1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
16 |
17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2011/08/10 Thomas Bretz
22 |
23 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]:
24 | - implemented setting pixel map in InitFact
25 |
26 | * mraw/MRawEvtData.cc:
27 | - when setting a pixel map, subtract one to get from the id to
28 | the index
29 |
30 | * mraw/MRawFitsRead.[h,cc]:
31 | - added the possibility to read the pixel map from a file
32 |
33 | * mbase/Makefile:
34 | - added ../mcore/izstream.h and ../mcore/fits.h to get it into the
35 | dictionary without the need of a makefile in mcore (yet)
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 | 2011/07/29 Thomas Bretz
40 |
41 | * mbase/fits.h:
42 | - fixed the case in which the END tag is the first in a block
43 | - use seekg instead of seekpos
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 | 2011/07/24 Thomas Bretz
48 |
49 | * mbase/MFits.h:
50 | - renamed to fits.h
51 |
52 | * mbase/MZlib.h:
53 | - renamed to izstream.h
54 |
55 | * mbase/MZlib.cc:
56 | - removed, moved all the code to izstream.h
57 | - set the fail and bad bit more properly
58 |
59 | * mastro/MAstroCatalog.h, mraw/MRawFileRead.cc,
60 | mfileio/MReadFiles.[h,cc]:
61 | - replaced MZlib with izstream
62 |
63 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]:
64 | - Added fIsSigned data memeber
65 | - increased version number
66 |
67 | * mraw/MrawEvtData.[h,cc]:
68 | - added fIsSigned
69 | - adapted GetSample
70 | - added GetMin
71 | - changed code in GetMax
72 |
73 | * mraw/MRawFitsRead.cc:
74 | - replaced MZlib by izsream
75 | - check for TELESCOP key
76 |
77 | * mbase/fits.h:
78 | - added exceptions if supported
79 | - removed check for TELESCOP keyword
80 |
81 | * mhist/MHCamera.cc:
82 | - fixed ifdef in GetObjectInfo
83 | - do not propagate non finite numbers
84 |
85 | * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h:
86 | - removed MZlib
87 | - removed MFits
88 | - added izstream
89 | - added fits
90 |
91 | * msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.[h,cc],
92 | msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.[h,cc],
93 |
94 | * msignal/MExtractor.[h,cc], msignal/MExtractBlindPixel.[h,cc],
95 | msignal/MExtractPINDiode.[h,cc],
96 | msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.[h,cc]:
97 | - changed fHiGainFirst/fHiGainLast from Byte_t to UShort_t
98 | to support the DRS with 1024 samples
99 |
100 | * mhist/MHCamEvent.cc:
101 | - removed some obsolete calls to Format()
102 | - correctly display the relative and absolute error
103 |
104 |
105 | 2011/07/21 Thomas Bretz
106 |
107 | * mgeom/MGeomCamFACT.cc:
108 | - added special pixels 1438/1439
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 | 2011/07/20 Thomas Bretz
113 |
114 | * readdaq.cc:
115 | - added support for FITS files
116 |
117 | * mbase/MFits.h:
118 | - optmized reverse copy procedure
119 | - added HasKey
120 |
121 | * mbase/MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]:
122 | - Added iterator to start cell
123 |
124 | * mbase/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]:
125 | - added fStartCells
126 | - increased version number
127 |
128 | * mbase/MrawEvtData.[h,cc]:
129 | - replaced fPCTime with an array as a buffer
130 | - init start cells
131 | - added "StartCell" to reading process
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 | 2011/07/19 Thomas Bretz
136 |
137 | * mbase/MFits.h:
138 | - made struct Entry public (needed by newer root versions)
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 | 2011/07/18 Thomas Bretz
143 |
144 | * mastro/MAstroCatalog.cc:
145 | - added include of fstream
146 |
147 | * macros/rootlogon.C:
148 | - added define of __MARS__ to AcLiC
149 |
150 | * mraw/MRawRead.h:
151 | - made ReadEvent and SkipEvent virtual
152 |
153 | * mraw/MRawFileRead.[h,cc]:
154 | - outsourced OpenFile and ReadRunHeader to their own functions
155 |
156 | * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]:
157 | - Added function DataMember which will return a pointer to a data
158 | member from the dictionary.
159 |
160 | * mbase/MZlib.h:
161 | - There is no need to make the derivative from istream virtual.
162 | - removed the need of a fill_buffer function
163 | - do only relative seeks and never start from the beginning of the
164 | file
165 |
166 | * mbase/MFits.[h,cc]:
167 | - added Fits support
168 |
169 | * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h:
170 | - added MFits
171 |
172 | * mpedestal/MPedestalSubtract.cc:
173 | - improved some error output
174 |
175 | * mgeom/MGeomApply.cc:
176 | - automatically use MGeomCamFACT if the run header says that it is
177 | a fact camera.
178 |
179 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]:
180 | - added setter for format versions
181 | - added InitFact
182 | - added GetCameraVersion
183 |
184 | * mjobs/MJMerpp.cc:
185 | - use FITS reader instead of raw-reader if it is a FITS raw file.
186 |
187 | * merpp.cc:
188 | - added fits asa valid extension
189 | - fixed replacing of extensions
190 |
191 | * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.cc:
192 | - read first header of first file, so that at PreProcessing time
193 | at least some header is available.
194 |
195 | * mraw/Makefile, mraw/MRawFitsRead.cc:
196 | - added MRawFitsRead
197 |
198 | * mraw/MRawFitsRead.[h,cc]:
199 | - added
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 | 2011/07/15 Thomas Bretz
204 |
205 | * mbase/MZlib.[h,cc]:
206 | - fixed seeking in gzipped files
207 | - increased buffer size
208 |
209 | * mbase/MMath.[h,c]:
210 | - added GaussProb2D
211 |
212 | * msignal/MSignalCalc.cc:
213 | - the upper bound of searching the maximum was wrong
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 | 2011/07/14 Thomas Bretz
218 |
219 | * mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc:
220 | - some minor code changed to get rid of some compiler warnings
221 | - fixed a problem with a possible infinite loop
222 |
223 | * mbase/MThread.h:
224 | - propagate argument to Run()
225 |
226 | * mbase/MLut.cc:
227 | - some variable name change to get rid of some compiler warnings
228 |
229 | * mjobs/MSequence.cc:
230 | - fixed a check which was always true
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 | 2011/07/07 Thomas Bretz
235 |
236 | * mhflux/MHFalseSource.cc:
237 | - fixed a bug in SetupFill - must be CopyBinning instead of
238 | SetBinning
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 | 2011/04/04 Thomas Bretz
243 |
244 | * mreport/MReportFileRead.cc:
245 | - added a missing delete
246 |
247 | * mhflux/MHEnergyEst.cc, mhist/MHCamera.cc:
248 | - fixed some crashes with newer root versiony in which
249 | GetFunction("gaus") after an unsuccessfull fit might return
250 | NULL
251 |
252 | * mastro/MAstroCatalog.cc:
253 | - added the missing marker color for the dot
254 |
255 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
256 | - added some comments
257 |
258 | * mmain/MEventDisplay.cc:
259 | - renamed some local variables to avoid using the same name twice
260 |
261 | * mgeom/MGeomCam.cc:
262 | - for convenience a margin of 0 in HitFrame is allowed to
263 | switch off the detection also with 0
264 |
265 | * mbase/MThread.h:
266 | - added missing argument to call of fThread.Run()
267 |
268 | * mhbase/MH3.cc:
269 | - fixed a problem with a wrong cast
270 | - added assignment of conversion function for TProfile3D
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 | 2011/03/10 Thomas Bretz
275 |
276 | * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]:
277 | - increased forgotten class version number from 6 to 7
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 | 2011/03/03 Reiner Rohlfs
282 |
283 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.[h,cc]:
284 | - accept an "EVTH" only after an "EVTE" and after a "RUNH"
285 |
286 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.cc:
287 | - parameter change in function MCorsikaFormat::NextBlock()
288 | from "Bool_t subBlock" to "Int_t readState".
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 | 2011/02/21 Reiner Rohlfs
293 |
294 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]:
295 | - Remove debug output and not used code
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 | 2011/02/21 Thomas Bretz
300 |
301 | * mcalib/MCalibrateData.cc mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.cc
302 | mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCam.cc mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.cc
303 | mcalib/MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam.cc mimage/MNewImagePar2.cc
304 | mhcalib/MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.cc mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc
305 | mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoCam.cc manalysis/MMcTriggerLvl2.cc
306 | mfilter/MFCosmics.cc mhflux/MHFalseSource.cc mhflux/MHThetaSqN.cc
307 | mastro/MAstroCamera.cc mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc
308 | mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.cc mpedestal/MPedCalcFromLoGain.cc
309 | mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.cc mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.cc
310 | mpedestal/MPedestalSubtract.cc mpedestal/MHPedestalCor.cc
311 | mhist/MHCamera.cc msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.cc
312 | msignal/MExtractTime.cc msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.cc
313 | msignal/MArrivalTimeCam.cc msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.cc
314 | mranforest/MHRanForestGini.cc mranforest/MRanForestCalc.cc
315 | mranforest/MRanForest.cc mbase/MLog.cc mbase/MMath.cc
316 | mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.cc mbadpixels/MBadPixelsTreat.cc
317 | mhvstime/MHSectorVsTime.cc mfbase/MFEventSelector2.cc
318 | mhbase/MBinning.cc mhbase/MH.cc mgui/MHexagon.cc msql/MSQLServer.cc:
319 | - removed the old obsolete cvs header line
320 |
321 | * msimcamera/MSimCamera.cc, msimcamera/MSimSignalCam.cc,
322 | msim/MHPhotonEvent.cc msim/MPhotonEvent.cc:
323 | - treat kArtificial in addition to kNightSky
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 | 2011/02/10 Daniela Dorner
328 |
329 | * resmc/:
330 | - uncommented line of 950nm to take into account the changes of the
331 | range of the transmission curve
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 | 2011/02/09 Reiner Rohlfs
336 |
337 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.cc:
338 | - replace the selection of the blockType from a string comparison
339 | to a switch - statement.
340 |
341 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]:
342 | - Redesign of the Process() - method: Read after the processing of
343 | one block the header of the next block to be able do decide to
344 | process the next block in the same the same call or to return
345 | from the method.
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 | 2011/01/24 Thomas Bretz
350 |
351 | * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.h:
352 | - shifted the Afterpulse class behind the APD class to make it
353 | compile
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 | 2011/01/07 Thomas Bretz
358 | 2011/01/07 Thomas Bretz
359 |
360 | * msimcamera/MSimAPD.[h,cc]:
361 | - added setting of the afterpulse probabilities
362 | - handle afterpulses in processing
363 |
364 | * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.[h,cc]:
365 | - restructured header file
366 | - added treatment of afterpulses in HitCellImp
367 | - added time constants and afterpulse probability
368 | data memebers
369 | - added TSortedList to hold the afterpulses
370 | - added afterpulses to calculation of relaxation time
371 | - added call to Relax to Init
372 | - added treatment of afterpulses to FillEmpty, FillRandom and
373 | Evolve
374 | - added member functions to process the afterpulses
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 | 2011/01/06 Thomas Bretz
379 |
380 | * mimage/MNewImagePar2.cc:
381 | - use GetL() instead of GetT() for fBorderLinePixel
382 |
383 | * mgeom/MGeomRectangle.h:
384 | - added GetL member-function
385 |
386 | * mgeom/MGeomPix.h:
387 | - fixed the comment of GetT
388 |
389 | * mgeom/MGeom.h:
390 | - added abstract function GetL
391 |
392 | * mgeom/MGeomRectangle.cc:
393 | - fixed the comment for GetT
394 | - added GetL
395 |
396 | * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.cc:
397 | - use the HitFrame from the base class with a slightly
398 | increased radius (no change in behaviour)
399 |
400 | * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]:
401 | - added HitFrame
402 |
403 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]:
404 | - implemented the possibility to overwrite the absorbing
405 | size of the detector
406 | - added fDetectorFrame
407 |
408 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
409 | - updated comments
410 |
411 | * msimcamera/MSimRandomPhotons.cc:
412 | - fixed a mistake in the log-output