1 | Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible
2 | to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks.
3 |
4 | For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style:
5 |
6 | _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name]
7 | _
8 | ___*_filename:
9 | _____-_description
10 | _
11 | ___*_filename2, filename3:
12 | _____-_description
13 | _
14 | _
15 | _
16 |
17 | While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line.
18 |
19 | -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*-
20 |
21 | 2010/08/16 Thomas Bretz
22 |
23 | * mgeom/GeomLinkDef.h, mgeom/Makefile:
24 | - added MGeomCamFACT
25 |
26 | * mgeom/MGeomCamFACT.[h,cc]:
27 | - added
28 |
29 | * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]:
30 | - moved CalcXY to MGeomPix
31 | - removed obsolete includes
32 |
33 | * mgeom/MGeomCamFact.cc:
34 | - removed obsolete includes
35 |
36 | * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.h:
37 | - added new function Train which either calls TrainRegression
38 | or TrainSingleRF
39 |
40 | * mranforest/MHRanForestGini.cc:
41 | - improved display
42 |
43 | * mfileio/MReadMarsFile.cc:
44 | - evaluate return code of fRun->Process()
45 | - print return code in case of failure
46 |
47 | * mjoptim/MJOptimizeBase.[h,cc]:
48 | - improved existing comments
49 | - added a full class description
50 |
51 | * mtools/MTFillMatrix.cc:
52 | - improved handling of negative number of events
53 |
54 | * mjtrain/MJTrainSeparation.cc:
55 | - added names to test- and train-dataset for storage
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 | 2010/08/13 Thomas Bretz
60 |
61 | * mimage/MHHillasExt.[h,cc]:
62 | - added new histograms to display new variables
63 | - increased class version number
64 |
65 | * mimage/MHillasExt.cc:
66 | - fixed claculation of the weighted time spreads
67 | - fixed a bug in the calculation of the third moments!
68 |
69 | * mhist/MHHadronness.cc:
70 | - fixed min/max of the intgral histogram
71 |
72 | * mfbase/MFEventSelector.cc:
73 | - if the number of events to be selected is negative select all events
74 |
75 | * mhbase/MHn.[h,cc]:
76 | - fixed the complex display for five histograms
77 |
78 | * mhbase/MHn.[h,cc], mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]:
79 | - implemented a TProfile3D
80 | - implemented an option to skip reset of the histograms in a new
81 | eventloop
82 |
83 | * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]:
84 | - moved the addition weight to a new data meber fWeight
85 | - increased class version number
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 | 2010/08/13 Daniela Dorner
90 |
91 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
92 | - implemented faster queries for the dependencies of the steps
93 | - simplified code
94 | - introduced new level for printprocesslog: DEBUG
95 |
96 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
97 | - adapted to change in queries in sourcefile
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 | 2010/08/12 Thomas Bretz
102 |
103 | * mimage/MHillasExt.[h,cc]:
104 | - added Getter for fSlope*
105 | - added new data members to Print() output
106 | - adapted Set() member function
107 | - fixed code for calculating weighted spreads
108 | - added new data members to Clear function
109 |
110 | * mimage/MHHillas.cc, mimage/MHHillasExt.cc, mimage/MHNewImagePar.cc,
111 | mimage/MHVsSize.cc, mimage/MHHillasSrc.cc, mimage/MHImagePar.cc,
112 | mhcalib/MHGausEvents.cc, mhflux/MHThetaSq.cc, mhflux/MHAlpha.cc,
113 | mhflux/MHFalseSource.cc, mhflux/MHEffectiveOnTime.cc,
114 | mhflux/MHCollectionArea.cc, mhflux/MHThetaSqN.cc, mhflux/MHDisp.cc,
115 | mhflux/MHThreshold.cc, mhflux/MHEnergyEst.cc, mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.cc,
116 | mtools/MHSimulatedAnnealing.cc, mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc,
117 | mmuon/MHMuonPar.cc, mpointing/MHSrcPosCam.cc,
118 | mpedestal/MHPedestalCor.cc, mhist/MHCamEventRot.cc,
119 | mhist/MHStarMap.cc, mjobs/MJSpectrum.cc, mbadpixels/MHBadPixels.cc,
120 | mfbase/MFEventSelector2.cc, mhbase/MBinning.cc, mhbase/MH.[h,cc],
121 | mhbase/MH3.cc, mhbase/MHMatrix.cc, msim/MHPhotonEvent.cc:
122 | - changes MH::SetBinning and similar functions to take references
123 | instead of pointers
124 | - for the time being wrappers are kept not to break macros
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 | 2010/08/11 Thomas Bretz
129 |
130 | * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]:
131 | - added another type to be able to setup a standard profile and
132 | one which display the spread as error
133 | - improved/fixed error calculation/display
134 |
135 | * mimage/MHillasExt.[h,cc]:
136 | - added new data members fTimeSpread and fTimeSpreadWeighted
137 | - added new data members fSlopeSpread and fSlopeSpreadWeighted
138 | - implemented code to calculate the time spreads and slope spreads
139 | - increased class version id by 1
140 |
141 | * mjtrain/TrainLinkDef.h:
142 | - added MJTrainImpact
143 |
144 | * mjtrain/MJTrainImpact.[h,cc]:
145 | - added
146 |
147 | * mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy.h:
148 | - added SetTrainExpSize member function
149 |
150 | * mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.cc:
151 | - made the display of the cut-lines a bit more flexible
152 | - slightly changed the meaning of the plots
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 | 2010/08/10 Thomas Bretz
157 |
158 | * msim/MPhotonData.cc:
159 | - fixed two warnings in FillEventIO (implicit conversion
160 | from float to int)
161 |
162 | * mhbase/MHn.[h,cc]:
163 | - added SetConversion to allow for setting a conversion function
164 |
165 | * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]:
166 | - added conversion function for displaying the histogram
167 | - added new data member fConversion
168 | - added new member functions Convert and SetConversion
169 | - implemented conversion before displaying
170 |
171 | * mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy.cc:
172 | - display resolution directly (sqrt)
173 | - changed default binning
174 | - don't use build in conversion from mm to degree but
175 | MGeomCam.fConvMm2Deg instead.
176 |
177 | * Makefile.rules:
178 | - replaced cvs by svn in diff
179 |
180 | * mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.cc:
181 | - don't use build in conversion from mm to degree but
182 | MGeomCam.fConvMm2Deg instead.
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 | 2010/08/06 Thomas Bretz
187 |
188 | * msimcamera/MSimCamera.[h,cc]:
189 | - added the possibility to set an overall baseline, baseline-noise
190 | and gain.
191 |
192 | * ceres.rc:
193 | - added entries for the new values
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 | 2010/07/28 Daniela Dorner
198 |
199 | * datacenter/db/menu.php:
200 | - updated initial parameter selection for mcinfo.php
201 | - changed table for GetMin/Max to CeresInfo
202 |
203 | * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php:
204 | - bugfix for removing WHERE or AND at end of queries
205 | - added fStopTime to status-column in case of failure
206 | - bugfix for correct joins in case of group-by
207 |
208 | * datacenter/db/mcdefs.php:
209 | - updated runtime of ceres
210 | - updated joins for status tables
211 |
212 | * datacenter/scripts/insertmc:
213 | - added (script to add runs to the database)
214 |
215 | * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika:
216 | - added check if 'END OF FILE' is contained in logfile
217 | - added check if file number > 999 and change filename if it is
218 |
219 | * datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.fact.mc:
220 | - removed cprun
221 | - added callisto and star in scripts-array
222 |
223 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
224 | - removed variables for fProgramId
225 |
226 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
227 | - added missing needs
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 | 2010/07/23 Reiner Rohlfs
232 |
233 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.[h,cc]
234 | - new files
235 | All the differences between EventIo files and coriska files
236 | are implemented in these files.
237 |
238 | * mcoriska/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]
239 | - the file handler fIn is replaced by the MCorsikaFormat class.
240 | - every access to the input file is replaces by calling
241 | methods of MCorsikaFormat.
242 |
243 | * mcoriska/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc]
244 | - the file handler fIn is replaced by the MCorsikaFormat class.
245 | - every access to the input file is replaces by calling
246 | methods of MCorsikaFormat.
247 |
248 | * mcoriska/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc]
249 | - the file handler fIn is replaced by the MCorsikaFormat class.
250 | - every access to the input file is replaces by calling
251 | methods of MCorsikaFormat.
252 |
253 | * msim/MPhotonEvent.cc
254 | - method ReadCorsikaEvt distinguish between Corsika and EventIo
255 | input files and calls either FillEventIO() or FillCorsika().
256 |
257 | * msim/MPhotonData.[h,cc]
258 | - new method: FillEventIO, which is similar as FillCorsika
259 |
260 |
261 | 2010/07/09 Thomas Bretz
262 |
263 | * mpointing/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc]:
264 | - now the particle position is stored in any case in the headers
265 | so in case we have a view cone we must keep the position fixed
266 | - added the fix for the MC monte carlos (for them X needs to
267 | change its sign due to a bug in the reflector program)
268 |
269 | * mars.rc, star.rc:
270 | - changed time contraint in cleaning from aboslute values
271 | to relative values (units now ns/deg)
272 |
273 | * mimage/MImgCleanStd.cc:
274 | - changed time contraint in cleaning from aboslute values
275 | to relative values (units now ns/deg)
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 | 2010/07/07 Daniela Dorner
280 |
281 | * datacenter/scripts/runceres:
282 | - fixed typo
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 | 2010/07/06 Daniela Dorner
287 |
288 | * datacenter/scripts/runstar_mc:
289 | - fixed typo
290 | - added inpath to command line
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 | 2010/07/05 Daniela Dorner
295 |
296 | * datacenter/scripts/runceres:
297 | - added path for C and P run (was not the same like for D run)
298 |
299 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
300 | - fixed joins in subquerypart()
301 |
302 | * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto_mc:
303 | - added inpath to command line
304 |
305 | * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php:
306 | - removed FailMenu
307 | - fixed bug (group by did not work in case statusvalue was not
308 | selected)
309 |
310 | * datacenter/db/mcdefs.php:
311 | - removed FailMenu columns
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 | 2010/07/05 Thomas Bretz
316 |
317 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h:
318 | - added missing SetFileNumber
319 |
320 | * mjobs/MSequence.cc:
321 | - added the missing file number to teh MC file names
322 |
323 | * msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.h:
324 | - changed virtual file name from 000000 to 000001 to force file
325 | number to be 1.
326 |
327 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]:
328 | - added run-number to ceres.root filename
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 | 2010/07/02 Daniela Dorner
333 |
334 | * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika:
335 | - removed $com
336 | - updated logging
337 |
338 | * datacenter/scripts/runceres:
339 | - fixed path
340 | - added error handling
341 |
342 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
343 | - update joins to new scheme to include further steps in the chain
344 |
345 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
346 | - adapted queries to new scheme of joins
347 |
348 | * datacenter/scripts/runstar_mc:
349 | - added (script to run star for mc)
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 | 2010/07/02 Daniela Dorner, Christian Farnier
354 |
355 | * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto_mc:
356 | - added (script to callibrate mc)
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 | 2010/06/30 Daniela Dorner
361 |
362 | * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php:
363 | - added output to step column in case job is running
364 | - fixed typo
365 |
366 | * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika:
367 | - small bugfix (new version of 'cut' gives error for '-c 0-4')
368 |
369 | * datacenter/scripts/runceres:
370 | - added (script to run telescope simulation of file basis)
371 |
372 | * datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.magic.data,
373 | datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.magic.mc,
374 | datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.fact.mc:
375 | - added condorpath
376 |
377 | * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager,
378 | datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher:
379 | - implemented condorpath
380 |
381 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
382 | - changed log and error file name for jobmanager
383 |
384 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
385 | - fixed typo
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 | 2010/06/29 Daniela Dorner
390 |
391 | * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php:
392 | - added duration to step column in case of 'failed' and 'done'
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 | 2010/06/28 Daniela Dorner
397 |
398 | * datacenter/db/include.php:
399 | - adapted status query for new db layout
400 |
401 | * datacenter/db/menu.php:
402 | - added and exchanged menu points and init elements for the new
403 | layout of the FACT mc db
404 | - bugfix that menu items can be switched off
405 |
406 | * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php:
407 | - adapted the queries for the new layout of the FACT mc db
408 | (different table names, structures and content)
409 | - adapted query for the status group by
410 |
411 | * datacenter/db/mcdefs.php:
412 | - adapted the arrays for the new layout of the FACT mc db
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 | 2010/06/28 Thomas Bretz
417 |
418 | * mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc:
419 | - Status displays where stored as MStatusArray instead of
420 | MStatusDisplay
421 | - Read now also can read other StatusDisplays if a key is found in
422 | the file
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 | 2010/06/25 Thomas Bretz
427 |
428 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]:
429 | - added data member fRunNumber
430 | - changed the rules to create the output file names
431 | - set default run-numbers for different run-ytpes
432 | - apply run-number
433 | - added IntendedPulsePosition to output
434 |
435 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h:
436 | - added SetFileNumber member function
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 | 2010/06/24 Thomas Bretz
441 |
442 | * mgeom/MGeomCam.h:
443 | - call constructor of base class in copy-constructor
444 |
445 | * mhbase/MH.h:
446 | - remove argument name where obsolete
447 |
448 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.cc:
449 | - fixed some axis labels
450 |
451 | * msimreflector/MMirrorDisk.cc:
452 | - changed interpretation from file from radius to diameter
453 |
454 | * ceres.cc:
455 | - added option --run-number
456 |
457 | * showplot.cc:
458 | - set default palette to pretty palette
459 |
460 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.h:
461 | - added getter for ViewConeInnerAngle
462 |
463 | * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.h:
464 | - added HasViewCone
465 | - added SetViewCone
466 |
467 | * mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx], mmc/MMcEvtBasic.[h,cc]:
468 | - moved fPhi and fTheta from MMcEvt to MMcEvtBasic
469 | - increased class version number accordingly
470 | - moved setter
471 | - moved getter
472 | - adapted Clean()
473 | - adapter copy-constructor
474 |
475 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
476 | - added some comments
477 |
478 | * msim/MSimMMCS.cc:
479 | - transfer view cone data
480 | - set run-info (run/file-number) according to new scheme
481 | - always set MMcEvt::fPhi/fTheta to particle direction
482 |
483 |
484 |
485 | 2010/06/24 Daniela Dorner
486 |
487 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile, resources/steps_fact.rc:
488 | - bugfixes: changed joins to get correct queries for all cases
489 |
490 | * datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.fact.mc:
491 | - changed path for setup files
492 | - added runceres to jobmanager settings
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 | 2010/06/22 Daniela Dorner
497 |
498 | * datacenter/scripts/writemcsequencefile:
499 | - improved logging
500 |
501 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
502 | - adapted greps in rc-files to grep only lines which are no
503 | comments
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 | 2010/06/17 Daniela Dorner
508 |
509 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
510 | - removed step CPRun
511 | - split 'Joins' to 'Joins' and 'SpecialJoins' depending on
512 | whether the join is with a different table
513 |
514 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
515 | - bugfix in query
516 | - included new type of join from steps.rc
517 | - added comments
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 | 2010/06/16 Daniela Dorner
522 |
523 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
524 | - removed step CPRun
525 | - added step SequenceFile
526 |
527 | * datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.fact.mc:
528 | - added path for mc sequences
529 |
530 | * datacenter/scripts/writemcsequencefile:
531 | - added (script to write mc sequencefiles)
532 |
533 |
534 |
535 | 2010/06/15 Daniela Dorner
536 |
537 | * resources/steps_fact.rc:
538 | - added (file containing the dependencies for the steps of the
539 | automatic production of MC for FACT)
540 |
541 |
542 |
543 | 2010/06/14 Daniela Dorner
544 |
545 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
546 | - bugfix in query
547 |
548 | * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika:
549 | - added output of command to processlog
550 |
551 | * datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.fact.mc:
552 | - changed setup to be used by user montecarlo to reproduce some
553 | corsikas
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 | 2010/06/11 Daniela Dorner
558 |
559 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
560 | - changed functions and queries to new db layout
561 | - added functions to get values from steps.rc
562 | - new function for part of query which is identical for the
563 | functions getstatus() and gettodo()
564 | - removed $reset (was only needed for MerppUpdate)
565 | - improved and added comments
566 |
567 | * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager:
568 | - implemented changes for new db layout
569 | - fix in function nextscript(): wrong variable was used
570 |
571 | * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika:
572 | - implemented changes for new db layout
573 | - merged uncommitted changes of Thomas Bretz
574 | - Observatory values and atmosphere now read from DB
575 | - implemented new seeds
576 | - removed $reused
577 | - wavelength range now read from DB
578 |
579 | * datacenter/scripts/setup.wue.fact.mc:
580 | - added (setup for fact mc production)
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 | 2010/06/11 Stefan Ruegamer
585 |
586 | * mjobs/MJSpectrum.cc
587 | - corrected the flux of the published MAGIC spectrum
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 | 2010/06/03 Thomas Bretz
592 |
593 | * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.cc:
594 | - added stdlib.h to make Dominik happy ;)
595 |
596 |
597 |
598 | 2010/05/05 Thomas Bretz
599 |
600 | * mastro/MAstro.cc:
601 | - fixed AngularDistance (called a non existing function and
602 | the compiler didn't complain)
603 |
604 | * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]:
605 | - added static function Overwrites (previously in MTask)
606 |
607 | * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]:
608 | - allow writing a MStatusDisplay without writing a MStatusArray
609 | (therefore added SeveAsPlainRoot)
610 | - improved reading of files just containing canvases and objects
611 |
612 | * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]:
613 | - moved code from Overwrites to a static function in MParContainer
614 |
615 | * msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.cc:
616 | - changed distribution of signal from Gauss to Poissonian
617 |
618 | * showplot.cc:
619 | - removed nonsense "-q" option
620 |
621 | * mbase/MStatusArray.[h,cc]:
622 | - fixed/improved (once again) deleting of the array
623 |
624 | * mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc:
625 | - removed the MAstroCatalog workaround - is it still necessary?
626 | (needs testing)
627 | - added UpdateMemory every here and there to get the memory
628 | consumption is more circumstances
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 | 2010/04/22 Thomas Bretz
633 |
634 | * showplot.cc:
635 | - added --debug-mem option
636 |
637 | * mbase/MParSpline.cc, mhbase/MH3.cc, mhbase/MHn.cc,
638 | mhflux/MHAlpha.cc, mhist/MHCamEvent.cc:
639 | - added missing call to the RecursiveRemove of the base class
640 |
641 | * mfileio/MReadTree.cc:
642 | - In the case Notify failed since about two years accidentaly
643 | kTRUE instead of kERROR was returned
644 |
645 | * mfileio/MWriteRootFile.cc:
646 | - added some more debug output
647 |
648 | * mhflux/MAlphaFitter.cc:
649 | - Return if fit failed
650 |
651 | * mhflux/MHPhi.cc:
652 | - avoid inf and nan when producing histogram (the divisor could
653 | have been zero in case of the inetgral of an empty histogram)
654 |
655 |
656 |
657 | 2010/04/21 Thomas Bretz
658 |
659 | * macros/rootlogon.C:
660 | - a small fix which gets rid of the annoying error about an
661 | unlocked mutex when starting the MStatusDisplay in the
662 | interpreter. It makes sure that fGThreadFactory gets initialized
663 | from the main thread.
664 |
665 | * mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc:
666 | - added a console output if TryLock fails
667 | - the return value of TString::Index was misinterpreted
668 |
669 | * mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc:
670 | - removed another reference to gMinuit
671 |
672 | * msimcamera/MSimRandomPhotons.cc:
673 | - re-did the output
674 | - choose the other rate f2 instead of f1
675 |
676 | * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]:
677 | - keep the index of the trigger channel which finnaly issued
678 | the trigger and propagate it to the event header
679 |
680 | * mraw/MrawEvtHeader.h:
681 | - implementd setter for fNumTriggerLvl1
682 |
683 |
684 |
685 | 2010/04/20 Thomas Bretz
686 |
687 | * mfileio/MReadTree.cc:
688 | - no error was returned anymore when Notify() failed. Fixed.
689 |
690 |
691 |
692 | 2010/04/19 Thomas Bretz
693 |
694 | * mbase/MStatusArray.cc:
695 | - added a workaround to prevent crashes in case of double
696 | deleteion of the fHistogram in TGraphs
697 |
698 | * mcorsika/MCorsikaEvtHeader.cc:
699 | - replaced special characters by UTF8 characters
700 |
701 | * mgeom/MGeom.[h,cc]:
702 | - implemented function to return the distance squared
703 |
704 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.cc:
705 | - display degree symbol correctly in plots
706 | - added artificial star-files to output
707 | - for the moment the output of the reflector files is suppressed
708 |
709 | * mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc:
710 | - catch if the fit failed
711 | - replaced use of gMinuit by direct access to the function
712 |
713 | * mpointing/MPointing.cc:
714 | - replaced deg-symbol by UTF8 character
715 |
716 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
717 | - added more information
718 |
719 | * msignal/MSignalCam.[h,cc]:
720 | - made the data members describing the image persistent.
721 | they are not guranteed to have correct contents. Use
722 | MNewImagePar instead.
723 | - increased class version number accordingly
724 |
725 | * msimreflector/MMirrorHex.h:
726 | - added Getter for fD
727 |
728 |
729 |
730 | 2010/04/13 Daniela Dorner
731 |
732 | * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php:
733 | - updated check for observation mode: allowed 'N/A', as there is
734 | else an error for old data
735 |
736 |
737 |
738 | 2010/04/13 Thomas Bretz
739 |
740 | * msim/MHPhotonEvent.cc:
741 | - automatic binning for case 3
742 | - new case 5
743 |
744 | * msim/MHPhotonEvent.h:
745 | - this can be a huge memory consumption and we don't need double
746 | precision (range) accordingly changed all TH*D to TH*F.
747 | consequently increased class version number
748 |
749 |
750 |
751 | 2010/03/30 Thomas Bretz
752 |
753 | * Makefile.conf.general:
754 | - moved ARCHDEFS from DEFINES to CXXFLAGS otherwise it might get
755 | ignored
756 |
757 | * mbase/MQuaternion.h:
758 | - added member-function to normalize vector part of quaternion
759 |
760 | * mbase/MTime.cc:
761 | - issue an error if __LINUX__ is not set
762 |
763 | * mjobs/MJSimulation.cc:
764 | - set name of reflector explicitly to "Reflector"
765 |
766 | * msimreflector/MMirror.h:
767 | - added member function to set z position (for optimization purpose)
768 | - added SimPSF(TVector3&)
769 |
770 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]:
771 | - added name of reflector as data member
772 |
773 | * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.cc:
774 | - scale the crosstalk probability as the height of the emitted
775 | signal with the recovery time.
776 |
777 | * mhflux/MHEnergyEst.cc:
778 | - added a workaround to get rid of some root-warnings
779 |
780 | * mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy.cc:
781 | - improved axis labels
782 |
783 | * mpointing/MPointingDevCalc.cc:
784 | - added some more comments
785 |
786 | * msimreflector/MMirror.[h,cc]:
787 | - added fShape to allow for parabolic mirrors
788 |
789 | * msimreflector/MReflector.cc:
790 | - implemented the option of parabolic mirrors into the
791 | reflector defintion file
792 |
793 | * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]:
794 | - implemented (and fixed) the calculation of the reflection at
795 | parabolic surfaces
796 | - implemented the possibility to switch off the early check for
797 | "photon can hit the camera" (fDetectorMargin<0)
798 | - added setter for fDetectorMargin
799 |
800 |
801 |
802 |
803 | 2010/03/01 Stefan Ruegamer
804 |
805 | * resources/hilocalib.rc:
806 | - added df factors for p23-25, using the same as for p22. Sequences
807 | are not running with df in these periods, therefore the correct
808 | factors cannot be determined, and it doesn't matter anyway.
809 |
810 | * datacenter/read_lapalma-tapes:
811 | - added automationsetup before movingrawfiles
812 |
813 |
814 |
815 | 2010/02/23 Thomas Bretz
816 |
817 | * mbase/MAGIC.cc:
818 | - projections are supposed to work again in root 5.26
819 | (not tested yet)
820 |
821 | * mbase/MGMap.cc, mbase/MObjLookup.cc:
822 | - key and val are Long64 in newer root versions
823 |
824 | * mdata/MDataPhrase.cc:
825 | - need inclusion of TFormulaPrimitive in root 5.26
826 |
827 | * mhflux/MMcSpectrumWeight.cc:
828 | - root 5.26 has a different calling convention for TH1::Intgeral
829 |
830 | * mjobs/MJob.cc:
831 | - added a suggested parenthesis
832 |
833 | * mjtrain/MJTrainDisp.cc:
834 | - cast the MH3 histogram correctly to a TH2
835 |
836 |
837 |
838 | 2010/02/22 Daniela Dorner
839 |
840 | * datacenter/db/menu.php:
841 | - added ObsLevel and download link column for cta pages
842 |
843 | * datacenter/db/ctadefs.php:
844 | - added observation level
845 |
846 | * datacenter/db/ctamcinfo.php:
847 | - added column with download link for the files
848 |
849 | * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/ctamcinfo.php,
850 | datacenter/db/culminating.php, datacenter/db/datacheck.php,
851 | datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/ganymed.php,
852 | datacenter/db/include.php, datacenter/db/mcinfo.php,
853 | datacenter/db/opticaldata.php, datacenter/db/printtable.php,
854 | datacenter/db/queryrbk.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php,
855 | datacenter/db/sequence.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php,
856 | datacenter/db/sources.php, datacenter/db/statussbs.php:
857 | - bugfix for get.txt
858 |
859 | * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php:
860 | - bugfix calling PrintPage()
861 |
862 |
863 |
864 | 2010/02/01 Daniela Dorner
865 |
866 | * datacenter/scripts/fillmcdb:
867 | - added observation level
868 |
869 | * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile:
870 | - added comment concerning $0 problem
871 | - added 'ERROR' in processlog message of makedir
872 |
873 |
874 |
875 | 2010/02/04 Stefan Ruegamer
876 |
877 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc
878 | - changed GetTypeID()!=fTelescopeNumber*10U+5U to GetTypeID()!=5U
879 | so that the new 5xxxxxx sequences can be processed
880 | - adapted error message
881 | - inserted Domino calibration run
882 |
883 | * mraw/MRawRunHeader.cc
884 | - inserted Domino calibration run
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 | 2010/02/01 Daniela Dorner
889 |
890 | * datacenter/scripts/runsimtel
891 | - fixes typo
892 | - replaced path in disk-check by variable
893 |
894 |
895 |
896 | 2010/01/15 Stefan Ruegamer
897 |
898 | * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots, jobmanager
899 | - if-condition if [ "$numproc" = "" ] now correctly checks for "0"
900 |
901 | * datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher
902 | - added automationsetup variable in condor command
903 |
904 | * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C
905 | - where necessary changed Int to Long to account for the high value
906 | of the stereo runs
907 |
908 | * resources/sequences.rc
909 | - added two transition conditions for the calibration scripts
910 | 10Led_UV_PEDANDCAL_1kHz and 10LED_UV