removed nonsens define statement 2001/09/25: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - changed make tar so that 'CVS/Root' isn't added to the tar-file anymore It contains the origin (CVSROOT) of the repository and my confuse people triing to commit changed files from such an archive to the repository * mmain/MBrowser.[cc,h]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks * mmain/MMars.[cc,h]: - reorganized code (constructor) - reorganized deletion of gui objects - fixed many, many memory leaks 2001/09/20: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - made working with Cosy - fixed gui stuff to work like expected * manalysis/MCerPhotPix.h: - replaced TROOT.h by MAGIC.h * mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.h: - added description 2001/09/20: Thomas Bretz * released Version 0.4 * mevtdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc, mmain/MMars.cc: - switched to root version >= 3.00 * Makefile.conf.linux: - added to support the new Linux distributions * .rootrc: - removed references to MARSSYS 2001/09/13: Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - removed "-Woverloaded-virtual". it doesn't really help 2001/08/02: Thomas Bretz * macros/getRate.C: - make use of new stylish lists of containers * macros/CT1Hillas.C, macros/getCollArea.C: - make use of return value of Eventloop * macros/merpp.C: - changed return type to void 2001/07/23: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - redifinition of default argument: fixed 2001/07/23: Thomas Bretz * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.[cc,h]: - changed PreProcess action to new stylish lists of containers * mhist/Makefile: - removed MEnergies.cc * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - removed MEnergies.cc * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - removed a bug which causes MReadTree to show strange behaviour. We cannot use GetBranch()->SetAddress() we have to use SetBranchAddress. * macros/MagicHillas.C: - changed to new stylish histogram fillers. * mhist/MHMcRate.cc: - some simplifications to the constructors - some accelerations of the rate calculation * mhist/MHHillas.C: - added axis descriptions (thanks to Rudy) 2001/07/20: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MH.cc: - added comments * mhist/MFillH.cc: - added comments * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - Added AddToList from a TObjArray - Added GetClassName - Added GetObjName - Added FindObjectList - Added FindCreateObjList - Added CreateObjList * mhist/MHMcEnergies.[h,cc]: - deleted * mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - rewrote constructor in a way that MHMcEnergies isn't needed anymore - added a SetName function which replaces the old constructor somehow * macros/getThreshold.C: - make use of some new features 2001/07/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - added comments * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - changed the wrong 'break' for kCONTINUE into 'return kTRUE' * mhist/MH.[cc,h] - added * mhist/MFillH.[cc,h] - added - in principal MFillHHillas, MFillHFadc and MFillHStarMap can be deleted now * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added MH - added MFillH * mhist/MFillHFadc.cc: - moved source for filling to corresponding histogram class * mhist/MFillHHillas.cc: - included MHillas.h * mhist/MHFadcCam.[cc, h]: - added Fill - made FillHi, FillLo private * mhist/MHHillas.[cc, h], mhist/MHStarMap.[h,cc]: - changed Fill function to new style - derived class from MH * mhist/Makefile: - added MH.cc - added MFillH.cc 2001/07/18: Oscar Blanch * macros/getRate.C: - Macro to compute the trigger rate from a MonteCarlo file * mhist/MHMcRate.[h,cc]: - Container to store trigger rate information - Draw() functin member to be implemented * mmontecarlo/MMcTriggerRateCalc.[h,cc]: - Task to compute trigger rate 2001/07/13: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - Added a result value to Eventloop to be able to detect if the execution was successfull - changes postProcess to return the return value from MTaskList::PostProcess * mbase/MParList.cc: - FindCreateObj removes now a 'dot' from the end of an indexed object name like "Events;7." * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - small changes to the output * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - added Preprocessed flag. This enables the tasklist to only postprocess already preprocessed tasks * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - don't postprocess non preprocessed tasks * mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc: - added descriptions to histrograms - changed names of histograms - added drawing of canvas to Draw-functions * mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - added variables to store the calculated result - changed names and titles of histogram - added axis titles to histogram - moved result calculation into fit-function * mmontecarlo/MMcCollectionAreaCalc.cc: - added name of input container to be able to process another container than "MMcTrig" * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - removed trailing dot from container name creation * mhist/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - removed a wrong '.' behind the number when processing more than one trigger condition * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - added "Monte Carlo Data" as runtype 2001/07/10: Thomas Bretz * mhist/MHMcEnergy.h: - renamed SetBins to SetNumBins * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - changed style of comments - moved sqrt(2) from Postprocess to header. * mmontecarlo/MMcEnerHisto.[cc,h], mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThre.[cc,h], mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThreCalc.[cc,h]: - removed * mmontecarlo/MCollArea.[cc,h], mmontecarlo/MCollAreaTrigger.[cc,h]: - removed 2001/07/09: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - made handling of already existing containers in AddToList a bit more convinient * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added come comments - made handling of already existing tasks in AddToList a bit more convinient - Added name-argument to constructor * mraw/MRawFileRead.[cc, h]: - move file-open check from constructor to PreProcess - added variable for filename * mraw/MRawFileWrite.[cc,h]: - moved fOut->Write from PostProcess to destructor - removed PostProcess 2001/07/06: Thomas Bretz * mfilter/FilterIncl.h, mfilter/FilterLinkDef.h, mfilter/MFTriggerLvl1.[h,cc], mfilter/mfilter/Makefile: - added * Makefile - mfilter added * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - added some warning options * Makefile.conf.osf1: - enhanced warnings * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc: - removed a small buf from the constructor * BaseLinkDef.h: - added MFilter - added MFilterList * mbase/MLog.[h,cc]: - added a non-empty copy constructor to make cxx happy * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - added second overload-function FindObject * mbase/MTask.h: - added all Filter stuff * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - changed debug output - added filter-stuff to Process * mbase/MTaskList.h: - changed Print default option from NULL to "" * mbase/Makefile: - added MFilter - added MFilterList * mhist/MFillHFadc.cc: removed a small bug in the PreProcessing * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.h, manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillas.h, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.h, mgui/MGeomCam.h, mhist/MFillHHillas.h, manalysis/MHillasCalc.h, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.h, mhist/MFillHStarMap.h, mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHHillas.h, mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.h, mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx, mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx, mmc/MMcTrig.hxx, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.h: - made more const-correct * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHHillas.cc, mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc, mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - added comments * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotPix.cc, manalysis/MHillas.cc, manalysis/MHillasCalc.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.h, manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc, manalysis/MPedestalPix.cc, mbase/MArray.cc, mbase/MArrayB.cc, mbase/MArrayS.cc, mbase/MEvtLoop.cc, mbase/MLog.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MTask.cc, mbase/MTime.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mbase/MWriteFile.cc, mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHHillas.cc, mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc, mhist/MHFadcCam.cc, mhist/MHFadcPix.cc, mhist/MHHillas.cc, mhist/MHMcCollectionArea.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergies.cc, mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc, mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mraw/MRawCrateArray.cc, mraw/MRawCrateData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc, mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc, mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - added semicolon after ClassImp to make my editor happy * mmain/MEvtDisp.cc: - removed a wrong comma in the enumerations * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - made compile on osf by removing brackets in new steatement (constructor) 2001/07/05: Thomas Bretz * macros/CT1Hillas.C: - changed the wrong pointers to dots. * macros/getThreshold.C: - added some comments - removed the canvas creation - drawing replaced by a loop - changed trigger conditions to 1 (should work with any MC file) * macros/readMagic.C: - changed the event counter to the number of the event in the file - removed icound * manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.cc, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, mbase/MParContainer.cc, mbase/MParContainer.h, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MTaskList.cc, mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.cc, mbase/MWriteRootFile.cc, mhist/MFillHFadc.cc, mhist/MFillHHillas.cc, mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc, - changed HasChanged to ReadyToSave * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added some comments * mhist/MHMcEnergies.h: - fixed bug in []-operator * mhist/MHMcEnergy.cc: - added canvas creation to draw function * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - fixed a bug in the constructor 2001/06/20: Thomas Bretz * macros/merpp.C: - fixed type in comment * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - fixed 'FIXME' comment * mbase/MWriteFile.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/MWriteRootFile.[h,cc]: - added * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - Added MWriteFile - Added MWriteRootFile * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - fixed the counting in the eventloop * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - changed class that it is based on MWriteFile now * mbase/Makefile: - added MWriteFile - added MWriteRootFile * mhist/MFillHFadc.[h,cc]: - added set for HasChanged (new PostProcess) * mhist/MFillHHillas.cc: - added set for HasChanged (new PostProcess) * mhist/MFillHStarMap.cc: - added set for HasChanged (new PostProcess) * mhist/MHHillas.cc: - Set kCanDelete to make sure, that the histograms are deleted together with the canvas * mraw/MRawFileWrite.[h,cc]: - changed the handling of opening, closing and checking file 2001/06/13: Thomas Bretz * ./.../*.h: - added some comments and corrected some descriptions. * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added a 'dummy' function for AsciiRead, AsciiWrite * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - added new constructor (specify directly the pointer to the class) * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - made Copy-function more readable * mgui/MParContainer.cc: - made Copy-function more readable * mhist/MHMcEnergies.[h,cc]: - files added as a container to make handling of several MHMcEnergy easier * mbase/MAGIC.h: - encapsulated include of TROOT * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - added SetHasChange and Reset to PostProcess * mhist/HistLinkDef.h - added MHMcEnergies * mhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc]: - added name and title to constructor - added number to name of container * mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.cc: - corrected typo in creation of the container names * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - Set kCanDelete in Draw function 2001/06/12: Thomas Bretz * mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThreCalc.[cc,h] - copied to mmontecarlo/MMcThresholdCalc.[cc,h] * mmontecarlo/MMcEnerThreHistos.[h,cc] - copied to mmhist/MHMcEnergy.[h,cc] * mbase/Makefile: - added MWriteAsciiFile.cc * mhist/HistIncl.h: - added TF1.h * mhist/HistLinkDef.h: - added MHMcEnergy * mhist/Makefile - added MHMcEnergy * mmontecarlo/MCollArea.h: - fixed typo in ifndef * mmontecarlo/Makefile: - added MMcThresholdCalc.cc - removed MMcEnerHisto.cc - removed MMcEnerThre.cc - removed MMcEnerThreCalc.cc * mmontecarlo/MonteCarloLinkDef.h: - added MMcThresholdCalc.cc - removed MMcEnerHisto.cc - removed MMcEnerThre.cc - removed MMcEnerThreCalc.cc * mbase/MWriteAsciiFile.[h,cc]: - added * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.h: - removed fFileName from class definition * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - use of SetHasChanged added * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - Reset added - AsciiRead added - AsciiWrite added - use of SetHasChanged added * manalysis/MPedCalcPedRun.[h,cc]: - made fNumHiGainSamples a class member - renamed some member functions - made the 'internal' member functions private - added SetHasChanged - made these functions const * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h - MWriteAsciiFile added * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - some small changes to the logging output * mbase/MParContainer.cc: - fHasChanged added * mbase/MParContainer.h: - Reset prototype added - HasChanged added - SetHasChanged added * mbase/MParList.[cc,h]: - SetHasChanged added - Reset added * mbase/MTaskList.cc: - Process: call SetHasChanged before looping - Process: call Reset before looping * mbase/MTaskList.h: - fParList added to class definition 2001/04/27: Thomas Bretz * macros/merpp.C: - made the merpp-macro Mars 0.3 compatible 2001/04/19: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - added stripping of the string after last semicolon (classname) * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added Veto funtionality to PreProcess - added HasVeto - added fVetoList - added VetoBranch 2001/04/18: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MHtml.[cc.h]: - Added * mbase/*.cc: - changed comments of member functions to new MHtml-Style 2001/04/09: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.cc: - Added the possibility to specify a different object name in FindCreateObj * .rootrc: - changed the style for the html documentation * macros/dohtml.C: - added SetXwho * (*.cc): - added the copyright comment block * mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - added some comments to all these numbers * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h: - added Jump member function which jumps directly to the pixel with a given id 2001/04/09: Thomas Bretz * mgui/MGeomPix.cc: - fixed a small error in SetNeighbors (thanks to Oscar) * mgui/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - Fixed many small errors which caused the display to display nonsens in some situations 2001/04/04: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtData.[cc,h]: - changed wrong return type of GetNumPixels to UShort_t * mmain/MBrowser.[cc,h]: - made the dialog somehow work like it should 2001/04/03: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - the pedestal values read from the file are now stored in MeanRms instead of Sigma * manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc: - The pedestal mean Rms is used as the pixel error * MImgCleanStd.cc: - CleanStep1: the '<' was replaced by a '<=' to clean also pixels with value=noise=0 * MMcPedestalCopy.cc: - All the pedestal values are now filled in (are they calculated correctly?) * mgui/MGeomCamMagic.cc: - Forgot to initialize the Nextneighbors of the Magic Camera (thanks to Oscar) * mhist/MHStarMap.cc: - I changed the model of the display (colors and bin width) to get a 'better' result 2001/04/02: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtHeader.h, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc: - added constants (kTT*) for trigger type * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[h,cc]: - added changeable cleaning levels * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - added some more sanity checks to the calculation * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.[h,cc]: - added some kind of chain feature (AddFile) to process more than one file * mgui/MGeomPix.[h,c]: - added interface to pixel neighbors * mgui/MGeomCamCT1.[cc,h], mgui/MGeomCamMagic.[cc,h]: - creates the neighbor geomtry now, too * manalysis/MImgCleanStd.[cc,h]: - switched to new stylish neighbors from MGeomCam 2001/03/30: Thomas Bretz * mdatacheck/MH*, mdatacheck/MFillH*: - moved to mhist * mraw/MrawEvtPixelIter: - IsLoGain -> HasLoGain * mgui/MG*: - renamed - moved to mmain - move Browser functionality to MBrowser * mmain/, mhist: - new 2001/03/21: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc]: - fixed some minor errors, added sanity check (N<2) to Calc * manalysis/MFillHHillas.cc: - skip event if Hillas calculations fails * macros/getCollArea.C, macros/readMagic.C, mdatacheck/MViewAdcSpectra.cc, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc: - changed order in MReadTree constructor * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.[h,cc]: - changed to use MPedestalCam * manalysis/MCT1Pedestals.[h,cc]: - removed * manalysis/Makefile, manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - removed MCT1Pedestals * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added const values from Magic.h * mbase/MLogManip.h: - changed style of dbginf * mbase/MParList.cc: - make use of dbginf * mbase/MReadTree.[h,cc]: - switched from a TTree to a TChain object - chnaged order of variables of the constructor 2001/03/21: Thomas Bretz * macros/CT1Hillas.C, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.cc, manalysis/MImgCleanStd.h, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.cc, manalysis/MMcPedestalCopy.h, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.h, manalysis/MCerPhotCalc.cc, mdatacheck/MHHillas.h, mdatacheck/MHHillas.cc, mdatacheck/MFillHFadc.cc, mdatacheck/MFillHFadc.h, mdatacheck/MHFadcCam.cc, mdatacheck/MHFadcCam.h, mdatacheck/MHFadcPix.cc, mdatacheck/MHFadcPix.h, mdatacheck/MFillHHillas.cc, mdatacheck/MFillHHillas.h - added * mdatacheck/MHistosAdc.[h,cc]: - replaced by MHFadc[Cam,Pix] * mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[h,cc]: - replaced by MFillHFadc * macros/readCT1.C: - uses the new classes now - calculates and displays hillas * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h: - added MCerPhotCalc, MImgCleanStd, MMcPedestalCopy * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.cc: - PreProcess uses FindCreateObj now * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc, manalysis/MPedestalCam.cc: - changed the new back to 'new with placement' * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h, cc]: - removed cleaning from this class * manalysis/MHillas.cc: - some small changes in the naming inside Calc() * manalysis/MHillas.h: - added Get-functions * manalysis/MPedestalCam.h: - added InitSize-function * manalysis/MPedestalPix.h: - made Get-functions const * manalysis/Makefile: - added MMcPedestalCopy, MImgCleanStd, MCerPhotCalc * mbase/MLogManip.h: - "l." before line number * mbase/MParList.cc: - added the autodelete feature for automatically created classes * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h: - added MHFadc[Cam,Pix], MHHillas - removed MHistosAdc - added MFillHFadc, MFillHHillas * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc], MShowSpect.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MViewAdcSpectra.[h,cc], : - changed from MHistaosAdc to MHFadcCam * mdatacheck/Makefile: - added MFillHFadc.cc, MFillHHillas.cc - removed MFillAdcSpect.cc * manalysis/MCT1ReadAscii.h, mbase/MEvtLoop.h, mbase/MLog.h, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MReadTree.h, mbase/MTask.h, mbase/MTaskList.h, mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.h, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h, mgui/MCamDisplay.h, mgui/MCamNeighbor.h, mgui/MGDataCheckMain.h, mgui/MGEventDispMain.h, mgui/MGMarsMain.h, mgui/MGMonteCarloMain.h, mgui/MGPrototyp.h, mgui/MHexagon.h, mmontecarlo/MCollAreaTrigger.h, mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h, mraw/MRawFileRead.h, mraw/MRawFileWrite.h: - set version number to '0' (no i/o for this class) * mgui/MGeomCamCT1.cc: - new claculation algorith for the CT1 camera. It is more exact in the camera plain * mgui/MHexagon.cc: - removed Draw-function (it is inherited from TObject) * mmc/MMcFadcHeader.hxx: - Added get-functions 2001/03/20: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/MPedestalPix.[h,cc], manalysis/MPedestalCam.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillas.[h,cc], manalysis/MHillasCalc.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomCamCT1.[h,cc], mgui/MGeomCamMagic.[h,cc] - added * macros/readCT1.C: - added calculation of Hillas parameters - changed from pointers to objects * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h, manalysis/Makefile: - added MPedestalPix/Cam, MHillas, MHillasCalc * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - removed fType - commented out Draw function - should be fixed soon - renamed *Nb* to *Num* - renamed Get[Min,Max]NumPhotons to GetNumPhontons[Min,Max] * meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.[h,cc]: - changed parameter of ReadinEvent to unsigned * mgui/GuiLinkDef.h, mgui/Makefile: - added MGeomCamCT1, MGeomCamMagic * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - changed constructor argument from int to MGeomCam - renamed *Nb* to *Num* * mgui/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - removed all camara specific stuff - MGeomCam is now used as a base class for the classes MGeomCam[Magic,CT1] which are containing the camera specific stuff * mgui/MGeomPix.h: - added Set function 2001/03/02: Thomas Bretz * manalysis/Makefile, mdatacheck/Makefile, meventdisp/Makefile, mgui/Makefile: - new * mbase/MParList.[cc,h]: - Added FindCreateObj member function - added a name to the constructor * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - changed to use FindCreateObj * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.cc: - removed fPixelIter from member list - changed cout to *fLog * mdatacheck/MViewAdcSpectra.cc: - removed a HUGE memory leak. All the objects in the list (and the lists itself were NEVER deleted) * mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.cc - removed fPixelIter from member list - changed cout to *fLog - changed to use FindCreateObj - changed high and low to hi and lo * mdatacheck/MShowSpect.cc - changed cout to *fLog - added a name to the constructor * mraw/MRawFileRead.cc: - changed to use FindCreateObj * mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[h,cc]: - added some new member functions to make code more clear - removed fHists from the destructor * mdatacheck/MHistosAdc.h: - changed high and low to hi and lo * macros/dohtml.C: - added manalysis 2001/03/01: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - added headers to dependencies * Makefile.rules: - added headers to dependencies * merpp.cc: - changed from pointers to objects - added compression level support * readraw.cc: - removed unnecessary includes * mbase/MArray*.*: - changed all Int_t to UInt_t * mbase/MLogManip.h: - changed name of __DINF__ to dbginf * mraw/MRawCrateData.[h,cc], mraw/MRawEvtHeader.[h,cc], mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - changed ifstream to istream * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - changed the reading, which speeds up merpp by a factor of 10 * mraw/MRawEvtData.h: - added flag to InitArrays and DeletePixels (not yet used) * mraw/MRawFileRead.h: - removed pParList from parameter list * manalysis/AnalysisLinkDef.h - removed MReadCT1Ascii, added MCT1ReadAscii - added MCT1Pedestals * manalysis/MCerPhotEvt.[h,cc]: - changed the constructor a little bit - rewrote Print() to make it a bit more readable - moved MCerphotPix to new File - added many lines of comments - exchanged old stylish new call with new stylish(=) one - replaced all accesses to fPixels with the [] operator to make this lines more readable - made all variable declarations const-correct, - I changed the style of the cleaning method from if(a){if()b{if(c){}}} to if(!a)continue; if(!b)continue if(!c) continue; to make it more compact, readable and easier to understand - renamed the Boolean-functions to Is* to get a stricter structure - replaced mapping function to access the pixel list entries by the new operator to get rid of more than the necessary number of member functions without loosing speed or readability - renamed GetMinimum/MaximumPhoton to GetMin/MaxNumPhotons to be more exact * mgui/MCamGeom.* splitted and changed to MGeomCam/Pix: - added a new operator to access the TObjArray - removed unnecessary code from CreateCT1 * mbase/MAGIC.h: - added kPI * mbase/MReadTree.cc: - added some comments * mgui/MCamDisplay.[h,cc]: - added some comments, reordered a bit the calls in the constructor to get a 'straight forward structure', MGeomCam is now only locally used where it is needed, replaced access to the TClonesArrays by new member-function to get a more readable code, replaced old stylish new call with new stylish one, made variable decleration const-correct, introduced a new member function to set the pixel color, renamed the overloaded Draw functions to DrawPhotons, DrawPhotErr to prevent missunderstatements, changed the 'layout' of GetColor to make it easier to understand the algorithm, * mgui/MCamNeighbor.[h, cc]: - changed to new log-interface - exchanged -9999 by -1 - skipped the exits - you must check for -1 one in any case - this means a warning should be enough * mgui/MHexagon.[h,cc]: - added new constructor whcih uses a MGeomPix-object 2001/02/28: Thomas Bretz * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - changed return type of FindObject back to TObject - it seems so, that some compilers don't like overriding the return type of a virtual member function 2001/02/23: Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawEvtPixelIter.h: - added GetSum* functions * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - Removed unnecessary fNext-stuff 2001/02/22: Thomas Bretz * merpp.cc, readraw.cc, mbase/MParContainer.cc, mbase/MParList.cc, mbase/MParList.h, mbase/MReadTree.cc, mbase/MTask.cc, mbase/MTask.h, mbase/MTaskList.cc, mbase/MTime.cc, mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.cc, mdatacheck/MShowSpect.cc, meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc, mgui/MGPrototyp.h, mmc/MHeaderTrig.cxx, mraw/MRawCrateArray.cc, mraw/MRawEvtData.cc, mraw/MRawEvtHeader.cc, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc, mraw/MRawFileWrite.cc, mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc: - exchanged cout with the new logging style (gLog, *fLog) * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc: - added 'dec' option to Print * mmc/MHeaderTrig.cxx, mmc/MMcEvt.cxx, mmc/MMcTrig.cxx: - small changes to the Print funtions 2001/02/21: Thomas Bretz * MRawEvtData.cc: - Changed ReadEvt according to the new raw binary format 2001/02/20 * Added MLog.[h,cc], MLogManip.[h,cc] * Adde SetStreamer and fLog to the MParContainer base class * Derived MEvtLoop from MParContainer * Makefile: - added 'tar' * mbase/BaseIncl.h: - added fstream.h, TGListBox.h * mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added pragma for gLog and MLog * mbase/MAGIC.h: - added forward definition for gLog * mbase/MEvtLoop.cc: - exchanged cout with *fLog - added statements to provide log-facility to all tasks als parameter containers * mbase/MEvtLoop.h: - Small changes * mbase/MParContainer.h: - Added definitions necessary for use of Log-Facility * mbase/MParList.[h,cc]: - Added SetLogStream * mbase/MTask.h: - added fLog * mbase/MTaskList.[h,cc]: - added SetLogStream * mbase/Makefile: - Added MLog.cc, MLogManip.cc 2001/02/19: Harald Kornmayer * implemented the Image Cleaning a la CT1 to the class MCerPhotEvt * changed the readCT1.C file to show the effects of the image cleaning a la CT1 * changed mgui/MCamNeighbor.cc mananlysis/MCerPhotEvt.cc .h macros/readCT1.C 2001/02/19: Thomas Bretz * MParContainer.h added prototypes for AsciiRead/Write * .rootrc added * MEvtLoop.[h,cc]: - split eventloop in its three parts, this should be used for debugging only. 2001/02/06: Harald Kornmayer * the first running version with a eventdisplay. Now we are able to display an Event on the photo electron level. To do this, run the macro "macros/readCT1.C" after changing the file name. changed: macros/readCT1.C manalysis/MNphotEvent.cc, manalysis/MNphotEvent.h analysis/MReadCT1Ascii.cc mgui/MCamDisplay.cc, mgui/MCamDisplay.h 2001/01/23: Harald Kornmayer * the integration of the class FadcDisp in the mars enviroment and further developments in the display changed: meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc mgui/GuiIncl.h mgui/GuiLinkDef.h mgui/MGMarsMain.cc mgui/MGPrototyp.cc mgui/MGPrototyp.h mgui/Makefile added: mgui/MGEventDispMain.h mgui/MGEventDispMain.cc 2001/01/22: Harald Kornmayer * started with the development of a EventDisplay Utitliy. Therefore I added the following files. meventdisp/EvtDispIncl.h meventdisp/EvtDispLinkDef.h meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.cc meventdisp/MGFadcDisp.h meventdisp/Makefile Also a few of the older files where slightly changed. ./Makefile ./Makefile.rules mraw/MRawEvtData. 2001/01/19: Thomas Bretz * mmc/*.hxx: - changed include of MDefineTrigger.h back 2001/01/19: Oscar Blanch * mmc/MTriggerDefine.h: - added 2001/01/18: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - mmc-library added * Makefile.conf.general: - Added definition of __MARS__ * Makefile.rules: - Added definitions to rootcint * Oscar added the McFormat subdir of the Monte Carlo as mmc * mmc/MMcEvt.h: - renamed to MMcEvt.hxx * mmc/*.hxx: - added necessary defintions from MDefineTrigger.h * mmc/Makefile, mmc/McLinkDef.h, mmc/McIncl.h, mmc/readme.txt: - added * mmc/LinkDef.h: - removed 2001/01/17: Thomas Bretz * Makefile: - Exchanged explicit rules to make library by implicit ones - The shared object works now. I exchanged the libraries with the object files. But I don't know why the libraries don't work. * Makefile.conf.linux-gnu: - replaced CC with gcc (instead of g++) * mdatacheck/DataCheckLinkDef.h: - removed unused statements * mraw/RawLinkDef.h: - added globals * mraw/MerppLinkDef.h: - removed unused file 2001/01/12: Thomas Bretz * MLinkDef.h, MIncl.h, marslogo.xpm, magiclogo.xpm: - added * LinkDef.h: - removed * Makefile: - Added CINT, mrproper * mbase/Makefile, mraw/Makefile, mgui/Makefile, mdatacheck/Makefile: - included makefile.general, Makefile.rules, - removes corresponding lines * mdatacheck/MDumpEvtHeader.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[cc,h], mdatacheck/MFillAdcSpect.[h,cc], mdatacheck/MGDisplayAdc.[cc,h], mdatacheck/MHistsosAdc.[h,cc], mdatacheck.MShowSpect.[cc,h] - changed include statements * mgui/MGDataCheckMain.[cc,h], mgui/MGMarsMain.[cc,h] - changed include statements - move enum from h to cc - removed comma operator from delete statements (nonsense) 2001/01/11: Harald Kornmayer * ./ readraw.cc, Makefile, Makefile.rules, LinkDef.h, MParList.cc, MReadTree.cc, MReadTree.h, mbase/Makefile, mraw/Makefile - small changes in this files. Not really critical. * mars.cc - added the main file for the gui * mgui/ GuiIncl.h, MGMarsMain.cc, GuiLinkDef.h, MGMarsMain.h, MGDataCheckMain.cc, Makefile, MGDataCheckMain.h - added the subdir mgui and this files * mdatacheck/ DataCheckIncl.h, DataCheckLinkDef.h, MHistosAdc.cc, MHistosAdc.h, MDumpEvtHeader.cc, MDumpEvtHeader.h, MShowSpect.cc, MShowSpect.h, MFillAdcSpect.cc, MFillAdcSpect.h, MViewAdcSpectra.cc, MViewAdcSpectra.h, MGDisplayAdc.cc, MGDisplayAdc.h, Makefile - added the subdir mdatacheck and this files 2000/12/28: Thomas Bretz * merpp.cc, MArray.cc, MArray.h, MArrayB.cc, MArrayB.h, MArrayS.cc, MArrayS.h, MEvtLoop.cc, MEvtLoop.h, MInputStreamID.cc, MInputStreamID.h, MParContainer.cc, MParContainer.h, MParList.cc, MParList.h, MReadTree.cc, MTask.cc, MTask.h, MTaskList.cc, MTaskList.h, MTime.cc, MTime.h: - Added changes some comments. * MLoopEvt.cc, MLoopEvt.h: - Removed 2000/12/22 - Thomas Bretz: * readraw.cc: - changed some comments and the Root-Name of the program - added check for the existance of the file - changed name of numbers of entries from iEnt to nent * dohtml.C: - changed title of converted macros * MRawEvtData.cc: - added a commet in Draw() * MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - Added the comment header of the file - removed inheritance from TIterator (not needed) - some changes to get it work (the one in the repository was untested and not working) - changed calling style of iterator from do...while to while-loop - changed some comments * MRawRunHeader.cc: - added some comments * Changelog, News: added * test.C: removed