Please do not write behind the end of line tag so that it is possible to send a Changelog file to a line printer directly. Thanks. For your entries please follow EXACTLY this style: _yyyy/mm/dd_[Your Name] _ ___*_filename: _____-_description _ ___*_filename2, filename3: _____-_description _ _ _ While an underscore is a placeholder for a white-space or an empty line. -*-*- END OF LINE -*-*- 2010/08/19 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/ - fixed treatment of file number 0 in InflateFileName and PrintRuns 2010/08/17 Thomas Bretz * resmc/fact-trigger-sum.txt, resmc/fact-trigger-all.txt, macros/fact/fact_trigger.C: - added 2010/08/17 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/insertmc: - added (script to insert mc runs and sequences to the FACT MC DB) 2010/08/16 Thomas Bretz * mgeom/GeomLinkDef.h, mgeom/Makefile: - added MGeomCamFACT * mgeom/MGeomCamFACT.[h,cc]: - added * mgeom/MGeomCamDwarf.[h,cc], mgeom/MGeomPix.[h,cc]: - moved CalcXY to MGeomPix - removed obsolete includes * mgeom/ - removed obsolete includes * mranforest/MRanForestCalc.h: - added new function Train which either calls TrainRegression or TrainSingleRF * mranforest/ - improved display * mfileio/ - evaluate return code of fRun->Process() - print return code in case of failure * mjoptim/MJOptimizeBase.[h,cc]: - improved existing comments - added a full class description - print a warning if TRandom is used a random number generator * mtools/ - improved handling of negative number of events * mjtrain/ - added names to test- and train-dataset for storage * mjtrain/TrainLinkDef.h, mjtrain/Makefile: - added MJTrainCuts * macros/train/traincuts.C: - added * mpointing/ - added a comment about the last lut update 2010/08/13 Thomas Bretz * mimage/MHHillasExt.[h,cc]: - added new histograms to display new variables - increased class version number * mimage/ - fixed claculation of the weighted time spreads - fixed a bug in the calculation of the third moments! * mhist/ - fixed min/max of the intgral histogram * mfbase/ - if the number of events to be selected is negative select all events * mhbase/MHn.[h,cc]: - fixed the complex display for five histograms * mhbase/MHn.[h,cc], mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - implemented a TProfile3D - implemented an option to skip reset of the histograms in a new eventloop * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - moved the addition weight to a new data meber fWeight - increased class version number 2010/08/13 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - implemented faster queries for the dependencies of the steps - simplified code - introduced new level for printprocesslog: DEBUG * resources/steps_fact.rc: - adapted to change in queries in sourcefile 2010/08/12 Thomas Bretz * mimage/MHillasExt.[h,cc]: - added Getter for fSlope* - added new data members to Print() output - adapted Set() member function - fixed code for calculating weighted spreads - added new data members to Clear function * mimage/, mimage/, mimage/, mimage/, mimage/, mimage/, mhcalib/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mhflux/, mjtrain/, mtools/, mmuon/, mmuon/, mpointing/, mpedestal/, mhist/, mhist/, mjobs/, mbadpixels/, mfbase/, mhbase/, mhbase/MH.[h,cc], mhbase/, mhbase/, msim/ - changes MH::SetBinning and similar functions to take references instead of pointers - for the time being wrappers are kept not to break macros 2010/08/11 Thomas Bretz * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - added another type to be able to setup a standard profile and one which display the spread as error - improved/fixed error calculation/display * mimage/MHillasExt.[h,cc]: - added new data members fTimeSpread and fTimeSpreadWeighted - added new data members fSlopeSpread and fSlopeSpreadWeighted - implemented code to calculate the time spreads and slope spreads - increased class version id by 1 * mjtrain/TrainLinkDef.h: - added MJTrainImpact * mjtrain/MJTrainImpact.[h,cc]: - added * mjtrain/MJTrainEnergy.h: - added SetTrainExpSize member function * mjtrain/ - made the display of the cut-lines a bit more flexible - slightly changed the meaning of the plots 2010/08/10 Thomas Bretz * msim/ - fixed two warnings in FillEventIO (implicit conversion from float to int) * mhbase/MHn.[h,cc]: - added SetConversion to allow for setting a conversion function * mhbase/MH3.[h,cc]: - added conversion function for displaying the histogram - added new data member fConversion - added new member functions Convert and SetConversion - implemented conversion before displaying * mjtrain/ - display resolution directly (sqrt) - changed default binning - don't use build in conversion from mm to degree but MGeomCam.fConvMm2Deg instead. * Makefile.rules: - replaced cvs by svn in diff * mjtrain/ - don't use build in conversion from mm to degree but MGeomCam.fConvMm2Deg instead. 2010/08/06 Thomas Bretz * msimcamera/MSimCamera.[h,cc]: - added the possibility to set an overall baseline, baseline-noise and gain. * ceres.rc: - added entries for the new values 2010/07/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/menu.php: - updated initial parameter selection for mcinfo.php - changed table for GetMin/Max to CeresInfo * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php: - bugfix for removing WHERE or AND at end of queries - added fStopTime to status-column in case of failure - bugfix for correct joins in case of group-by * datacenter/db/mcdefs.php: - updated runtime of ceres - updated joins for status tables * datacenter/scripts/insertmc: - added (script to add runs to the database) * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - added check if 'END OF FILE' is contained in logfile - added check if file number > 999 and change filename if it is * datacenter/scripts/ - removed cprun - added callisto and star in scripts-array * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - removed variables for fProgramId * resources/steps_fact.rc: - added missing needs 2010/07/23 Reiner Rohlfs * mcorsika/MCorsikaFormat.[h,cc] - new files All the differences between EventIo files and coriska files are implemented in these files. * mcoriska/MCorsikaRead.[h,cc] - the file handler fIn is replaced by the MCorsikaFormat class. - every access to the input file is replaces by calling methods of MCorsikaFormat. * mcoriska/MCorsikaRunHeader.[h,cc] - the file handler fIn is replaced by the MCorsikaFormat class. - every access to the input file is replaces by calling methods of MCorsikaFormat. * mcoriska/MCorsikaEvtHeader.[h,cc] - the file handler fIn is replaced by the MCorsikaFormat class. - every access to the input file is replaces by calling methods of MCorsikaFormat. * msim/ - method ReadCorsikaEvt distinguish between Corsika and EventIo input files and calls either FillEventIO() or FillCorsika(). * msim/MPhotonData.[h,cc] - new method: FillEventIO, which is similar as FillCorsika 2010/07/09 Thomas Bretz * mpointing/MSrcPosCam.[h,cc]: - now the particle position is stored in any case in the headers so in case we have a view cone we must keep the position fixed - added the fix for the MC monte carlos (for them X needs to change its sign due to a bug in the reflector program) * mars.rc, star.rc: - changed time contraint in cleaning from aboslute values to relative values (units now ns/deg) * mimage/ - changed time contraint in cleaning from aboslute values to relative values (units now ns/deg) 2010/07/07 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runceres: - fixed typo 2010/07/06 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runstar_mc: - fixed typo - added inpath to command line 2010/07/05 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runceres: - added path for C and P run (was not the same like for D run) * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - fixed joins in subquerypart() * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto_mc: - added inpath to command line * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php: - removed FailMenu - fixed bug (group by did not work in case statusvalue was not selected) * datacenter/db/mcdefs.php: - removed FailMenu columns 2010/07/05 Thomas Bretz * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added missing SetFileNumber * mjobs/ - added the missing file number to teh MC file names * msimcamera/MSimCalibrationSignal.h: - changed virtual file name from 000000 to 000001 to force file number to be 1. * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]: - added run-number to ceres.root filename 2010/07/02 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - removed $com - updated logging * datacenter/scripts/runceres: - fixed path - added error handling * resources/steps_fact.rc: - update joins to new scheme to include further steps in the chain * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - adapted queries to new scheme of joins * datacenter/scripts/runstar_mc: - added (script to run star for mc) 2010/07/02 Daniela Dorner, Christian Farnier * datacenter/scripts/runcallisto_mc: - added (script to callibrate mc) 2010/06/30 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php: - added output to step column in case job is running - fixed typo * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - small bugfix (new version of 'cut' gives error for '-c 0-4') * datacenter/scripts/runceres: - added (script to run telescope simulation of file basis) * datacenter/scripts/, datacenter/scripts/, datacenter/scripts/ - added condorpath * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager, datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher: - implemented condorpath * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - changed log and error file name for jobmanager * resources/steps_fact.rc: - fixed typo 2010/06/29 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php: - added duration to step column in case of 'failed' and 'done' 2010/06/28 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/include.php: - adapted status query for new db layout * datacenter/db/menu.php: - added and exchanged menu points and init elements for the new layout of the FACT mc db - bugfix that menu items can be switched off * datacenter/db/mcinfo.php: - adapted the queries for the new layout of the FACT mc db (different table names, structures and content) - adapted query for the status group by * datacenter/db/mcdefs.php: - adapted the arrays for the new layout of the FACT mc db 2010/06/28 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - Status displays where stored as MStatusArray instead of MStatusDisplay - Read now also can read other StatusDisplays if a key is found in the file 2010/06/25 Thomas Bretz * mjobs/MJSimulation.[h,cc]: - added data member fRunNumber - changed the rules to create the output file names - set default run-numbers for different run-ytpes - apply run-number - added IntendedPulsePosition to output * mraw/MRawRunHeader.h: - added SetFileNumber member function 2010/06/24 Thomas Bretz * mgeom/MGeomCam.h: - call constructor of base class in copy-constructor * mhbase/MH.h: - remove argument name where obsolete * mjobs/ - fixed some axis labels * msimreflector/ - changed interpretation from file from radius to diameter * - added option --run-number * - set default palette to pretty palette * mcorsika/MCorsikaRunHeader.h: - added getter for ViewConeInnerAngle * mmc/MMcCorsikaRunHeader.h: - added HasViewCone - added SetViewCone * mmc/MMcEvt.[hxx,cxx], mmc/MMcEvtBasic.[h,cc]: - moved fPhi and fTheta from MMcEvt to MMcEvtBasic - increased class version number accordingly - moved setter - moved getter - adapted Clean() - adapter copy-constructor * mpointing/ - added some comments * msim/ - transfer view cone data - set run-info (run/file-number) according to new scheme - always set MMcEvt::fPhi/fTheta to particle direction 2010/06/24 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile, resources/steps_fact.rc: - bugfixes: changed joins to get correct queries for all cases * datacenter/scripts/ - changed path for setup files - added runceres to jobmanager settings 2010/06/22 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/writemcsequencefile: - improved logging * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - adapted greps in rc-files to grep only lines which are no comments 2010/06/17 Daniela Dorner * resources/steps_fact.rc: - removed step CPRun - split 'Joins' to 'Joins' and 'SpecialJoins' depending on whether the join is with a different table * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - bugfix in query - included new type of join from steps.rc - added comments 2010/06/16 Daniela Dorner * resources/steps_fact.rc: - removed step CPRun - added step SequenceFile * datacenter/scripts/ - added path for mc sequences * datacenter/scripts/writemcsequencefile: - added (script to write mc sequencefiles) 2010/06/15 Daniela Dorner * resources/steps_fact.rc: - added (file containing the dependencies for the steps of the automatic production of MC for FACT) 2010/06/14 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - bugfix in query * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - added output of command to processlog * datacenter/scripts/ - changed setup to be used by user montecarlo to reproduce some corsikas 2010/06/11 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - changed functions and queries to new db layout - added functions to get values from steps.rc - new function for part of query which is identical for the functions getstatus() and gettodo() - removed $reset (was only needed for MerppUpdate) - improved and added comments * datacenter/scripts/jobmanager: - implemented changes for new db layout - fix in function nextscript(): wrong variable was used * datacenter/scripts/runcorsika: - implemented changes for new db layout - merged uncommitted changes of Thomas Bretz - Observatory values and atmosphere now read from DB - implemented new seeds - removed $reused - wavelength range now read from DB * datacenter/scripts/ - added (setup for fact mc production) 2010/06/11 Stefan Ruegamer * mjobs/ - corrected the flux of the published MAGIC spectrum 2010/06/03 Thomas Bretz * mranforest/ - added stdlib.h to make Dominik happy ;) 2010/05/05 Thomas Bretz * mastro/ - fixed AngularDistance (called a non existing function and the compiler didn't complain) * mbase/MParContainer.[h,cc]: - added static function Overwrites (previously in MTask) * mbase/MStatusDisplay.[h,cc]: - allow writing a MStatusDisplay without writing a MStatusArray (therefore added SeveAsPlainRoot) - improved reading of files just containing canvases and objects * mbase/MTask.[h,cc]: - moved code from Overwrites to a static function in MParContainer * msimcamera/ - changed distribution of signal from Gauss to Poissonian * - removed nonsense "-q" option * mbase/MStatusArray.[h,cc]: - fixed/improved (once again) deleting of the array * mbase/ - removed the MAstroCatalog workaround - is it still necessary? (needs testing) - added UpdateMemory every here and there to get the memory consumption is more circumstances 2010/04/22 Thomas Bretz * - added --debug-mem option * mbase/, mhbase/, mhbase/, mhflux/, mhist/ - added missing call to the RecursiveRemove of the base class * mfileio/ - In the case Notify failed since about two years accidentaly kTRUE instead of kERROR was returned * mfileio/ - added some more debug output * mhflux/ - Return if fit failed * mhflux/ - avoid inf and nan when producing histogram (the divisor could have been zero in case of the inetgral of an empty histogram) 2010/04/21 Thomas Bretz * macros/rootlogon.C: - a small fix which gets rid of the annoying error about an unlocked mutex when starting the MStatusDisplay in the interpreter. It makes sure that fGThreadFactory gets initialized from the main thread. * mbase/ - added a console output if TryLock fails - the return value of TString::Index was misinterpreted * mmuon/ - removed another reference to gMinuit * msimcamera/ - re-did the output - choose the other rate f2 instead of f1 * msimcamera/MSimTrigger.[h,cc]: - keep the index of the trigger channel which finnaly issued the trigger and propagate it to the event header * mraw/MrawEvtHeader.h: - implementd setter for fNumTriggerLvl1 2010/04/20 Thomas Bretz * mfileio/ - no error was returned anymore when Notify() failed. Fixed. 2010/04/19 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - added a workaround to prevent crashes in case of double deleteion of the fHistogram in TGraphs * mcorsika/ - replaced special characters by UTF8 characters * mgeom/MGeom.[h,cc]: - implemented function to return the distance squared * mjobs/ - display degree symbol correctly in plots - added artificial star-files to output - for the moment the output of the reflector files is suppressed * mmuon/ - catch if the fit failed - replaced use of gMinuit by direct access to the function * mpointing/ - replaced deg-symbol by UTF8 character * mpointing/ - added more information * msignal/MSignalCam.[h,cc]: - made the data members describing the image persistent. they are not guranteed to have correct contents. Use MNewImagePar instead. - increased class version number accordingly * msimreflector/MMirrorHex.h: - added Getter for fD 2010/04/13 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php: - updated check for observation mode: allowed 'N/A', as there is else an error for old data 2010/04/13 Thomas Bretz * msim/ - automatic binning for case 3 - new case 5 * msim/MHPhotonEvent.h: - this can be a huge memory consumption and we don't need double precision (range) accordingly changed all TH*D to TH*F. consequently increased class version number 2010/03/30 Thomas Bretz * Makefile.conf.general: - moved ARCHDEFS from DEFINES to CXXFLAGS otherwise it might get ignored * mbase/MQuaternion.h: - added member-function to normalize vector part of quaternion * mbase/ - issue an error if __LINUX__ is not set * mjobs/ - set name of reflector explicitly to "Reflector" * msimreflector/MMirror.h: - added member function to set z position (for optimization purpose) - added SimPSF(TVector3&) * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]: - added name of reflector as data member * melectronics/ - scale the crosstalk probability as the height of the emitted signal with the recovery time. * mhflux/ - added a workaround to get rid of some root-warnings * mjtrain/ - improved axis labels * mpointing/ - added some more comments * msimreflector/MMirror.[h,cc]: - added fShape to allow for parabolic mirrors * msimreflector/ - implemented the option of parabolic mirrors into the reflector defintion file * msimreflector/MSimReflector.[h,cc]: - implemented (and fixed) the calculation of the reflection at parabolic surfaces - implemented the possibility to switch off the early check for "photon can hit the camera" (fDetectorMargin<0) - added setter for fDetectorMargin 2010/03/01 Stefan Ruegamer * resources/hilocalib.rc: - added df factors for p23-25, using the same as for p22. Sequences are not running with df in these periods, therefore the correct factors cannot be determined, and it doesn't matter anyway. * datacenter/read_lapalma-tapes: - added automationsetup before movingrawfiles 2010/02/23 Thomas Bretz * mbase/ - projections are supposed to work again in root 5.26 (not tested yet) * mbase/, mbase/ - key and val are Long64 in newer root versions * mdata/ - need inclusion of TFormulaPrimitive in root 5.26 * mhflux/ - root 5.26 has a different calling convention for TH1::Intgeral * mjobs/ - added a suggested parenthesis * mjtrain/ - cast the MH3 histogram correctly to a TH2 2010/02/22 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/db/menu.php: - added ObsLevel and download link column for cta pages * datacenter/db/ctadefs.php: - added observation level * datacenter/db/ctamcinfo.php: - added column with download link for the files * datacenter/db/builddatasets.php, datacenter/db/ctamcinfo.php, datacenter/db/culminating.php, datacenter/db/datacheck.php, datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/ganymed.php, datacenter/db/include.php, datacenter/db/mcinfo.php, datacenter/db/opticaldata.php, datacenter/db/printtable.php, datacenter/db/queryrbk.php, datacenter/db/runinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/sequence.php, datacenter/db/sequinfo-aio.php, datacenter/db/sources.php, datacenter/db/statussbs.php: - bugfix for get.txt * datacenter/db/datasetinfo-aio.php: - bugfix calling PrintPage() 2010/02/01 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/fillmcdb: - added observation level * datacenter/scripts/sourcefile: - added comment concerning $0 problem - added 'ERROR' in processlog message of makedir 2010/02/04 Stefan Ruegamer * mraw/ - changed GetTypeID()!=fTelescopeNumber*10U+5U to GetTypeID()!=5U so that the new 5xxxxxx sequences can be processed - adapted error message - inserted Domino calibration run * mraw/ - inserted Domino calibration run 2010/02/01 Daniela Dorner * datacenter/scripts/runsimtel - fixes typo - replaced path in disk-check by variable 2010/01/15 Stefan Ruegamer * datacenter/scripts/dowebplots, jobmanager - if-condition if [ "$numproc" = "" ] now correctly checks for "0" * datacenter/scripts/scriptlauncher - added automationsetup variable in condor command * datacenter/macros/buildsequenceentries.C - where necessary changed Int to Long to account for the high value of the stereo runs * resources/sequences.rc - added two transition conditions for the calibration scripts 10Led_UV_PEDANDCAL_1kHz and 10LED_UV