#include #include #include #include #include #include "MArray.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MEnv.h" #include "MArgs.h" #include "MDirIter.h" #include "MJSimulation.h" using namespace std; static void StartUpMessage() { gLog << all << endl; // 1 2 3 4 5 // 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 gLog << "====================================================" << endl; gLog << " Ceres - MARS V" << MARSVER << endl; gLog << " MARS - Camera Electronics and REflector Simulation" << endl; gLog << " Compiled with ROOT v" << ROOT_RELEASE << " on <" << __DATE__ << ">" << endl; gLog << "====================================================" << endl; gLog << endl; } static void Usage() { gLog << all << endl; gLog << "Sorry the usage is:" << endl; gLog << " ceres [options] [inputfiles|sequence.txt]" << endl << endl; gLog << " inputfiles MMCS (CORSIKA) binary (cherenkov) files, wildcards allowed." << endl; gLog << " sequence.txt A sequence file." << endl; gLog << " Root Options:" << endl; gLog << " -b Batch mode (no graphical output to screen)" << endl<" << endl; gLog << " --debug-env[=1] Display untouched resources after program execution" << endl; gLog << " --debug-env=2 Display untouched resources after eventloop setup" << endl; gLog << " --debug-env=3 Debug setting resources from resource file and" << endl; gLog << " command line" << endl; gLog << " --debug-mem Debug memory usage" << endl << endl; gLog << " --rc=Name:option Set or overwrite a resource of the resource file." << endl; gLog << " (Note, that this option can be used multiple times)" << endl; gLog << endl; gLog << " Output options:" << endl; gLog << " -q Quit when job is finished" << endl; gLog << " -f Force overwrite of existing files" << endl; gLog << " -ff Force reading of file even if problems occur" << endl; gLog << " --out=path Path to write the all results to [def=local path]" << endl; gLog << " --ind=path Input path of Corsika files if sequence used" << endl; gLog << " [def=standard path in datacenter]" << endl; gLog << " --outf=filename Output filename. Combines all input files into" << endl; gLog << " one output file. (Note that the output file will" << endl; gLog << " contain only the headers corresponding to the" << endl; gLog << " first input file)" << endl; gLog << " --dev-null Suppress output of files (for test purpose)" << endl; gLog << " --print-seq Print Sequence information [sequence only]" << endl; gLog << " --print-files Print Files taken from Sequence" << endl; gLog << " --print-found Print Files found from Sequence" << endl; gLog << " --config=ceres.rc Resource file [default=reflector.rc]" << endl; gLog << endl; gLog << " --mode=pedestal Execution mode. Produce either pedestals," << endl; gLog << " --mode=calibration calibration data (no input files required) or" << endl; gLog << " --mode=data process data files [default]" << endl << endl; gLog << " --run-number=# Optionally set the run number to simulate" << endl; gLog << " --fits Write FITS output files instead of root files." << endl; gLog << " --list The specified .txt file contains a file list" << endl; gLog << " (see MDirIter::ReadFile)." << endl << endl; gLog << endl; // gLog << " -f: force reading of runheader" << endl; gLog << " --version, -V Show startup message with version number" << endl; gLog << " -?, -h, --help This help" << endl << endl; gLog << "Background:" << endl; gLog << " Ceres, formal designation 1 Ceres, is the smallest identified dwarf planet in" << endl; gLog << " the Solar System and the only one in the asteroid belt. It was discovered on" << endl; gLog << " January 1, 1801, by Giuseppe Piazzi, and is named after the Roman goddess" << endl; gLog << " Ceres, the goddess of growing plants, the harvest, and of motherly love." << endl; gLog << " With a diameter of about 950km, Ceres is by far the largest and most massive" << endl; gLog << " body in the asteroid belt, and contains a third of the belt's total mass." << endl; gLog << " Recent observations have revealed that it is spherical, unlike the irregular" << endl; gLog << " shapes of smaller bodies with lower gravity. The surface of Ceres is probably" << endl; gLog << " made of a mixture of water ice and various hydrated minerals like carbonates" << endl; gLog << " and clays. Ceres appears to be differentiated into a rocky core and ice mantle." << endl; gLog << " It may harbour an ocean of liquid water underneath its surface, which makes it" << endl; gLog << " a potential target in the search for extraterrestrial life." << endl; gLog << " Ceres' apparent magnitude ranges from 6.7 to 9.3, hence at its brightest is" << endl; gLog << " still too dim to be seen with the naked eye. On Sept. 27, 2007, NASA launched" << endl; gLog << " the Dawn space probe to explore Vesta and Ceres." << endl << endl; gLog << "Example:" << endl; gLog << " ceres -f --out=outpath/ cer000001 cer000002" << endl; gLog << endl; } static void PrintFiles(const MArgs &arg, Bool_t allopt) { const char *prep = allopt ? "Found" : "Scheduled"; gLog << all; gLog.Separator(Form("%s Data Files", prep)); for (int i=0; iAccessPathName(arg.GetArgumentStr(i), kFileExists)==0) gLog << arg.GetArgumentStr(i) << endl; gLog << endl; } static void PrintFiles(const MSequence &seq, const TString &kInpathD, Bool_t allopt) { const char *prep = allopt ? "Found" : "Scheduled"; MDirIter Next; seq.GetRuns(Next, MSequence::kCorsika, kInpathD); gLog << all; gLog.Separator(Form("%s Data Files", prep)); Next.Print(allopt?"all":""); gLog << endl; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (!MARS::CheckRootVer()) return 0xff; MLog::RedirectErrorHandler(MLog::kColor); // // Evaluate arguments // MArgs arg(argc, argv); gLog.Setup(arg); StartUpMessage(); if (arg.HasOnly("-V") || arg.HasOnly("--version")) return 0; if (arg.HasOnly("-?") || arg.HasOnly("-h") || arg.HasOnly("--help")) { Usage(); return 2; } const Bool_t kBatch = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-b"); //const Int_t kCompLvl = arg.GetIntAndRemove("--comp=", 1); const Bool_t kForce = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-ff"); const Bool_t kDebugMem = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--debug-mem"); const Bool_t kNullOut = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--dev-null"); Int_t kDebugEnv = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--debug-env") ? 1 : 0; kDebugEnv = arg.GetIntAndRemove("--debug-env=", kDebugEnv); const Bool_t kPrintSeq = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--print-seq"); const Bool_t kPrintFiles = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--print-files"); const Bool_t kPrintFound = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--print-found"); const Bool_t kQuit = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-q"); const Bool_t kOverwrite = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("-f"); const TString kConfig = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--config=", "ceres.rc"); const TString kInpath = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--ind=", ""); const TString kOutpath = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--out=", "."); const TString kOutfile = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--outf=", ""); const Int_t kRunNumber = arg.GetIntAndRemove("--run-number=", -1); const TString kOpMode = arg.GetStringAndRemove("--mode=", "data"); const Bool_t kFitsFile = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--fits"); const Bool_t kFileList = arg.HasOnlyAndRemove("--list"); Int_t opmode = -1; if (TString("data").BeginsWith(kOpMode, TString::kIgnoreCase)) opmode = MJSimulation::kModeData; if (TString("pointrun").BeginsWith(kOpMode, TString::kIgnoreCase)) opmode = MJSimulation::kModePointRun; if (TString("pedestal").BeginsWith(kOpMode, TString::kIgnoreCase)) opmode = MJSimulation::kModePed; if (TString("calibration").BeginsWith(kOpMode, TString::kIgnoreCase)) opmode = MJSimulation::kModeCal; if (opmode<0) { gLog << err << "ERROR - Wrong mode specified..." << endl; Usage(); return 2; } // // check for the right usage of the program (number of arguments) if (arg.GetNumArguments()<1 && opmode==MJSimulation::kModeData) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Wrong number of arguments..." << endl; Usage(); return 2; } // // for compatibility with the first version of ceres // if (arg.GetNumArguments()==1 && opmode==MJSimulation::kModeData) { if (arg.GetArgumentStr(0)=="pedestal") { opmode = MJSimulation::kModePed; arg.RemoveArgument(0); } if (arg.GetArgumentStr(0)=="calibration") { opmode = MJSimulation::kModeCal; arg.RemoveArgument(0); } } if (arg.GetNumArguments()>0 && opmode!=MJSimulation::kModeData) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - No arguments allowed in this mode..." << endl; Usage(); return 2; } // // Now we access/read the resource file. This will remove all // --rc= from the list of arguments. // MEnv env(kConfig, "ceres.rc"); if (!env.IsValid()) { gLog << err << "ERROR - Reading resource file " << kConfig << "." << endl; return 0xfe; } // And move the resource options from the command line to the MEnv if (!env.TakeEnv(arg, kDebugEnv>2)) return 0xfd; // // check for the right usage of the program (number of options) // if (arg.GetNumOptions()>0) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Unknown commandline options..." << endl; arg.Print("options"); gLog << endl; return 2; } // // Setup sequence file and check for its existance // TString kSequence = arg.GetNumArguments()==1 ? arg.GetArgumentStr(0) : ""; // // Check if the first argument (if any) is a sequence file or not // if (!kSequence.EndsWith(".txt")) kSequence = ""; // // Something special for datacenter access // if (!kSequence.IsNull() && !MSequence::InflateSeq(kSequence, kTRUE)) return 2; // // Setup sequence and check its validity // MSequence seq(kFileList ? "" : kSequence, kInpath); if (!kSequence.IsNull() && !kFileList) { if (kPrintSeq) { gLog << all; gLog.Separator(kSequence); seq.Print(); gLog << endl; } if (seq.IsValid() && !seq.IsMonteCarlo()) { gLog << err << "Sequence is not a Monte Carlo Sequence." << endl << endl; return 2; } if (!seq.IsValid()) { gLog << err << "Sequence read but not valid!" << endl << endl; return 2; } // // Process print options // if (kPrintFiles) PrintFiles(seq, kInpath, kFALSE); if (kPrintFound) PrintFiles(seq, kInpath, kTRUE); } else { if (kFileList) { arg.RemoveArgument(0); MDirIter Next; Next.ReadList(kSequence); TString name; while (!(name=Next()).IsNull()) arg.AddEntry(name); } if (kPrintFiles) PrintFiles(arg, kFALSE); if (kPrintFound) PrintFiles(arg, kTRUE); } // // Initialize root // TVector2::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); MArray::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); MParContainer::Class()->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); TApplication app("ceres", &argc, argv); if ((!gROOT->IsBatch() && !gClient) || (gROOT->IsBatch() && !kBatch)) { gLog << err << "Bombing... maybe your DISPLAY variable is not set correctly!" << endl; return 1; } // // Update frequency by default = 1Hz // MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay; // From now on each 'Exit' means: Terminate the application d->SetBit(MStatusDisplay::kExitLoopOnExit); d->SetTitle(seq.IsValid() ? Form("-- Ceres: %s --", kSequence.Data()) : "-- Ceres --"); if (kDebugMem) TObject::SetObjectStat(kTRUE); // // Do star in a block (debug mem) // { MJSimulation job(seq.IsValid() ? Form("Ceres #%d", seq.GetSequence()) : "Ceres"); //job.SetSequence(seq); job.SetEnv(&env); job.SetEnvDebug(kDebugEnv); job.SetDisplay(d);; job.SetOverwrite(kOverwrite); job.SetPathOut(kOutpath); job.SetFileOut(kOutfile); job.SetNullOut(kNullOut); job.SetForceMode(kForce); job.SetWriteFitsFile(kFitsFile); job.SetMode(opmode); job.SetCommandLine(MArgs::GetCommandLine(argc, argv)); job.SetRunNumber(kRunNumber); // job.SetPathIn(kInpath); // not yet needed if (!job.Process(arg, seq)) { gLog << err << "Calculation of ceres failed." << endl << endl; return 2; } if (kDebugEnv>0) env.PrintUntouched(); if (!job.GetDisplay()) { gLog << warn << "Display closed by user... execution aborted." << endl << endl; return 1; } } if (kBatch || kQuit) delete d; else { // From now on each 'Close' means: Terminate the application d->SetBit(MStatusDisplay::kExitLoopOnClose); // Wait until the user decides to exit the application app.Run(kFALSE); } if (TObject::GetObjectStat()) { TObject::SetObjectStat(kFALSE); gObjectTable->Print(); } return 0; }