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For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2011/07/21 Thomas Bretz * mgeom/ - added special pixels 1438/1439 2011/07/20 Thomas Bretz * - added support for FITS files * mbase/MFits.h: - optmized reverse copy procedure - added HasKey * mbase/MRawEvtPixelIter.[h,cc]: - Added iterator to start cell * mbase/MRawEvtData.[h,cc]: - added fStartCells - increased version number * mbase/MrawEvtData.[h,cc]: - replaced fPCTime with an array as a buffer - init start cells - added "StartCell" to reading process 2011/07/19 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MFits.h: - made struct Entry public (needed by newer root versions) 2011/07/18 Thomas Bretz * mastro/ - added include of fstream * macros/rootlogon.C: - added define of __MARS__ to AcLiC * mraw/MRawRead.h: - made ReadEvent and SkipEvent virtual * mraw/MRawFileRead.[h,cc]: - outsourced OpenFile and ReadRunHeader to their own functions * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - Added function DataMember which will return a pointer to a data member from the dictionary. * mbase/MZlib.h: - There is no need to make the derivative from istream virtual. - removed the need of a fill_buffer function - do only relative seeks and never start from the beginning of the file * mbase/MFits.[h,cc]: - added Fits support * mbase/Makefile, mbase/BaseLinkDef.h: - added MFits * mpedestal/ - improved some error output * mgeom/ - automatically use MGeomCamFACT if the run header says that it is a fact camera. * mraw/MRawRunHeader.[h,cc]: - added setter for format versions - added InitFact - added GetCameraVersion * mjobs/ - use FITS reader instead of raw-reader if it is a FITS raw file. * - added fits asa valid extension - fixed replacing of extensions * mfileio/ - read first header of first file, so that at PreProcessing time at least some header is available. * mraw/Makefile, mraw/ - added MRawFitsRead * mraw/MRawFitsRead.[h,cc]: - added 2011/07/15 Thomas Bretz * mbase/MZlib.[h,cc]: - fixed seeking in gzipped files - increased buffer size * mbase/MMath.[h,c]: - added GaussProb2D * msignal/ - the upper bound of searching the maximum was wrong 2011/07/14 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - some minor code changed to get rid of some compiler warnings - fixed a problem with a possible infinite loop * mbase/MThread.h: - propagate argument to Run() * mbase/ - some variable name change to get rid of some compiler warnings * mjobs/ - fixed a check which was always true 2011/07/07 Thomas Bretz * mhflux/ - fixed a bug in SetupFill - must be CopyBinning instead of SetBinning 2011/04/04 Thomas Bretz * mreport/ - added a missing delete * mhflux/, mhist/ - fixed some crashes with newer root versiony in which GetFunction("gaus") after an unsuccessfull fit might return NULL * mastro/ - added the missing marker color for the dot * mpointing/ - added some comments * mmain/ - renamed some local variables to avoid using the same name twice * mgeom/ - for convenience a margin of 0 in HitFrame is allowed to switch off the detection also with 0 * mbase/MThread.h: - added missing argument to call of fThread.Run() * mhbase/ - fixed a problem with a wrong cast - added assignment of conversion function for TProfile3D 2011/03/10 Thomas Bretz * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - increased forgotten class version number from 6 to 7 2011/03/03 Reiner Rohlfs * mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.[h,cc]: - accept an "EVTH" only after an "EVTE" and after a "RUNH" * mcorsika/ - parameter change in function MCorsikaFormat::NextBlock() from "Bool_t subBlock" to "Int_t readState". 2011/02/21 Reiner Rohlfs * mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]: - Remove debug output and not used code 2011/02/21 Thomas Bretz * mcalib/ mcalib/ mcalib/ mcalib/ mcalib/ mimage/ mhcalib/ mhcalib/ mhcalib/ manalysis/ mfilter/ mhflux/ mhflux/ mastro/ mmuon/ mpedestal/ mpedestal/ mpedestal/ mpedestal/ mpedestal/ mpedestal/ mhist/ msignal/ msignal/ msignal/ msignal/ msignal/ mranforest/ mranforest/ mranforest/ mbase/ mbase/ mbadpixels/ mbadpixels/ mhvstime/ mfbase/ mhbase/ mhbase/ mgui/ msql/ - removed the old obsolete cvs header line * msimcamera/, msimcamera/, msim/ msim/ - treat kArtificial in addition to kNightSky 2011/02/10 Daniela Dorner * resmc/: - uncommented line of 950nm to take into account the changes of the range of the transmission curve 2011/02/09 Reiner Rohlfs * mcorsika/ - replace the selection of the blockType from a string comparison to a switch - statement. * mcorsika/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc]: - Redesign of the Process() - method: Read after the processing of one block the header of the next block to be able do decide to process the next block in the same the same call or to return from the method. 2011/01/24 Thomas Bretz * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.h: - shifted the Afterpulse class behind the APD class to make it compile 2011/01/07 Thomas Bretz 2011/01/07 Thomas Bretz * msimcamera/MSimAPD.[h,cc]: - added setting of the afterpulse probabilities - handle afterpulses in processing * melectronics/MAvalanchePhotoDiode.[h,cc]: - restructured header file - added treatment of afterpulses in HitCellImp - added time constants and afterpulse probability data memebers - added TSortedList to hold the afterpulses - added afterpulses to calculation of relaxation time - added call to Relax to Init - added treatment of afterpulses to FillEmpty, FillRandom and Evolve - added member functions to process the afterpulses 2011/01/06 Thomas Bretz * mimage/ - use GetL() instead of GetT() for fBorderLinePixel * mgeom/MGeomRectangle.h: - added GetL member-function * mgeom/MGeomPix.h: - fixed the comment of GetT * mgeom/MGeom.h: - added abstract function GetL * mgeom/ - fixed the comment for GetT - added GetL * mgeom/ - use the HitFrame from the base class with a slightly increased radius (no change in behaviour) * mgeom/MGeomCam.[h,cc]: - added HitFrame * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]: - implemented the possibility to overwrite the absorbing size of the detector - added fDetectorFrame * mpointing/ - updated comments * msimcamera/ - fixed a mistake in the log-output